Unblessed to receive the kindness of beautiful men

30 bargaining

"Dan, let's go out for breakfast! How about it?" Not long after dawn, I dug out Helianwu from the quilt. The early bird was eaten by insects. Maybe I came back after finishing my work, and it was not noon!

After a little grooming, Helian dance took me over the courtyard wall and walked from the back alley to the center of the street. There are still not many pedestrians on the road, mostly students who go to private schools and young women and slaves who come to buy vegetables in the morning. I took Helianwu to eat a bowl of Yangchun noodles, which was delicious without adding task seasoning. Then he slowly walked to Liu Laosan's calligraphy and painting stall. Liu Laosan was very diligent and kept greeting the past people!

"How is Liu Laosan's business!"

"Yo, it's Miss here. Sit down quickly!" Liu Laosan quickly pulled out a chair and put it in front of me.

"I'll give you two sentences and then leave. Just write it down!" I refused Liu Laosan's kindness. After all, a woman sitting in front of the calligraphy and painting stall is quite eye-catching.

"Are there any aspiring scholars in this city? Or a literate who makes a living by writing letters? I picked up a landscape painting and pretended to appreciate it, and asked Liu Laosan in a low voice.

"Yes, there are many streets and alleys. Most of them leave their hometown to get fame, and they feel ashamed to face their parents. They refuse to return to their hometown and have no other skills. Those who have a little brain can make accounts for others, but most of the readers are pedantic and refuse to bend their waist for five buckets of rice!"

"What is most of their income!" I nodded and continued to ask.

"A good time is 30 a day, which is the time to catch up with the maid servant of a large family or a young woman who is married far away and misses her family during the Spring Festival. On average, you can earn enough food and clothing.

"Can Liu Laosan find some scholars who are good at painting and ask them to copy my manuscript. I can pay them for 20 articles for a manuscript, but they must submit the manuscript at the specified time and keep the content of the manuscript confidential!" I took out the contract and 20 taels of silver drawn up last night and handed it to Liu Laosan.

"Find some rough women who are not very illiterate and ask them to bind the book into a book, and pay the same price of 20 yuan. I will ask the dancer to deliver the packaging of the book tomorrow. You can find someone first! You can use the money first. Tell me if it's not enough!"

Liu Laosan quickly took it respectfully and nodded to show that it must be done.

"I won't treat you badly if you help me sell books. The selling price of a book is ten taels, and you can withdraw two taels from it as a reward!"

"Miss Chu, will a book be sold for ten taels... Will it be too expensive? Do you want to lower the price... so that you can make small profits and sell more? Although Liu Laosan is happy that the book is very profitable. But I'm still worried that the book can't be sold, and no matter how high it is, it's useless.

"When you put the book here yesterday, you could see that some poor people were interested in it?"

"No... none!"

"That's right. Your calligraphy, paintings and book consumption are all rich and leisure people. Poor people's food and clothing are a problem, and they will not be interested in these things. Only those who have a little family background will come to see these things!" Looking at Liu Laosan's taught face, I moistened my lips and continued to speak.

"Even if you are rich, you will no longer care about ten taels of silver in this area. There is nothing wrong with the small profits and quick turnover, but that means that the goods are in a saturated state, consumers have the opportunity to shop around, and our books and even the whole country can't find a second one."

"The girl is really smart, but she has a lot of brains at a young age. I'm ashamed!" Liu Laosan couldn't help salute me, which attracted the laughter of Helian dance. Seeing that there were more pedestrians on the road, I said goodbye to Liu Laosan and walked to Yunjin Tower.

Yunjin Building opened the door early, and there were three or two people eating breakfast. As soon as Xiao Er saw me, he quickly took me to the elegant room on the second floor, served us exquisite pastries and tea, and then retreated. Soon, Xiao Qingyun appeared in front of me.

"Let Miss wait for a long time!" Looking at the remaining water on his face, I probably thought I didn't come to him so early and was still sleeping.

"It's okay for me to agree to the condition put forward by Mr. Xiao yesterday, but I want to be half the boss of Yunjin Tower!" As soon as I said this, Xiao Qingyun obviously felt a little surprised.

"Do you know where Yunjin Tower is?" Xiao Qingyun looked at me with some fun, like a yellow-haired girl who didn't know the depth of the world.

"Five years ago, it opened here and annexed more than a dozen inns, as well as several behind Yunjin Building, becoming the only inn in the capital. Rumor has it that as long as there is Yunjin Building for a day, you don't want to have a second inn in the capital! It is said that Yunjin Building has a royal chef, and its dishes and snacks are more delicious than any pub. No matter how expensive the price is, people will compete to buy it, and they will fight for gold every day!" Xinghao just asked Liu Laosan about Yunjin Tower, and he didn't know anything about it.

"Does Mr. Xiao think my tone is too big?" I took a sip of tea. The tea is bright and slightly astringent but sweet aftertaste. Good tea!

"Xiao admires Miss's courage, but this requirement is indeed a little..." Xiao Qingyun stopped talking, and his reaction was already within my expectation. If he agreed easily, something would have been wrong.

"No matter what era, talent is the most expensive, and innovation is the most lacking! It's good for Mr. Xiao to talk to me after seeing this!" I motioned Helianwu to take out the business plan I wrote yesterday and put it on the table. Xiao Qingyun took it over and read it. The more he turned back, the more light he looked at. When he finished reading it, he knew that half of my boss had made it.

"Okay, I agree to Miss San's request, but you can only take 30% of Yunjin Tower, okay?"

"Forty, no bargaining!" God, isn't it doomed to suffer from bargaining with women?

"In fact, I won't tell you that I have made the possibility of Miss's request for five or five!" Xiao Qingyun said jokingly.

"If it's okay, I don't care about it. I just have to make up my mind to express my opinions. Such a second boss can get 40%!" I was not annoyed. I replied to him that it was much easier for him to make trouble for the inn.

"What does Miss Mi mean, what should I do most now?"

"Of course, casting and decoration, as well as publicity!" I reached out and turned my business plan to one of the pages and pointed to it.

"I remember that Mr. Xiao is good at Danqing, right? That's even better, which is more convenient!"

"Well, I can do the decoration first, and the casting will wait until Miss San is free, okay?" I nodded, and that's all I can do. After all, the manuscript hasn't come out yet, and I don't know what role I need.

I was getting up to say goodbye when Zhang Banxian broke in.

"Qingyun, you are so boring that the girl Chu won't wake me up when she comes over!" Zhang Banxian's clothes were indeed a little messy. As soon as Zhang Banxian saw my eyes, he looked like a chicken leg when he had been hungry for a few days. I couldn't help shaking.

"Chu girl, but she brought your strange stories to make us money again. Didn't she just make 500 taels? It's only been a few days. You have been here for a few months, and Yunjin Tower is about to close!" After saying that, Zhang Banxian saw the business plan on the table and thought it was my new story recently, so he grabbed it and turned it over. Xiao Qingyun did not stop him. It seems that this relationship with him is very close!

"I don't know what you are thinking about in your head! It's a pity that they are strange ideas! It's not a man. From now on, I don't know which young man will be cheaper!" After reading it, Zhang Banxian praised him sincerely. Looking at his like that, he hated the feeling that his mother gave birth to him for decades.

"I'm half the boss of Yunjin now! It's wrong for Mr. Zhang to call me a girl!" I casually joked with Zhang Banxian. Zhang Banxian looked at Xiao Qingyun with a shocked face, and the latter nodded.

"You girl's heart is so big. I only came a little late and you became the boss of Yunjinlou. If I come late, I may have been sold by you."

He Lianwu and I were laughed by Zhang Banxian. Seeing that it was almost noon, Helianwu and I got up and left. Zhang Banxian tried his best to keep us to share lunch together, and repeatedly recommended how good Yunjinlou's cooking is and how delicious the dishes are. Although I also want to eat it, it's not early, so I have to prevent Liu's mother from finding us sneaking out. I dragged Helianwu with a disappointed face out of Yunjin Tower.

"Faun, do you think it's her?"

"It's a little similar, but it seems that it's still a little short. After all, there are too few clues."

As soon as she jumped over the upper wall, Helianwu pointed to the yard. I followed her fingers and saw Liu's mother, who was taking a nap in the grass under my window. Helianwu softly took me into the room. I pointed to the basin with water on the shelf. Helian dance deliberately picked up the basin and walked to the window and gently hit the window. A basin of water was like this. Pour it out. After hearing Liu's mother scream, she fled in a hurry, and Helianwu and I laughed and hurt our stomachs in the room.

"Miss, do you look like Liu's mother running is being chased by a ghost!" I nodded in agreement with her words. It seems that this Liangzi has settled with the eldest lady, but I'm not afraid now. Now I'm afraid of the economic source, and I'm more or less not controlled by the eldest lady. The only thing she can control now is my marriage, but Fortunately, I'm less than 15 years old. Time, I always have a way to get rid of her.