Unblessed to receive the kindness of beautiful men

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"Yu Hen's sister is a girl, a girl..." Huaxi held the child and jumped and jumped happily.

"Daughter..." I called softly and looked at the child in Hua Xi's hand, looking extremely relieved and bitter. At this time, Banxia heard a noise from outside and rushed in desperately.

The old ghost also said in a tone, "Huaxi, wrap the child up with a fetal coat first."

Hua Xi immediately nodded and agreed, and then handed the child to my eyes. I looked at the baby she was holding and his eyes suddenly wide, very bright and clear, just like Xiao Qingyun. Involuntarily, I smiled, and my tiredness swept over my whole body little by little.

"As long as it's safe, it's fine..." I said in a low voice and watched her fall asleep in Hua Xi's arms. In my heart, there was an incomparable sense of satisfaction.

At this time, Banxia came over and looked at my weak face: "How are you?"

I shook my head and felt that my consciousness was ups and downs, and there seemed to be a buzzing sound in my ears. At this moment, I only felt that my eyelids were so heavy that no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't open them. My body is very light and light, as if floating in the clouds and standing in the sky. Then, I couldn't even see Banxia's appearance clearly, but there was an anxious voice in my ear. However, I didn't really hear it. It seemed that after a long time, and only a short moment passed, I heard Banxia's loud call there. It seems to be very urgent. That feeling is as if something precious is going to disappear. Master, why is she still bleeding..." "Master, will she be all right? I hate you to wake up, wake up..." "Master, save her quickly, Yu hate is dying. She is so weak." Brother, don't be excited. Let's see what the master does first..." "You get out of the way. It's because you don't like her!"

Next, I didn't wake up at all.

When I woke up again, a trace of sunshine came from the window. It was like a bright and beautiful sunshine, which made me feel full of hope in my heart.

"Yu Hen, are you awake? Are you awake? Talk to me when you wake up." My bed shook slightly, and I slowly turned my head. But he saw Banxia holding the medicine in his hand and looking at me worriedly.

I was a little unreal, so I tried to open my eyes. Suddenly, I saw that the bright light made my eyes sour, and then the water mist floated. At present, I can't help softening my eyes with my hands. When the water mist in my eyes melted away, I slowly opened my eyes, and Banxia's figure was completely awake.

"Half Xia..." I called gently. At this moment, he was holding a medicine bowl in his hand, and his face was haggard and pale, without a trace of blood. My heart was pounded heavily, and my heart was sour and soft, and my eyes became astringent. Presumably, he took care of me all night, and now his face is so ugly. Moreover, he has lost a lot of weight for my production in recent months.

"Yu Hen, how are you?" Banxia picked me up and wanted to feed me medicine.

I shook my head dryly and said, "I'm fine. I just don't want to move. It will affect the wound as soon as I move."

"Well, you just lie down."

"Where's the child?"

Banxia looked back and said, "Hua Xi is feeding the baby's milk paste. I'll bring it to you in a while."

"Is she okay?"

"Well, he is white and beautiful, just like you." When saying this, Banxia's eyes were full of doting and pity.

After listening to this, I smiled and said, "I've just been born, how can I see who I look like."

"Just like you, you may also look exactly like you, beautiful, kind and intelligent."

Listening to his words, I only felt warm, and then slowly drank the medicine.

After a while, I listened to Hua Xi humming and came here with the child in my arms. The old ghost is as smiling as behind her.

How warm and touching this seemingly joyful scene is. How I wish that all the good will stay at this moment, and all the bad and evil will end after the birth of the child.

"Child..." I called, and Hua Xi immediately brought her over.

"I hate my sister for you."

I took the child and looked up at Hua Xi. Although she smiled at me, her smile was a little bitter and sad.

For a moment, I thought of her recent grievances and her love for me and my children. I don't know whether to say thank you or sorry.

In the end, I just squeezed my lips and nodded to her. I believe she could see the gratitude in my eyes.

Unfortunately, she pretended not to look and twisted her head to the side.

I didn't say much. I buried my head and stared at the child in my arms. The child's face has been washed, and the little hand stretched out at this moment is familiar.

The slender eyelashes are like his father, and the pout lips make people want to kiss.

Banxia looked at it and said with a happy smile, "Yu Hen, look, how similar it is to you."

I nodded, put the child on his face, and gently rubbed it. The child's face is very soft and warm, and it is very comfortable to stick to it.

"Thank you, Banxia, Grandpa Ghost, and Huaxi. Without you, I really don't know what to do!"

"Yu Hen, you have been said to be a family. Why should you be so polite?" Banxia stared at the child with a satisfied smile on her face.

Hua Xi just smiled reluctantly and said nothing more. Her eyes were a little gloomy on Banxia.

The old ghost also grinned and said, "Woman, it's polite to say these words."

I nodded and pulled Huaxi and said, "Huaxi, do you remember what you once said to me?"

Hua Xi looked at me with some dullness, and then replied suspiciously, "What?"

I smiled, and then put my eyes on Banxia. Banxia seemed to understand something, so she immediately twisted her head away and stopped looking at it.

"Didn't you say that you want to be the godmother of the child?"

After listening to me, Hua Xi immediately changed her previous dullness and became extremely happy and said, "Okay, okay, I'm willing to be the child's godmother."

"As long as you are willing." I nodded as a response.

At this time, Hua Xi suddenly stopped laughing again. She buried her head and scratched her fingers and said sadly, "But..."

Next, she took a look at Banxia and didn't dare to say anything more. She just looked at the ground silently.

I looked at it like Banxia: "Half summer..."

He looked at me and didn't respond.

I know I won't be happy to do this, but I can't help it. Because I can't be with Banxia. It's better to have short pain than long pain. Some things will eventually come to an end.

"You and Huaxi are brothers and sisters. Huaxi is now the godmother of the child, and you have contributed to the birth of the child. How about being the godfather of the child?"

When my words fell, almost everyone's eyes fell on Banxia.

Huaxi's eyes were full of expectation, while the ghosts and old monsters were silent and looked a little helpless. Banxia himself just stared at my daughter. After a long time, he sighed softly, "Since you are happy, it's up to you."

"Well, well, my child now has two mothers, a father and a grandpa. In the future, she will be very happy when she grows up.

Hua Xi listened and quickly came over and said, "Little boy, I will be your godmother in the future, and my brother will be your godfather. Grow up quickly and play with us when you grow up."

At this moment, in the bottom of her heart, Hua Xi has acquiesced that Banxia is her other half. In the future, I can't get too close to Banxia.

Otherwise, how sad should she be? Thinking about this, I buried my head and looked at the child in my arms. As long as you can grow up happily, no matter what you suffer, I will admit it.

"Hua Xi, you gave birth to this child. You can take good care of it in the future." I laughed and said, looking at Huaxi, I also like children very much.

Hua Xi nodded and smiled, "Okay, the baby will play with me in the future."

"Isn't it too awkward for a child to shout like this? At the beginning, I didn't know that there were boys and girls in my arms, so I didn't know how to name them. Now that I know it's a girl, should I marry her by her name? Banxia's proposal was immediately approved by everyone. Everyone looked at me enthusiastically. Huaxi said eagerly, "Yes, sister Yu, it's time to name our daughter."

"What's the name? You can take it." Anyway, in these days when I am pregnant, they are taking care of them. In the future, I hope that the children will grow up and remember the kindness of these people to me and their kindness to her.

"Let's take it? I won't, why don't you come, brother?" Hua Xi pouted her lips and said coquettishly.

Banxia smiled and turned to the old ghost and said, "Leave it to the master. Our names are all taken by the master. This child should also be done by the master."

"However, the master must give her the name of some herbs." Hua Xi said with some dissatisfaction, "At the beginning, the master gave me some peony. As soon as I heard it, I changed it to Hua Xi."

"But my name is not bad. Besides, peony has many elegant names. Fortunately, you have changed it, otherwise it is not suitable for you."


For the sake of their children, their brotherhood, who had been estranged for a long time, became much more harmonious in an instant.

At this moment, I not only looked happy, but also laughed.

"I deal with these herbs every day, and the names I take are naturally related to herbs. You can't dislike it. Although these drugs are bitter, they can cure all kinds of diseases.

I nodded and agreed, "Grandpa, everything is at your disposal."

After listening to this, the ghost thought for a while and said, "This child is smart and clever, and it is also a treasure in everyone's eyes. How about taking Ganoderma lucidum?"

"Lingzhi?" Hua Xi was stunned. After a while, she wondered, "Why is it such a name again? Master, can't you take something nice?"

"I think it's good. It's really suitable." I responded with a smile.

At this time, Banxia also nodded in agreement: "Well, it's very appropriate. It's good to call Ganoderma lucidum."

"Ah... Do you really think it's good?" Huaxi asked incredulously.

We nodded together. Huaxi had no choice but to look at the child and said, "Well, everyone calls you Ganoderma lucidum, and you will be Ganoderma lucidum in the future. However, this is Lingzhi, and you have to have a surname, right? Who is her father?

As soon as I said this, I was slightly stunned. Seeing that my face was different, Banxia hurriedly said, "Actually, the name Lingzhi is good, and it doesn't matter whether you have a surname or not. Just like Huaxi, you and me Banxia, don't we all have surnames? If anyone asks in the future, we can say the same surname as the master.

After listening to it, Hua Xi nodded as if she didn't understand and said, "It seems to be right."

I looked at Banxia gratefully, and I really owed him too much.


Next, I took my child, Huaxi Banxia and Grandpa Ghost to start a life of dependent on each other.

This child is not just my child. She is almost everyone's child, and everyone treats her like a biological child. I am very grateful from the bottom of my heart, and at the same time, I am deeply grateful for the child.

Four years have passed in a blink of an eye.

Ganoderma lucidum is four years old, and the four-year-old Ganoderma lucidum is getting more and more lovely.

The more you grow up, the more popular it will be. Especially Huaxi and Banxia, they take Ganoderma lucidum with them as soon as they are free, which is almost more important than my mother. Banxia spoiled her so much that she almost gave her whatever she wanted, and almost didn't take off the stars in the sky.

Several times, the little guy did something wrong, and I criticized him, but Banxia didn't give it. Seeing that the little guy was about to cry, he felt more distressed than me.

Every time I teach her a lesson, she finds Banxia to be full of umbrellas. Over time, I didn't withdraw her completely.

Fortun�, the little guy is sensible, not often naughty, and very obedient to me.

The only thing that bothers me is that every time Lingzhi calls my mother angrily, she changes her father, which makes the atmosphere extremely awkward.

Banxia seems to enjoy it, but Huaxi's face is getting worse and worse.

Four years have passed, and the flowers are almost 19 years old, and they are as beautiful as the lilies in Wuyou Valley.

At the beginning, in order to make up for him and Banxia, I let the child recognize him as a godfather and a godmother. I don't know if the child is lazy or something. He called his godmother and added the word "dry", but he was a little lazy. I don't want the dry word "Dad" except for shouting "Dad".

Once, I asked her why she called one less word, but she told me confidently that it was so kind, and there was no difference.

Naturally, I had nothing to say. When she was four and a half years old, Banxia began to teach her how to read, saying that she would be cultivated as a lady. And Huaxi taught her to sing and dance, saying that women learn these things and are more pleasing to men.

Grandpa Ghost doesn't care about this, just takes her mountains and wild herbs. Then tell her the usefulness and strength of those herbs.

Half summer is already 22 years old. For ordinary people, they have already reached the marriageable age.

And Huaxi has been waiting for him. Everyone understands, but no one can speak.

I want to speak most, but every time I mention it, Banxia blocked it with many excuses.

For more than four years, Huaxi has been taking good care of Lingzhi and hardly let the little guy suffer a little grievance. I know her inner pain and suffering, and I also want to promote them. It's a pity that fate is such a trick.

Recently, I don't know if I'm too** or what's going on. I'm a little weird.

She is often restless and haunted from time to time. Moreover, his temper has become a little grumpy.

That day, even her favorite Lingzhi accidentally bumped into her in the process of playing, and she was furious.

For the first time in four years, she treated Lingzhi like this, not only Ganoderma lucidum, but also shocked me. But Huaxi didn't give any explanation. She just looked at our mother and daughter coldly and left impatiently.

However, the ghosts who came in from the other end of the door happened to witness all this.

His turbid eyes are a little helpless and sad.

At this time, Ganoderma lucidum stepped forward and took the hand of the old ghost and said, "Grandpa, what's wrong with her godmother? She is so fierce. She is fierce."

"It's okay, child, don't be afraid." The old ghost stroked her head and said with a peaceful face.

I waved to Lingzhi and said, "Child, don't complain. Come here. You hit your godmother and don't know how to apologize.

Lingzhi held her lips and said aggrievedly, "I want to apologize, but my godmother didn't give me a chance at all."

"Children's families are not allowed to quibble."

As soon as I finished my words, Lingzhi pruned her thin lips, which was even more aggrieved. At present, my eyes are red and I'm about to cry.

Alas, it's getting more and more coquettish. It's getting harder and harder to say. As long as the voice is louder, you will cry. I'm a little annoyed when I see it. Unexpectedly, Banxia, who passed by outside the house, heard the child's crying. She rushed in with some small questions and picked up Lingzhi and said, "Oh, Zhier, what's wrong with you? My baby Zhier, why are you crying?

Lingzhi wiped her tears and pointed to me, "Dad, mother scolded me..."

This shout suddenly made my anger nowhere to vent. I stared at Banxia helplessly and blamed her with my eyes: "Look, this child is spoiled by you..."

"Yu Hen, this is your right. How old is Zhi'er? How can you lose your temper with her?"


I didn't finish my words, Banxia hugged the child out and said in a gentle and distressed tone, "Let's go out. Dad will take you out to play. Don't be angry with your mother."

Alas, it's like this again. I don't know if Lingzhi will be spoiled in the future. If she becomes a woman like Sima Ruer in those years, I really don't know what to do.

Seeing that Banxia had left, the old ghost turned around and sighed softly. I looked at his white temples and instantly felt that he seemed to have been much older in the past four years.

"Grandpa Ghost, do you have something to say to me?" I have never seen such a heavy expression, and I seem to have a hunch that he will say something important to me.

The old ghost was silent for a while and stared out of the window and said, "Recently, my body has become more and more powerless. I'm afraid the limit is approaching."

After listening to it, my heart suddenly stung. The heartbreaking feeling of the kind grandfather who has lived for so long is leaving me is very uncomfortable.

"Grandpa ghost, what are you talking about? You are always strong and in good health now."

He sighed and muttered, "I know my own body."

"Grandpa Ghost..."

"Do you know? What is the only thing I can't rest assured about?"

"I know."

"Well, with your cleverness, you should also understand. Huaxi and Banxia, but I can't let go.

"Grandpa ghost, what do you want me to do?"

The old ghost shook his head indifferently and said, "I know that you are a kind child, and you have suffered a lot. For the sake of happy things, your heart is also very bitter. However, if you are mature and sensible, you will keep it in your heart. If you don't blame anyone and hate anyone, this can't be done by Huaxi.

"How can I be ashamed to resent you when you are so kind to me?"

"As long as the child Huaxi thinks so."
