Unblessed to receive the kindness of beautiful men

218 parting

Three days later, at my insistence, Murong Zijun promised to let me leave the palace.

The day we left the palace, we visited the East Palace again. Thinking of the scene when we first entered the palace, we all smiled.

At that time, he was still a prince. I'm just a little follower around Chu Tianxue. In my heart, he is not a prince, but a frivolous and clever prodigal son.

In a blink of an eye, things are wrong. He is already an invincible noble son of heaven. And I also changed from a naive girl to a mother of a child.

Thinking of the changes in recent years, we have both aftertaste and bitterness. But at the moment, it is an indescribable feeling.

"Tianxiang, do you know? Since you accompanied Chu Tianxue into the palace for the first time, my eyes can no longer be removed from you.

"Ha ha, you are ashamed to say that you sent Chu Tianxue away at the beginning, causing me to stay alone in the palace. When I went back, I was scolded by the vicious aunts for a long time.

At this time, Murong Zijun smiled and his black eyes were a little reluctant: "Yes, I wanted to stay with you for a while at that time. Because of your uniqueness, I appreciate your literary talent very much.

After listening, I also smiled warmly, and the wind scratched my hair a little messy. At this time, he stretched out his hand and straightened me out gently and thoughtfully.

I'm like a child, allowing him to cut my hair.

After a while, he stopped and looked at me with a tender face, with a burning light in his eyes: "Tianxiang, do you really refuse to stay for me?"

I was slightly stunned and finally shook my head and said, "Your Majesty, many things may become memories, which will be better than getting. Isn't it?"

After listening to my words, he looked at me slightly and sighed after a long time. He put his hand behind his back and looked up at the sky and said, "I understand."

"It's getting late. It's time for me to go. Emperor, you'd better go back to court earlier." After all, he has always been with me during this period, which has caused the dissatisfaction of many ministers in the court. First, my identity is unknown. Second, the new king has just ascended the throne, and there are still many important things to deal with. Third, I don't want him to bear the bad name of being addicted to beauty for me.

Listen to me and want to leave, his expression also added a little pain when he was lost.

"Tianxiang... I'll give it to you."

I smiled gratefully at him: "That's it, Your Majesty, I will remember you."

"Tianxiang..." When he wanted to say anything more, I turned around and said in a loud voice, "Don't think about it. The pond is at the time of dreaming back. Recently, poems are like spring willows, only giving parting to the east wind.

In this way, Murong Zijun said nothing more. I just stood far away from the tower and saw me leave with such helpless and reluctant eyes.

I don't know if there is still a chance to meet today. But I know that in this life, our friendship has been stronger than Jin.

When I left the palace, I rented a carriage and planned to leave the city. Yes, now my only habitat is the worry-free valley of Banxia and ghosts. And, six months ago, I promised them that I would go back to find them. Now, it's time.

However, the carriage was intercepted when it was out of the city gate.

"Carman, why don't you leave?" I lifted the curtain and asked puzzledly.

The driver also turned around helplessly and said, "Girl, someone is searching the city. The carriage is not allowed to pass easily. Do you want to come down?

Why search the city? Why didn't I listen to the emperor's order to search the city? Yes, Murong Zijun didn't even mention such a big event as Socheng. If there are no major criminals, there can't be such a big move.

When the carriage saw me asking, it also slowly got out of the carriage, and then said, "Girl, you are not deep in the world, and you don't know the secret of it. Here, the article is very big.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you think this search for the city is just the emperor's order? These sards, all eat, drink and gamble, and those silver salary are not enough. On weekdays, they take some bribes to help those powerful dignitaries. The arrest of people in this search city is not necessarily a criminal in the court. It may be that some people have offended powerful people and let people trapped here.

After listening to the driver's words, I thought that these people were really bold enough to deceive the emperor. They simply didn't pay attention to the new emperor. If Murong Zijun knew, they would not be able to take it. However, now he doesn't know, and I'm even less likely to go back to the city to tell him.

So, I can only open one eye and close one eye.

"Carman, I haven't offended anyone here, and I don't know anyone. Let's go out directly. Should it be okay?"

The driver looked at me with some embarrassment and said, "Girl, it's not up to me. Those bad guys sometimes have a strange temper and insist on meeting people, so I can't help it. Well, girl, you can come down and take two steps. Anyway, it's only a few steps to get out of the city.

Seeing the driver say this, I can't help it. As soon as I opened the curtain, I suddenly saw a familiar shadow on the edge of the city gate.

I immediately reflexively covered the curtain, and my heart couldn't help beating.

That person... If my eyes are not dazzle, isn't she Sima Ruer?

Why is she there? Is she looking for someone? Was it her order to search the city? After thinking about it, I suddenly remembered that her father, Sima Lie, was the general guarding the gate. As long as his father orders, it's up to her toss here.

No matter what purpose she is searching for, as long as she catches me, I guess I won't have a good end. Her heart is like Chu Tianxue, and she doesn't want to die from time to time.

In order to prove that I was not dazzling, I poked my head again and only lifted a small corner of the curtain.

Sima Ruer, dressed in pink, was guarding the gate with force and power, pointing his hands and feet at the bodyguards who bowed his head and bowed on both sides.

Damn...it's really her. Just came out of the tiger's mouth, and it was like a wolf's den. Really, it's not that enemies don't get together. I just killed Chu Tianxue and another Sima Ruer. Does God show that my life is not bumpy enough or not wonderful enough? Is it to challenge my inner endurance to always add such a dangerous stroke at critical times?

"Girl, what's wrong with you? Get out of the car." When the driver saw that I was about to get down, he suddenly hid in the carriage. Standing outside the car, he couldn't help calling out.

I gritted my teeth and thought that I couldn't go down. Otherwise, my life will die.

However, in the face of the driver's repeatedly urging, I can only squeeze my voice and say, "Carman, my foot is cramped and I can't get down for the time being."

"Well, I'll wait for you for a while."

"Can you take the horse out directly?"

The driver is full of: "No, you have to come down in the carriage. Someone wants to check the carriage.

"Come here." I sighed deeply, and it seemed that I could only use the last resort.

Although the driver was puzzled, he still lifted a corner of the curtain and said, "Girl, you..."

Before he finished speaking, I handed him a token carved with a golden dragon and said, "This is a token given by the emperor. As long as there is it, there should be no problem out of the city gate. Whoever has the courage to search, let his whole family be buried.

The moment the driver saw the token and took it, the heavy and calm feeling suddenly let him know that this extraordinary thing.

At this moment, he opened his eyes wide in surprise and looked at me with a frightened face and said, "Girl, this is..."

"You don't have to ask more. If they want to embarrass you later, just let them see this."

After listening to my words, the driver could only nod silently. After all, this kind of token is not available to ordinary people. Seeing that I took it out, the driver also knew that I was not an ordinary person. Therefore, I followed it very meekly.

Soon, the carriage started to move. But after a few steps, it stopped again.

"Hold, is there anyone in the car? If there is someone, come down quickly. We're going to search. Outside the carriage, there was a green and young man's voice.

"Yes, it's my girl who wants to go out." This is the driver's more honest answer.

I sat in the car, afraid that someone would suddenly lift the curtain, so I stirred my fingers back and forth. After all, I don't want to be tortured by Sima Ruer, the female demon, at this level. I don't want to pay for the feeling of escaping from death.

"Don't your girl know that this is going to search the city? Come down, come down, come down quickly." The man urged impatiently.

"This..." At first glance, the driver was a relatively timid and honest man. After the roar of his master, he suddenly lost his momentum.

I was afraid that he would miss me, so I immediately coughed to remind him.

The driver also seemed to understand and immediately showed the token and said, "Do you still want to search for this?"

With one sentence, there seemed to be silence outside the carriage for a while. Then, the young man's voice sounded: "Master, please, have a good journey..."

After listening to this, the driver smiled and must have lived for so many years. This is the first time that the driver has been so polite to him.

At that moment, he stretched out his head from the curtain and said, "Girl, this is good. We can go out."

I didn't dare to let him delay, so I nodded violently and said, "Then go quickly."


The driver immediately got on the horse, but heard Sma Ruer's question outside, "What's going on? Have you checked it?"

Listening to her words, my heart was puzzled again.

"If you go back to Miss Sima, this is a nobleman from the palace, with a golden dragon token."

"Golden Dragon Token?" Sima Ruer read a thoughtful sentence, and then said nothing more. I guess she agreed to let me go out.

I was relieved until the driver's car rang again.

However, as soon as we left the gate, we were intercepted again.

As the saying goes, twists and turns, I guess this is what it means.

"Who is in here? Why didn't I see the people in the car get off the horse?

This time, the question was a low male voice. As soon as I heard it, I knew that the man was Zhang Banxian. He...why is he also here?

"Lord Zhang, it comes from the palace, and there is the emperor's golden dragon order in her hand. I think it's still..." replied by Sima Ruer. After all, her father is Murong Zijun's minister. In the face of Murong Zijun's golden dragon order, she is still afraid.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Banxian said coldly, "If you search the city, you can't let go of a trace. Besides, if there is no difference, why don't you dare to get out of the car?

As soon as I said this, my heart suddenly mentioned it. I was trying to find a way to muddle through, but the curtain had been lifted.

At the moment when I looked at Zhang Banxian, all my panic could only turn into calm.

I sat there quietly and looked at him indifferently. On the contrary, he was a little stunned and panicked. Maybe, I didn't expect that the person in the car would be me.

"You..." It took him a long time to spit out the word "you".

I smiled lightly: "Why, don't you recognize me?"

He looked at me bitterly and lowered his eyebrows and said, "How can I not recognize it? Our trip has been so full of twists and turns. The person we are looking for is you."

"Is it me?" Does Sima Ruer really want to kill me? Have you all used this power?

"Don't you know? After you left without saying goodbye, the young master went crazy looking for you. Some time ago, I heard that someone went to Li'an Temple to assassinate the Snow Concubine, and the young master guessed that it was you. It is expected that you must be in Kyoto, so these days, people have been sent here to look for you.

I was stunned there. For a moment, thousands of words, choked in my throat, and I couldn't say a word.

At this time, a clear voice came from which direction: "Lord Zhang, who is in the car?"

Zhang Banxian's body was shocked, and he looked at me eagerly and was about to turn around to answer.

And I trembled all over because of this sound. It's him, Xiao Qingyun, that voice. I'm too familiar with it. I often hear the voice calling me in my dreams.

"Wait..." I shouted this sentence oppressively.

Zhang Banxian turned around and looked at me with some astonishment. I didn't say anything, just shook my head at him, signaling him not to say anything.

He looked at me hesitantly for a long time, as if he understood what I meant. Then he sighed, put down the curtain and said, "Nothing abnormal."

Is that right? Lord Zhang, what are you talking about to the people in the car? Sima Ruer asked puzzledly.

Zhang Banxian said lightly, "It's just a previous acquaintance."

Unexpectedly, Xiao Qingyun's voice sounded: "Is there no news of Tianxiang?"

Zhang Banxian was silent and said nothing more.

"Where on earth has she gone? Will it be dangerous? Why haven't you heard from her yet? Xiao Qingyun said worriedly, with a strong worry in his tone.

"Young master, don't worry, she has her own appearance." Zhang Banxian comforted softly.

"Humph, she is going to leave by herself. What else are you looking for?" Sima Ruer replied with some unconvincedness.

"Tianxiang... I'm sorry for him." Xiao Qingyun muttered that I could feel his pain through the curtain.

At this moment, I want to rush out and tell him that I'm here. However, reason told me that this out will give him more pain in the future.

"Young master..."

What else does Zhang Banxian want to say next? I can't hear it anymore. The driver has driven away.

When I came to my senses, two lines of tears had dripped on my face.

I wiped it off with my sleeves, and my heart ached a little hard to breathe. Qingyun...goodbye...

When the carriage drove ten miles away, it heard the horse's hoofs flying behind it, and someone called behind: "Wait..."

I listened in the carriage, and the sense of loss in my heart suddenly became empty. I suddenly lifted the curtain and saw a figure immediately, and I was quickly coming this way.

Inexplicably, I shouted, "The driver, stop for a moment."

"Oh..." As soon as the driver pulled the reins, the carriage slowly stopped.

After a while, the sound of the horse's hoof gradually approached.

I got out of the carriage and saw Zhang Banxian gasping out of the horse. I looked around, and there was no one but him.

"Girl, the young master didn't come, and he didn't know that the person in the carriage was you." Perhaps, he saw the loss on my face, so he explained loudly.

I smiled bitterly and said, "It's okay. Anyway, I don't have to see you again."

Zhang Banxian looked at me doubtfully and said, "Just now, did you mean not to let me tell the young master?"

I nodded to admit it.

"Why did you leave the young master?"

"Doesn't Zhang Banxian want me to do this?"

Hearing what I said, Zhang Banxian buried his head with some shame and said, "I used to be reckless and almost did something wrong to the girl. Please don't pay attention to it anymore."

I smiled and said, "Zhang Banxian, don't be nervous. I'm just telling the truth. Don't you think it's an obstacle for me to stay with Qingyun now?

"Although the girl will hinder the young master's restoration, but..."

"But what is it?"

"But won't the girl wrong herself if she does this?"

"Aggrieved? It's nothing for him to restore the country.

Zhang Banxian may not have expected that I would say this. He looked at me in surprise and said, "The girl is really willing to leave for the sake of the young master to restore the country?"

"Is there any fake? I'm leaving now. Who else do I need to lie to? If I really can't bear to give up, what will I do at that moment? Zhang Banxian should understand.


"Zhang Banxian, go back, take care of Qingyun for me and help him restore the country. After all, this is his only wish."

"Girl, your kindness, I remember Zhang Banxian." After saying that, Zhang Banxian wanted to worship me.

I quickly grabbed him and said, "Zhang Banxian, why did you do this to me?"

"At the beginning, I almost hurt you. I didn't expect you to be so general, but it's a pity..."

"Don't say any more, go back. Otherwise, Qingyun will be suspicious.

"Tianxiang girl, I don't know when we can meet in the future. Wait for the young master to achieve great achievements and unify the country, you..."

"Ha ha, Zhang Banxian, I know what you want to say. When he achieves a great career, I will have to have a fate with him.

"The young master will not forget you. You are not only his favorite person in his life. Moreover, you are the first contributor to his restoration of the country. The young master said that the treasure belonging to Liu Ruo was also found by you, right?

"So what? This is the only thing I can do for him."

"Tianxiang girl..." He called kindly again, but I felt a little dizzy for a moment.

"Are you all right?" Seeing that my body was a little unstable, Zhang Banxian was shocked.

I stroked my head, smiled bitterly, and wanted to vomit again.

After being pregnant and sitting in the carriage for a while, I was so weak.

"I'm fine."


"Lord Zhang, it's time for you to go back. Remember, go back and persuade him to restore the country and stop looking for me. Don't let him know that you saw me today."

"I know, girl, you should take care of yourself."


Leaving this sentence, Zhang Banxian reluctantly watched me get into the carriage. I no longer missed it or looked back. Just quietly urged the driver to go on the road.

This time, it is a complete separation from here, completely, the end of all this.