Unblessed to receive the kindness of beautiful men

68 enter the palace to find the queen theory

"Tianxiang, what are you talking about? I can't understand a word." Su Shixian suddenly smiled. The haze on the previous face did not seem to exist at all.

He is a man who can't hide his true feelings. Through the change of his face, it can be seen that his heart has turned upside down. Mr. Su, I guessed right. The queen is the originator. Can you tell me about the entanglement in this?

"I won't talk to you anymore. Don't mention it again!" Su Shixian finally couldn't pretend and lost his temper.

"It's okay if you don't talk about it, you may think I'm wayward. But I want to tell you that I want to go to the palace to meet the queen and ask her to cancel this ridiculous marriage contract!"

Su Shixian obviously doesn't like Chu Tianshuang. He must have chatted with the queen in front of the prime minister's mansion last time. Chu Tianshuang secretly made trouble and begged the queen for marriage. I can't watch Su Shixian marry a wife I don't love.

I am a woman in the new society, and my thoughts tell me that love should be free. Just rely on the superior words of some nobles, which is an invisibly deprivation of people of their rights. Although it is ridiculous to say that human rights are ridiculous in feudal countries, I will try to change the common dross of everyone.

"Oh, my God, miss, do you know what you're talking about? What the royal man said is a word of gold. Although Mr. Su wants to marry the arrogant Chu Tianshuang, the combination of the queen can be regarded as a blessing. Can finding the queen change the facts? Helianwu couldn't accept my words at all. Her thoughts have been deeply rooted since she was a child, believing that the fate of her parents and the words of the matchmaker are natural.

"Tianxiang, thank you for your concern. You talk nonsense because you are sick. Su Shixian looked at me with unbelievable eyes.

"No, I have made up my mind. I will plead with the queen and reason with her. Then ask her to take back her life." In Su Shixian's opinion, who said this, I may be a stupid and hopeless person. But I will never regret it. If I don't stand up against it, I will be annoyed for the rest of my life.

"It's simply an elm head! I don't care about you!" Su Shixian shook his sleeves angrily and stepped out of the door angrily, "Remember, my business has nothing to do with you!"

"Miss, we are soft-spokens. Are you really determined to go to the queen? Helianwu asked worriedly.

I nodded without any doubt. Wuer, don't you want to take this opportunity to visit Mujin Guoshi?

Hearing the words of Mujin Guoshi, Helianwu's eyes seemed to shine brightly. The corners of her mouth inadvertently rose slightly.

Sufu's wine and dishes were ready in a short time. Helian dance was supposed to be brought to me to eat, but I, who advocated the concept of exercising after modern illness, asked Helian dance to help me go to the hall for dinner. Walk more so that you can recover quickly.

I haven't eaten for two days, and my appetite is surprisingly good. He grabbed a greasy roast chicken with his bare hands and opened his mouth to eat it. A complete roast chicken turned into a pile of chicken bones in a blink of an eye. I smiled at Su Shixian with embarrassment. The greasy hands grabbed three big meat buns and stuffed them into his mouth. Su Shixian stared at me devouring, opening his mouth slightly with an incredible expression on his face.

Su Shixian is used to a small jasper woman, and has never seen a woman with no 'shame' as me. The chopsticks were put in his mouth and he didn't pick up the dishes for a long time. He must have been shocked by me.

After I was full of wine and food, I touched my big round belly and burped. Of course, I don't forget to express my deep gratitude to Su Shixian. Thank him for his hospitality. Some tedious etiquette is binding, and some respectful etiquette is essential.

"Tianxiang, I'm really sorry that I was angry with you just recovered from a serious illness. I can't stop you if you want to find the queen, but please listen to my advice and go back to the prime minister's mansion. Su Shixian's tone was as gentle as sugar, listening to his ears and sweet in his heart. Is he caring about me?

"The kindness of dripping water will be rewarded by a spring. Mr. Su is so kind to me that I can't be an ungrateful villain. Since you and I are friends, I will definitely help you cancel this marriage contract. Fortunately, I have the status of a princess and have the right to enter the palace. I want to use my own personal actions to show not only Su Shixian, but also all the people in the sky. The marriage partner can be chosen by yourself!

I have two very heavy things on my shoulders - ideals and beliefs!

Su Shixian couldn't resist me and didn't answer for a long time. He just sighed softly. What's the need? The queen is not so easy to persuade. The whole thing is not as light as you think. The water in here is very deep. The reason why I don't want to tell you is that I don't want you to get involved.

I smiled without a word. I went back to my room and changed into a brand-new light red skirt. At the same time, Helianwu went out to do everything. She sent someone to inform the eunuch in the palace, and then hired a four-person sedan chair.

In front of Sufu. I looked at the bright red sedan chair and suddenly remembered that I, Princess Yongxing, did not have a mansion, not even my own sedan chair. What's the difference from the famous princess? The thousand taels of gold given by the emperor before were collected by Helianwu. Unexpectedly, the prime minister asked me later, saying that he would take care of it for me. When I moved into the mansion, I returned it to me. The reason was that the official silver rewarded by the emperor was afraid that I would spend it indiscriminately.

"Tianxiang, I will find the best fragrance seller for you. Remember our 'nail polish' plan." Su Shixian reluctantly said goodbye to me.

There was a drizzle outside the house. The clear rain dripped along the eaves of Sufu, and the raindrops hit the bluestone street, and the bright water lines rippled away. On rainy days, the road was slippery, although the four sedanists wore rain boots and raincoats. But I still shook violently in the sedan chair. Helian dance followed closely with an oil-paper umbrella.

Entering the magnificent palace, a little eunuch with an umbrella in his early 16 or 17 years led the way to dance with me. Princess Yongxing came to see the queen, didn't she? The weather is not good. I don't know if the Queen is resting.

In the palace, the emperor has the right to take a sedan chair. Helian and I can only walk with an umbrella. The little father-in-law will lead the way. After that, the credit of the little father-in-law is indispensable.

I only saw golden tiles and red walls and dragon tiles everywhere in the palace. In particular, the 'Deliberative Hall' is supported by five thick dragon pillars, each of which needs two adults to hold. Helian and I passed the hall and were as small as ants.

In a blink of an eye, we came to the Queen's residence - Yaoxing Palace. Yaoxing Palace is much smaller and more exquisite than the Palace. But the brilliant glazed pillars are still extremely elegant, with a noble phoenix coiled on the glazed beads, which is extremely gorgeous and luxurious.

"Please wait for a moment, Princess Yongxing, and then I will go in to inform the Queen."

After the little eunuch entered the 'Yiaoxing Palace', he did not come out for a long time. Helianwu and I stood in the rain, and our legs were a little numb. Suddenly, the door of Yaoxing Palace opened, and the little eunuch ran back. He looks like a bitter face that wants to cry but dares not cry. Princess Yongxing, I'm sorry. The Empress is meeting a distinguished guest and has no time to see you.

"What? After standing for so long, you brought this sentence back. Which noble guest can make the queen so welcome? Helianwu grabbed the little eunuch's collar and raised his thin body.

"The heroine, spare my life! "The heroine, please forgive me!" The little eunuch's legs soared in the air, struggling 'puttering and fluttering'.

"If you want to die, tell us the truth."

"I'm useless. I went in to inform the queen, but I didn't expect that I would mention Princess Yongxing. She was furious, deducted the slave's salary for two months, and asked the slave to come out to drive you back. What the slave said is true, let the heroine die!"

"What do those distinguished guests look like?"

"Three graceful and noble women. A beautiful woman with jade beads in her hair. A lady dressed in a sky-blue dress and a second lady in a yellow shirt.

The distinguished guests the queen met turned out to be the first lady, Chu Tianxue and Chu Tianshuang. Now they are on a hill, and they are very hot.

"Dan, let him go. He is just an errand eunuch. It doesn't make sense to ask any more." I must show the three foxes a little color.

The little eunuch fell from Helianwu's hand, his buttocks were stained with puddle mud, and his clothes were wet by the rain. He doesn't know which immortal he has annoyed today, and he has encountered some unlucky things.

I came to bargain with the queen, but I couldn't even enter her palace. When Helian and I were confused, a crisp voice suddenly sounded in my ear. Tianxiang girl."

The little eunuch on the ground climbed out tremblingly and bent down to the man and said respectfully, "Your Highness is auspicious."