Unblessed to receive the kindness of beautiful men

206 stab in the back

When Sima Ruer took this person away, it became a headless injustice. I was full of anger, but there was nowhere to vent.

I turned around and looked at Xiao Qingyun. He looked at me silently, and there was no sadness or joy in his eyes. I took his hand and said timidly at this moment, "I didn't do that kind of thing. You should know that I'm not that kind of person."

"Of course, my Xianger will not be so difficult and capricious, let alone act casually. She is a good girl who is measured and intelligent." He looked at me and answered angrily, with a calm face, and couldn't help laughing loudly. At the same time, he smiled and held me in his arms, and then kissed me like a treasure. It was Xiao Qingyun, and I really liked it.

"Do you really believe that I'm wrong?"

"I don't believe you, do you still want me to believe Sima Ruer?" After saying that, he spoiled me and scraped the bridge of my nose.

I lay in his arms and thought, well, as long as he believes in me and is willing to stand beside me all the time, what is such grievance? The more Sima Ruer wants to destroy our feelings with treachery, the more I will make out with him.

Then, he said something comforting to me and asked me if I was hungry. Although I was hungry, I couldn't bear to let him leave. He shook his head, but the disappointing sound from his stomach still made him hear it. He laughed at me, touched my head and left. He said that he ordered the cook to cook some dishes for me, and he was about to go on an expedition tomorrow and wanted to have a good meal with me.

I promised him to wait in the room. After he left, I painted a light makeup on the mirror table. Although I just have a snack with him, I still hope that when I appear in front of him, it will make him more pleasing to the eyes.

After touching a column of incense, two little girl brought the food in soon. Although it is not rich, it is also fragrant and exquisite, which makes people appetizing.

I looked at a table of food. Although my stomach was already hungry, I still wanted to wait for Xiao Qingyun to come with me. After all, with him, I can eat more happily.

"Go and bring another pot of plum wine. Remember, don't be too strong." I told one of the maids that although there is no romantic and intoxicating red wine here, it is no different from replacing it with plum wine.

The girl listened to me and quickly brought the wine. The faint aroma of wine can be said to be refreshing. I sniffed intoxicatedly and couldn't help but be over the scene where Xiao Qingyun and I drank under the candle for a while.

At this moment, I can't wait to ask, "Where are your young masters?" Yes, I've been waiting for him for a long time, and the wine and dishes are all available. Why hasn't he come yet?

One of them shook his head to show that he didn't know. The other hesitated for a moment and said slowly, "When I just passed the pavilion in front of me, the young master seemed to bump into Miss Sima."

As soon as she finished speaking, the girl next to her pushed her, as if she was blaming her for talking too much.

Miss Sima? Sima Ruer? My heart couldn't help "cry--" and I thought, isn't this woman going to come out with me again? Moreover, looking at the expressions of these two people, I obviously didn't want them to know. Is there really something wrong?

I didn't want to think about it, so I got up and put on a casual dress to go out.

The two girls were scared and came forward together to stop me: "Girl, where are you going?"

"I'm going to have a look." I said in a panic, and I didn't care so much.

They looked at me and knew that they couldn't stop me. At present, they looked at each other helplessly.

I opened the door and walked towards the pavilion without saying a word.

On the 14th tonight, the moon is already very round, and everything around it is illuminated by the silver moonlight. I looked up and saw the vast sky, which made me feel deeply sorry for my smallness. The universe was endless, which made me sigh at the shortness of life. "I seem to understand the helpless mood of the ancients. Just like Xiao Qingyun and I now, parting is imminent, and I want to cherish every moment.

The endless starry sky, the night sky is still deep, the stars are still bright, and the frogs and insects are still singing. Only the woman's slightly sharp voice suddenly broke the darkness.

"Brother Qingyun, you left with her for five days. Where have you been and what have you done in these five days? Don't you have anything to tell me?"

The woman's voice is obviously Sima Ruer's. Her tone is sad and hidden sadness.

"You shouldn't worry about these things." The faint but alienated voice is exactly the Xiao Qingyun I am familiar with.

"No, you know I like you. As you know, my father has always been because of me and you..."

After she finished speaking, Xiao Qingyun interrupted coldly: "I'm sorry, Xiao was wrongly loved by you."

"No, no, Brother Qingyun, you can't do this."

“.....” In the face of the woman's slightly crying call, Xiao Qingyun was obviously soft and silent.

"Tomorrow, you are going to go on an expedition, but you refuse to use my father's army. Why are you doing this?"

"You are a woman, and you shouldn't be in charge of these things."

"But I want you to return victoriously. Do you understand? I want you to win."

"I will." Xiao Qingyun's two words are particularly concise, which make this empty night a little more lonely.

The woman said unwillingly, "If my father helped you, you would be more sure, you know?"

"I know."

"Then why did you refuse?"

"..." Xiao Qingyun, who was silent for a while, said indifferently, "Because I am also very sure about myself."

Unexpectedly, such a cold and arrogant voice came in exchange for Sima Ruer's more fierce and angry voice: "Are you for her, for the woman Chu Tianxiang?"


Hiding behind the corridor, I trembled slightly when I heard the word "yes". Yes, such a concise and straightforward word fills my heart.

"Why, why, why is this? Is that woman that good? It's enough for you to be reckless. You dare to neglect such a big event as the restoration of the country.

"I didn't neglect."

"Then why don't you let my father help you? Are you just afraid of owe me a favor?"

This time, Xiao Qingyun did not answer as simply as the previous two times, but was silent for a long time.

The woman began to cry for a while, but she said coldly, "She is not a woman worthy of your treatment. You can see what she did today."

Shit..... I knew that this woman was still alive and began to want to provoke with what she had just happened. Although at this moment, I really want to rush to her to defend or give her an ear scraper. After all, people who speak ill of people behind their backs are already very hateful. And still, she made up the words herself. But after thinking about it, Xiao Qingyun will definitely not believe it easily. Besides, I'm here to eavesdrop on them, and the impact on them is not good.

"I believe in her, not her personality."

He answered coldly. Although I couldn't see his expression, I could understand that his eyes were firm.

At this time, Sima Ruer must have no way.

After a while, she actually shook her figure and rushed up to hug Xiao Qingyun in the blink of an eye. At this moment, I thought I was dazzled and quickly rubbed it. Well, there are no flowers. The woman hugged her and cried even more sadly.

Damn, this is shameless. She knew that Xiao Qingyun was mine, but she took the initiative to send it up like this. She is... What is this?

If you dare to rob my man according to my previous hot nature, die!

But now, I admit that I'm a coward. I don't know why, I always have a cowardice when dealing with Sima Ruer. I don't dare to rush at her. Many things can obviously be righteous, but I feel guilty like a thief.

Maybe I'm getting more and more timid now. Maybe she is the key to Xiao Qingyun's recovery, so I can't use my previous hot temper to deal with her.

At present, I can't do anything but bite my teeth. The key depends on how Xiao Qingyun does it.

Fortunately, Xiao Qingyun was not a lustful person, so he didn't let me down. He still fought back to the beauty's embrace.

I don't know whether Xiao Qingyun is really soft-hearted, or whether the woman ate the elixir of Taishang Laojun and was as powerful as a cow.

"Brother Qingyun, Brother Qingyun, I beg you, please don't let me go. What's wrong with me? Tell me, can I change it?"

Okay, I want to use a bitter plan. I really want to rush up and answer her for Xiao Qingyun: Your bad point is that you like me. If you change this point, you will be very happy.

Unfortunately, I'm not a roundworm in Xiao Qingyun's stomach, and he can't hear the words in my heart.

From the beginning of his struggle, he became silent.

The woman cried even more. The hateful thing was that he was not afraid of dirty clothes and let her hug and cry.

Well, I'm in a hurry. What can I do? I can't help it. This man is too excellent and has a good valley of potential. It's normal for women to want to abas him.

"Ruer, you are an excellent girl." For a long time, Xiao Qingyun gave such a vulgar reason.

However, I was very happy to hear it. Because the intention of rejection is already very obvious. In college, this is one of the most common ways for goddesses to reject losers. I don't believe it, but this woman still can't hear it.

Unexpectedly, she really didn't hear it and asked in vain: "Then you..."

"I already have incense, and I won't let her down."

This sentence undoubtedly gave her a huge impact. Finally, without any strength, she let go of Xiao Qingyun herself.

Then cried and asked, "If I say, I'm willing to be small, isn't it okay? Brother Qingyun, it doesn't matter if you like her or you love her. As long as I can follow you, even if I succumb to her and call her sister, I will.

Damn, isn't it............

The young lady even said such words. This... This is too weak.

To be small... Let me serve Xiao Qingyun with her? Although it has been several years since I traveled to ancient times, I have seen through male superiority and female inferiority, and I am used to three wives and four concubines. But I still won't allow such a thing to happen to me.

I can tolerate other things, only emotions. This is unique and can't be day and night.

Although I was angry, I still held my breath and wanted to hear Xiao Qingyun's words.

After all, this kind of thing is very powerful for men.

"Ru'er, stop talking about it. Why do you wrong yourself? Besides, no one can insert the relationship between me and Tianxiang.

Saying this sentence calmly and indifferently, it can be seen that Xiao Qingyun has already answered without any hesitation.

At this time, the woman seemed to have completely exploded. Now she jumped up and shouted sharply, "In the final analysis, it still doesn't work, right? That woman wants to dominate you, right? Even if you become emperor in the future, you only need her alone, right?

What kind of dominance? The relationship is originally between two people. It's like a villain who eats alone.

"What do you think."

Obviously, Xiao Qingyun didn't want to talk to her any more. Leaving this sentence, he wants to leave. At this time, Sima Ruer rushed forward and pulled his way fiercely. I'm anxious, but I can't help. This woman, so fierce, does she still want to be overbearing? If so, I will have to rush up and save the hero. How can my man get into the mouth of this female tiger?

"Brother Qingyun, don't go. I still have something to say."

"Ru'er, it's getting late. If there is anything, let's talk about it tomorrow."

"No, you are going to go on an expedition tomorrow. If not, I'm afraid you won't have time."

It can be heard that Xiao Qingyun's tone is very annoying, but it is not easy to lose his temper due to the identity of the other party. I can only reply in a more indifferent voice, "Then say it quickly. I'm tired."

"Chu Tianxiang is a lame. Are you really going to let such a woman stay with you for the rest of your life?"


In a word, the cold scene suddenly became colder and colder.

I hid behind the pillar of the corridor and felt that my whole body was soaked in ice water, and I felt like I was almost out of breath.

Is this woman crazy? First, he wrongly accused me of splashing dirty water, then used bitterness, and finally began to attack personally. Shit, was this woman reincarnated by Zhao Gao or Qin Yu in her last life? Why are you so bad-minded?

Although this woman is so bad that I want to kill, at this moment, I still want to know the reaction of another person. That's Xiao Qingyun. This woman has scolded me as a lame many times, but she hasn't said it in front of Xiao Qingyun, because from her tone, today is the first time.

I don't know what Xiao Qingyun will think of me being disabled. Will he still like me as before?

If he really becomes the king, will he let such an incomplete woman become a queen?

Will I become a laughing pair of people all over the world?

I'm sad. At this moment, I want to cry.

Just now, my heart was still full of happiness, and in an instant, it disappeared without a trace.

It was not until a loud slap fell that I came to my senses slightly.

Not only me, Sima Ruer's shocked voice also sounded: "Brother Qingzhi, you... You... Did you hit me?

Obviously, she didn't expect Xiao Qingyun to hit her, so her voice was full of incredible tremors.

After a long time, Xiao Qingyun said, "From now on, remember to take back your words. I don't want to hear any more words about this matter.

His cold voice seemed to float out of hell on the 18th floor. Even if I was so far away from him, I seemed to feel the anger from him. This is the first time I have seen Xiao Qingyun's angry side.

"No..... Why don't you let me say it? It's true. I'm going to say it.


The next second, Sima Ruer was fiercely strangled by him. I poked out my head anxiously and was angry for fear of causing death. At present, I wanted to come forward to stop it, but I saw that Xiao Qingyun did not really pinch, but just made a gesture.

Because Sima Ruer's voice has not mutated yet.

She cried calmly, "You strangle me, strangle me, and you can't change this fact."

"Don't force me!" Xiao Qingyun's tone was still cold and soaked, which made people feel uncomfortable.

I don't like Xiao Qingyun like this. I have always felt that he is light, optimistic and gentle. But he has never seen such a fierce side. Even if it's for me, I don't want him to be like a different person.

The situation was already difficult to control. Sima Ruer seemed to be not afraid of death and rubbed it up: "Well, you kill me, just kill me. If you kill me, you won't want to restore the country. Even if you don't need my father's help, he can break all your dreams.

The last sentence can be heard that Sima Ruer is cruel.


Xiao Qingyun, who had never been threatened, turned red at this moment.

He wanted to do it, but he tried his best to restrain himself.

No, if it goes on like this, what if he really kills Sima Ruer again? It's still a small matter to bear an innocent life, but it's too big for him to turn against General Sima.

I couldn't help rushing out any more, but I didn't take a few steps, but saw Xiao Qingyun wave his arm fiercely and threw Sima Ruer far away.

At this moment, Sima Ruer was dropped to the ground like a chicken. He immediately covered his throat and couldn't help coughing, "Xiao Qingyun, you will regret it."

This is the first time since I met Sima Ruer that she didn't call her brother Xiao Qingyun.

There is a faint uneasiness in my heart, because I know that once this woman becomes fierce, she can't compare with a man.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Qingyun snorted coldly, "Maybe I can regret anything, only today."

Leaving this sentence, Xiao Qingyun waved his sleeves and walked away without looking back.

Sima Ruer collapsed on the ground, like mud, instantly looked at the departing back and burst into tears.

I can't help shouting: "I won't give up. I must get you..."

What else was said later, and I can't hear it clearly. What is anxious in front of us is that Xiao Qingyun has come in my direction.

I quickly went to hide in the dark, and then quickly returned to my room by the moonlight.

As soon as I closed the door, I took a few breaths of breath and heard a knock on the door.

I quickly opened the door, and Xiao Qingyun stood at the door.

He smiled at me. Although his smile was kind and gentle, he couldn't help hiding the anger between his eyebrows.

I pretended not to see and warmly greeted him into the house. Seeing the table full of wine and vegetables, he frowned with some guilt and said, "I'm sorry, I'm late."

"It's okay." I said lightly.

"Don't you want to ask me where I went?"

"If you make a film tomorrow, there must be a big deal to solve." I said with a guilty heart.

It's okay, he just smiled relievedly. Then he hugged me and said with an obsessive face, "My fragrance is better than anyone."