Unblessed to receive the kindness of beautiful men

105 out of the mountain

"Master, why are you here? What do you mean by what you just said? Who are you waiting for? Banxia came to her senses first and immediately took a step forward, staring at the old ghost with some excitement.

The old ghost slowly stood up from the futon of the stone room, but sighed meaningfully. Then he held his hand and said, "Since you can come here for so many years, it's fate, and I won't hide it from you."

Banxia and I both felt that the next thing would be beyond our imagination, so we listened carefully.

The ghost's eyes became erratic at the distance of the stone room, as if his thoughts took us to a distant place with the memories of the years.

"A more than 30 years ago, a national teacher predicted that there would be a disaster in the royal family within five years, and the country would be changed and replaced. Xuanqing, who followed the emperor, used to be the personal guard of the emperor. When they learned of this prophecy, although they did not believe it, they were secretly defensive. After making a plan to prevent it before it happens, Xuanqing became a Taoist priest to hide his eyes and ears, and transferred a large number of treasures here as a real person. And I am a powerful subordinate of Xuanqing. Since the treasure migrated here, I have become the guardian of this batch of treasures.

Hearing this, Banxia and I opened our mouths and couldn't close them anyway.

"Master, is the five-e elements of counting set up on the road ahead of you?" Banxia asked puzzled, but we finally figured out why the ghosts and monsters stayed in the mountains for so many years. It turned out that he had a mission to protect this batch of treasures.

The old ghost nodded and said, "Yes, I'm afraid that it will not be the son of Liu Ruo's royal family. If the treasure stray into the hands of the bad people, won't I be ashamed of Xuanqing? Therefore, this game was set up 100 meters away.

"Master, you have taught me the array of the five elements since you were a child, is it..."

Before Banxia finished speaking, the old ghost nodded calmly and said, "Yes, I think that a hundred years later, if the bones of the former emperor have not opened these treasures, the responsibility of guarding here will be entrusted to you."

Listening here, Banxia and I almost looked at each other and couldn't recover for a long time. It turns out that everything here is not accidental. It seems that God has already arranged it.

"It seems that I can complete this task in my lifetime. Yu Hen, you are finally here.

After listening to it, I was still confused while I was excited.

"Grandpa Ghost, do you stay in this stone room every day?"

The old ghost shook his head with a kind smile and said, "No, I only come here once in three months to see if there is anything strange."

"Then why did we meet you when we came here today?"

"That's because I have learned that someone has broken the array of five elements, so I rushed over from the secret road early."

"Do you know that we broke the array? Besides, are you walking through the secret channel? If I had known that Grandpa Ghost was the guardian of this treasure, and there was a secret road leading to here, I wouldn't have bothered so much.

The old ghost nodded and said, "When you break the five elements array and step into the treasure hunt, I have already pinched every step."

"Ha, that's it." Banxia and I almost corresponded with tears and laughter.

"Yu Hen, since you have come, everything here belongs to you. From today on, you will be the master of all this. The old ghost spread out his arms and answered me with unprecedented ease and ease. Yes, after all, the burden that has been carried for more than 30 years has been relieved in an instant, and no one can help but feel happy at this moment.

I stared at the old ghost and said solemnly, "Grandpa Ghost, in fact, I want to tell you that I am not after Liu Ruo's royal family."

After listening to this, the old ghost smiled stiffly and stared at me incredulously, "What? Aren't you the descendant of Liu Ruo?

I shook my head in panic by him: "Actually, I accidentally found the map that came here. And the jade pendant was given to me by one person. That person is none other than the royal family you are referring to.

After listening to my words, the old ghost pondered for a moment and wandered in the same place for a while. Suddenly, his eyes, which were a little cloudy, suddenly emitted a sharp light and said, "It's okay. Since God can guide you to this place, it shows that you are doomed. You are the key to opening this treasure, and you may be the future of Liu Ruo.

The more I listened, the more confused I became. Looking at Banxia, he also looked puzzled.

"Alas, Yu Hian, this treasure is yours, but it's a pity that you are a woman..."

"Grandpa Ghost, this treasure doesn't belong to me. You don't have to sigh. Since you have been guarding the royal family for so many years, I will definitely live up to your expectations. I will hand over these things to that person.

Looking at my firm eyes, the old ghost sighed silently, "Son, it's up to you."

I nodded as a reply.

The old ghost turned around and said to a stone wall, "Come with me later." After saying that, he picked up the wooden roots beside him and gently beat them everywhere on the stone wall.

I was a little puzzled, so I said to Banxia, "What is your master doing?"

"Exipher the hexagram!"

As soon as the words fell, I heard a roar inside, and another stone door opened.

Just as we were stunned, the old monster said calmly, "Let's go. Why are you still here? Come in."

Banxia and I walked into it almost mechanically. There were no mountains of treasures as I imagined, and there were no golden rare treasures. It's more than a dozen large locked iron boxes. Every large iron box is made of bronze, with thick shackles of adult hands and bowls on it. Presumably there is no key, and ordinary people can't open the box at all.

The old ghost pointed to the boxes and said slowly, "This is the treasure used by Liu Ruo to restore the country in the future."

Banxia said dumbly, "So much, the treasures in each box are enough for ordinary people to use for several lifetimes."

The ghost nodded with approval and said, "How can you think of the property used for the restoration of the royal family?"

After saying that, he took out a string of slightly strange keys from his waist and came to me and said, " girl, this is for you. From now on, you are the master.

"Grandpa Ghost, this..."

"Take it, I've been holding it for so many years, and I'm tired. Do you want to spend the rest of your summer here?

"..." I stared at Banxia in a staringly and took a long time to solemnly receive the key. He whispered, "Don't worry, I will give the key to the person who should deliver it."

The old ghost nodded with satisfaction and said, "Well, I believe I won't see the wrong person."


In this way, when we left the cave, it was already dark.

We left from the secret road, and we didn't expect that the secret road of the treasure land led to the back mountain of Wuyou Valley. It won't take half an hour to go back from here. But it took us three hours on our way.

I can't help sighing that this ancient man can just toss around. However, it is undeniable that the wisdom of the ancients is what we ordinary people can imagine?

When you get to the wooden house, Huaxi has prepared the food.

Seeing that the ghost and old man Banxia and I went back together, she couldn't help wondering, "I can't see you three today. Why did you suddenly come back together? Where are you going? Didn't you take me with you? After saying that, she held her lips a little aggrieved, and then said to Banxia, "Brother, if there is something interesting, why don't you take me with you?"

Banxia looked at me awkwardly, and then stared at the old monster, and then said slowly, "Stop it. I have something to do with my master."

"But why did Sister Yu hate go?"

Hua Xi asked reluctantly, and her eyes were very sad.

"Huaxi, I just want to see if I can contribute to Grandpa Ghost. Don't be angry. Isn't tomorrow the day to go out every month? Why don't I go with you? Didn't you say earlier that you wanted me to get better quickly and go out with you? I deliberately changed the topic to dispel the grievances in Huaxi's heart. After all, ghosts and monsters don't want to tell her the truth of the matter. In fact, they also did it for her good. She is so innocent, let her become a pure fairy in this worry-free valley.

Sure enough, Hua Xijing said this and immediately planned to go out of the mountain tomorrow: "Okay, sister Yu Hen, I have wanted to go out of the mountain with people for a long time. Every time I go out, my brother doesn't go with me. Now that I have you, I have company.

As soon as Hua Xi finished speaking, Banxia looked at me with a sad face and said, "Are you going to go out of the mountain tomorrow?"

I nodded to answer.

He looked at the old monster and said uncommly, "Your injury..."

"It doesn't matter." I replied with a smile.

The old ghost also nodded and said, "It's almost recovered. However, you should also pay a little attention and don't do anything exciting, and it won't have any impact.

"Hmm. I know."

"Okay, Sister Yu will also go out of the mountain tomorrow. I'm so happy, brother, let's have dinner."

"Eat, eat..."

This meal, as usual, is neither sad nor happy.

Huaxi is very happy. From time to time, she asks me what I need to buy tomorrow. It looks as happy as when we were young and could follow our adults to the market.

The old ghost is also in a good mood. He has eaten three bowls of rice, which is more than double the usual amount of rice. You may think that the burden of more than 30 years has finally been lifted today, so my mood and appetite have been greatly opened.

Only half summer has a lot of thoughts. After eating only half a bowl of rice, he said he was full.

Then he got up and looked at me in a stunned look. That look made me feel a little uncomfortable.

Yes, such a look is not strange in my memory. It was as if he met Xiao Qingyun for the last time that day, and his eyes were full of heartache of reluctance and struggle. I don't know why Banxia looked at him like this. At present, I dared to see him again, but I just buried my head in silence.

The meal was very heavy and very late.

After cleaning up everything, I went back to my room to rest.

In the past, Banxia would come to me and listen to me to tell stories. Even if there is no story to tell, he would talk to me. He didn't leave until I was sleepy.

But he didn't come tonight.

I'm on the bed, tossing and turning, I can't sleep.

I don't know what's wrong. Have you formed a habit in the past year? With him talking to me, I feel sleepy very quickly.

Just as I was tossing around and couldn't sleep, the knock outside the door woke me up.

I got up and opened the door happily, but I saw Huaxi standing there a little astringently in blasphemy clothes and a candlelight.

There is no denying that I stared at her with some loss and said, "Huaxi, why are you?"

"Sister Yu, I can't sleep and want to see you. Shall I sleep with you tonight?"

Looking at her joyful expression, I could only smile helplessly and say, "Yes."

"Well, I'm in."

In this way, Huaxi entered my room. I poked my head and looked at the nostalgic in the endless night, only the empty darkness.

In his heart, Mo Ming sighed. Close the door and walk towards the house.

This night, Hua Xi said a lot to me. But most of them are about half-summer, such as what the senior brother likes and what he likes to eat. Why did he only eat so little rice today? Isn't it delicious? But the master's meal volume doubled compared with the past, which made her very confused.

I took her hand, but I didn't know what to say to this innocent girl.

I couldn't sleep all night, and the sound of chickens sounded in my ears.

Hua Xi woke up with special spirit, and then pulled me to dress up, saying that today was the first time I went out of the mountain, so I wanted to be more solemn. She specially brought me the clothes she bought outside last time.

I wear that dress smaller, but in general, it's quite suitable. After all, I'm about the same age as Hua Xi.

It's just that the age in my heart is beyond everyone's imagination.

"Sister Yu Hen, you look so beautiful in this dress. She is a hundred times or a thousand times more beautiful than the girl I saw in Jinmei Building last time.

Looking at her exaggerated gestures, I couldn't help laughing and said, "Woman, do you know where Jin Meilou is?"

She shook her head and said with big eyes innocently, "I don't know, but there are many beautiful girls in it."

I listened and smiled. Suddenly, I thought of Su Shixian, who once danced in Jin Meilou, how beautiful he was dressed in red. For her, my vicious "second sister" has extended a vicious hand to me many times.

Now, they are married. Although they do not love each other, there is no denying that they are the people who must spend their lives together.

In a blink of an eye, I lost contact with him for more than a year. I don't know. How is he doing now? Is the marriage with the second sister happy?

Chu Tianshuang gradually changed because of my departure?

At this moment, there is no hatred in my heart, but a silent blessing from the bottom of my heart, wishing Su Shixian a better life.

No matter what Chu Tianshuang did to me, Su Shixian used to be good to me.

"Sister Yu hates, what are you thinking about?" Huaxi suddenly stretched out her waving hand, which interrupted my thoughts in an instant.

I came to my senses and smiled stiffly at her and said, "Nothing."

Is that right? Look at your absent-mindedness."

While talking, two other figures outside the door suddenly appeared.

It's the ghost and half summer.

Hua was happy to see them coming, with a smile on her face; "Brother, master, you are late today."

The old ghost said happily, "Really?"

"Yes, do you see, is Yu Hen's sister beautiful today?" Huaxi pulled me and asked me to show them where I was.

I took two steps with some embarrassment and turned slightly. The old ghost immediately narrowed his eyes and nodded, "Well, the girl's posture is really good. Compared with Queen Liu Ruo in those years, she is not inferior."

"Queen Liu Ruo? Who is it?" Hua Xi couldn't help asking puzzled.

The old ghost sighed proudly, "She was once the first beauty of Liu Ruo. How many men in the world fell in love with her."

"Real?" Hua Xi tilted her head and couldn't imagine that kind of beauty. Suddenly, she turned to Banxia and said, "Brother, who do you think Yu hates is more beautiful than?"

As soon as I said this, I subconsciously took a look at Banxia.

He stared at me in a moment of loss in his eyes. After a moment, he smiled lonelyly: "The beauty of Yu Hate is not comparable to ordinary people. She is like this worry-free valley, which makes people look at it and can't help but be greedy."

One sentence made me slightly stunned.

I looked at him again, but he buried his head and smiled bitterly. The smile was a trace of self-deprecating and a trace of uncomfortable.

"Midsummer, you are too exaggerated."

Hua Xi also said, "Yes, brother, you hate your sister so much. What about Hua Xi?"

Unexpectedly, Banxia was immersed in her own thoughts and couldn't recover for a long time. It's just that he can faintly see a trace of gly in his eyes.

I quickly came forward to comfort him, "If I were like Wuyou Valley, then you are the flowers in Wuyou Valley. How can I be beautiful without your embellishment?"



"Well, Huaxi, you girl, are so strong. Go and get ready. Don't forget our purpose today. The old ghost listened to us and couldn't help smiling to remind us.

Hua Xi felt that she had wasted time and pulled my hand and said, "by the way, sister, I still have a list that I haven't taken, and it all remembers what we are going to buy today."

"Don't be too presumptuous, girl. Yu hates that this girl's leg injury is just right. Don't tire her."

Huaxi stared at the old monster coquettishly and said, "Master, don't worry, what I want to buy is for ordinary daughters. It's not too heavy. It won't make Yu Hen sister tired."

"That's almost the same!"


I didn't know that there would be such a fairyland under this cliff, which is Worry-free Valley.

The journey from the mountain to Kyoto is half an hour. Usually, ghosts and old monsters take Banxia and Huaxi to walk around the tail street of Kyoto to satisfy the two of them. This time, because everyone was in a good mood, we hired a carriage to go straight to the most prosperous place in Kyoto.

I got off the carriage and looked at the bustling streets and the tourists running back and forth. I couldn't help sighing.

Once this place, it was a place where Helian and I were proud.

In a blink of an eye, everything is already a person of things.

"Sister Yu Hen, you are in a daze again. When you come out on the way, you will be distracted. Is it here? Have you been here?

Faced with Huaxi's question, I didn't know how to answer it for a while.

Looking up, he met the midsummer's exploration and deep eyes.

I immediately put aside my face and wanted to find a topic to change.

This used to be my happy place and sad place. It gave me indelible memories. Now when I come back, I am so confused that I don't know what to do?

Just as I stood in place and didn't know how to move forward, I heard a loud shout from the front end: "The princess arrived, and the idle people avoided quickly."

Princess... These words were struck by lightning in my ear.

The hatred buried in more than a year instantly burst into my heart.

The past, like wax oil, dripped into my heart, and the blood all over my body burned quickly.

Even if I can forget everything, I can't forget the hatred of broken legs and the innocent life of the dancer.