Marty Jianghu

Chapter 256 Blood-throwing Heroes

"Hahaha, boy, I didn't expect you to be so good at a young age. If you worship me as a teacher, you can not only learn the infinite Buddha palm on the wall, but also get my thunder skills, which is a rare opponent. Fengya and Yang Jing wanted to say after they finished their relationship.

"Seniors, I don't think we have to be masters and apprentices. If you don't mind my low martial arts skills and young, how about we become friends?" Yang Jing seems to be very sincere.

"Friend? What else do I expect from this old bone? I just hope that my thunder function will be passed on, otherwise it will be a pity that I will be annihilated in a few years.

"So that's it. It's rare for the predecessor to create his own unique learning. I admire it very much. If you are in the flesh, neither of Yang Jing will say that he is your opponent."

"Haha, boy, I don't know why there is such a wonderful thing hidden in you, and this is also the most important reason why you can learn Shaolin's unique learning. But it is often not possible to rely on the understanding of single storage.

"No? What about that?" Yang Jing felt a little strange.

"What Shaolin's unique learning is about the outbreak of cultivation on the basis of internal strength, but your internal strength is weak, and it is extremely difficult to learn other unique learning."

Hearing this, Yang Jing remembered why Su Qianyang valued the cultivation and improvement of energy so much. It turned out that it was closely related to the deepening of internal strength.

"Little brother, if you worship me as your teacher, I will not only teach you martial arts, but also teach you my remaining internal strength." Fengya said seriously that Yang Jing also saw that he wanted to pass on his martial arts very much, but he was contrary to his good and evil. Besides, his master was Su Qianyang, and Fang Yuan was also a good example. Besides, there were many Taoist doctrines in the martial arts of the magic religion. He was afraid that what he learned would be harmful to his future improvement. Li.

"Senior, your Leigong contains Taoist elements and the principle of thunder and lightning, and my Shaolin martial arts are good characters. If I learn your Leigong, I'm afraid it will be difficult to learn other Shaolin's unique skills in the future."

"Hahaha, so that's what you're worried about... I said that there are very subtle things in your body, which can be learned at the same time as Buddhism and Taoism. Besides, if you really don't want to learn it, I will only pass on your inner skills and mind. You don't need it in the future. I just think it's a pity for this set of thunder skills to disappear in the world. I hope you can pass it on to everything. Maybe someone will remember me in the future. Cliff!"

"The will of my predecessors... I will finish it... I only learn the mind method! But I won't worship you as my teacher. Please forgive me."

Fengya said, "This thundergong is a kind of palm with less and more. Remember that when this palm is put out, you must stretch your arms straight and move horizontally, just like sweeping thousands of troops. When this set of palms is hit, it can swing the air from the body to three feet away. Although the moves are few, they are infinitely powerful. Every move is extremely calm and domineering," he demonstrated it again. Yang Jing saw the momentum of Fengya as a god, which was really divine. He practiced it by himself with a move map. It seems that his cultivation is really a member of Shaolin.

Fengya said: "Leigong is a famous stunt that I used to cross between good and evil decades ago. If you don't talk about moves, it is a kind of domineering. Every move should be used like a king. There should be a momentum to look down on the world. The mind method is complementary to the moves. If you practice your inner skills every day, you will get more. You can bear the most hardships. You can stick to it. You can practice internal skills every day. The deeper the internal skills are, the faster you can do it, and the faster you can practice internal skills. Yang Jing listened to Feng Ya's words and felt that there was also this kind of martial arts practice that could be successful as long as he worked hard.



The sound of the offensive horn came to Liu Zige's ears.

The first battle of the Tiger Gang was unfavorable, but now I didn't expect that the attack would come so quickly.

The generals of the Burning Valley were surprised.

How is this possible? Li Mei grew up licking blood with a knife all her life, fighting alone, all excellent and overwhelming

The force did not kill Xiong Feng. It seems that it is necessary to reassess the Xiongfeng Gang.

The burning village quickly recruited soldiers. Song Yushi said in a low voice, "Is He Chong still on the island?" Su Qiu slowly opened her eyes and said, "Isn't it here, where is it?" Song Yushi's heart sank. Now how to deal with the masters of the Tiger Gang, especially Xiongfeng, is very tricky.

Under the pressure of its own momentum, the burning valley village was suddenly in a state of chaos.

Waiting for a long time.

Xiongfeng finally gave the order of the main attack.

Three thousand gangs fanned and surrounded the burning valley village like casting a net at the fisherman.

This time, the Tiger Gang deliberately expanded the front to avoid being eliminated again.

You should know that the coastal line of the burning village is long. As long as one place is broken through, the whole line of defense is completely collapsed.

In addition to the south bank, the road attack also includes the southeast, northeast and northbound paths, all of which are broken through by the Tiger Gang.

Liu Zige and Song Yushi stood on the dock and were dejected. Their opponents were too strong. If they hadn't used the equipment left by He Chong just now,

The last time they were completely destroyed.

Now we are fighting hard with the Tiger Gang. It is really not certain who will die and who will live by borrowing the terrain of the Burning Valley Village, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack and the weapons left by Pingwumen.

Liu Zige thought of this and shouted at the drummer on the high building, "Sarge the cannon!" Dozens of men beside him were stunned


The sound of defensive drums.

More than 2,000 elites are ready to defend the coast and return to the island like a tide.

The main hall of the Burning Valley is located in the center of the Valley, with only a stone steps about 300 steps long, stretching roundaboutly

The main entrance of the hall, other places are either cliffs, or strange rocks and rocks in a dangerous situation, and birds are difficult to cross.

The sky began to white.

The dawn has finally come.

Day drove away the night.

There is a strong smell of blood in the fresh air.

The longer and winding upwards of more than 300 stone steps are full of □ bodies and limbs of both sides.

At least 300 people fell into the blood pool on the stone steps.

The attack has just begun.

Under the leadership of Xiong Feng, the Tiger Gang has a thunderous momentum, like a bayonet.

Break through the blockade of nearly 100 levels of Burning Valley Village and attack above 100 levels, and the main hall is in sight.

When we got here, the progress slowed down. The mountain narrowed, and the width of the stone steps was only five feet, wider than the foot of the mountain

The 15-foot stone steps are two-thirds narrow and can only accommodate two to three people walking side by side.

The long drive has turned into a bloody battle gradually fought for.

The shouting shocked the whole stone steps leading to the main hall.

This main hall is not conducive to attack. If it hadn't been for the "snake god" Yuan Sha and the "angry stick" to block the main attack, they would have been driven down the stone steps.

The Tiger Gang was slow but progressing. The red scarf thief in the Burning Valley Village shocked South China and did not dare to be careless. Schindler advanced to about 150 levels in the middle section of the stone steps. Blood flowed from the soldiers on both sides and flowed down the stone steps.

But in the face of the other party's crazy bombing, the Tiger Gang almost stepped on his brother's body.

The more difficult it is, the more they have to conquer. The warriors of the Tiger Gang know that this is a moment of life and death. With the low power of high pressure, they are desperate to attack the enemy.

Long arrows fly around in the air.

The two sides are like two pieces of gunfire, rolling up upside down, and splashing bleeding smoke in the middle of the stone steps.

Chu Xiong here is tall and powerful, with bright eyes like a torch, long hair hanging on his shoulders, and wearing a black robe.

Liu Zige wears a red cloth on his head and seems to be very steady, and their years of enmity will soon come to an end.

After stopping a round of hand-to-hand combat, the Tiger Gang advanced to the 210 stone steps, and there were only more than 100 levels.

Seeing that it was still difficult for his side to get the upper hand, Wang Qi's fierceness loomed and said, "Okay! The cause of unification is about to be completed.

Xiaodi next to him hurriedly answered, "Haha, what we said is that in our original calculation, the large army of Pingwumen has left, and we have found Chu Xiong to contain Liu Zige. These juniors are not ready to be captured. How can we know that it is so difficult to deal with?" Schindler snorted coldly and expressed his dissatisfaction. He lost a lot of manpower tonight, and the death of a quarter of his brothers in the last war was an irreparable loss, which was greatly detrimental to the development of the unification of the underworld in the future.

The Tiger Gang has advanced more than 20 stone steps. Now there are more than 80 stone steps left in the square in front of the main hall, shouting

The killing is more intense.

The fort at the top of the stone steps looked coldly at the fierce battle on the stone steps.

Xiong Feng and his generals looked in the same direction and monitored the situation between the enemy and us, different

It's their eyes, spewing the flame of hatred.

Their main force will soon attack the front of the palace.

Xiongfeng shouted, "Blore!" The sound of gold and iron sounded together. Another group of people killed the Tiger Gang.

Liu Zige is the strongest in South China, and Chu Xiong is also known as the first in the underworld.

The duel between the two still affects the heartstrings of Xiong Feng. Xiongfeng in the computer room seems to be waiting for a person, that is He Chong. The last time he was hurt by him, he did not dare to be careless anyway.

Chu Xiong's sword came out of its sheath and flashed.

Liu Zige pushed his left-hand knife out of his back.

Starlight, the two fought for more than a dozen rounds in a few seconds,

Chu Xiong's sword returned to the sheath, and Liu Zige's knife was recycled back.

Chu Xiong relies on your calmness, and Liu Zige seems to turn pale, followed his eyes, nose and heart, and then returned to his previous appearance after a while. He was injured, but there were no scars on the surface. The cold light passed by and stared at Chu Xiong and said, "Your cultivation in swordsmanship has won the past. Do you want to worship at the feet of Xiongfeng?" After a pause, he seemed to be thinking about the words and continued, "Chu Xiong's current realm has broken the limitations of physical fitness and entered the supreme realm of kendo. His achievements are unimaginable and unlimited. Why don't you fight with Xiong Feng again?"

There is a look of envy in his eyes. The only thing that can move him in this world is the pursuit of martial arts.

Chu Xiong smiled and said, "I'm just walking half a step faster. How dare I boast, but how can you people know the potential of Xiongfeng?"

"Well, it seems that I can only fight hard!" With a loud shout, the knife came again.

