Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 13 Legendary Genius - Natural Pretender

"Children, because you appear in an inappropriate place at an inappropriate time, you are now facing two choices. The first is naturally to disappear in this world, and the second is to join us."

"Mr. Robert, I don't know what I am worth to you? If it's because you learned something about my childhood from Iron Hand, I can honestly tell you that I don't have the ability to predict death. Moreover, you should also know that I was injected with a mismatched gene conversion solution.

"No, my little friend, I don't like you for a certain aspect. There are many things you make me interested in... Well, I deeply sympathize with what happened to you, but the genetic transformation fluid does not represent all of a person, and I think you know this yourself... Well, we will have a chance to talk about the great principles of life in detail in the future. If you don't want to go back too late to worry your father, you should make the right choice earlier.

“...... What can I do for you after joining?

"Well, I don't need you to do anything at this stage. You just need to live as normal as before, as if today's things have never happened, and I will come to you."

"You are a master of energy refining. After joining, can I learn your mind cultivation?"

"Of course, I guarantee it in the name of Alibaba, the god of thieves."

“...... OK, I'll join in."

"Hehe, very good, he is really a smart child. You are welcome to join us. If you have any difficulties in the future, just bring them up, and I will try my best to help you solve them. Ah, one more thing, without my permission, don't reveal our relationship to anyone, including your father.

"Okay, Mr. Robert."

"Well, kid, you can call me dad in private... Well, I won't force you to call me that."


"That's all for the time being. Do you have anything else to say?"

"Give me the same compensation for that guy's broken wine."


The sky was getting dark, and Di Changli walked back to the street where he lived with wine listlessly. Recalling a conversation with Robert, his heart was tightly blocked by a boulder, and his worries were extremely heavy.

Choice? Do you have a fucking choice? For the first time in his life, Di Changli had a strong impulse to curse and curse.

Mr. Robert seemed to be amiable and quite generously let himself leave freely to show his trust, but Di Changli could be sure that as long as he wanted to do something unwise, he would definitely have hundreds of ways to let himself and his father evaporate silently from the world.

Di Changli can foresee that his hard-working blueprint for the future has been altered by irresistible power, and he is step by step and helplessly embarking on the track of life that does not belong to him.

The shadow of being framed by Mr.netley has not completely dissipated, and Di Changli once again felt the sadness of being a vulnerable person deeply and painfully.

Why? In such a free, equal, just and highly civilized modern society, how can you not even guarantee the most basic security and rights? Will it be your own fault for all this to happen? But what did you do wrong...

The boundless color is getting thicker and thicker, permeating in all directions. Di Changli, who fell into the confusion, seemed to be surrounded and squeezed by invisible huge mud and felt breathless. Fortunately, I was able to practice more advanced mental methods, which made Di Changli feel a little comforted.

"Get out, damn bitch, don't bother me."

Near the door, there was a sudden fierce scolding from the house next door. The beautiful man William suddenly opened the door and rudely pushed out a woman with a gray face and thin like a skeleton.

The woman kept coughing and gasping and pleading bitterly, "William, I really can't hold on. Cough, please give me some money to see a doctor, just a few hundred yuan, please, cough, cough..."

The beautiful man's eyebrows were twisted like two ugly caterpillars, and she couldn't see the usual gentlemanly elegant look. She pulled her small arm like dead wood and scolded viciously: "I don't have money. Get out of here, roll..."

"William, you can't be so cruel, cough." The woman desperately grabbed the door frame and did not let go. She wanted to cry but said without tears, "I have given you all my money. How can you be so ruthless to me? Cough, please, give me some money to see a doctor, or I will die, cough, cough..."

"When did I take your money as a bitch? What does it have to do with me? If you want to die, go to hell, get out of here and die, and don't stain my place. Although the woman was terminally ill, her power was extremely powerful at this moment. William couldn't help but open her hand from the door for a moment. He couldn't help roaring angrily, kicked her out viciously, and rolled the woman down the steps in front of the door.

The woman fell to the ground and coughed more violently. She couldn't even say anything. William spitted with disgust, didn't look at it any more, and turned back and closed the door heavily. For him, waste that has completely lost its utilization value is a luxury waste to consume even one brain cell.

The woman lay on her back and coughed hurriedly for a long time, and her gasp gradually calmed down a little. She did not make a sad or vicious curse, but lay quietly with accumulated strength, and her deep eyes were intertwined with the light of sadness and despair. Suddenly, she let out a heartbreaking and resentful and bitter howling, struggling to support her weak body and staggered the steps in front of the room.

This old * who has lost any reliance and hope has no more power to revenge. The only thing he can do is to die here, wake up the rest of the poor with his own blood and life, and stop being brutally bullied by William, a vampire.

"Hey." A voice stopped her behind.

Lao* turned around blankly and slowly focused his distracted eyes. It took a moment to see that it was the black-haired and black-eyed teenager who was often seen but had never been with those bad boys on the street. She has always hated this kid, because his eyes at people like her are very indifferent and uncomfortable, so she thinks he is a self-righteous kid who has spit behind him more than once.

"I have some money here. You can take it to see a doctor." Di Changli found all the money on his body, which added up to about five or six hundred pieces. He put it on the ground and pressed it with stones, and then silently walked away.

Lao* looked at Di Changli's back in disbelief, and his gray and withered lips couldn't help trembling. After a long time, he spit out an unheardless thank you. A drop of muddy tears slowly flowed from his dry eye sockets that he had thought would never happen again in his life.

"Isn't this little bastard sick?" William, who hid behind the window, curled his lips disdainfully and stared greedily at the money on the ground. He almost wanted to rush out to grab it back. He finally pressed the idea and muttered, "Oh, the wine carried by the little bastard just now is good, and he still so generously sent away the worthless bitch, is this thief father and son really Make a fortune? No, I even looked through the corners in his house last time and didn't find anything valuable... Well, maybe I didn't notice that I missed it. I have to look for it again tomorrow.

In the shadow afar, a man and a woman saw this scene, but Robert, who had not been separated from Di Chang, and the rich woman who participated in the robbery of the bank during the day.

"This little guy is still worried about others at this time. What should I say?" Robert's eyes shone in the dark, his tone was plain, and he could not hear whether it was good or negative.

The plump woman did not immediately respond to his words, but was silent for a while before saying, "Robert, this child is very strange, taciturn, stubborn and indifferent, as if he doesn't care about anything, but he has a warm heart and is very contradictory."

Robert was also silent for a moment before smiling and asking, "Really?"

"Isn't it?" The rich woman asked him back.

Robert shook his head and said thoughtfully, "Sila, you are only right. In addition to stubbornness, the child's character is not as you said. All you see is his appearance. As long as you talk to him more deeply, you will come to a completely different conclusion."

"To be honest, although the conversation with this child is not long, let alone in-depth, I even feel that I can't cope with it. His temporary submission is just because he can't resist the threat of force imposed by me at all." Robert smiled and continued, "Indifferent and taciturn? Ha ha, his first impression was the same. I didn't expect you to be blind. It's really interesting. Now I doubt whether he is a natural pretender.

"A natural pretender?" The plump woman was quite surprised. This is just a nonsense legendary noun. How can there really be such a person in the world?

Robert shook his head again and laughed, "I'm just a metaphor. I think this name is suitable for the little guy. You won't take it seriously, will you?"

The plump woman was relieved and said with a smile, "Your evaluation is too exaggerated."

The pretender, this is a legendary name in the world of theft. It refers to a genius who is competent for any job, adapts to any environment, disguises himself as any kind of identity, and is regarded as a substitute for Aristotle, the god of disguise.

For all the thieves and liars in the world, such creatures walking in the dark, such extraordinary ability is of course the ability they dream of, so the title of pretender has become a legendary master who only appears in legendary stories. The noun was passed down.

"Well, maybe I'm exaggerating a little." Robert did not refute the words of the plump woman and said, "However, this child can deceive our eyes without any training. The potential is really amazing. Who knows what kind of state he will reach after being shaped?"

The plump woman poured cold water on him again. No matter how good the child's potential is, he has been injected with the wrong gene conversion fluid. I'm afraid that no matter how high his future achievements are, his future achievements will be limited.

Robert's eyes were full of deep regret and remorse, and he blamed himself: "It's only because I didn't find the other side of the child in time and promised not to take the initiative to find him, which led to this irreparable accident."

The plump woman's eyes shot a cold and prickly light and said in a cold voice, "That bastard is simply a crazy mad dog. Such a beast should have gone to hell to shovel feces long ago."

"We are thieves, not killers." Robert frowned and said, "Sila, don't touch that guy and let the child deal with it by himself in the future."

The plump woman thought back and restrained her cold murderous spirit and said, "Yes, it should be let him solve it by himself."

"It's human, and no one can predict what will happen in the future. I believe this child will surprise us." Robert cleaned up his regret and concluded confidently.

After a pause, he said cautiously, "Sila, you didn't tell Victoria about the child, did you? I hope no one will disturb our plan to cultivate him.

The plump woman raised her eyebrows and glanced at him. When do I need you to talk about my affairs for the second time?

"Of course, I can rest assured when you do things." Robert shrugged his shoulders, automatically ignored her cold eyes, and changed the topic with a smile and changed the topic: "After today's incident, the police are bound to pursue it very closely. We are busy for a while and just have a break. These days, you can take a break and take care of the child. I am responsible for approaching his father."

The plump woman nodded slightly, took a glimpse of her body, and disappeared into the depths of darkness like a phantom.