Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 14 on Bad Luck

An invisible hand opened a gray curtain in the sky, revealing a gloomy morning light, shining over the city of Rome, indicating that a new day had begun again.

"Oh, where did this wine come from? It's amazing. You don't make much money and waste it like this. You won't become a loser in the future? What else do I have to expect?"

After finishing the morning exercise, as soon as he stepped into the house, he saw Dilo rushing up and shouting angrily to plead guilty. He couldn't help but feel a little strange. After a brief explanation and asked doubtfully, "Why did you get up early this morning? Something is wrong. Did something happen in the bar last night?

"Well, so that's it. I blamed you wrong. Hey hey, don't care." Dilo immediately changed his face, pretended to stretch out his arms and legs, and said with a smile, "It's okay. I decided to correct my lazy habits and work hard to exercise my body in the future. Otherwise, if you are developed in the future, how can I have the capital to enjoy it?"

Di Changli took a towel to wipe the sweat on his body and curled his lips disapprovingly and said, "According to my statistics, you have said similar words no more than a hundred times."

"How can there be so many?" Dilo immediately denied it and said, "Absolutely less than 50 times."

Di Changli was too lazy to argue with him and said casually, "No matter how many times you say it, as long as you can break the record of three days of exercise this time."

"Do you really think I'm a bad old man without any perseverance?" Dilo was so angry that he raised his waist and shouted angrily, looking like an aggressive hair removal husband chicken.

Di Changli didn't flirt with his eyelids and said, "What do you think?"

Dillo's eyes turned over so much that he could only see Bai Ren, but he was still speechless. In the end, he could only laugh dryly. He looked down the steps, patted Di Changli's arm and said, "Well, yes, he has grown a lot these days and his muscles are strong. In a while, he will become a real handsome young man... ... Well, tell me frankly, do you plan to find a little girlfriend? I just saw conclusive evidence on your sheet.

"Why don't you think about yourself first?" Di Changli couldn't help rolling his eyes and went into the kitchen to make breakfast.

"Ha, I won." Dilo smiled proudly behind his back: "It's still a young boy. What's so embarrassing?"

Afraid of being entangled by his old and disrespectful father on this issue, Di Changli hurriedly ate breakfast and escaped from home on the pretext of taking a worker, and forgot to ask Dilo about the abnormality this morning. As for the coercion yesterday, even if Robert didn't tell him, he would not mention it to Dilo. Even if he said it, there was no way to solve it, just added one person's concern.

As soon as Di Changli went out, Dilo immediately jumped up and locked all the doors and windows, took out the amber Xuanjing from his body and appreciated it carefully. From last night to now, he has not found the time to look at this treasure carefully.

According to the color, plus analysis, that is, guessing and Meng, Delo believes that this is a crystal with earthy properties.

Generally speaking, the basic nature of the Force of human beings is not different at first. Only when they practice until the energy control period really become a refiner will individual differences gradually appear.

This difference is specifically manifested in the manipulation and application of various substances and energy in nature. Although every refiner can use the Force to control every substance and energy, there are also characteristics. For example, some people are good at manipulating metals, and some people are good at manipulating. Gas control, some people are good at controlling fire or water, etc. With the enhancement of the original force of the refiner, this difference becomes more and more obvious, so in the end, each refiner will choose one of the most suitable aspects to strengthen cultivation.

is different from the characteristics that are only reflected after the force is strong. As an energy crystal, the energy contained in Xuanjing itself is divided into many attributes. Therefore, when manufacturing the recovery armor, it is necessary to identify the attributes of Xuanjing in advance, and then add forging to adapt to the characteristics of auxiliary force and let users Give full play to the greatest advantage and power of the recovery armor.

All morning, Dilo did nothing, just tossed and turned Xuanjing. At this moment, he smiled and sighed the next moment. Seeing such a large amount of windfall falling into his hands, but he had to return it to others eagerly, it was definitely a complete lie to say that Dilo did not feel heartache. Yesterday, he ran out to find Robert mixed with impulsive elements. Now once he has time to think, he will inevitably worry about gains and losses and hesitates whether to really return it with both hands.

After several hesitations, near noon, Dilo still made up his mind and reluctantly put away Xuanjing and rushed to the bar.

Not far out, Dilo suddenly remembered that if Mr. Rogge didn't come to look for it for a while, he would carry this Xuanjing on his body, in case he was found that it would be very dangerous, so he turned back, found a secret place at home to hide it, and then went out again.

Dilo came and went in a hurry and didn't notice that the beautiful man William had been staring at his every move in the next house, with greedy and strange eyes, like a pair of evil snake pupils.

This time, he walked a long way, and Dilo suddenly thought that the door lock was simple, and it was not very safe. It was only safer to rent a safe deposit box in the bank, so he turned around again.


Today, Di Changli was very lucky. He found a job in a courier company early in the morning, and the supervisor promised that he could continue to work for a long time, on the condition that he must pay one-fifth of his salary as a reward.

Di Changli naturally had nothing to be picky about. After reaching an agreement, he began to work.

He ran around all morning on the lowest-level mobility tool allocated by the company, and didn't have a rest until lunchtime. He was buying a fast food outside to make do with it. Suddenly, for no reason, a very uncomfortable feeling suddenly surged in his heart. A strong sense of unspeakable fear suddenly came, like a fierce beast rushing out of the nest and devoured him tightly.

Di Changli's face was pale, and his mind was like a holographic image. Lightning flashed through an extremely terrible lens. He saw Delo fall on the ground at home, and his whole body was stained with blood, which was shocking.

My father fell to the ground covered in blood... The long-lost bad omen made Di Changli bounce up like an attacked snake.

"Hey, what's this guy crazy about?" A pedestrian on the side was hit by Di Changli and almost fell down and complained in constersation.


"Robert, there is something wrong with this child. He seems to be a little out of control."

"What's going on?"

"I don't know. He runs very fast and seems to be in a hurry to go somewhere. It seems very abnormal. Do I need to take any measures?"

"No, Sheila, just follow him... He may have a premonition that something we don't know has happened. I have to go to his house first and contact him later.


"Sila, the situation is terrible. His father was killed."

"What? Who did it?"

"I don't know. The murderer has left. I didn't find the Xuanjing at the scene. I think this is the reason why his father was killed... Sheila, it's my fault."

"Now is not the time to blame ourselves, Robert, we have more important problems to solve. The death of the child's father is likely to cause misunderstanding.

"Daw... Sheila, you must talk to him before he contacts the police.

"Okay, I'll go right away."


Di Changli ran to the nearest high-speed air rail platform in one breath. After climbing the floating column to find a seat and sitting down, he found that his body was trembling uncontrollably slightly, and his whole body was surprisingly cold, as if he had been overwhelmed by the cold wave of bones. He gritted his teeth and forced himself to calm down a little.

The strong ominous fear made him dare not think about anything at this moment. His eyes were dull, just staring straight out of the window and turning a blind eye to all the movements around him.

The float rose into the air and began to shuttle quickly.

A mature woman with a rich and beautiful temperament approached Di Changli and asked softly, "Can I sit here?"

Di Changli didn't hear what she was talking about at all, and turned his head and looked at her blankly.

The plump woman no longer asked for his opinion. She sat down directly opposite and smiled and said, "Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Sheila and I'm a friend of Robert."

Di Changli suddenly shook, and the empty pupil suddenly contracted.

"I'm sorry, kid, I'm afraid I have to tell you some very unfortunate news." The plump woman restrained her smile, and there was a trace of imperceptible pity in her eyes. She spread her arms slightly and said slowly, "I'm afraid your father has encountered something wrong. Child, Robert is deeply sorry about this. I am the same. I hope you can be sad and change."

The terrible omen was confirmed. Di Changli's ears buzzed, and he couldn't hear anything in an moment. For example, a hurricane that seemed to never stop ravaged his mind violently.

I don't know how long it took, Di Changli's mind finally recovered a little. He wanted to shout loudly, but he found that he couldn't even make a sound, and the muscles of his whole body could not move at all, as if he had been twisted by countless invisible wires.

The plump woman's hands were empty, condensed the Force to restrain Di Changli from the air, and said in harmony, "Son, it has happened. It's not good for you to be too excited."

Di Changli's eyes twitched fiercely, and the anger from the bottom of his eyes was almost crazy, like a burning black flame in hell, burning everything he saw in front of him.