Marty Jianghu

Chapter 248 Catch the Rape in the bed and eat the black

Xiongfeng has been coming to the Tiger Gang for a month. In this month, Xiongfeng has arranged how to be brothers. Naturally, the next step is to unify the underworld and pacify the bandits of large and small along the coast.

That's tomorrow.

In Fujian, there is the most powerful Fenguzhai, which is known as the southeast hegemony. More than a dozen gangs, large and small, are under it. If the Fenguzhai is wiped out, it will not be broken by other dark forces.

A stone house in a small valley in the burning village. This is the most secluded place in the valley, and there is nothing else in a one-mile

The stone house is hidden at the end of the valley, and the small bridge in front of the house is flowing, which is very elegant.

Thousands of miles have no path, and thousands of peaks cover a fence.

The small window in front of the house, because the mountain is quite high, I happen to see a small lake water.

The sound of the rising and retreat of the lake tide is faintly audible.

Chu Xiong, the boss of the angry knife gang, has been hiding in the burning valley under his command since he was defeated by Xiong Feng that day, looking forward to a comeback.

At this time, he is repeating what he said, "Borth in the underworld and died in the underworld."

But now that he has betrayed his relatives, his wife has run away with others, and his brothers have dispersed. Now all he can do is to deduct his brothers' salaries and let them stay and continue to collect money.

Once a ghost who sneaked into the evil immortal religion, now he is a self-supporting thief, but now only in loneliness can he feel the boundless world in his heart and feel the things that ordinary people ignore.

In the past, fast swords in the world, running horses on the long street.

Today's bright moon is clear, with high mountains and flowing water.

Thinking of this, my heart moved.

greeted the guy around him and asked, "What's going on with the Tiger Gang?"

"Mr. Liu came back and said... I guess the attack is coming soon."

"So, what about Pingwumen?"

"In fact, Master Chu himself knows Du Ming that we can only defeat the Tiger Gang if we join hands with Heping Wumen."

"Good! It must be done. Sit down and take action, take the long sword, and walk out of the house.

The fresh smell of trees enters the nose, □ sings cicadas, playing natural music, mixed with the sound of running water,

In this quiet and hidden environment, he can't even think of the power struggle and profit, conspiracy and tricks in the outside world.

He slowly walked out of the valley from the path, which was his forbidden place, and no one except a few people were allowed to enter.

As you walk, you can enjoy every sound from the jungle of the moon night.

Chu Xiong left the valley.

In less than half an hour, he walked on the street along the lake. This is the time to go to bed, and most people hide

Warm home.


People who passed by him recognized the famous former angry knife gang, who was once the first master of the underworld. They don't seem to be different on the surface.

Chu Xiong didn't want to meet acquaintances. He picked a shortcut on the mountain road, took a circle, and crossed a hill to the private house of Liu Zige, the owner of the burning valley village. After less than half an hour, a little light appeared in the distance at the foot of the mountain, and the destination was in sight.

At this moment, a slight wind came from behind.

The mind moved, and the body floated aside like a ghost and flashed away in the jungle.

The night pedestrian behind

just passed by.

Although the night walker is fast, how can he escape the eyes of this evil immortal strong disciple?

This man is his own subordinate, and Liu Zige is one of his left and right hands.

Chu Xiong was going to discuss the great plan against the enemy with Liu Zige. He planned to ignore whoever passed by and ignored it. At this time, I had to change my mind.

First of all, this person is Liu Zige's close subordinate. But Chu Xiong has not liked this person recently and thinks he is a little too smart

Ming, romantic self-appreciation, people are also a little flashy. Secondly, he looked a little sneaky at this time, and his eyes flickered, as if there was an unspeakable secret.

He flew in the sky like an eagle and chased after him under the moonlight.

once said that he was excited and excited, thinking that he could meet a beautiful woman again, and every cell in his body was active.

Life is so meaningful.

When he was excited, he unfolded his body and was still very careful. He is an old man. He specializes in some routes that are easy to avoid tracking. The speed is fast and slow. He is confident that he can track him without being noticed by him. There will be no more than two people.

At this time, Liu Zige also has an unreasonable attitude towards Chu Xiong. He has a deep trust in Liu Zige, and Liu Zige has power and no brain.

In a few days, he will be able to swagger and live with a beautiful woman. At this point, what does his husband want?

I once thought about how I could be a subservient person. How could Liu Zige ride on my head forever? Chu Xiong's old man didn't have any work to burn the valley, but he was the master of a gang. When he saw that he still had to give dozens of gifts, he would be angry when he remembered.

He flashed and quickly left the path. In the courtyard, he jumped out of the courtyard and ran away from a narrow alley next to the courtyard. Anyone who thinks that his purpose is the courtyard will inevitably lose his goal.

Finally, I came to a bungalow surrounded by ten feet of high red walls. Although the bungalow is small, the courtyard is quite spacious. And it is very refined.

He did not immediately jump over the high wall and hide in the shadow of the corner, pretending to be a bird in his mouth and sing three times in a row.

At this time, the light in the room flashed out.

He once said that without hesitation, he jumped over the high wall, flashed, and penetrated into the house through the window. He moved very fast and very proficient


He just rushed into the room and felt a hot and fragrant jade bump into his arms, sounding a sound of friction between clothes and flesh and a delicate shout.

In a dark house, spring is like fire.

The woman's delicate cry and the man's breathing, although deliberately suppressed, still could not hide Chu Xiong's more sensitive ears than the beast behind the bushes three feet outside the window.

He almost wanted to leave immediately. If the woman was Su Qiu, Liu Zige's wife, he didn't know what to do.

Just as he was about to leave, there was a slight voice in the room.

Get rid of the idea of leaving immediately.

The speaker is Su Qiu. He knew that they had not finished the men's and women's affairs at this time, and she was distracted. It seemed that she had long been accustomed to it and her skills were very good.

Chu Xiong exerted his hearing reception ability to the fullest. Although the sound from the room was as soft as silk, he still kept it in his ears and heard it every little.

The woman's slightly hoarse voice mixed with the man's gasp and said, "Will our plan change?" Also

With a burst of gasp and tears, the woman urged, "Say it!" Zeng said in a helpless and tired tone, "We are waiting for Pingwumen to arrive first..." Suddenly interrupted.

"Ah!" With a sound, the woman's delicate cry came, and the man's cheerful cry was perfect.

Chu Xiong, who heard this outside the window, sweated coldly. He heard that the dog man and woman were plotting against himself and Liu Zige.

He doesn't want to rush to take action, and it's most appropriate for them to say it themselves.

The most primitive action in the room is going on, and it took a long time to return to calm.

The woman talked and scolded, "Every time after doing this, it's like a great wisdom. Have you followed their plan?" She has been persistent about her previous questions.

The man said weakly, "How dare I not comply? Fortunately, I kept secretly reporting the internal news to Pingwumen, otherwise Chu Xiong's treacherous ghost was afraid that even I would hide it, so as soon as Pingwumen came to kill Chu Xiong and Liu Zige together, the burning valley village was ours at that time."

"Well, it's agreed that you will court my lord's wife at that time!"

"It's a beauty!" Once said that there seemed to be a strong wind that had recovered the man. He only heard Su Qiu's delicate drinking, and the room was like spring.


Chu Xiong clenched the long sword in his heart and fiercely watched the fiercely fought men and women in the room draw their swords into the room.

The one who pressed on Suqiu was unprepared and completely died on the woman.

"Ah! There was a scream, "You!" Su Qiu pulled out a dagger from the bedside and said, "Don't you have anything?" There is no fear on the face.

A flat voice sounded out of the window, "What is the value of your body?" The woman's whole body was shocked. She

's response is also extremely fast. He flashed out of the window and jumped into the hospital, holding a long and short sword in his hand.

The blue light of the tip of the sword flashed and quenched the poison.

Set off her beautiful figure, towering round peaks, unbearable and elastic slender waist, slender legs, and tender white skin that beats ice and snow, which is indeed extremely charming.

Chu Xiong looked lonely and said lightly, "Call me and let everyone see the ** image of the master's wife." Su Qiu smiled charmingly and was not embarrassed at all because she was naked. Meisheng said, "It's a great honor for the little woman to be interested in Master Chu." Her words are very tempting.

Unfortunately, it has no effect on Chu Xiong, who saw through their conspiracy. He said in a low voice, "Well, people are naked, let me take you on the road." Su Qiu shouted and pretended to be frightened and said, "Master Chu, please think twice. He once said that it is not a pity for these little people to die. If the master's wife dies, I'm afraid it will cause an uproar. Even you can't stand the wind." Chu Xiong said, "That's so..." He hasn't finished his words yet, and the sky is blue, shooting from Su Qiu's hands. This woman was both witty and fierce. When she saw that things were not good, she immediately surprised and suddenly killed her, hoping to succeed in one blow before Chu Xiong's sword.

Su Qiuliu's waist and pointed chest swayed, and the distance of two feet flashed between his eyes.

One long and one short two sharp blades turned into two blue lights, one left and one right to attack Chu Xiong. She did her best to make one move

Kille the enemy.

The blue light pushed it to Chu Xiong like lightning, killing it, purely using the other party's daring to touch the highly poisonous tip of the sword,

Therefore, you must avoid sharpness first, and then it will fall into her calculation. Using various factors, such as men's contempt for beautiful women, it is very powerful to create the most favorable conditions for dry Hongqing.

In contrast, Chu Xiong stood still, and the sword was still hanging on his waist. A pair of slender and slippery hands bounced in mid-air like magic, and their palms gathered into knives, stabbing and splitting, and each time they hit the back of Su Qiu's sword that pierced two swords crazily.

Su Qiu**'s body suddenly retreated and stabbed more than 30 swords in an instant.

No matter how her sword attacks from any angle, Chu Xiong can always resolve her offensive just right. She began to circle around him, jumping high for a moment and lying low for a moment. The attack of the two swords did not stop for a moment, and stabbed Chu Xiong like a storm.

This scene is extremely strange. A tall and rough man was attacked crazily from all sides by a charming ** beauty.

One side of the story lies in a pool of blood.