Marty Jianghu

Chapter 220 Earth Dun Qishu Ke Tianxin

Gu Lian quickly closed his breath and protected himself for a moment. Fortunately, Ding Faner and Pu Zhiyu, who were not in Caiyun, were soldiers and held safe. This was also thanks to the escort of their own color cloud cloth. Otherwise, they would have been blown up by Mr. Jin and the poisonous bee guest in turn, and their lives would have been unsafed for a long time. At present, Gu Lian and others can't get out, and An Ran and the poisonous bee guest and the prince Jin, who don't know whether they are enemies or friends, are also disputes for a while. What's more, how to break the "heart lamp"? In contrast, Ding Fan'er and Pu Zhiyu are very comfortable under the protection of the colorful cloud belt.

Pu Zhiyu asked in a delicate voice, "Sister, are you still there?

Mr. Jin's Xiaoyin is getting higher and higher, and the wind is getting stronger and stronger. Obviously, he still has stamina, and he can't help but be humble.

Seeing this, An Ran said secretly, "Although the old poison is annoying, it is not difficult to deal with it. If Mr. Jin wins tonight, it will be difficult for me to please it." After such a plan, I had an idea. I raised the purple spirit whip in my hand and smiled, "Mr. Jin, you are a decent proud descendant of a famous family, but the old poison and I are both evil outsiders. After all, we have the same disease, and we have to offend the prince tonight!"

The purple spirit whip waved in the air, giving birth to hundreds of lotus flowers the size of a baby's palm from the whip, shining with purple and golden brilliance, following the wind to the emperor Jin.

She knew that the prince of Jin was a righteous master and had Xuan Yuxiao's help, so she did not dare to hide her privateness. She became a famous stunt " chanting flowers and willows".

In this way, Mr. Jin was also a little tight. He gradually gained the upper hand in his confrontation with poisonous bee guests, and An Ran rushed to intervene at this time. In desperation, he had to divide 50% of the wind to protect his body, which immediately relieved the poisonous bee guests.

A green wind blew around Mr. Jin's body, and the hundreds of golden lotus flew up and down around him, but they could never break the protective wind of Mr. Jin's body.

The three of them used stunts to compete for beauty in this room, and it was difficult to distinguish Xuanxuan for a moment.

However, no matter how hard the three fought, the red light of the heart lamp that day always covered Ding Faner and Pu Zhiyu by the bedside, and the colorful cloud belt of Gu Lian covered them without injury.

Gu Lian knows the danger, but also understands that no matter who wins, it is of no benefit to him. I just hope that they will continue to fight like this until the Pucheng couple come back.

But how can those old grudges end for a while? And is it easy to have masters such as Zeng Rushan? Not to mention the four-way sword array. Although Pucheng and his wife can be called the top masters of the world, it is difficult to win in an instant.

The three people in the room were fighting enthusiastically, but one person under the bed emerged from the ground.

Although the heart lamp blocked the four paths, it could not defend against attacks from the ground. Unfortunately, he was a master of earth escape. He sneaked out of the ground while taking advantage of Gu Lian's indifferent attention and An Ran, Poisonous Bee Guest and Mr. Jin were beating him to death.

His appearance is very ridiculous. His short and fat body is like a big ball, his limbs are twice as short as ordinary people, and his bare head has a pair of small eyes the size of beans. He wore an earthy yellow Taoist robe and dressed like a monk, but what he was holding was not dust, but a four-foot-long dark tri-edging shuttle.

The Taoist priest's body squatted down, and his head just touched the bedboard. He stood up a pair of small round ears and listened to the movement outside, with a proud smile on his face. But when he saw Ding Faner and Gu Lian in the package of Caiyun, he couldn't help frowning.

If he is usually, his behavior will inevitably be discovered by the people in the house, but now all the spirits of the three are concentrated on their opponents, including Gu Lian, how could he think that someone could still do such a wonderful thing, and can only ignore this Taoist priest. Moreover, his appearance was also quite strange, and he used the earth escape to get under the bed.

Curious Taoist priest!

The Taoist priest clamped the trimmed shuttle under his arm and carefully stretched out his hands out of the bed. Strangely, his arms were only half the length of ordinary people, but those arms seemed to grow by themselves and gradually stretched out more than two meters.

Gu Lian was nervously staring at the fight between the three people in the room. Pu Zhiyu was so scared that she only dared to lie on Ding Yuan's back and didn't notice that a "color ball" was stretched out to the "color ball" behind her under the bed.

The arms climbed up to the edge of the bed like a spirit snake and quietly leaned towards the wrapped Ding Faner and Pu Zhiyu. Although the Taoist priest can't see ** under the bed, he seems to have a pair of perspective eyes, and the direction of his action is not bad at all.

When it was only a few inches away from the second small, Ding Faner in the package finally found it. Before he could call out, his hands came out of the hole like a poisonous snake, clasped him and Pu Zhiyu like lightning. Then an irresistible force came, and both of them were pulled under the bed in exclamation.

Gu Lian was the first to feel that something was wrong. The corner of his eyes was swept to a pair of fat hands and drag Ding Faner and Pu Zhiyu under the bed. In a hurry, he shouted, " Stop!"

Mr. Jin, An Ran and the poisonous bee guest who fought fiercely have also noticed that the three had no choice but to break the "heart lamp" and had to secretly shout "pull the child!" Don't let him take it away!" Bastard, it's one step ahead of us!"

Gu Lian's two ribbons were tied to Ding Fan'er and Gu Lian. For a moment, the two of them came and went into a deadlock, and they had already fallen into the ground.