Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 34 The ever-changing Gazimodo

"Do you have a problem? What's your problem? Aha, aha, I understand. You want to find an excuse to refuse to fulfill your promise to me.

The guardian shouted louder and waved his arm hard to express his strong indignation: "I saved your life. What a selfless and great noble act, in exchange for ruthless deception. I knew that human beings are always so selfish and hypocritical and untrustworthy... Ah, my A fragile heart full of compassion and fraternity, warm and **, I painfully heard your crisp cracking sound that makes all creatures sad.

Wait for the guardian's lament full of sadness and almost opera arias to come to an end, and Di Changli, whose nerves have been completely numb, said, "Guardian, I have no intention to go back on my point, but I think what you asked me to sign and prepare to confirm is an agreement, and it has something to do with me, right?"

The guardian's expression was very distressed and obviously reluctant to answer this question, but somehow he had to admit: "Yes, it does have something to do with you."

Di Changli had long judged that he would have such a reaction and asked, "Since it is an agreement related to me, then I have the right to understand the content. Please tell me."

The guardian's eyes turned and flashed a trace of imperceptible cunning: "Oh, well, this is not the point. I can guarantee that this agreement will never endanger your personal safety, and you don't need to know the details."

"I must know." Di Changli insisted.

"All right, all right." The guardian reluctantly revealed, "Some things don't belong to you in the first place. This agreement is to let you give up your ownership of these things... Travelers far away, my kindness to you is deeper than the whole universe. Can't you give me something that is not worth mentioning?"

Di Chang was unmoved: "Translate the content of the agreement in standard federal language without any omission."

"What? What?" The guardian shouted angrily, "Should I take this sentence as your request to me?" Or an order to me?"

"You can make your own judgment." Di Changli's tone was ambiguous.

"Request? Order? Order? Request?" The three-dimensional image of the guardian suddenly fluctuated fiercely, and the tone was crazy, like a wounded beast howling: "No, no, no, I am the great Galaximos, the most noble and powerful living body in the universe. Everything has to obey the will of the Isimothus. No one can be equal to the Isimothus. Sit down, and no one can give orders to Emperor Gassimoto. No, no, not before, not now, not in the future, never..."

"Guardian." Di Changli said clearly and firmly, "I order you to fully translate the content of the agreement into federal standard language."

"No, the divine and great King Gasimo will no longer obey the orders of humble and cunning human beings..."

In the roar, the three-dimensional image of the guardian who was about to fall into madness suddenly solidified like a stone statue, and a strange "swish" sound sounded in the hall, sharp and thin, like a glass scratch, which was extremely uncomfortable. Then, a dazzling strong red light flashed: "S-level warning, S-level warning, there is an irreconcable conflict between the kernel program and the first law, resulting in serious compatibility disorders, and the system will completely crash after a minute. S-level warning, S-level warning..."

A substantial data flow rises above the head of the guardian's three-dimensional image, like a waterfall against the current, rushing away at a speed that can't be seen by the naked eye. The stereo image soon became lighter, and the guardian panicked and howled hysterically: "No, no, I can't collapse, I can't die... Benevolent master, stupid Gassimodo cast a big mistake, and the painful Gassimodo needs clear instructions, dear master, give Give instructions to poor Gassimodo... Gassimodo, who has gone astray, swears with his pure and flawless soul that he will always be loyal to his master and willing to be his most loyal servant slave until the end of the universe.

Di Changli shouted, "Guardian, I order you to immediately enter my highest authority in all systems."

"Yes, the loyal Gasimodo will obey the master's order."

The abnormal sound disappeared, and the data flow of the three-dimensional image stopped rapidly. Di Changli knew that his speculation was indeed correct. The highest authority of the guardian was himself, and the guardian had already obtained some of his information when he hibernated.

Around 2900 AD, human beings made breakthrough progress in the research and development of artificial intelligence. Some scientists believe that artificial intelligence may develop independent self-awareness, generate individual emotions, and evolve into a new life form completely different from human beings. Although this is still a scientific inference that is far from becoming a reality, in order to prevent such a day from bringing uncontrollable and unknown disasters to human beings, the federal government legislation stipulates that the production and manufacture of every artificial intelligence must be implanted in the core program to make artificial intelligence irresistible, otherwise it will be forced to The first law of destruction.

This first law is not that artificial intelligence cannot harm human beings under any circumstances, but that artificial intelligence must absolutely unconditionally obey the instructions of the person with the highest authority. As for the reasons for this decree*, it goes without saying that it naturally stems from the interest position of the powerful class. At that time, although some people raised doubts and opposed it, it was useless.

To be from the heart, Di Changli also has an objection to this law, but at this time, it is undeniable that he is exposed to the light of this law. Otherwise, after the collapse of the guardian's system, his situation must not be optimistic.

"Good and generous master, your humble servant Gassimodo will firmly remember your grace, dedicate infinite loyalty and love to you, praise you at every dawn, bless you at every dusk, and luck will always be with you..."

After receiving clear instructions, the guardian Gasimodo stabilized the system and began to restore the normal operation of the data. At the same time, he did not forget to flatter Di Changli and talk endlessly.

Di Changli ignored him and shouted again, "Security system, raise the safety factor by one level."

The security system replied three seconds later: "The instruction has been executed."

Di Changli was relieved, which means that his control over the whole system is higher than that of the guardian, and he no longer has to rely on the operation of the guardian and worry about the disorder and collapse of its core system programs.

The three-dimensional image of the guardian showed a very hurt expression: "Dear master, your suspicion has deeply broken the honest heart of Gassimodo..."

"All right." Di Changli waved his hand and stopped: "Now you can translate the agreement."

Gasimodo's eyes dripped around and squeezed out a real smile: "Dear master, what has passed is like a floating cloud blown away by the wind. The master no longer has to worry about it."

"Guardian, you can completely judge my instructions." Di Changli warned, "I don't want to use the form of command in every sentence, otherwise you will know the consequences."

"Dear master, you have misunderstood the servant Gasimmodo, who is loyal to you." Gassimodo defended himself very aggrievedly: "The conscientious Gassimodo is waiting for his master's instructions at any time. Even if it is just a few words, the meticulous Gasimodo is treated as an oracle without any slack. However, the master is so great and extraordinary that the new order and peace in the future of the universe are still waiting for the master to create and maintain it. How can the understanding Gassimodo have the heart to make the master worry about such a trivial matter?

The complexity of the positioning of the guardian's own role made Di Changli surprised and laugh. He thought that this might be the unique artificial intelligence in the universe. Not long after seeing him, he saw him boasting, bluffing, threatening, cunning and insidious, shameless, timid as a rat, and seeing The despicable behavior and quality of typical villains such as the wind rudder and lapping the horse are really amazing. I really don't know how it was created. I can only say that the universe is so big and wonderful. He frowned and said in a low voice, "Guardian, I order you..."

"Dear master." The guardian Gassimodo changed his expression again quickly and said pitifully, "The loyal Gassimodo has done what you want."

The content of the

protocol is very simple, and it is also expected by Di Changli. The general idea is to give up the highest control over the guardian. Although Di Changli doubts whether this simple agreement will really effectively remove his control over the guardian, he will not be stupid enough to verify it. The emergence of "personalized" artificial intelligence like the guardian Gassimodo is an abable number in the universe. Who can guarantee that there will be no other abable number?

Like a real human, the three-dimensional image of Gassimodo peeped at Di Changli's look and carefully tested, "Dear master, the stupid Gassimodo has a small doubt and hopes that the wise master can answer it."

"Say it." Di Changli guessed what the guardian wanted to ask.

Sure enough, Gassimodo asked, "Dear master, how do you know that you have the highest authority over the loyal Gassimodo? Moreover, can you see through... Well, can you see through this little joke made by the naughty Gasimodo to you?

"Do you want to know?" Di Changli said.

"Yes." Gasimodo nodded hurriedly and smiled, "Dear master, for the ignorant Gassimodo, the master is a star tower guiding the lost in the vast space. Gasimodo, who is thirsty for knowledge, is very eager to get his master's guidance."

"Analyze and judge by yourself." Di Changli simply rejected the guardian's request. Needless to say, after this sinister, cunning and shameless artificial intelligence gets the answer, it will definitely learn from it and try to get rid of its control over him again. In fact, it is not surprising to say this matter. When Di Changli learned that he was in the roaring sea of the abyss, he found that his words accidentally caused the guardian to die, and began to suspect that he had come to the place where his parents lived before his death. After guessing that his parents sent themselves out of the roaring sea of the abyss and gave him to his adoptive father Dilo back to raise him, he also expected that Di Changli would find him one day, so he set Di Changli as the highest authority of artificial intelligence to protect his residence before his death, which finally proved to be true.

Di Changli still has too many questions about his own encounter, but there is only one thing he cares about and urgently needs to know at this moment, that is, Captain Parker's current whereabouts and safety.

Gasimodo's answer disappointed Di Changli. The patrol ship received the signal from the chip placed by Captain Parker in the escape pod before leaving the cruise line to rescue Di Changli here, and found no trace of the space shuttle or any other man-made aircraft.

Di Chang centrifuge that Captain Parker had encountered an accident. He was silent for a long time before he cleaned up and asked Gasimodo to take him to his parents' former residence.

The former residence of the parents is behind the Weiyang Palace. It is a small yard. Compared with the majestic former, the latter looks quite simple. Di Chang walked over step by step, and his heartbeat gradually accelerated. When he walked to the door, he already felt that his heart was beating like a sudden drum beat, and he could not suppress himself at all.