Wu Dong Qian Kun

Chapter 645 Wild Knife

The withered knife was split in vain. In an moment, the air around Tongchuan disappeared at an amazing speed, a kind of fluctuation similar to desolate, emanating.

Tong Chuan's knife seems to be gentle, but the terrible power contained in it can only be clearly felt by Lin Dongfang, who is locked by the knife.

"It's worthy of being a personal disciple of the barren palace!"

Lin Dong looked at the barren space around Tong Chuan, and his eyes were also quite solemn, but he did not mean to retreat. His mind moved, and the roaring black dragon spirit became more and more fierce. He opened his teeth and claws, and the terrible power impact made the cracks on the platform more and more dense.


Tong Chuan looked coldly at the black dragon that was rapidly dilated in his pupils, and his low drink suddenly came out. Suddenly, on the withered knife, a knife full of desolate gas, shot out!

The knife was extremely strong, about dozens of feet large, like a meteor, skimming through the sky like lightning, and then chopped heavily on the black dragon spirit with an amazing momentum.


The crisp and harsh sound suddenly resounded above the sky, and then an extremely violent energy shock also suddenly burst out from the sky.

The energy shock swept away, and the close people around hurriedly retreated, and golden lights flashed on the platform to resist the eroded energy wind.

At the time of resistance, everyone's eyes locked in the air without blinking. The barren knife is a kind of quite powerful martial arts in the barren hall. Now with the strength of Tongchuan's six-yuan nirvana, the power is not weak. Although Lin Dong can summon the dragon spirit, he may not be able to stop this fierce knife Sne, sne!

At the focus of everyone's eyes, the knife was heavily chopped on the dragon's dragon's head. The unique barren spirit was crazily eroded into the dragon's body. Those originally cold black dragon scales quickly dried up under the erosion of that kind of barren.

Tong Chuan also felt the dragon spirit that had become fragile due to the erosion of the barren spirit. He immediately raised a sneer at the corners of his mouth, and the barren knife in his hand chopped down angrily again.

"The wild knife kills the dragon spirit!"


It was another violent knife attack. This time, the black dragon spirit suddenly burst into cracks.

"The dragon spirit can't stand it..." Everyone looked at this scene and immediately shook their heads secretly. It seems that the dragon spirit summoned by Lin Dong can't resist the power of this wild knife.

"The martial arts of this barren hall is also strange, and the barren spirit from cultivation is not bad," the little bear looked at the scene in the sky and nodded.

"Can Lin's kinetic energy withstand it?" Liu Bai, Mo Ling and others couldn't help asking. Lin Dong almost represents all their new disciples. If he loses today, I'm afraid it will be difficult for the newcomers in the future.

"Don't worry, Lin Dong's guy is not so easy to accept," Xiao Kui said with a faint smile.

Hearing Xiao Kui said this, Mo Ling and others were also secretly relieved. Now they can also know that Xiao Kui seems to be the most unfathomable person in this group. Since he has said so, it seems that Lin Dong should not have a big problem.

And while they were talking, in the sky, the huge dragon spirit had begun to collapse inch by inch, obviously reaching the limit.

"Are you ready?"

Looking at this scene, many people think so, but there is no point of ridicule. It is quite difficult for Lin Dong to force Tong Chuan to display a wild knife as a newcomer.

Tong Chuan also looked up at the collapsed dragon spirit, and a smile appeared on his face. However, before the smile expanded, his eyes suddenly shrank.

The cracked dragon spirit suddenly burst and opened at this moment. Then, a blue light swept straight out of it, and then at an amazing speed, it appeared in front of Tong. With the help of light reflection, everyone can clearly see that in the blue light, it was Lin Dong!

At this time, on Lin Dong's body, it turned out to be covered with blue dragon scales, like a layer of scales.

"Green Dragon Arm!"

In the blue light, Lin's eyes were cold, and a sudden low roar sounded in his heart. At that moment, his right arm expanded and squirmed in an instant. In a short time, it turned into a huge dragon arm. A terrible force broke out and opened, shaking the space slightly distorted.


The green dragon arm was formed, and Lin Dong did not slow down at all. He punched the air in an instant and bombarded Tong Chuan with a fierce and unparalleled posture.

The terrible power came to his face like substance. Even the nirvana golden body of Tongchuan's six-yuan Nirvana felt a kind of tingling pain. Immediately, his eyes were also extremely solemn. Lin Dong's punch was enough to make him feel threatened.


The withered sky knife in his hand, held it up, and then chopped down again. That strange strength is even more powerful to the extreme at this moment!


The dragon arm and the barren knife were directly bombarded together. Immediately, an indescribable force of rage swept away like a ring. On the ground, the cracks also spread like lightning. "Sneer!"

At the contact of the boxing knife, a trace of dark gray strength flowed out quickly from the barren knife, and then eroded the Lin Donglong arm pervasively. Under the erosion of this strength, Lin Dong's dragon arm also showed some signs of cracking.

"You just joined the barren hall, so let me tell you how terrible the barrenness of the barren hall is!" Tong looked at this scene and said with a sneer.

"What is the waste of energy..."

Lin's eyes condensed slightly. This strange power seems to be able to turn everything into desolate, and the erosion power is extremely strong. Previously, the dragon spirit was also eroded by this force, which led to a great reduction in defense and then destroyed by a knife.

However, others may feel tricky about this kind of strength, but unfortunately, Lin Dong will not be in this ranks.


Lin Dong's mind moved, and a powerful devouring power burst out in an instant. A trace of black thread quietly extended above Lin Donglong's arm, swallowing all the physical strength in the invading body.

And when the wild energy was swallowed up, Tong Chuan's face also changed dramatically in an instant, and he was obviously aware of it.

"Your power is unreliable to me"

Lin Dong raised his head slightly and smiled at the child with a drastic change in his face, and then the dragon fist clenched, and the surging power gushed out like a tide at an extreme distance.


Dragon Fist, fiercely bombarded on the barren knife, almost violent power, ignored the strange absurdity, and poured out in an extremely arrogant posture.


In the pouring of this amount of violence, the barren knife suddenly burst into real cracks, and then the cracks burst directly in the stunned eyes of Tong Chuan and many disciples in the barren hall.


The barren knife broke, and the remaining strong wind swept towards Tongchuan like a strong wind. When it was about to fly away, the body retreated dozens of steps in confusion, and then barely stabilized.

When the child's body stabilized, it was much quieter on the platform. Many disciples of the wilderness hall looked at each other in consteriously, and finally took a breath of cold air.

Lin Dong actually smashed the barren knife?!

They are also disciples of the barren hall. They are very clear about the strong sky of the barren knife. This is the martial arts that must be practiced by the disciples of the barren hall, and it is also the attack method they are best at, but now they are Lin Dong, who was smashed by Lin Dong's punch and looked at

Lin Dong's swollen dragon arm squirmed quickly, and then turned into a normal arm. He did not take advantage of the victory to chase and kill. This is Taoism, no longer the ancient battlefield, and the person in front of him is also his brother, not the enemy of life and death. Therefore, the rule of the ancient battlefield that if you want Use...

Therefore, when his arm was normalized, Lin Dong also raised his head, held his fist at Tong in the distance, and whispered, "Brother Tong, give way!"