Unblessed to receive the kindness of beautiful men

33 mountain rain is coming

I returned to the room angrily, took out the book skin I made yesterday and asked Helianwu to send it to Liu Laosan. I sat at the table and bit the pen and began to think about what kind of script to write for Yunjinlou. I thought about it and chose Xixiangji and Liang Zhu. Later, he felt that Xixiangji, after all, taught the girl to love her lover, and finally finalized Liang Zhu. The theme of women dressing up as men should be attractive. Besides, these two stories are relatively sad and beautiful, and they should get some tears from their wives and daughter. No matter what happens, it is easier for women to make money, and it is very common for men to spend a lot of money for women.

I was about to write the end of the story. I couldn't help but be moved by the desolation in it. Suddenly, I heard two knocks and looked up. Xiao Qingyun leaned against the door and looked at me with a funny face.

"What kind of thing will make us almost cry?" Listening to his slightly low voice, I couldn't help feeling relieved. In this unfamiliar world, even in Helianwu, I don't find this sense of security. But now he is standing there and doesn't have to do anything. It always makes me feel that no matter what happens, I can turn around and see him. What's wrong with me?

"Who, who regards money as his life! Money is something outside the body. Life doesn't bring death. I only want to have it if I need to live!" I blinked hard and said rationally.

"So that's it. Xiao blamed the third lady by mistake!" He sat next to me rudely, bringing a burst of heat and the fragrance of hibiscus flowers, which made me feel at ease.

"What does a man always make so good?" Xiao Qingyun was studying with my script. Hearing my words, he looked at me funnyly.

"Miss, you know what it smells like!"

"The smell of hibiscus flowers can't be wrong. I have raised one before!" As soon as I said it, Xiao Qingyun looked at me strangely, as if something impossible had happened.

I also looked at him in a daze. Does the world have a taboo on hibiscus flowers?

Xiao Qingyun stared straight at me and said, "It's impossible, it's absolutely impossible!"

Looking at Xiao Qingyun, who disappeared like the wind, I wonder what's going on!

I wanted to discuss with him about the last plan, but everyone ran away and couldn't talk about anything. I sighed and continued to let Xiaozhu finish crying, and then put the paper aside to dry.

Helianwu came back soon and reported to me on Liu Laosan's progress. Everyone has been found, and the work will start today! Moreover, more than 100 people have been booked. I can imagine how happy Liu Laosan will be.

Xiao Qingyun ran away, so I had to write a book and ask Helianwu to send it to Zhang Banxian. I gave Helianwu a few pieces of silver to buy food. She ran away happily. Sure enough, she was always happy. It was better to have food than anything!

In the eldest lady's room, Chu Tianshuang knelt on the ground and sobbed in a low voice. The eldest lady stood aside and her face was also very bad. Chu Tianxue also looked at her father nervously.

With a "pop", the prime minister slapped Chu Tianshuang in the face, and the crisp sound showed his anger. Chu Tianshuang grew up under his own eyes and spoiled himself like a baby. He has always made big mistakes without making small mistakes, and he had to pass it with his eyes closed. I didn't expect that he would not be angry if he did such a bad thing now.

"Rebellious girl, who gave you an idea? If you don't come out today, I'll forgive you!" The old lady saw that the minister's temper completely broke out, and the cold sweat came out. Chu Tianxue didn't know the reason yet, but looking at his father's posture, he knew that the matter was not small, and he was also anxious.

Chu Tianshuang looked at his mother as if asking for help, and the first lady was also insurable, with a miserable face.

"No, Tianxue, go and bring the whip to see if her mouth is still hard!" Master Xiang's anger has not risen to the extreme.

When Chu Tianshuang heard that she was going to take the whip, she cried out of fear. She had seen how painful the whip hit her body even if she hadn't tasted it. Sometimes the wound could not be healed for months, and it would leave scars if it was not handled well.

"Dad, don't... I said, that's it!" Chu Tianshuang was full of fear of the whip and pleaded in a hurry.

"Yes... it was my mother who asked Liu's mother to bring me the sobering soup!" As soon as the eldest lady heard it, she knew that she had taken the general situation and fell to the ground in fear.

The prime minister stared at the eldest lady in disbelief. Has the originally warm and lovely show changed now?

"Madam, why did you do this?"

"Why did I do this? Good question?" The eldest lady took off her gentle disguise and stood up with the help of Chu Tianxue.

"What did you say when you asked me to marry you? You will never leave me in your life! It's ridiculous to think about it. You took a concubine when I married you less than two years ago, and then married one by one. Have you ever worried about me? The eldest lady severely criticized the prime minister.

"I have no hope in my life, I just hope that my two daughters can live a good life! What's so good about Chu Tianxiang? They all like her like magic. What's wrong with Shuanger liking Su Shixian? I'm just a mother's selfishness.

The prime minister looked at the eldest lady in front of him, and she became so strange. What made him even more angry was that she didn't think it was wrong! The prime minister suddenly collapsed on the chair and felt much older in an instant.

Chu Tianxue also roughly guessed what his mother had done. While everyone was not paying attention, she slipped out and quickly walked to the place where the prince lived last night.

At present, only Murong Zijun can persuade his father. He likes himself, which is convinced in Chu Tianxue's heart. He said that he would be her princess and should help his mother.

Thinking like this, Chu Tianxue couldn't help speeding up her pace. Chu Tianxue found Murong Zijun in the pavilion, which roughly explained the reason of the matter. She was only 28 years old. It could not be seen that Murong Zijun was waiting for her to deliver her to her door.

"Why is the prime minister so angry that he is not afraid of hurting his spleen and stomach! The father is missing a right-hand man!" The prince walked into the room without hurry.

Master Xiang looked at Chu Tianxue who came in later and understood the prince's intention.

"It's really a misfortune for the old man to teach such a rebellious woman! It made His Royal Highness laugh!" The prime minister replied with a bad face. Today's excitement is really too great.

"You don't have to blame yourself so much. I think Miss Tianshuang is pure-hearted, and she is also confused for a moment to do such things! Don't make things difficult for her anymore!" Chu Tianxue looked at the prince with a grateful face and affirmed what the prince liked about her.

"What the prince said is indeed reasonable, but good things don't go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles! I'm afraid that people's words are terrible!" Xiang Ye said quite worriedly.

"I can trust Brother Su's character, and he is not a man of delusion. Fortunately, there are a few people who know about this in the prime minister's mansion. This is not difficult!" The prime minister nodded after hearing this and felt that the prince's words were reasonable.

"It's just..." Murong Zijun said that he stopped here again.

"It's okay for the prince to say something directly!"

"Do you remember that I had mentioned to my prime minister that I wanted to marry Tianxue as a concubine?" Murong Zijun said calmly. Madam, Chu Tianshuang and Chu Tianxue all showed joy when they heard this.

"What does the prince mean?"

"Now that I am the prince, I am very likely to become the lord of a country in the future, and the woman who marries this palace as a concubine will naturally become the future queen! But now the prime minister's wife has done such a thing, just as the prime minister said, there is no impenetrable wall in the world. I'm afraid that my father and mother will not agree to this matter after knowing it!"

Chu Tianxue looked at the prince who changed his attitude in an instant in disbelief. Tears rolled in his eyes, but he endured not falling down. The eldest lady was originally dreaming of her beautiful dream, but now there is nothing left to be destroyed by the prince, just like the defeated cockfight.

"I respect the master very much, and I will need the help of the master in the future!" The prime minister savored the prince's words carefully. Although he said that he could not marry Chu Tianxue, the latter meaning was not like this!

"What does the prince mean?"

"I will definitely marry the prime minister's daughter as a concubine, but the candidate is not necessarily Chu Tianxue!" Murong Zijun said so far. The prime minister couldn't help but be shocked that the prince actually fell in love with Chu Tianxiang. Chu Tianxiang's appearance is comparable to Chu Tianxue and Chu Tianshuang. It seems that this little daughter is indeed extraordinary. What the prince said just now also made Chu Tianxue have no reason to pester him.

"But Tianxiang is a commoner, and you can't enter the court as the main room! This..."

"Who is the daughter of a commoner and who is the daughter of the direct daughter, it is up to the prime minister!" Murong Zijun leaned forward and whispered in the voice of only two people.

"I'm afraid this is not appropriate. The little girl is less than 14 years old. Why don't it be better to wait until she reaches the age of marriage? If the prince has not changed his mind and the old man has decided to call the prince's heart?" Xiang Ye also discussed with Murong Zijun in the same soft voice.

When Murong Zijun saw that his goal had been achieved, he turned around and walked out. Chu Tianxue quickly followed. She wanted to make it clear that she didn't believe this fact.

"Brother Zijun, are you serious about what you just said?" Chu Tianxue grabbed Murong Zijun's sleeve and asked aggrievedly.

"How can it be serious! I was just scaring the prime minister. Think about it, if the prime minister punishes Tianshuang's sister and the eldest lady for this matter, it is inevitable that good people will dig up this matter! I'm afraid we won't be able to do it then!" Murong Zijun held Chu Tianxue in his arms and patted her on the back comfort.

"Now that I'm afraid that things will change, I'm afraid I won't force your mother and sister! Tianxue, how can you listen to one-sided words and don't understand my good intentions?

Chu Tianxue gently leaned her head on Murong Zijun's chest, thinking that Murong Zijun had not changed. He was still the one who said he wanted to marry her when he was a child.

"Did the prince really say that?" After listening to Chu Tianxue's words, the eldest lady frowned. After the prince said a few words, the eldest master did not pursue her and Chu Tianshuang, and only punished them for a few months. But she didn't think it was that simple.

"Mom, don't worry about it. I think the prince is very determined to the eldest sister. I think his words are true!" Chu Tianxiang sat next to him drinking life tea and was shocked.

"It's better to be like this! Tianshuang, it's not that my mother said you. You can make this cooked duck fly away. What do you call me to say hello!"

"I didn't know, I fainted so inexplicably! But, mother, who do you think dares to do this to me?

The eldest lady was silent again. She had a candidate in her heart for a long time, but she couldn't tell Tianshuang. If she had her reckless nature, she had to rush to settle accounts with that person now.