Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 067 Hypocrite Early Morning

A messy footsteps echoed between the thick palace walls, which was particularly harsh in this quiet palace. The sleeping birds were frightened, flapping their wings that had not yet fully unfolded, and struggled to fly to the sky.

Many concubines were awakened by the sound of footsteps and suddenly didn't know what had happened. They hurriedly called the maid of honor. In panic, he heard the sound of the cloud plate in the main hall and knew that it was the emperor who summoned the ministers to go to the court for discussion. Everyone calmed down a little, but they didn't dare to sleep anymore. They had to get up to clean up and change their clothes for summons.

The new emperor has been in a particularly bad mood recently. Every concubine will be very conflicted in the face of the emperor's call. If you are not summoned for a long time, you are worried that you will be neglected; if you are summoned, you are worried that you will offend the emperor. A few days ago, several concubines were scolded by the eunuchs. If the physical humiliation is tolerable, the mental humiliation is unbearable.

Although the emperor did not scold the concubine after she committed suicide in the palace, it was difficult to escape being scolded by the emperor. At first, the respected queen would still persuade her a few words, but recently she didn't even dare to say more.

Everyone knows that now the emperor's temperament has changed greatly, which is only related to one thing - the uprising in the East.

Several concubines who were close to the emperor and the emperor's servants learned that when the emperor heard of the uprising in the east, he did not think so. However, when he heard that the leader of the uprising was Liu Yu and Liu Jinu, he was so shocked that even the ginseng soup bowl fell to the ground. He stared straight at an eunuch, saw the eunuch kneeling to the ground and kowtowed repeatedly. When the eunuch who kowtowed and fainted was put out by the two eunuchs, the emperor's expression had not eased.

Liu Yu is just an ordinary general. Without the promotion of the new emperor, he can't even get the qualification of a famous general or even the position of assassin. However, he is the emperor's favorite and most feared person in the army. Today, the emperor is still most afraid of him, but it shows that he no longer loves him. What he can do now is probably hate and hate the most.

The vast majority of concubines are difficult to understand. When Liu Yu was in Jiankang, the emperor gave him many ordinary ministers and gave him many close important ministers and even princes no rewards. But why did Liu Yu revolt and oppose the new emperor?

The old emperor only regarded him as a veteran general, but the new emperor wanted to take him as the pillar of the country and the main general of the Northern Expedition. However, such a person valued by the new emperor will rise up against a person who has never offended him, but is very good to him. It's really difficult to understand.

I'm afraid Liu Yu is a demon, a shameless villain!

Although these concubines and even maids of honor have their own thoughts, their dressing is still meticulous. It was still early, and he looked completely sleepy, but he had to cheer up and intercept the eunuchs who were passing by asking about the situation. These eunuchs were only responsible for sweeping, and they were entangled by these concubines and had no choice. I just want to get out as soon as possible and do what should be done as soon as possible.

Today is not the Chang Dynasty. The ministers scattered around Jiankang City were awakened by the visitors from the palace and urgently got up to change their imperial uniforms. Many civil servants didn't have time to prepare a sedan chair, so they took one or two of their families on horse and ran to the palace. For a while, there was a sound of horseshoes and shouts in Jiankang City.

Even the peddlers who were preparing for the morning market at home stopped their work and looked out through the door, daring to make any sound. People who go out too early have long been frightened by this unusual situation, shrinking under the eaves or in the alley, and dare not walk forward.

Before the ministers arrived, Huan Xuan had already sat in the shudge of the apse. He was surrounded by Bian Fanzhi, Yin Zhongwen and other close ministers. Huan Xuan's face was blue and he didn't say a word. The ministers standing in front of him were even more afraid to speak. The noisy sound to the front hall in the husiying pavilion is even more annoying at this time.

Huan Xuan cleared his throat and said, "What do you have in mind?"

Bian Fan, as the mastermind, took a step forward and bowed and said, "Your Majesty, in today's plan, there is an urgent need to urge the troops of nearby states and counties to speed up to rush to King Jiankang King Qin. The general of the Fu army has been lost, and Jingkou and Guangling have been lost. It is necessary to appoint an important minister to replace the Fu army and lead the surrounding garrison of Jiankang to attack Jingkou. If you look at Beijing, Guangling will inevitably be a lonely city.

According to the Detective, although Liu Yu occupied the state capital, he could not fully mobilize the Northern Army. It is said that Liu Yu and others have dismissed most of the northern soldiers, and there are only 3,000 or 4,000 rebels in the city. Previously, Diao Hong said in the war newspaper that there were thousands of attackers. However, from the perspective of the minister, I'm afraid it's a false report. According to the enemy reported by the Ministry of War, it was only hundreds of people led by Liu Yi who attacked Diao Hong at night.

The day before yesterday, he passed his majesty. Diao Hong was defeated and was defeated. He was not smart about the war and could not fight against the enemy situation, but he shifted the responsibility to the large number of enemy soldiers, misleading His Majesty's judgment of the situation. The emperor only needs to choose a good general, but more than 10,000 people will go east to calm the chaos in Beijing. It's just that Diao Hong can no longer be used.

Huan Xuan listened and didn't say anything. After a long time, he sighed and said, "Before, I expected that Beifu was unstable. Even if Huan Xiu and Huan Hong are divided into Jingkou and Guangling, it is difficult to make people feel at ease. When Huan Xiu entered Beijing, he was commissioned to come with Liu Xinu. One was to observe Liu Yu's ambition, and the other was to appease him in time. Liu Yu has been in Beijing for several months, and I have never treated him badly. Praise is far better than all of you, and its intention is to stabilize its heart.

Liu Yu has no different aspirations, and the Northern Government will not move; Liu Yu does not oppose me, which of the other Northern Government generals dares to oppose me? Which governor is up to now? However, Liu Yu became the main general of the Rebel Army.

Yin Zhongwen said at this time, "Your Majesty, don't worry, what your father-in-law said is extremely true. Our Jingzhou soldiers have passed Xunyang, and the vanguard army can go to Jiankang within 10 days and cooperate with the garrison for defense. Even if the soldiers in Jingzhou have not arrived, there are still tens of thousands of strong soldiers in Jiankang. With one-third of his stay in Jiankang to wait for the Jingzhou soldiers, two-thirds of it to attack Beijing. Even if Liu Jinu is the grandson and Wu reincarnation, it is difficult to defeat our strong soldiers.

Even if it was difficult for our army to capture Jingkou and Guangling for a while, the soldiers from Jingzhou came. If you besiege the city with a large army, you will be trapped Liu Yu and others even if you are trapped. What's more, there are few major generals. With thousands of people, how can you defeat tens of thousands of me?

"If it's someone else, I'm not afraid. But Liu Yu is very human. You will also know when you suppress Sun's kindness to the sun. Liu Laozhi gave him 300 soldiers, and under the siege of nearly 10,000 thieves, he also guarded Juzhang for dozens of days. Although the soldiers in Jingzhou are stronger than Sun En's soldiers, the defenders in Jingkou are better than the soldiers in Juzhang, and the number of soldiers is still ten times that of them. How difficult is it to break through Beijing?

Even if the Jingzhou soldiers arrive tomorrow morning, they can't relieve my worries, let alone take ten days. Zhong Wencai is indeed within reach, but I'm afraid you are not good at war. Huan Xuan sighed deeply again.

Yin Zhongwen's face turned red and white when Huan Xuan said this. However, what Huan Xuan said is indeed true. Yin Zhongwen is indeed a hero for a while. However, in terms of the long battle, it is much worse than a general like Huan Xuan. Yin Zhongwen also knew that he was talking about it. If it had been someone else, Huan Xuan would have scolded him long ago.

Huan Xuan's words were extremely frustrating, which surprised several people. They knew that Liu Yuyong was good at fighting. When he fought against Sun En, he was second only to Liu Prison. However, when the commander of Jingzhou drove straight down to Jiankang, even Liu Laozhi, the main general who attacked Sun En, was subdued. What can Liu Yu do?

Huan Xuan saw that several ministers were puzzled, so he explained: "You have been with me in Jingzhou for a long time. In recent years, I'm afraid you have won a lot more arrogance and don't pay attention to Jiankang and Beifu. You should know that Beifu's reputation as the first strong division of the empire is not empty. After the Battle of Yushui, Beifu was indeed in the twilight, but it is true that most of the famous generals came from the Beifu army.

Although Liu Yu's name was unknown in his early years, it was not accidental that he suddenly appeared in Sun En's chaos. It is not too much to call him a hero. You said that there are no one who can be as good at fighting intelligently and fiercely as Liu Yu? Previously, when he was in Jingzhou, Aiqing often mentioned Liu's bravery, and he was only one of Liu's feared.

However, Liu Yu is as brave as Liu prison, and his wisdom is far behind Liu prison. Since he joined the army, he has not lost. Don't you see that Liu Yu only broke through ten times with a thin force, not only one or two times? It's common for him. If Sun En wins, isn't it Liu's victory? It is Liu Yu's victory. Is it worry-free?

In addition, in addition to Liu Yu, Liu Yi is both ambitious and courageous. He is poor at home, but he does not hesitate to gamble for a lot of money. Is it worry-free? He Wuji is Liu's nephew, which is quite strong, and even more than him. Is it worry-free? How can these three people do big things together?

When Huan Xuan saw that everyone did not say anything, he sighed again, looked around the crowd and said, "Will I lose to the hands of a slave this time?"

Everyone bowed their heads and said no.

At this time, some of the ministers whispered, "God is angry and resentful, and I am really afraid."

Huan Xuan couldn't help but be furious and shouted, "Who said this?"

A man took a step forward and knelt down before Huan Xuan. Huan Xuan saw that he was engaged in Cao Jingzhi and asked, "What do you mean? People may complain, why is God angry?

Cao Jingzhi crawled on the ground and lowered his head and replied, "Your Majesty moved to the temple of the State of Jin at the beginning of the throne, making it wander and lost; and the sacrifice of our state of Chu has not yet comforted the spirits of our ancestors. That's why God is angry."

Huan Xuan said, "If you know it's wrong, why don't you tell him earlier?"

Cao Jingzhi said, "Your Majesty's most important ministers all think that Your Majesty is the king of Yao and Shun, and his subordinates are in the world of Chengping. How dare they say more!"

Huan Xuan listened and was silent for a long time. Wave your hand and let Cao Jingzhi get up and return to his position.

Huan Xuan didn't say anything, and the ministers didn't dare to say more.

For a long time, Bian Fan took a step forward and said, "Your Majesty, although Liu Xinu is indeed a talent, as long as I take it, it will definitely make him come back."

"Oh? What's the plan? Aiqing, please speak. Huan Xuan leaned forward and stared at Bian Fanzhi with hope.

So Bian Fanzhi said his thoughts in detail. Huan Xuan listened and only turned his head to look at Yin Zhongwen and said nothing.

Yin Zhongwen saw that it was a trick that Bian Fanzhi said and didn't want to talk, but Huan Xuan only looked at him with his eyes, and he had to say, "This plan is indeed a good plan. I hope your majesty can make a decision as soon as possible."

Huan Xuan sighed, but still didn't say a word.

At this time, I heard the cloud board in front of me ringing again. The courtiers are probably all here. But Huan Xuan sat on the dragon chair and had no intention of getting up.

After waiting for an incense, Bian Fanzhi carefully reminded: "Your Majesty, go to court."