Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 8 Father and son with strange relationship

Dilo hesitated and said, "It's always good to send something. Maybe if the guide is happy, it will give you a particularly better evaluation, so that you can inject advanced gene conversion solution."

Di Changli smiled again: "You are dreaming again that there is only a free advanced genetic transformation solution among a thousand people. No matter how it is my turn, the school must have decided on a candidate long ago. Besides, what good things can we give out even if we give gifts?"

Dilo stopped talking discouragedly, and his eyes slowly faded.

Dreaming? Di Changli laughed at himself. He only had a dream before he was five years old, and it was a very real nightmare. For the first time, he dreamed of the tragic death of his adoptive mother. Each subsequent dream was also related to horrible death and bloodshed, which without exception became a reality that happened soon, making him spend his whole childhood in fear, so that it was also called an ominous kid cursed by Satan. Fortunately, after the age of five, this bloody real nightmare finally stopped entangling and tortured him, so that he would not become an incurable mental patient from an early age.

Di Chang doesn't know whether this nightmare will bother him one day, but he is sure of one thing, and he is about to have another dream that is not bad - dream legacy. Because he found that his body had inexplicable dryness recently, and his eyes stayed on the opposite sex a lot more times and for a lot of time.

In fact, Di Changli's development is relatively slow. His peers have basically entered puberty, and some of the opposite sex's figures have come out exquisitely and beautiful, like beautiful buds that have not yet been released. According to reliable information, some of them have bloomed in advance to bid farewell to their virginity career. Although the federal code stipulates that adult citizens over the age of 18 are allowed to do it legally*, now this decree is useless, otherwise there will be no prostitutes flying everywhere in Rome.

How did you come up with these things? Di Changli suddenly found that he had slipped away and quickly closed his mind. These were not the things he should think about now. He hurriedly said to Dilo, "I'm leaving."

When he was about to step out of the door, Dilo suddenly whispered behind him, "I'm sorry, son, I didn't take good care of you. I'm really sorry for you, I'm sorry for your parents."

Di Changli stopped and turned around.

Dillo's turbid eyes were full of self-reproach and guilt. He pulled his hair hard and muttered, "I'm sorry. You saved my life, but I let your children suffer so much. I really deserve to die..."

Di Changli grabbed his hand, his eyes were slightly moist, and whispered, "No, I'm fine."

"No, I deserve to die." Dilo grabbed his hair and said painfully, "If I don't drink so much and be not sick, I can find a job and make you live a better life, at least better than now. But now, I'm dragging you down."

Di Changli stared deeply at him and said, "It's not your fault that you are sick. You have done your best to do everything for me that other people's fathers can't do. In my heart, you are the best father. You are not sorry to anyone, my father."

"Child..." Dilo looked at him choking and speechless, with tears flashing in his eyes.

"I really have to go." Di Changli let go of him, walked to the door and suddenly turned around and said, "You haven't picked up the small things left by the guests in the bar these days, have you?"

Delo was stunned and hurriedly shook his hand to deny: "No, no, I haven't found anything from the guests for a long time. If you don't believe it, you can ask."

"Really?" Di Changli stared at him.

"Of course it's true." Dilo was a little angry and stared and said, "I've said many times that I haven't done these petty things. Why don't you believe it?"

Di Changli smiled and said, "I believe it. I just remind you not to do it again. You should know that it doesn't count to return the lost property... Er, you know."

After watching Di Changli close the door and leave, Dilo stared for a moment and muttered angrily, "This stinky boy, really, how can you talk to me like this?"

After a while, he opened the outside door and poked his head out to confirm that Di Changli would not come back. Then he carefully closed the door and slipped to the bedside inside. He took out a delicate lighter from under the pillow and said to himself proudly, "This thing can also change some money. If you save more, you can help the stinky boy buy a pair. Good shoes."

On the street outside Di's house, William, the beautiful man yawned and walked to his house. He happened to see Dilo look out secretly. He couldn't help but move. He turned his eyes and thought to himself, "It seems that I guessed correctly. This drunkard thief is really weird. I have to go in and have a look when there is no one. ."

Di Changli knew that his father was a thief at a very young age. At that time, he was completely ignorant and was only three years old. Once, Dilo took him to the bustling area in the center of Rome. In a large shopping mall, a beautiful model space warship attracted Di Changli's attention. He was reluctant to leave and kept crying and clamoring for it. Dilo had no choice but to coax him out, let him wait outside, and then went in alone.

It didn't take long for Di Changli to come out with the model of the space warship and gave it to him.

Di Changli was very happy and laughed with joy. Dilo was also very happy and played with him happily.

However, after playing for less than three minutes, the father and son couldn't laugh again. Several large and round-waisted security personnel rushed out of the mall aggressively, violently grabbed the model of the space warship from Di Changli's hand, kicked Dilo down, and punched and kicked him fiercely.

Delo still gritted his teeth at first, but finally couldn't help screaming. The sharp screams scared Di Changli to cry and desperately pulled away the fierce security guards, but he was rudely pushed to the ground.

Di Changli sat on the ground crying and begged the onlookers to save his father, but all of them, including the two federal security police officers on duty in this place, just looked at it leisurely, and their eyes were full of disdain, contempt and spitting. With excitement and disgust, there was a woman who stretched out her fleshy fingers full of gems and bracelets and condemned and scolded him: "Good fight, thieves deserve to die. Such a shameless and poor man is a federal vampire. If you want to beat him hard, he deserves it."

Of course, Dilo was not killed, but he was beaten until he vomited blood and died. The two federal security police officers who had seen enough of the lively may really kill people, so they called away those energetic security guards and majestically scolded Dilo, who could no longer climb up, to die.

Dilo climbed to Di Changli's side and squeezed out a painful smile on his face that was so swollen that he couldn't see his original face. While spitting blood, he wiped away his tears and asked him not to cry. The last old man who couldn't stand it anymore sent Dilo to the hospital for treatment at his own expense, which saved Dilo's life.

This scene at that time was deeply engraved in the young Di Changli's mind. From then on, he did not ask Dilo for anything, but asked Dilo not to steal again.

Although Dilo promised him, God knew whether the little snack Di Changli occasionally ate later was extracted from the meager relief money that was only enough to fill the stomachs of the two fathers and sons.

On the way to school, Di Changli remembered these past events again. He felt sad and sad, but he didn't feel ashamed. Dilo is a poor man, an alcoholic and a thief, but he is also the best father. He taught Di Changli to face everything in the world with a smile.

"Hey, be careful, boy, do your eyes grow on your forehead?" Several guys on the self-walking skateboard shouted loudly, almost wiping Di Changli's body and roaring past.

The self-propelled skateboard is light, fast and easy to carry. It has a long retractable metal control handle, which can play all kinds of thrilling patterns on the road. If necessary, it can also be used as a weapon, so it is the preferred transportation tool for some bad teenagers in the school.

immersed in the past, Di Changli, who was in a trance, woke up and looked down. It turned out that he didn't know when he came to Zuo Road for the micro-powered car and quickly walked on the sidewalk.

"Hi, Di Changli, do you need me to give you a ride?" Several light butterfly-winged flying cars came on the road, and a girl on one of them slowed down and raised her hand.

The butterfly wing flying car is an imitation of the federal air patrol eagle wing motorcycle. It is a civilian product developed for women. It is exquisite, small and smooth, with a pair of brightly colored folding wings. Usually, energy-saving people generally drive with wings on the ground, like a beautiful sail breaking the waves. When flying for a short distance, it is more like a colorful butterfly gliding in the air, which is extremely pleasing to the eye. Therefore, although the price is a little higher, it is deeply favored by beautiful girls and tries to have one to show her style.

Di Changli didn't need to look to know who it was at all, and casually raised his hand and responded, "Hi, Maria. Thank you. I think I need more exercise.

Maria is a very beautiful girl who lives on a street adjacent to Di Chang's home. She is two years older than him and is about to end the federal free ten-year basic education program. Maria's family is relatively well-off in the slums. She took a multi-intelligence test and injected with gene conversion fluid two years ago. Her musical intelligence and interpersonal intelligence are quite prominent, and she will be suitable to become a singer or artistic performer in the future. Therefore, her parents are ready to do their best to help her go to a better neighboring Caribbean galaxy. Private Academy of Performing Arts for further study.

Several girls who accompanied Maria listened to Di Changli's words and laughed and looked unscrupulously at his bones that were far thinner than his peers. One of the girls with a few freckles on the tip of her nose said in a flirting tone: "I see your exercise recipe. The style is not very effective. Maybe it's better to change to a fierce sports meeting. For example, a two-person dance. I guess Maria will be happy to accompany you. Are you happy to accept it?