Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 28 Akuda's Request

The June Flower spacecraft and the Crescent spacecraft arrived at the ninth planet of the Roman Galaxy, the first stop of this year's hunting trip, moored in the space port in outer space.

The ninth planet also has air, but it is very thin. The temperature on the surface of the planet can even be as low as more than 100 degrees below zero. It is extremely cold and covered by hard ice all year round. From space, the ninth planet is like a huge ice ball, crystal white and beautiful, so it is known as the pearl of the goddess of ice and snow.

However, the pearl of the goddess of ice and snow is no longer the beauty of the past.

At the rise of the development of the Roman galaxy, 15 planets were dug up by crazy miners. The ninth planet is the richest in peptide crystal minerals, which made greedy miners look unreate. From afar, it's okay. When you look closely, the dense and abandoned mines all over the planet are like the sores on the face of a beauty, which is unbearable to witness.

After the development frenzy and all the large peptide crystal mines were plundered and excavated, the pearl of the ice goddess was finally calm, silently recuperating, self-healing the wounds, and the appearance was greatly improved. However, with the recovery of the Roman colonial star economy, the tranquility of the pearl of the goddess of ice and snow was broken again, and people full of desire eagerly stepped on her body again.

Perhaps, only when the pearl of the goddess of ice and snow squeezes the desire of the demanding person clean can she truly get eternal peace.

Goniff, the captain of the Crescent spacecraft, and Bill, the captain of the hunting team, came to the ship June Flower to discuss with Captain Parker how to pay the hunting tax to the ninth planet.

The hunting tax is different from other federal taxes. It is not handed over to the federal tax department, but is handed over to the federal army stationed in the space port. When the adventurer team encounters various dangers, they can call the federal army in the hunting area to support protection.

There are two ways to pay taxes, one is to pay a fixed fee, and the other is to charge a certain proportion according to the value of the prey. Both methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. It is usually necessary to collect more detailed information in advance, analyze and judge the number and possible harvest of prey in the region, and carefully consider them before making a decision to avoid unnecessary losses.

According to the information found in Rome, a rare space monster ice monster appeared on the ninth planet of the Roman galaxy this year. This kind of ice dazzling dragonfly lives in extremely cold areas. The number is rare and itself is extremely negative, but the energy crystal formed by the adult ice dazzling dragonfly is a fire property, which is extremely rare. Each Xuanjing is the best and can be sold at a sky-high price on the market. Just harvest a dazzling crystal, which is enough to cover the basic expenses of a hunting ship.

Captain Goniv's hair is gray, with a deep wrinkle carved in the middle of his forehead. He usually doesn't smile and looks very serious. In terms of years of adventure, Captain Goniv is longer than Captain Parker and is an old-time professional adventurer.

Regarding the hunting tax at this station, Captain Gnief proposed to pay it at a fixed fee, on the grounds that there are not only ice scalying dragonfly on the ninth planet, but also a large number of space monsters such as snow mother clams and other space to hunt in outer space. As long as you are not lucky enough to catch an adult ice glare, you can make a profit in this hunting area. The guarantee is a good start for this year's overall hunting operation.

Captain Parker did not agree with Captain Goniv's proposal. He believed that the information found in advance during each hunting was generally not very accurate, and it has always been true and half false. If the information is wrong and there is no ice on the ninth planet, I'm afraid the catch in outer space alone will not be worth the loss.

Since the opinions of the two captains are different, they need to listen to everyone's opinions to vote. Captain Helen, Captain Bill, and several important figures in the adventurer team all participated in the discussion and argued with each other. After more than an hour of discussion, they failed to agree and make a final decision.

After a long discussion, everyone's voice gradually became louder and began to evolve from discussion to quarrel. Seeing that everyone was arguing loudly, Captain Parker had a headache and asked Di Changli, who specially called to listen to increase his experience in all aspects: "Xiao Di, are a local in Rome or a detective? You must have your own information channels. Let's discuss it together."

Changli Di shook his head honestly: "I'm sorry, Captain Parker, I don't know much about your industry, and I can't give you any opinions for your reference."

Captain Parker is right. Di Changli doesn't know how to do it. What good ideas can he give? Looking at the disputing partners, they have become a little blushed and thick-necked and hurriedly patted the table to stop the noise: "Don't quarrel anymore. Since we can't decide, Captain Goniv and I should go to the office of the commander of the ninth planetary defense zone, and the extra expenses will be handled according to the old rules."

Captain Goniv moved his mouth and seemed to want to object, but in the end he did not raise any objection. After a little consideration, everyone also agreed. It's just that everyone's face was not very happy. The grumpy Captain Bill punched the table angrily: "Fuck, just think it's a dog."

Di Changli was a little strange and whispered to Captain Parker what was inside his decision.

Captain Parker frowned and briefly explained that this was not uncommon in the past, and the usual solution was to seek the help of the commander of the federal army in the hunting area. Because he has been stationed in the area for many years, the commander does not know much about the news about the presence of space monsters near the defense area. At least he is more specific and informative than others, but it is quite expensive to get information from the commander. As a rule, this money has to be shared by the wrong party in the group of adventurers. Full-time adventurers work hard and are naturally unwilling to eat a large amount of hard-earned money for no reason.

Intelligence is also a resource, and it belongs to the seller's resource. The commander of the federal garrison does not have the obligation to provide it to others free of charge. It is understandable to exchange it for money, but the price is indeed too high. Di Changli asked the approximate price again and asked meditatingly, "Captain Parker, you have been with the commander of the ninth planet defense zone more than once. How is his personal prestige here?"

Although Captain Parker didn't quite understand the meaning of his question, he still said truthfully: "The commander's personal prestige is not easy to evaluate, but several small officers I know have complained that the boss is a little too harsh."

"In that case." Di Changli nodded and said, "Actually, you can find the lower-level officers in the army. After all, it is normal for the commander to have a bigger appetite. The price should be much cheaper to find other military personnel who know more about the information, such as the little officers you mentioned."

"This doesn't work." Captain Parker shook his head repeatedly: "If we go to the army to buy information and don't pass the commander, there will be absolutely no good results. In case of a dangerous call for help in his defense zone, the federal army's rescue will be delayed for a little time, but it's a matter of life, and we can't afford to take this risk."

Di Changli smiled and said, "Captain Parker, you don't have to worry about this problem at all. As long as you find someone to buy information, you will never reach the commander's ears."

Captain Parker asked doubtfully, "How can you be so sure?"

Di Changli smiled and said, "The federal army is also one of the departments of the federal government. According to my experience as a police department, the interpersonal relationship between government departments is one of the characteristics, that is, to hide it. Especially for matters involving vital interests, even if they are directly subordinates, the parties will never take the initiative to report to their superiors. Of course, the relationship between superiors and subordinates in the army is no better than that in local departments, which may be different from my experience. However, since the lower-level officers you know have some complaints about the commander, what else can you worry about?

Captain Parker thought about it carefully and felt that it was very reasonable. He immediately made up his mind to make a decision: "Okay, that's it."

It didn't take long for Captain Parker to find out the exact information. Some time ago, there were indeed traces of ice in the North Pole of the ninth planet, and it was an adult. All the crew were very excited to hear it. You know, extremely precious prey such as Bing Xuanqi does not have a chance to meet every time you hunt.

This information cost is less than one-tenth of the amount required in the past, saving a lot of money. Everyone knows that it is the credit of Di Changli, so when Captain Parker proposed to let Di Changli go to the ninth planet with the hunting team to see it, although some people thought that he might become a burden for this hunt, it was not Raise any objection.

There are more than 30 full-time hunters on the two spacecraft, with rich hunting experience. At this time, there is no need to order mobilize, and each of them should take the time to sort out their clothes. Captain Parker prepared all the items and materials he needed, and everyone set off quickly with an order.

There are two shuttle boats on each spacecraft. Sykes is the main hunter in the hunting team. Although he doesn't look good, he is quite bold. After losing the battle with Di Changli, he didn't care at all and enthusiastically pulled him to ride the No. 2 shuttle with himself.

Before boarding the boat, there was an episode. Although the teenager Akuda is just a handyman, he is very self-motivated and will never let go of it as long as there is an opportunity to learn, especially interested in mechanical knowledge. When everyone was ready to go, several mechanics made routine inspections on the two shuttle boats, and Akuda followed them to observe and learn, occasionally asking some questions.

After checking an emergency ejection device of the No. 2 shuttle, Akuda suddenly said that there seemed to be something wrong with the device. The mechanic in charge of the routine inspection of this facility is Captain Parker's nephew Bumble. Seeing that Akuda actually provoked a thorn for himself, he couldn't help but be fury and scolded Akuda fiercely with a black face.

Akuda did not dare to talk back, but insisted that he was not wrong. Bumble was even more angry. After a few more words of scolding, he was angry and wanted to teach Akuda a lesson. Seeing this, several other mechanics quickly stopped and asked Akuda to go down the shuttle. As for his doubts about the emergency ejection device, no one paid attention to it. After all, Bumble is a professional mechanic with excellent skills and experience. Since he has not found anything abnormal, there should be no problem. Most of them are Akuda's young people's desire to prove his ability to make everyone look at him differently.

Akuda stood sadly outside the No. 2 shuttle, heard the radio and notified the members of the hunting team to board the boat after the inspection. He was very anxious. He knew that his words were light, and then he directly asked the mechanic to check the emergency ejection device, which would definitely make Bumble lose his temper and didn't work at all. While hesitating whether to go to Captain Parker to report the situation, he suddenly saw Di Changli and Sykes coming to prepare to board the boat. His eyes couldn't help but light up and he ran forward and shouted, "Mr. Detective."

Di Changli was very impressed by this thin teenager who insisted on betting that he could win the Sexes. He felt that some aspects of his body seemed to have the shadow of his youth. He smiled and said, "It's Akuda. What's the matter?"

Seeing that Di Changli could call his name, Akuda was very happy and excited. He quickly told what had just happened and asked, "Detective, you are a distinguished guest on the spacecraft. If you ask for it, they will definitely pay attention to your opinion."

Di Changli thought for a moment and asked, "Are you so confident that you are sure you won't see it wrong?"

"I can't guarantee it, Mr. Inspector." Akuda replied, "But I have been very fond of machinery since I was a child. I have systematically learned some mechanical knowledge before, and I have done a lot of gadgets by myself. I am quite keen on various metals that make machinery, and I also have a little practical experience. When Mr. Bumble checked the emergency ejection device just now, I saw that the color of one of the alloy edge edges was a little purple. This phenomenon is usually caused by the volatilization and immersion of the lubricating oil, and the alloy embedding part is outside and it is impossible to come into contact with the lubricating oil. Therefore, I speculate that a part inside is loose and there is a slight leakage, which causes the alloy to be immersed in volatile lubricating oil.

Hearing Akuda's words, he was well-founded, and Sykes looked at him suspiciously: "Hey, you little guy is quite good at it. Why didn't I see that you were still a mechanical genius before?"

"Mr. Inspector, Mr. Sykes." Akuda said earnestly, "Although this is just a minor problem, it is related to your personal safety. If there is an emergency, a small accident is likely to lead to something unexpected. Don't take it lightly."

"Well, this kind of thing really can't be careless. However, Bumble has always been a little weird, and he can't allow others to dictate his work. If you don't find anything after inspection, your boy will suffer from him in the future. Sykes said, "Have you made up your mind? Do you really want to ask Mr. Detective to come forward?"

"Yes." Akuda did not flinch and straightened his chest to answer affirmatively. At this moment, a confident force seemed to emerge from his thin body, which made people ignore his weakness.

"I promise you." Di Changli looked at him and nodded and said, "I also hope that the wrong person is not you."