Marty Jianghu

Chapter 65 Southwest Inn Encounters

On this day, Xiongfeng hit the tip of the inn.

This inn is a big inn in the town. They didn't want to fight here anymore

Sharp, according to Xiongfeng means that there are many people. The goal of their trip is to go to Chongyang Mountain, and Xiongfeng was already known when he fought against Meng Wuya in Qingcheng that day. On that day, where the eight-step monk was the Tang Sect master immediately asked his unfilial son Tang Fei to kneel down and beg for mercy. Now it is in full view of the public. It seems too dangerous, and Xiong Feng no longer wants to fight meaninglessly. However, they looked around and couldn't find the second inn. Gang Chen was so angry that he cursed: The monopoly of this dining business in this place is not small. Whatever the inn is, it will cover all the dining business.

They had to choose to enter this inn.

Xiongfeng looked up at the name of the inn and saw that it said "Southwest Stack". I thought to myself, "Why haven't I heard of this 'southwest stack' since I grew up in Qingzhen?

"Good guys, you two want to stay in the hotel. Oh, our 'Southwest Stack' is not bragging. What kind of room do you want to live in? As long as you say it, our store will make it come true.

Gang Chen smiled and said, "I don't understand the rules of your inn. Just come to a two-person room."

Xiao Er said, "If you look at what you said, you will know that it is a person who has seen the world. Okay, this is the first place to lead the way. Everyone should follow closely. This store is really too big. There are all kinds of people who live there. At a glance, you can know that you are martial arts people who walk around the world. The little ones know that you have great skills. However, there is a rule in our store that no one is allowed to do anything in the store. As long as the guests don't make trouble, no one will touch you. I'll remind you first, because I see that several people have new faces and don't know the rules of the store.

The shopkeeper was very talkative, taking the two of them all the way, and he kept talking to himself.

Xiao Er took the two of them around several courtyards and came to a more remote courtyard.

Xiao Er turned around and smiled and said, "That's it. This courtyard is very quiet, and the guest officer is not satisfied?"

Xiongfeng looked at the terrain and saw that this courtyard was okay. He nodded to show his satisfaction. Xiao Er said, "Did you go to the front hall for dinner, or did you ask Xiao Xiao to bring the food to the yard?"

Xiongfeng looked at Gang Chen. Gang Chen said, "I'm exhausted. I'd better go to the hall to eat after eating."

Xiao Er took the two upstairs again and saw a light in front of their eyes, and the two were greatly impressed. This inn really deserves to be known as the "Southwest Stack". The battlefield area is very spacious just for dining in the front hall, and it can accommodate thousands of people at least. Not only that, the front hall is divided into three floors, and the top floor seems to be prepared for the big shots. As long as you are a big man or a very high-status person, it is possible to reach the highest level. The second floor is prepared by ordinary people and few rich people, and the third floor is a place for ordinary people. It is a mixture of fish and dragons, merchants, peddlers and pawns, which looks very lively.

Xiao Er smiled and asked, "Two guests, which floor are you doing?"

As he walked, Gang Chen said, "Let's sit on the second floor. By the way, Xiao Er, give us some good meat dishes, three catties of white dry wine, cold dishes and Sichuan tofu..."

Xiong Feng smiled and said, "Let's see how you can eat it, and you can afford it."

Gang Chen pretended not to hear him continue to order his dishes.

Under the leadership of Xiao Er, the two found a pair of seats, but they saw the most characters on the second floor, including martial arts people and well-dressed masters. The seats of the two of them were right against a window. Under the setting sun at dusk, they couldn't help but be pleasing to see the scenery outside.

Then he smiled and saw Xiao Er holding a plate and coming forward. He put the food and white wine on the square table one by one and asked if there were any other instructions. Gang Chen said that he would call you again if there is anything to do. Go down. The little two bowed and retreated.

When Gang Chen saw that the dishes on the table had spicy chicken, he immediately moved his chopsticks, picked a piece of fat chicken leg, opened his mouth, ate it into his mouth and chewed it. Suddenly asked

: "Hey, I said hero, don't be old and sven. Look at me!" Xiong Feng smiled and saw Gang Chen's chicken leg in one bite! Xiongfeng couldn't help thinking, "This Gangchen is worthy of being a gangster-like heroism. I don't know what else can feed these foodies everywhere."

Gang Chen said, "Haha, you are far inferior to me."

Xiong Feng only felt that Qiu Bingbing was in danger. How could he still drink at the sight of wine and bite at the meat? It seems that this Gang Chen is not so reliable. I heard him say that more than a dozen brothers came out and now he is the only one left. He thought that he is mostly running behind. When enemies, devils and so on come, they hide, otherwise how can they live? Suddenly I found that my glass of wine was empty, and the meat sandwiched in the bowl was also bitten. It's strange! Is that thief so good? It's really weird that Xiongfeng didn't find anything when he noticed. It seems that this "southwest stack" is indeed a mixture of fish and dragons.

The two of them talked while eating.

I suddenly heard that someone was noisy below, as if someone was quarreling. Then there were a few cracks. Everyone was wondering who dared to make trouble in the "Southwest Stack". Everyone was about to watch a good show, but the noise below stopped. With the sound of Du Du going upstairs, two strange-like people came upstairs and swept their three eyes. One of his hairs was all red and scolded in a low voice: "His grandma, those guys are really blind. Even Brother Nan dares to block the way. Are they impatient to live?"

The other is a big man who is blind, with a big knife on his shoulder. He looks a little fierce. When he heard the words, he also scolded: "Damn it, I couldn't find a place to bury the temple of the five internal organs for a long time. It was not easy to see this 'southwest stack' place. I was scared, but the tone was really big, old Zi was hungry for a long time, so he let these kids talk.

As soon as the two of them said unclean words, many people frowned and said, "Who are you two? Don't you even know the rules here?"

What are the rules? Who decided? I have been in the world for so many years and have been to countless restaurants. Haven't I ever heard of any rules? Can't I come here without a decent person? The red-haired man said.

The man was happy and said, "Yo, you also know that you are not a decent person, disrespectful and disrespectful."

"His uncle, get out of here with me. Don't hide in the crowd. Hey, I'll give you an operation today."

The man smiled coldly and said, "I'm scared, I'm so scared. I just won't come out. What did you do to me?

People in the field look around and don't know who it is.

These two people, who seem to be figures in the world, were just blocked by Xiao Er below. The second child was also a little powerful. Seeing that the beggars were shabby and unclean, he wanted them to eat on the first floor. Unexpectedly, the two looked down on them and took action angrily. They still had to throw several stores out. The people on the first floor wanted to see a good play, but they didn't go out to take care of it. Besides, they couldn't control it.

The two cursed and went up to the second floor.

They had three eyes searching in the crowd, but they didn't know the irony

Their person is the one who can't help but be furious. When Gang Chen saw these two people coming, his color changed greatly and Xiongfeng said, "It's our sworn enemy of the Tiger Gang!" Xiong Feng nodded uninterested and continued to drink.

Who shouted? His uncle is impatient, isn't he? Get out of here."

The one-eyed man scolded.

When everyone listened to his old man, it seemed that he was the only one in the world who could be "old man". Many people were angry in their hearts. These people who could sit on the second floor, some of them were acquaintances in the southwest stack, and some were men in the martial arts. They all had a certain status. Seeing that the two of them scolded here, they didn't think that they were noble. Some people are afraid that they will work together, so they don't come out. It's just that someone is saying that you are not allowed to use force here. You two want to make trouble, which is the wrong place.

When the two of them saw that no one came out, they laughed and wanted to find a seat.

Someone already sneered and said, "What dares to make trouble here? I haven't been here for three days, and the landworms have also come out to fool around. The trick gives me a bright spot. I don't even know who I have offended, and I still fart.

With the words, three figures jumped to the second floor.