Marty Jianghu

Chapter 132 Encounter Enemy by Drinking in the Lake

A ecstasy gambling house.

The agreed Liuhe brothers and Huang Ji Niudao set out overnight, which made Yang Jing very sleepy. He didn't understand why these people were so obsessed with those elixirs that he didn't sleep. He was half asleep sitting on the horse, but he couldn't help yawning.

"I said that Huang Ji Laodao, you still took Daotong to serve you when you came out. Look, this boy is so young and tired." The fat man said.

"Hey, let me tell you, six-legged brother, this boy is not a Taoist boy, but his strength is close to me? I don't know him. It's fate!"

"Oh!" The fat man was shocked when he heard the words.

"So this boy's strength is between my brothers." The dwarf man was surprised.

"Yes! I doubt that you are so energetic that this boy is sleepy. He doesn't look like a master. Six roads.

At this time, Yang Jing pretended to be a chatter and yawned again after hearing the conversation between Liugu and the Hezi brothers.

"Haha" couldn't help laughing when he saw Yang Jing's Huang Ji Niu Dao and said, "Young people are the same as us. Most of these people accept Zhu Yuanzhang's rebellion. They value their merits and reputation more than us. It's strange that they don't get tired of rushing overnight."

"That's true! Now that Zhu Yuanzhang's group is trying to change the dynasty, and Pingwumen is trying to encircle and suppress it, and there are evil immortals stepping on the world. Three years later, Ouyang Hongmen will come out of the mountain. Hey, those who care about merit, fame and fortune may be willing but weak. The box laughed.

"My brothers wander around the world and gamble everywhere. Don't care who he is the boss." Six shares said.


After saying goodbye to the brothers of the Tiger Gang, Xiongfeng took a boat from Taihu Lake. The lake was foggy, purifying the far and near mountain villages into a dreamy world.

An old boatman called to row gently at the tail of the boat, making a light sound of water.

The majestic wind lay on its back in the bow, and a pair of drunken eyes melted with the thick fog.

He remembered Tang Xiaorou's gentle voice.

The fog is getting thicker and thicker.

The oars hit into the water rhythmically, led the whirlpools one by one, turned away quickly, and then gradually disappeared.

Xiongfeng pointed to a piece of green shore in the southeast and the water mist melted and said: "My father-in-law! What's that place?"

A trace of fear flashed on the old boatman's face and said, "That's the famous 'Fascination Valley'. There is only a narrow entrance, but the interior is very wide, full of shallow floating islands..." Xiong Feng said strangely: "Since there is such a good place, why don't you go in and have a look."

The old boatman sighed and said, "Master, you don't know where it is a treasure on the Yangtze River port, but I don't know which side the valley owner is. He has installed a lot of obstacles and organs at the entrance, and even our Tiger can't get in."

A thick fog blew, turning the Valley of Infatuation into a confused white.

Xiongfeng stood on the bow and looked at it and his eyes flashed, as if he had seen through the thick fog, as if he had seen through the world's heart and snorted coldly: "Love Valley!"

The old boatman said, "We all know the master's kung fu, but it is not appropriate to go in at this time." The old boatman said worried that Xiong Feng would be curious to go in and peep.

Xiong Feng said lightly, "I don't have that leisure, father-in-law, is there a place to sell alcohol nearby?"

The old boatman laughed and said, "No matter what the bastards in the world, I have drunk to relieve my sorrows. I didn't expect that such a kind master is also a temperamental person. There is a large pot of homemade rice wine hidden in my boat. Don't try it."

Xiongfeng smiled and said, "I have already smelled it, and I'm still wondering why my father-in-law is so stingy and doesn't take wine to treat friends."

The old boatman smiled and squeezed the wrinkles on his face, and even his eyes were hidden. He reached out and took out a large wine pot under the bamboo mat at the stern of the boat. It weighed at least ten catties. He opened the lid of the pot and poured two mouthfuls before handing it to Xiong Feng. He did not regard Xiong Feng as his master at all.

Xiongfeng took it with one hand and drank three mouths in a row without politeness. How much sadness was in his heart.

The aroma of rice wine permeates the ship.

Xiongfeng sighed, "Good wine!"

The old boatman said happily, "This is the rice wine I brewed when I was idle. If I take the wine to the master every day after Yue Yang comes back!" After saying that, Xiong Feng was listening. At this time, he was close to the mouth of the Yangtze River and far away from the position of the Tiger Gang. Maybe Xiong Feng heard something.

The old boatman looked around.

The thick fog is like a high wall, sealing them in another strange space.

I can't see anything.

No special sound can be heard.

Xiongfeng said, "There is a ship coming, and the speed is still very fast, oh! Not good!"

The old boatman was stunned and heard the "Ho Huo" shock, which was the trembling sound of the sails.

The old boatman has rich experience in boating, and the long rowing immediately shakes quickly and avoids it.

The boat glided more than 30 feet smoothly.

A boat monster broke out of the fog on the left.

The hull of this ship is at least twice as tall as theirs, so looking up from the boat, it looks like a high cliff shore.

The sixteen sails on the giant boat were full, and they were instantly forced to reach a close distance of more than 30 feet to the right side of the boat, and it was about to hit.

It was too late for the old boatman to shake the boat away.

The boat hasn't arrived yet, and the surge has surged.

The boat is like a leaf in the storm and is thrown up by the waves.

Xiongfeng snorted coldly. When the boat rose to the highest point, his feet were full of luck. The boat slid along the waves and moved more than four feet away from the channel of the giant boat. This time was not purely on foot strength, but more importantly, it was familiar with water and followed the trend.

At the same time, the huge boat shook and miraculously slid in the opposite direction of the boat.

Xiong Feng was surprised who dared to come to Taihu Lake to shout.

Xiongfeng gathered together and quickly followed the surging current at the bottom of the boat. On the other hand, he glanced at the giant boat to see if there was any special sign.

At this very moment.

A window in the cabin opened and the curtains opened.

A flowery eyelid is now in the window, and the beautiful eyes look out to the majestic wind.

The two looked at each other. The woman first cast the color of anger, and then changed to surprise!

Xiongfeng's expression was shocked, and he exclaimed: "Xu Jiao, the daughter of Xu Guang!"

The giant boat turned again and again and drove towards the Xiongfeng side.

Xiongfeng was shocked to see that the giant boat was late. It seemed that he could not escape. The other party came to seek revenge.

I saw Xu Jiao walk out of the outside. Her body is slender, her waist is straight, and she walks gracefully. She is elegant and impeccable. What is particularly impressive is that she is dressed in coarse white clothes, but she has a feeling that she can't compare with health and cleanliness.

She carried a long sword on her back.

Like her people, she is simple and elegant.

That must be a good sword, just like her people.

Xiongfeng remembers that he had always met Xu Jiao when he was a child, because they were married and had to meet on Chinese Valentine's Day every year. So how can Xiong Feng not remember?

The majestic wind jumped up and jumped into the huge boat.
