Unblessed to receive the kindness of beautiful men

24 flirting

When I quickly returned to the prime minister's mansion from the side door, the sky had darkened. I quietly walked through the corridor and returned to my yard. As soon as I opened the door, I saw Chu Tianshuang sitting leisurely in my room drinking tea.

"Yo, my sister is back!" As soon as she saw me, she immediately put down the tea cup in her hand and wiped the tea stains with a handkerchief.

"My sister is really interested, and I don't want to see what time it is now! If outsiders know that the daughter of our prime minister's mansion is alone until the evening, I don't know how unpleasant it will be! Forget it if your sister is shameless. Don't ruin the reputation of me and my elder sister.

I glanced at the corners of my eyes and lowered my head and didn't dare to look at my Yun'er. I probably had a bottom in my heart.

Chu Tianxiang estimated that her mother's womb had not suffered such a big loss as in the previous days. Now she probably regards me as the person she hates the most in her life and never ends.

"I won't worry about my second sister!" There was a mocking smile at the corners of my mouth.

"I heard from others earlier that this psychologically traumatized person! It's just more sensible. I didn't expect that the second sister has learned to care about people now. However, Tianxiang really admires the recovery ability of the second sister comparable to cockroaches. How long has it been since the broken heart recovered so quickly? Tianxiang is really unmatched!"

I leaned against the door frame and put it over with a horse. Who is afraid of provocative appearance. It's time to clean up the portal.

"You...you little bitch!" Chu Tianshuang was poked in the pain, his face turned red, and his face turned blue and white. His eyes were as if he were going to eat me, and the handkerchief in his hand was twisted tightly.

"Don't be an old bitch, you can change your word if you have the ability! I'm tired of hearing it if you're not tired of it!"

"You...you..." Chu Tianshuang waved an angry slap. I reflexively dodged, but accidentally stepped on Chu Tianshuang's skirt. Chu Tianshuang lost his balance for a moment, and fell to the ground with an exclamation and raised dust.

This fall was really miserable. The hair was scattered, the face and dress were full of dust, and the eyes were foggy as if they were about to cry. This look also looks beautiful, but it would be better if the expression on the face was not so ferocious.

Yun'er saw that Chu Tianshuang fell down and ate shit, and immediately called the second lady and ran to help her up.

"Second sister, Xiang'er advises you to know practicality. I'm different from the past. You'd better not provoke me! I can let you fall once, and I can let you fall a second time! It's impOlite to come and go, you have to remember it!"

Chu Tianshuang just wanted to find me for his bad luck. He didn't even bring Lian'er with him. Now he has suffered losses here and doesn't even have a personal certificate. It's really like that dumb man who eats yellow, and can't say anything.

Yun'er ran into the inner room and took the hand towel used to wash her face to wipe Chu Tianxiang's face and tidied up her clothes.

"Humph, Chu Tianxiang, let's wait and see!" Lin Tianshuang said harsh words and lifted his skirt to get ready to go out.

"Wait a minute!" A trace of prank flashed in my eyes.

Hearing the words, Chu Tianshuang looked up at me impatiently, looking like P fast-playing.

"Actually, it's nothing. I've wanted to tell my second sister for a long time. There is a piece of tea on your front teeth! Also, the veil I just gave you was used to wipe my feet tonight. I forgot to ask her to get a new one today!"

Chu Tianxiang looked at me incredulously, as if I were an alien. After three seconds of silence, a scream resounded in the night sky and echoed in the night sky for a long time.

I looked at Chu Tianshuang, who was running for his life with a skirt and waved, "Second sister, take your time. Come often when you have time!"

Humph, fight with me and talk about it a few years earlier! I came here through time. I haven't seen any big winds and waves.

I walked into the room and closed the door, poured a cup of tea, and drank it slowly. Yun'er stood aside and still didn't dare to look at me.

"Yun'er, how long have you been following me?"

"Four...four years, miss, I will follow you as soon as I enter the house." Yuner answered with a little guilty, and her hand unconsciously pulled her sleeves.

"Have I beaten, scolded and punished you in the past four years, but have I ever said bad words to you?" I continued to ask.

"Miss Hui, never." Yun'er's shoulders began to tremble slightly.

"Do you have an excuse for today's events? Why did Chu Tianshuang eat too much and didn't eat during her meal time, and ran to trouble me?

"Miss...Miss, Yun'er doesn't dare anymore. Please forgive me!" Yun'er fell to her knees with a "plop". She had seen such a bold Chu Tianxiang at the end, not getting angry or throwing things, but the aura emitted was timid.

"Well, you can find your own way out after a while. Whether it's the eldest lady or the second lady, it's up to you!" I looked at Yun'er, who was shaking like a sieve, and sighed.

In order to be afraid that I would punish her, she ran to Chu Tianshuang to mess with me. This woman has a plan, but unfortunately it's not poisonous enough! But it can't be left. The ant nest of the thousand-thousand-long dike collapses can't prevent her from bad things to me.

"Go to the study and bring some pen, ink, paper and inkstone, bring them under the table and go down! Don't bother me about anything, understand?" I ordered, and then sat on the round stool to watch my cold dinner. It is still boiled cabbage with porridge, and the porridge is thinner than yesterday's. I suddenly felt that there was no taste at all. After two bites, I put down the bowls and chopsticks.

Yun'er put down the pen and paper and retreated like flying out, and closed the door. I picked up the pen and began to write the second half of Water Margin, alas! For braised pork and chicken stewed with mushrooms, I can only fight at night.


After I finished the story of 108 heroes of the Water Margin with my memory, the sky had turned white. I opened the door and went out to stretch my muscles and bones. At this time, it was deeper and more exposed. There was a dead silence in the prime minister's house, and there was only a glimmer of candlelight.

I took a deep breath of the unique fresh air in the morning and enjoyed the tranquility and tranquility of this moment. I suddenly found that I hadn't thought of my previous life for a long time. Also, in this dangerous prime minister's mansion, self-preservation has become a problem. How can I have so much leisure.

The wind blew a chill, and I turned around and wanted to go back to my room to sleep. Anyway, there is no snack to eat now.

Suddenly, a white figure flashed on the roof, didn't it! Some people are so bold that they dare to come to the prime minister's house to steal things, and they don't even wear night clothes.

My eyes chased the figure. He shuttled between the roofs. I was stunned. It turned out that there was really such an unbelievable existence of light kung fu!

He stopped at a corner of an eaves, and his hair flew with the wind. The wind blew up his delicate dark clothes. Coupled with the background of the sky now, he was like a fairy who strayed into the world. It was really beautiful.

He found my existence. I don't know what other people's first thought was, so I thought of four words - kill people!

I still looked at him in a daze. I can't help it. Whoever has been silent all night like me must be worse than me.

He seemed to be a little surprised by my appearance, and then took out a white thing from his sleeve and threw it to me. I subconsciously catch it, and then realize that if this is a hidden weapon or something, I probably won't be in this world...

The man looked up again and disappeared. He opened the palm of his hand. It was two juxtaposed gardenia, with dewdrops on the petals, exuding the unique fragrance of gardenia. Looking closer, there is a jade pendant in the middle of the two gardenia. Judging from the pattern and texture, it seems to be quite valuable.

When sleepiness came, I couldn't help yawning. When I got to the head of the bed, I was already half squinting. At the end of my sleep, it suddenly occurred to me that in this era, sending jade pendants and so on seemed to belong to the category of flirting!

It turned out that the first daughter, who was less than 14 years old, was actually flirted by **naked...