Marty Jianghu

Chapter 98 Progress obviously meets old people

Back to the hut, Yang Jing, who had long been unable to stand the pain, quickly closed the doors and windows, then took off his clothes again, and jumped into the wooden basin with cyan water...

The cold green water was stained with bruised skin. Yang Jing suddenly took a few deep breaths of cool air. The fairy feeling made him slowly close his eyes and lie straight in the wooden basin, motionless.

Yang Jing leaned softly on the edge of the wooden basin, breathing quickly and gradually stabilized. In the end, the low snoring sound came out of his nose vaguely. After a painful torture, Yang Jing finally couldn't stand the double fatigue of spirit and body and fell asleep.

During Yang Jing's sleep, the "boiling gas dispersed" purple water swayed slightly, and a trace of mild energy quietly penetrated into the body along the slightly opened pores under Yang Jing's body, washing away the ferocious bruises. At the same time, it also constantly added vitality and not to the body that had reached its limit. Broken reinforcement...

The immersion continues, and the strengthening is also going on unconsciously.

While strengthening and repairing Yang Jing's body, the purple water in the wooden basin is gradually fading. Obviously, the medicinal power contained in the water is about to be squandered by Yang Jing.

The warm sunlight penetrated through the cracks in the window, and the fine spots of light dotted the tidy room.

In the room, the teenager** sat cross-legged in the wooden basin, handing hands, placing a strange knot in front of him, with his eyes closed and breathing smoothly and powerfully.

The wooden basin is full of cyan water. When it shakes slightly, it even reflects a little strange light, which is quite amazing.

Yang Jing's chest was slightly slightly, and there was a sense of rhythm between breathing. With the delay of the cultivation time, the cyan water in the wooden basin gradually emitted a faint airflow. The airflow was slightly blue and slowly climbed, and finally followed the teenager's breath and penetrated into the body.

The air flowing into the body seems to suddenly emit a warm jade-like luster.

seemed to sense the increasingly fullness of the inner strength of her body, and Yang Jing's little face raised a shallow smile of relief.

When he tasted the sweetness, the teenager did not stop. His eyes were still closed, and the fingerprints of his fingertips were motionless and condensed, maintaining the best state of cultivation and continuing to greedily absorb the gentle energy in cyan **.

The purple potion is stained with the teenager's skin, slipping along the skin pores, slipping into the teenager's body, warming the bones and washing the veins...

Under the endless demand of Su Qianyang's spirit in his body, more and more airflows drifted out of the basin, and in the end, it faintly covered the body of the teenager**.

Cultivation is slowly spent in the painstaking practice of forgetting to sleep and waste food. The sunlight outside the window gradually weakens, and the hot temperature also slowly decreases.


In the wooden basin, the teenager with closed eyes sucked the last ray of airflow into his body, and his eyelashes blinked slightly. After a moment, his dark eyes suddenly opened.

In the black pupil, the white light flashed as usual, but this time it was a little pale blue.

Slowly exhaled a breath of turbidity in his chest, the teenager blinked his eyes, and then suddenly stood up and let the cold water drip from his body. He stretched his waist lazily and felt the fullness of true energy in his body after another year, and muttered to himself intoxicatedly: "At this progress, I'm afraid In a few months, you can completely integrate the spirit of Elder Su with my body, right?

However, although the days of practice are a little boring, it is just a small matter for Yang Jing, who has experienced more than ten years of white-eyed sarcasm.

The ridicule and insult he has suffered for more than ten years makes him clearly know how important his strength is in this world. Only martial arts can shake the rules that have long become a settlement, and Yang Jing believes that he can do it.

However, although the recent days are hard, the results achieved by cultivation are full of joy.

In this regard, even Su Qianyang couldn't help but be amazed by Yang Jing's cultivation efficiency. Although this has something to do with Yang Jing's journey, isn't it too fast?

You should know that the cultivation of the essence god is particularly difficult to cultivate, and the requirements for the endurance of the human body are extremely high. Imagine that if a weak and sick person undertakes such a powerful spirit, he will inevitably explode and die.

Yang Jing lay on his back and fell asleep unconsciously.

I don't know how long he slept. Yang Jing only remembers that when he woke up, the hot sunlight had illuminated the room to the extreme.

He stretched his waist lazily, and his bones suddenly crackled. He raised his head and felt the indescribable vitality and fullness all over his body. Yang Jing couldn't help but lose his voice: "It's so cool!"

Standing up from the wooden basin, Yang Jing was suddenly stunned and found that the cyan water in the basin had completely turned into clear and transparent water.

"Has the drug power been absorbed?" Touching his nose, Yang Jing shook his head helplessly. Suddenly, he seemed to remember something. He slowly closed his eyes with some joy and carefully sensed the state of true qi in his body.

After a while, Yang Jing opened his eyes and held his palms slightly. In his light laughter, there was an unconcealed surprise: "It seems that the spirit has further combined with the body!"

Yang Jing woke up and immediately felt extremely hungry, as if he had a big meal.

At this time, it was evening, and Yang Jing walked slowly on the board of the restaurant. Suddenly, several laughing girls in front of them were blocked at the end of the corridor, and Yang Jing's footsteps also shocked the four girls' laughter and hip-hop.

Disturbed by the quiet atmosphere, Yang Jing frowned slightly, looked at the group of girls coming with a smile.

In the crowd of several beautiful girls, a charming girl was sittering and smiling. The charming amorous feelings on her little face made several young girls beside her feel a little inferior.

At the end of the road, the woman's rather ** laughter suddenly weakened. She saw the young man not far from the left...

The sunset fell from the sky, shining on Yang Jing, whose small face was indifferent with his arms behind his head, which was particularly charming. Yang Jing, who was still tall, was so full of masculine charm at this time.

"Is this son elegant?" One of them said.

Yang Jing understood what she meant and said with a smile, "I'm hungry and I'm about to go down to order some wine and vegetables. I won't disturb your conversation." Saying that Yang Jing wanted to turn down the stairs.

But the charming woman said, "Yang Jing, Yang Jing, why did you forget me?"

Hearing this, Yang Jing looked up and saw that the man was a little familiar. Yang Jing suddenly woke up from a dream. It was the woman who sacrificed her life to save herself in the Nangong Pavilion that day!

"It's you! Ming'er?" Yang Jing didn't expect that after the transformation of rouge gouache, Minger completely changed the vulgar appearance of the former maid.

"Well, you all retreat!" Ming'er smiled and sent the other three people to Yang Jing and said, "People who have met again after a long time should have a good drink, right?"

Yang Jing also nodded slightly awkwardly.