Wu Dong Qian Kun

Chapter 947 Leiyan Gully

Chapter 947


In the thunder lake, the forest's moving figure passes quickly like a swimming fish. This thunder lake is not an ordinary lake, but a piece of silver thunder pulp. In it, countless thunder lights flashed, and vaguely, there is a rather violent fluctuation.

The blue light wrapped Lin Dong's body. When a trace of thunder came into contact with the blue light, it burst out a sneer. In such a place, if the strength is not good, it will break in randomly. I'm afraid that it will be turned into a piece of coke by these lightning in an instant. Even Lin Dong, even .

Being Lin Dong, Mu Lingshan followed him closely, and further behind, there were a large number of figures, all of whom were strong people from all sides who rushed into the thunder lake. Obviously, at this time, everyone knew that it seemed that it was not simple under the thunder lake...

Lin Dong glanced at the rear, which made him frown slightly, but even if he shook his head helplessly, since this situation was inevitable, it depends on his ability...

Withdrawing his eyes, Lin Dong's eyes turned to the bottom of the thunder lake. With the gradual deepening, he was able to detect the vastness of the thunder lake, and under the thunder lake, the terrain was also extremely strange, in which the silver-like giant rock stood everywhere, and the intersection of each other seemed to form a streshingle rock I can't see the end.

Lin Dong swept in the direction of those reefs, and his sharp eyes kept sweeping around. After such a long time, his heart suddenly moved and suddenly looked down. There. Suddenly, a rather strong energy fluctuation came out again.

As far as the forest can see, there is a silver whirlpool underneath. At the end of the whirlpool, a thunder and lightning light mass slowly floats up, and in the light mass, there is a thunderous heart.


Lin Dong looked at this scene and suddenly rushed out. After a moment, he suddenly froze. But his face was full of shock and looked down.

There, there is a huge thunder gully. The gully is deep and bottomless, as if connected to the depths of the ground, and on the two walls of the gully, there are countless caves. With the help of the reflection of the thunder slurry lake, Lin Dong can faintly see that in those caves, it seems that there are some figures sitting in coils...

It's just those figures, but they have no vitality.

Lin moved his eyes and looked at the bottomless thunder gully in front of him with some surprise. It seemed that. This should be the source of those thunderous hearts that keep coming out, right?

Lin Dong's body slowly swept close to the thunder rock gully, and finally suspended in front of a cave. At this distance, he could see clearly that in the cave, there were indeed figures sitting cross-legged, but at this time, these shadows were as thin as bones, on their bodies. It was filled with thunder and lightning. From their bodies, Lin Dong could detect a pure thunder force that was compressed to the extreme.

Obviously, in so many years of sitting, every inch of the skin of these corpses. They were almost penetrated by the power of thunder, plus the strong water pressure. This almost turned these corpses into mummified corpses completely condensed by the power of thunder.

Lin Dong looked at these mummified corpses that had almost turned into thunder. After a moment, his eyes suddenly moved, and then turned to the abdomen of the mummified corpse. There, he could faintly see a faint trace of evil black air...

However, this evil black gas is almost suppressed by the power of those pure thunder, and this also makes these black gas unable to control their bodies, forming the kind of dead corpses that only know how to kill randomly like the Lin Dong met before.

"These people... Did you deliberately choose to sit under this Thunder Lake, suppress and erase the demon gas that invades the body with the help of the thunder here, and prevent them from becoming the kind of dry corpse that only knows how to kill after they die completely..."

Lin Dong's eyes flashed, and soon he vaguely guessed some clues, and his eyes were a little complicated. These strong people are undoubtedly admirable. In order not to make themselves monsters eroded by the strange magic, they would rather sit at the bottom of this thunder lake and turn their bodies into thunder...


A slight muffled thunder suddenly came from a cave not far away, and then Lin~~shushu.com www.shushuw.cn-updated the first release~~ I saw that the silver corpse in it suddenly burst into a brilliant thunder, and these thunderstorms shuttled crazily in his body, looking far away. It's like a small sun.


As the thunder became stronger and stronger, suddenly, the silver corpse suddenly exploded, and during the explosion of his body, a silver light mass rose slowly. Within the light mass, a silver heart was beating slowly.

That's the heart of thunder!

Lin Dong looked at this scene and exhaled deeply. He finally understood why there was a continuous thunderous heart at the bottom of this thunder lake. It turned out that... These thunderous hearts are all those who have experienced thousands of years of thunderous power after the strong men sit down, and finally formed.

And when the heart of thunder appeared, the strange magic gas left in their bodies was also erased by the extremely powerful power of thunder.

"It's always the last wish before death..." Lin Dong muttered to himself.

"It turns out that the heart of thunder appears like this..."

The voice of surprise also sounded from the rear at this time. Lin Dong turned his head, and then saw that Liu Xiangxuan, Pang Hao and many strong people from all sides arrived here, and then looked at the thunder rock gully in front of him with a moving face.

Obviously, the previous scene of the silver corpse explosion turned into the rising heart of thunder was also included in their eyes.

"Haha, how horrible would it be if so many silver corpses turned into the heart of thunder?"

"It's really broken into the treasure pile. Such a rare thunder heart in the outside world has such a large number here."

"Yes, if you can get a few, this trip will be worthwhile!"

The eyes of the strong men from all sides were undoubtedly extremely hot at this time. They looked at the many caves on both sides of the huge thunder rock gully, with unconcealed greed and saliva in their eyes.

A burst of noise spread among the strong people on all sides, and then soon someone couldn't resist the greed in his heart, swept out, and then rushed to the cave in the thunderstone gully...

Bang bang bang!

And just as they rushed away, the fluctuation caused seemed to be the last straw that overwhelmed the camel. In the many caves, many silver corpses exploded at this moment, and the hearts of thunder flashed seductive thunder, rising slowly.

And with the appearance of every thunderous heart, those strong people from all sides will compete with red eyes. For a moment, this thunder rock gully immediately became particularly chaotic and furious.

Lin Dong frowned and looked at the many strong men who were fighting, and then reached out to invite Mu Lingshan to his side and said, "Let's also collect some thunderous hearts. This thing is also of great benefit to your cultivation."

Mu Lingshan is a sea demon family, ** strong. If she can get some thunderous hearts, she can make the originally strong ** to the next level.

And now Lin Dong also needs this thing. He still wants to try it. After completely strengthening the "desolate demon eye" in his eyebrows, how far can he reach...


Mu Lingshan nodded excitedly. She seemed to like this kind of treasure hunt.

The two of them skimmed out almost at the same time, and then rushed into the huge thunder gully. The two took action and quickly put the rising thunderous hearts into the bag.

When Lin Dong and the two of them took action, the people of Pang Hao, Liu Xiangxuan and other great forces could not stand it. Immediately, the sound of breaking the wind sounded, and they all rushed straight into the Leiyan gully, and then used various means to collect and grab those thunderous hearts.

And with this struggle, there will naturally be a bloody struggle. In less than ten minutes, someone was killed in that kind of robbery, and the blood drifted away in the thunder plasma, which made the thunder rock gully smell faintly.

However, when everyone was jealously fighting for those thunder hearts, no one found that in some of the caves in the depths of the thunder rock, some seemingly strong silver corpses were attracted by the blood, and their bodies were quietly rising strangely with a trace of black gas. ..

Especially at the bottom of the Leiyan gully, there is a particularly huge cave. At this time, in the cave, there is a silver figure about ten feet tall. On the surface of his body, he climbed up a strange and evil black magic pattern...

Moreover, his eyes, which seemed to have been closed for thousands of years, also showed subtle shaking, as if he were about to wake up. ( To be continued...RQ