Unblessed to receive the kindness of beautiful men

55 map

When Mujin sent us out of Lanruo Temple, she said that she would stay here for a period of time. It seems that this place will be a place where Helian dance often comes in the future. I wonder if I should simply let Helian dance for a long vacation!

I motioned the driver to park the car not far from the prime minister's house. I saw a carriage coming from another direction and parked at the door of the prime minister's mansion. The sedan chair was still a little familiar.

The man opened the curtain of the sedan chair and came out calmly. That man is not Murong Zijun and who is he! It seems that he has been idle recently and has come to visit the prime minister's house again.

He also saw me from afar, stretched out his hand to greet me, and was all seen. It would be too demeaning for me to avoid it again.

"I don't know why the Prince came here?"

"Naturally, I haven't seen Tianxiang for a few days, and I have suffered from lovesickness!" Murong Zijun said to me with a smile. As soon as I heard it, I immediately rolled my eyes and turned around and left. There were no serious words to listen to.

"Oh, Tianxiang, are you waiting for me! I'm here to go to Lanruo Temple!" As soon as I heard Lan Ruo Temple, I stopped and looked back at him. That's right. His brother has taken the lead to attract Mujin. If he doesn't go, it's really inappropriate. But his movements are too slow.

"Lanruo Temple, do you still pray for incense!"

"My mother heard that the national teacher is temporarily living in Lanruo Temple, so I must visit her to thank her for her help in Ruicheng last time. It happened that my husband had nothing to do, so I went there together!" Murong Zijun replied truthfully.

I nodded, and his reason was not bad on the surface.

"I don't think you should go either. The national teacher doesn't want others to disturb him now! Your third brother has been scolded!" Of course, except for someone, I add a sentence in my heart.

"Tianxiang, have you seen Qingluo?" When Murong Zijun mentioned his third brother, there was obviously a trace of something very complicated in his eyes. It seemed that their relationship was not very good. Yes, Murong Qingluo would not think about replacing him all day long if they had a good relationship.

"Ye, I have also met Su Shixian's eldest brother. They now live in Lanruo Temple! If you go there, you can take Su Shixian with you. I guess he hasn't been together with his eldest brother for a long time. I kindly suggested that you don't untie my bracelet, so that your husband and wife will not be at peace.

Murong Zijun lowered his head and meditated for a moment, then turned around and walked to the sedan chair.

"Tianxiang, tell your master that I'm going to Lanruo Temple by myself. Let him have a good rest at home in his spare time!" After saying that, Murong Zijun rushed into the sedan chair and left.

I looked at Murong Zijun who hurried away. Did I just say anything? I left like a fire at home. I didn't say anything, did I?

I asked someone about the current coordinates of Xiang Ye and specially went around to report a letter to him. He was a little disappointed when he heard that. He probably also wanted to see Mujin!

After returning to my room, I lay in ** and sighed about today's experience. I was both rivals and fell into the water. It was really exciting. Can't this life be more plain? I have never wanted to experience strong winds and waves! Helianwu didn't know where to sneak away and had fun, leaving me alone in the room.

Lying also made me feel very unhappy. I simply sat at the table with the legend of Liu Ruo in my arms and wanted to read it again to pass the time. This book is the most interesting book I have seen since I got here. The language is very modern, easy to understand, and not as difficult to understand as reading travel notes.

I put the book on the table, poured a cup of tea and drank it slowly, but thought about Xiao Qingyun's attitude towards Shiqi today. Now that I have calmed down, many details that I ignored have emerged. If Xiao Qingyun really has an unspeakable relationship with Shiqi, then why didn't Xiao Qingyun show panic when he saw Shiqi? His psychological quality has been strong enough to this place? Or is Shiqi and I not the one he cares about, so he doesn't care?

But it doesn't make sense to insist that there is no relationship between them. They have intimacy beyond friends. What the hell is going on? Should I ask Xiao Qingyun directly?

I thought carefully about the current situation and put it directly on the book without paying attention when I put it. The water along the cup wet the cover of the book. After I realized it, I quickly took away the cup. I also like this book very much. It's not good to get wet. But when I picked up the cup, my hand shook, and the water in the cup spilled a little on the book and slowly fainted.

I quickly found a handkerchief to wipe the cover of the book. The feeling from my hands was a little uneven. I felt a little strange. I quickly touched it along the uneven place with my hand, as if there was a piece of paper folded in the cover.

The cover is slightly thicker than the paper on the page. If it hadn't been stained with water, you wouldn't have felt something stuck in it. It can be seen how thin the paper inside is.

I carefully observed the cover of the book. If I didn't look carefully, I really couldn't see that it was made of two pieces of paper, and there was a mezzanine in it. I slowly picked it along the interface of the bookcase with a rusty needle, and I couldn't make too many traces of damage. In case it was restored, it would not be very good. This is a book that Su Shixian has kept for so long.

Open a right-angled opening along the corner of the book, which is about the size of the paper sandwiched there. I carefully pinched the paper. Who knows how many years old this thing is? Will it turn into ashes as soon as I pinch it?

After I unfolded the paper, I found that I thought too much. Although the paper was extremely thin, it was very tough, not like ordinary paper. That's a map that records Liu Ruo's direction and geographical location in detail. There was a totem-like pattern in the lower corner of the map. I was stunned. The pattern was very similar to the pattern on the jade pendant given to me by Xiao Qingyun.

I quickly took out the jade pendant that had never left me and compared it. It was exactly the same. It seems that Xiao Qingyun is really a Liu Ruo, and he may be a member of the royal family.

There are a lot of words written on the reverse side. I guess it is a unique text of Liu Ruo. Anyway, I didn't understand a word. I put away the map and folded it. If this thing is accidentally taken by an minded person, how much trouble will it cause?

I suddenly felt a trace of fear. It was as if I had turned on a switch, and some scheduled things were slowly happening. So what kind of role do I play here? The only dullness in the room was my own breathing, and I stood up.

There is an inexplicable fear because I don't understand it, and I have to go out for a walk.

The back garden of the prime minister's mansion is still the same scenery as usual, and I slowly walked aimlessly along the corridor.

"Isn't this the princess? Now my identity is different, and I'm so arrogant that I won't even say hello when I see it!" Just as my mind was full of doubts, a sarcastic voice came. I turned my head and looked in the direction of the sound. I saw the old lady sitting at the stone table eating snacks with the sisters Chu Tianxue and Chu Tianshuang. It is surrounded by unknown flowers, and the red and white ones are very beautiful.

"The eldest lady misunderstood. Tianxiang was a little distracted and didn't mean to take risks!" At least the eldest lady is the original wife of the prime minister. I still have to live here for a year, and I can't offend her too much.

"Thinking, what are you thinking all day? You really think you are the savior, and your country will perish without you!" Chu Tianshuang said rudely, with thorns, leaving no room at all.

"The sky frost can't be unreasonable. The princess is now being appreciated by the emperor. If you are not careful, we may have to fall to the ground." The eldest lady said quite disapprovingly.

"I think the third lady is thinking about the prince! I just heard that the prince was talking to Miss San at the door!" Liu's mother was also helping, and there was a trace of hatred in her eyes. Chu Tianxue was looking down and eating her snacks. Hearing this, she couldn't help but look at me with resentment.

"The prince just came to talk to his father about business. Everyone insisted that he came to see Tianxiang. I have no choice! I only have one mouth!" I also replied coldly. For this kind of person who is rude to you, the only way is to fight back.

"Chu Tianxiang, what's your attitude towards my mother! Do you have any superiority or inferiority?" Chu Tianxue, who had been silent, said something, obviously with anger.

"Even if the eldest sister feels that I am disrespectful to the eldest lady, she must have forgotten that I am a princess! If you really want to care about it, you really don't know who is wrong? I didn't want to talk about my identity, but this mother is too domineering.

"Yo, which song is this! Isn't it that no one has come up to bully my family Tianxiang!" A crisp voice came, which turned out to be the third lady, that is, my mother.

"My sister is dressed happily, and outsiders don't know that you have added a son to your husband!" The first lady looked at the third lady with a smile and said.

"Looking at what my sister said, if outsiders listen to it, they will definitely say that my sister lives at such an old age and speaks like a girl, and has not grown up at all! That's not good!" The third lady covered the low pen at the corners of her mouth with a handkerchief, which looked really amorous.

"The prime minister has said in the past two days that Tianxiang's child is late. When he was a child, he was inconspicuous. When he grew up, no child of any other family can compare with him! Now the emperor and queen love Tianxiang very much, and she rewards this and that. I don't know what to do!" My mother praised me in a very good mood, completely ignoring the old lady's frozen face.

"People don't have a hundred days of good, and flowers don't have a hundred days of red. It's better to take it easy!"

"The main reason is that even the prince is very kind to our Tianxiang! Unlike someone, her daughter has only entered the palace once and knows that she will be the crown princess, and she doesn't know where her confidence comes from. This world is changeable! Right, sister!"

"Hmm, this good mood has been ruined! I think we'd better go back to the room!" The eldest lady looked at me with hatred and stood up and was helped away by Liu's mother. Chu Tianshuang immediately followed, and Chu Tianxue looked at me deeply and followed me.

"By the way, I would like to advise the princess that Mu Xiu will be destroyed by the forest wind. It's better to keep a low profile! The rabbit is anxious and bites!" The old lady turned around and said to me. I was confused again. The two people were in a hot fight. Why did they pull me again?

I saw the old lady's family leave so quickly, and I'm still out of the situation! It seems that they have a deep grudge against me! I'm all messing with anyone!

"Tianxiang, is this how the old lady's family bullies you?" My mother grabbed my hand and looked at me with pain in her eyes. What's the song?

"It's okay!" I was a little unaccustomed to pulling my hand back, but I didn't expect my mother to pull it tighter.

"Xiang'er, I won't leave you alone anymore!" The third lady looked at her daughter in front of her and didn't look at her for a long time.

The third lady gently took me into her arms, and I was directly there. It was a good time for this mother's love to come.