Unblessed to receive the kindness of beautiful men

65 Yunjinlou talks about business

For some reason, looking at the bright moon like a silver bracelet, there is a faint feeling in my mind. I tried my best to figure out a way to make money.

This kind of fantastic idea became closer and closer. At the moment when it gathered my brain, I raised my eyebrows with joy and blurted out excitedly. Yes!"

"What did you say, Miss?" Helianwu stared at me with a pair of copper bell-sized eyes, which obviously triggered a strong curiosity by my sudden shock.

"Dance, I suddenly had an idea. Now, more than 9,000 gold can be raised. And it's more than enough!" I snapped my fingers neatly and was happy that the method I came up with was not ordinary and wonderful.

However, she became more interested in Helian Dance. She grabbed the corner of my clothes, jumped gently with her little feet, and almost jumped up and said, "Wow, Miss! What a magic trick is so amazing that you can make so much money. Tell the dancer quickly."

I pretended to be mysterious and smiled faintly, "Dance, the opportunity cannot be revealed. Tomorrow I will go to Yunjin Building to find someone for help, and you will naturally know. I can't do it alone."

Then I danced into the house with Helian and rested quietly and said nothing that night.

As soon as the sky showed its belly white, Wuer excitedly pulled me to Yunjin Tower. I don't have the same profound martial arts foundation as Helian Dance, and even if I sleep very little, I am still energetic. Along the way, I kept yawning, my eyes were sore, and there were two dark and bright circles hanging under my skin.

The white fog filled the streets, and there were only a handful of people rushing to the market. Even feathers fell to the ground in the city could hear the sound. If I hadn't told Helianwu to go in the morning last night, I didn't get enough sleep.

However, the door of Yunjin Building has already been opened. Xiao Qingyun's means are really unfathomable. The work of Yunjinlou Inn under himself is so conscientious and diligent that it is difficult not to succeed.

We quickly climbed to the second floor and saw Zhang Banxian sitting at the table, drinking a little wine, leisurely crossing his legs, with a leisurely cloud and wild crane and free posture.

"Oh, Tianxiang girl is here. Are you looking for Mr. Xiao? Unfortunately, he hasn't come back yet. You may be in the air~" He looked up at me and said chatteringly.

"Zhang Banxian, it's a pity that it should be you. Because you guessed wrong, I came to visit you today.

Helian and I moved to the bench and sat in front of Zhang Banxian. That posture is like the game of business negotiation in the TV series, which is both novel and interesting.

"Oh, are you looking for me?" Zhang Banxian's old eyelids blinked quickly and blinked a few times. He clearly didn't believe what I said, "Tianxiang girl, did I hear you correctly?"

"I heard it correctly. I'm looking for you today. It's a great thing to share with you." I said with great interest, but I inadvertently yawned.

Zhang Banxian took a sip of wine and then looked at me. Tianxiang girl, your eye bags are deep and swollen. You didn't have a good rest last night, did you? What good news is it that keeps you up all night? What makes you willing to tell me? Do you still remember that you sold me hundreds of taels of silver in a book?

Oh, it seems that I really look sleepy and decadent." Zhang Banxian, it's time to treat old things as clouds and smoke. It's a good thing, but in fact, there is a big business for you.

"Miss, what the hell is it? Tell me, I'm dying of worry if I sell Guanzi Wuer again." Helianwu looked at me expectantly, and his buttocks moved around anxiously.

Sweat, what a guy who can't sit still. I sighed in my heart, and then said slowly to the two, "Since the dancer urged me, I won't say more nonsense. Zhang Banxian, what do you think this is?

I rolled up my cuffs and stretched out my left hand straight. At the same time, my white arm was unreservedly exposed to Zhang Banxian's sight.

Zhang Banxian's eyes suddenly glowed, and a pair of salted pig hands as dry as bark looked over. Shit, I want to eat my tofu. I withdrew my arm with lightning and hid it tightly in my sleeve. He shouted, "Zhang Banxian, what are you going to do?"

"No, I just want to look more carefully." Zhang Banxian smiled dryly and then secretly withdrew his hand.

"Did you see anything?"

Zhang Banxian smiled awkwardly, "I only saw a soft dragonfly as white lotus root. Did Tianxiang girl come here just to feast my eyes?"

"The boss is not young and not serious!" Helian danced Zhang Banxian at a glance. Zhang Banxian swallowed in fear, looked at the ground vertically, and dared not look at me generously.

"Didn't Zhang Banxian see the difference between my nails and other women just now?"

I remind Zhang Banxiandao. He suddenly realized with a 'oh'. It's a little different. I just saw that Tianxiang's fingernails were black and shiny. Could it be that she was evil. This is amazing, "

Damn, I heard that ancient people were superstitious, but they don't have to be superstitious like this. For example, the printing hall is black, and the lips are black. The ancients can say that it is inconsistent with the five elements, and the heavenly house is about to be a man-made disaster. And I, who was enlightened by scientific thought in the 21st century, only gave me a contemptuous smile at this kind of false thing.

"Zhang Banxian, I'm in good health. Those black things are not because of ghosts, but a kind of 'finger, nail and oil' I invented. I deliberately said the last three words 'nail polish'.

I don't know who really invented nail polish, but now I can only say that I invented it myself. Yes, selling nail polish is exactly the way I thought of to make money last night.

As the saying goes, everyone loves beauty. Especially women who are more stinky than men. No matter what era women are, women from any country, as long as they are related to beauty, they are all things that women love very much. The country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change. Women's beautiful nature makes them spend a lot of money to dress up themselves, and my nail polish can just meet their needs. Moreover, there is no nail polish in this country. As long as nail polish is sold, it is basically in a monopoly position. Set as high the price as you want.

If you set the nail polish at a sky-high price, there will still be countless rich women and nobles. This truth has been confirmed countless times in my time.

"Finger, nail, oil?" Zhang Banxian repeated the three words I said. Strange words are so obscure and awkward in the ancients.