Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 058 Yuande's Donation

However, there are still some differences between Huan Xuan and Wang Mang. Although I have not read any history books, I also have some understanding of Wang Mang because I admire Emperor Guangwu Liu Xiu very much.

Although the world has a bad impression of Wang Mang, the gentleman I invited in Jiankang has a good impression on Wang Mang. I once commented with him on all kinds of heroes during the replacement of the two men. In the view of that gentleman, Wang Mang is not as powerful and unbearable as written in history books.

Wang Mang is still a very ambitious person, but the so-called success is Liu Xiu, and the failure is Wang Mang. Wang Mang took over the Western Han Dynasty with endless corruption, and it was difficult to support the country without reform.

However, Wang Mang's failure was that he was not strong enough to fundamentally touch the interests of the scholar, because Wang Mang himself was a scholar.

Although Liu Xiu came from a poor family after Han Gaozu. When Liu Xiu revolted, the old scholar group had long been broken in the war. Scholars stood together with civilians and constantly provoked the anti-reckless sentiment of civilians, making Wang Mang this "dian. fu The country's promiscuous ministers and thieves gradually lost the hearts of the people.

It was with the help of Wang Mang's reform that he destroyed many malpractices in the Western Han Dynasty. After Liu Xiu replaced the Gengshi Emperor, he was able to be invincible and then rebuild a new dynasty from the ruins. All bad policies can be attributed to Wang Mang and reform without hesitation. There is no need to worry too much about whose interests will be touched. In the end, he served the world for the public.


's high-level argument stunned me. However, if you think about it carefully, his words are actually a little reasonable: the so-called history books are all the evaluation of the old dynasty by the new dynasty. Wang Mang's dynasty was too short to leave enough historical materials to prove his political achievements or historians who could write history for him.

And Wang Mang's history was written by the scribes of the Eastern Han Dynasty. In this way, Wang Mang's image in history books will definitely not be good. Think about which new master of a short-lived dynasty has left praise in history?

Hearing Wang Mi describe Huan Xuan as Wang Mang, I think he only said one of them, but did not say the essence. I think its essence is completely different.

Because Wang Mang established a new policy as the pillar of the country and used Thunderbolt to reform the current malpractices, as for driving the emperor himself to sit on the dragon chair, the benevolent see the benevolent and the wise see wisdom.

However, Huan Xuan has been cultivating anti-court forces since the Jingzhou period. The root of the reason why he has driven the emperor away from his own rule is his father Huan Wen's previous unbehavior. At that time, Huan Wen only took into account the obstruction of the important ministers of the imperial court, so he could not finally usurp power.

The important minister Huan Xuan faced was the unpopular father and son of King Huiji. One reason why he succeeded is that the smoke in the temple gave him an opportunity to take advantage of; the other is that the pursuit of the throne has gone through two generations and has a foundation for its success.

At the beginning of Huan Xuan's usurpation of the throne, he thought that he would clean up his greed and devote himself to governing the country because of his great success, but in the past few months, the national conditions have been going down. Huan Xuan was only dedicated to buying people's hearts in Jiankang, but completely ignored the famine in the south and the hardships of the state and county. Those prefectures that were ravaged by Sun En and invaded by Hu captives followed the example of the green forest of the Western Han Dynasty and the yellow scarf gathered in the mountains and forests of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Although there has been no attack on the county, it is estimated that such an incident will not be far away.

During the period of Jiankang, I listened to the people's feelings in the gambling house and teahouse while listening to the people's feelings. I feel more and more that the time of the uprising is coming soon.

In order to confirm my thoughts, I specially met with the brothers Wang Yuande and Wang Zhongde.

The Wang brothers are from Taiyuan, and their father once served under Fu Jian. When Fu Jian was defeated, the Wang brothers gathered volunteers to fight against Murong Chui and fled after failure. Finally, he turned to Huan Xuan and served as the general under Huan Xuan's tent. However, the Wang brothers and Huan Xuan were not of the same mind, especially when they learned that Huan Xuan wanted to usurp power, the Wang brothers decided to have something. It's just that they think it's difficult to do this big thing on their own.

I know the Wang brothers from the introduction of Tonghouzhi and Liu Daolian. When I first arrived at Jiankang, I also visited these brothers. The idea of the insurgents rejuvenating the Jin Dynasty was gradually revealed to them. They are very supportive of this.

Wang Yuande once said that although his two brothers came from the north, their ancestors were old ministers of the Han Dynasty and the clan of Situ Wangyun who designed to get rid of Dong Zhuo. They fled from the north to the south and wanted to rely on the Jin room. Unexpectedly, Huan Xuan usurped the power of the Jin Dynasty before it was stable. For them, although they are selfless, they have national hatred.

Although I don't think that a person who returned to Jin from the northern enemy will definitely regard Huan Xuan's usurpation of power as a national feud, the brothers Yuan De and Zhong De are very active in the uprising with great enthusiasm.

At the home of the Wang brothers, I was warmly welcomed by them.

The Wang Family Mansion is located in a corner of Jiankang City, not far from my residence. This house is not newly built, it should be an old house. Maybe it was given to the Wang family as a mansion after it was confisation. Three front and back of the mansion. In addition to Wang Yuande and Zhong De brothers, there are also Yuande's family members, plus seven or eight family slaves, this house seems a little narrow.

Although Huan Xuan attached great importance to his brother, this brother has always kept a low profile and has not been called as a minister, but only stayed in the army and held idle positions such as joining the army in the north of the town.

After the three of us exchanged greetings, we went straight to the topic to talk about the uprising.

Wang Yuande said to me, "Brother Deyu, it is rare that Huan Xuan valued his brother. If anyone wants to oppose Huan Xuan, except for the Huan clan and a few old generals, I'm afraid the most unworable thing to do is the elder brother."

"Why did you say that? The Huan family treated me very well, but my uprising was a state matter, not a private matter. Your two brothers grew up in the north, and they came from the south to serve the country. I was born in the State of Jin, how can I see the country suffering? Besides, Huanshi has a deep meaning to me like this. I came here this time to ask both of you about the uprising.

"If it's a good opportunity for uprising, it's better to do it now." Wang Yuande seems to have been mature. "Before Huan Xuan usurped the throne, there was no time. I feel the same way as Brother Deyu. After Huan Xuan usurped the throne, he won the hearts of the people. At that time, if there was an uprising, The hearts of the people may not be subdued by me, and victory or defeat is unpredictable.

At present, the new policy has revealed its shortcomings, and Huan Xuan has revealed its original form. Now Huan Xuan has offended officials, scholars and civilians. In the palace, there is a spirit of great governance; outside the palace, there is a image of disability. This is the case in Jiankang City. I'm afraid the states and counties are not as good as Jiankang.

Wang Yuande's words sounded a little exaggerated. Jiankang or Jingkou has not reached the point where people can't make a living. However, some counties south of Huiji are suffering from life. But that's the old scene that followed, which is not much related to Huan Xuan. But I didn't say anything and listened to Wang Yuande continue to analyze.

"Brother Deyu, the hearts of the people are the foundation of a country. Although the Great Jin Kingdom was subject to Sima Daozi and Yuan Xian's father and son, it completely lost the rule of the former prime minister Wang Dao and Xie An. But the loss of father and son is only a momentary loss. After all, there are good ministers and good officials in the State of Jin. In time, we will definitely be able to eliminate the corruption. Now, after Huan Xuan came to power, there is no need to say that there are countless good ministers and good officials who have killed and eliminated them. Because of the fallacy of one word, all the Shangshu and Zhucheng were deposed. Have you ever heard of such a thing?"

Wang Yuande said what Wang Mi and Liu Daolian told me. Once, Shangshu was presented to Huan Xuan's * and miswritten "spring" as "spring dodock". As a result, all the officials of Shangshufu and below were dismissed. As a result, there has been no director of the Shangshu Mansion for a month. This matter has been criticized by the courtiers for a long time, but no one has ad Huan Xuan.

Wang Yuande continued: "As far as I know, after Huan Xuan broke through Jiankang, although he was stationed here, he sent some of the elites back to Jingzhou early last month. It is said that after Huan Xuan usurped the throne, there were instability in the north and west. There was even a rebellion in Jingzhou. Huan Xuan needed to send troops back to Jingzhou to garrison. Nowadays, most of the soldiers of Jiankang are recruited from all over the place. Among them, there are many soldiers in the north.

Hearing this, Wang Zhongde, who had been silent, said, "A few days ago, my brother and I went to inspect all parts of the city together. There are not many guards in Jiankang City, and most of them are deployed in Stone City. Although Huan Xuan often stayed in the Jiankang Palace, he set up a palace in the Stone City. Didn't Brother Xinggong Deyu go there a few days ago? What do you think of the defense there?

"One man is at the gate, ten thousand people can't open it!"


After listening to the introduction of the Wang brothers, after pondering, I smiled at them and said, "As long as there are not many defenders in Jiankang City, the defenders in Stone City are more or less useless."

Wang Yuande agreed, nodded to Wang Zhongde, and then said with a smile, "I have known for a long time that Brother Deyu must have such a high opinion. The so-called capture of the thief and the king, Huan Xuanzhi is basically seized by people. Even if he shrinks in the stone city and the general situation is gone, how many days can the small stone city last?

This discussion has increased my confidence in my judgment of the timing of the uprising.

I can't stay in the Wang family for too long to avoid causing suspicion. Before leaving, Wang's two brothers pulled me for a long time. I said to them, "When I saw the two Yuande brothers today, it reminded me of several ancients."

"Oh? Who is it?"

"Wu Xan of the Zhou Dynasty, Huo Qubing Huo Guang of the Han Dynasty, and Cao Cao's nephew of the Wei Dynasty. Coupled with Yuan Dezhongde, these brothers are very talented. It's really rare."

"Brother Deyu praised it. My brother and I are just desperate people in the north. Although we have returned to our motherland now, we often feel that we are under the shelter of others. My brother is wise and brave, and I really dare not take such praise.

After saying goodbye, on the way back, the things of the ancients I mentioned repeatedly came to my mind. Suddenly, I remembered one of their common points and suddenly broke out some cold sweats for no reason: among these brothers, Wu Zixu's brother Wu Shang, Huo Guang's brother Huo Qubing, Cao Pi Cao Zhi's brother Cao Ang, all died young!