Unblessed to receive the kindness of beautiful men

60 typhoid

After the Chu Tianxue sisters came to choke with me, they have been quiet in recent days, which makes me have to suspect that they are either planning some big plan or just talking.

Changle may have been playing like crazy these days. In addition, the temperature drop is a little big near autumn, and she is unfortunately infected with a wind chill. A few days ago, she was just a little weak. She didn't know anything about herself. She still took off her clothes when she felt hot and refused to wear it when she was cold.

Such a small discomfort was made into a cold by her, and others would not listen to any persuasion. Now it's good. Who can you complain about lying in ** and shouting dizziness?

"Don't howling. It's better to lie down honestly with this strength. Maybe you can get better faster!" I sat on the edge of the bed and wiped Changle's forehead with a damp cloth, which could make her feel a little more comfortable.

"I'm bored to death lying down! It's okay for me to do this!" I looked at Changle's thin face, and then looked at her depressed face, directly ignoring her words.

It's strange that after Changle's condition worsened, it was good and bad, and the medicine was taken on time, but it didn't get better. A face that was originally small looked smaller and smaller, which was very pitiful. I sent someone to inform her two brothers that they seemed to be very busy. They only sent someone to send some gifts and gadgets to Changle, which attracted Changle's dissatisfied complaints.

I can fully understand Changle's mood. At her age, it was when she hoped that someone would care about her, and her physical discomfort made her more hope that someone would come to visit her.

The eldest lady comes to visit Changle every day. Changle doesn't like her. Every time the eldest lady comes to Changle, she closes her eyes and pretends to sleep. Chu Tianxue and the greedy Tianshuang sisters are very interesting, and they probably know that they can't please them even if they come. They all come with the eldest lady every three or five times, which can be regarded as a courtesy.

My wife seems to have become busy recently. I haven't been at home for many days. Without my husband's support, my mother has calmed down in recent days, which is not as ostentatious as before, and also makes me feel a little relieved. Everyone knows how to shoot the first bird. Although I'm not her real daughter, I don't want anything good to happen to her.

"Miss, drink some ginger soup to avoid getting caught in the wind and cold!" Helianwu pushed the door and came in, with Changle's medicine and a bowl of ginger soup cooked for me on the tray.

I took over the ginger soup handed over by Helianwu and drank it slowly. Some of the slightly spicy ginger soup slid into my stomach and suddenly warmed my whole body. Helianwu put the medicine on the round stool by the bed to cool Changle.

"Dan, you can also drink a little. If you are not used to the taste, you can add some sugar to it. It will taste better!" I told Helianwu that she has always liked delicious food, and I guess she can't stand the taste of ginger soup. Now Changle is sick. The doors and windows are closed, and only one is opened for ventilation. Dr. Zhang suggested that Changle not go out these days, so as not to see the wind aggravate his illness. Dr. Zhang originally said that he wanted to close the doors and windows, but thinking that the air circulation was not conducive to the improvement of the disease at all, I still opened a window.

Helianwu nodded in the center of my eyes. I picked up Changle's medicine and fed it little by little with a spoon. I deliberately asked Dr. Zhang to add a flavor of licorice to the medicine to make the soup taste sweeter, so that Changle would not reject the taste so much.

Changle is still a childish. Obviously, the medicine is not bitter, so he has to eat some preserves to sweeten every time he drinks it. I had to ask Helianwu to go to the street to buy some, and take a few pills every time.

Changle is sick now. I specially ordered the meal to be lighter, but the master in the house is good at making spicy food. The food made according to my instructions can't be as Changle's intention, which has aroused her great dissatisfaction. I also had to write a letter to Zhang Banxian, asking the masters in Yunjin Building to make some food for Changle, and let Helianwu pick it up when the time comes.

For good, the craftsmanship of the master in Yunjin Building is really not covered, and the meals made are favored by Changle. Xiao Qingyun went elsewhere to talk about business. Since he didn't plan to go back to Liu Ruo, he had to think more about his future life. And the source of money is inseparable from food, clothing, housing and transportation. After I mentioned it to him, he chose a day to go to a town rich in silk and cloth to investigate.

When Helianwu went to get food for Changle today, he brought me a letter, which was written to me by Xiao Qingyun. The letter mentioned that he had negotiated with Buzhuang here to supply his cloth silk and so on at a fairly low price. At the end of the letter, he also mentioned that I should be careful of the people around me. He had found out some eyebrows about the people who were killed after the people sent by Shiqi last time, as if they were in the prime minister's mansion.

There is no need for him to say this. I also know who it is. Who else wants me to die in this prime minister's mansion? I replied to Xiao Qingyun while Changle fell asleep after taking the medicine and pressed it under the tea tray so that Helianwu could bring it to Zhang Banxian the next time he went to Yunjin Tower.

Compared with the previous days, Murong Zijun is busy competing for a seat with his brother, and Xiao Qingyun is not by his side. Now the only Changle who can play with me is also lying sickly. I think this is the most calm time.

Because Changle was ill, the bed was given to sleep for her. I slept on the soft collapse in the room. I wanted Helianwu to sleep in the room between her, but Helianwu was very reluctant and lay on the table every night, which made me very unbearable.

At night, Changle's moan woke me and Helianwu. Helianwu woke up first, and she always woke up easily with a little movement. I put on a dress to see the condition of Changle.

Changle kicked the quilt aside, and the exposed skin still had an abnormal red tide, but his lips turned white. I reached out and touched her forehead, and she had a fever.

When I thought about the way to relieve the heat, I became more and more puzzled. This medicine was obviously taken on time, and it also forced Changle to prevent her from going out to blow the wind. How could it turn into a fever? Now that it's over, we don't know which yard Dr. Zhang lives in. If we ask someone, we don't know when he will be invited.

Leaving the doctor alone, it is the right thing to let Changle lower his body temperature first. I asked Helianwu to get some water, and then went to get two silk nappas, which were wet and put them on her forehead. The coolness of the silk nappas made Changdong a little more comfortable.

I asked Helian to close the open window, open Changle's skirt, pull her trousers to her knees, and wipe her chest, armpits, elbows, knees and soles with a damp cloth. I have seen some common sense about nursing before, but now it has come in handy.

Helian and I kept changing the veil for Changle. As soon as the water stains on our body were evaporated and dried, we wiped them again. Gradually, Changle's movements stopped and fell into the dream. Helian and I smiled at each other and finally fell asleep.

"Dan, go to sleep! I wish I was here!" I said to Helianwu in a very soft voice.

"No, miss, you'd better go to bed. I'll just come here!" He didn't even think about it and refused my proposal.

"You haven't taken care of children, have you? At least I have read some books about this. Go to bed! Go and invite Dr. Zhang over at dawn!" I reason with Helianwu that she can't deal with emergencies. Instead of letting her wake me up later, it's better to let her rest directly.

Helianwu couldn't resist me, so she had to turn around and walk to the soft collapse. She walked to the soft collapse and fell back, put a coat on my shoulder, and then looked at me and slept honestly.

I calculated the time to change the veil on Changle's head. Her body temperature dropped a little, and I helped her pull her clothes and cover the quilt. The temperature at night is still a little cool. I can't stand the heat by nature, but I like a cool climate. Tiredness came up a little, and I leaned slightly against the head of the bed and dozed off with my chin in my hand.

When I woke up again, Changle had woken up and looked at me with a sideways face.

"What do you want from me?" Before I could ask her, she asked me in an almost indifferent tone.

"You are stupid, aren't you? What else can I get from you? Are you more capable than Murong Zijun?" I took back the veil on her forehead, and the water vapor on it was almost dry and had a little body temperature. It seems that people are more protective of the outside world as soon as they have physical problems. To put it bluntly, it is a delusion of victimization.

"Then why are you so good to me?" Changle still looked at me with a little defense.

"Speaking that you are the princess of the dynasty, just in case I can't afford it! Again, you are a little girl in your teens, and your nature is not annoying. I, Chu Tianxiang, am also a flesh-and-blood person. Why can't I be compassionate to you? I stood up and stretched out, and suddenly felt a little heartache for Changle. Who knows if she is uncomfortable living in the palace, so she is so full of vegetation.


"Believe it or not, you think any girl wants to enter the inner courtyard of your palace. At least others don't mention it, but I don't want to!" After stretching my muscles and bones, I sat on the edge of the bed and pinched the numbness.

"Sister Tianxiang, don't be angry. I just tested you!" Changle returned to his previous scoundrel appearance, as if the serious person just now was just my momentary illusion.

"Forget it, it depends on your young age and don't care about you!" As soon as Changle heard me let her go, he immediately jumped up and hugged my waist and rubbed my chest affectionately.

Helianwu happened to come in with Zhang Hongyu at this time. I stood up when I heard the sound, slightly tidyed up my clothes, and welcomed Dr. Zhang in.

After Dr. Zhang took the pulse for Changle, his expression was obviously doubtful, but he didn't say anything. I walked to the side table and began to write the prescription.

"Miss San asked someone to go to the street to grab medicine, fry three bowls of water into a bowl, and take it while it's hot!" After Dr. Zhang wrote the prescription, he put it aside to dry before handing it to me. I handed it to Helianwu and asked her to go to the street to get the medicine.

Dr. Zhang packed the medicine box and was ready to leave. I sent him out of the door. He took a few steps and folded back.

"Miss San, has the princess's condition not improved in the past few days, but deepened?" Dr. Zhang looked around and then asked me in a low voice.

"That's true. What's Dr. Zhang's opinion?" I originally felt that Changle was not sick in the palace, so he fell down like a mountain, which was more difficult than ordinary people. But listening to Dr. Zhang's words, there seems to be something hidden in this matter.

"There are two kinds of typhoid fever. If you take the wrong medicine, it will not cure the disease, but it will aggravate the disease. Miss San should be more careful!" Dr. Zhang took a look at me and left.

I carefully thought about Zhang Hongyu's words. He should be reminding me that Changle's soup has been tampered with! Which one dares to change the princess's medicine so boldly? I want to see who has this ability.

Helianwu quickly came back with a total of three pairs of medicine. I asked her to take a stove to fry a pair in the courtyard and another pair in the kitchen. I'd like to see who dared to move the soil on the royal head.