Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 38 Please Call Me Hero

The speed of the aircraft was so fast that it soon flew out of the small galaxy. It was not large, only a little larger than the space shuttle. There was no name symbol on the fuselage, and it looked like a small modified exploration ship.

It is very common for the appearance of the expedition ship to be modified. When this impression was given, the mood of the space shuttle and the crew of the pirate ship suddenly became different.

Federal citizens are well aware of the danger of the roaring sea of the abyss, and ordinary civilian ships will never enter easily. Lieutenant Colonel Albert thought that he might meet a special army that came here to carry out a mission, but he couldn't help but be very disappointed and immediately rushed to the small galaxy again.

Abel was pure and kind-hearted and did not want innocent people to be involved in this reckless disaster. She quickly turned on the communicator and used the federal general public channel to call the expedition ship: "Behind the pirate ship, dangerous, run away quickly."

The two pirate ships slowed up a little. Seeing that they could not intercept them in time before the space shuttle rushed into the small galaxy, Stephen was furious and didn't care about catching Angrier alive to vent his anger. He gritted his teeth and shouted hatefully, "Fight, beat me."

Dozens of strongly dazzling beams of light spewed out of the two pirate ships, as if the flash of boundless hell, almost reflecting the whole universe.

Even in the previous fierce battle between the two sides, the firepower of the pirate ship did not have such density and strength. Obviously, the pirates gathered energy ammunition to carry out a one-time full attack and wanted to smash the space shuttle to pieces in one fell swoop, even if the price of this attack was to let the two pirate ships lose in the next hour. Remove all their attack and defense capabilities.

"Damn it." Lieutenant Colonel Albert's face suddenly changed, and his heart sank to the bottom of the valley, crazily controlling the space shuttle to make evasation. In fact, he knew very well that circumvention was just a matter of satisfactory conversation. With such dense artillery fire, it was impossible for the space shuttle without any defense to escape. At this time, the expedition ship that suddenly appeared was very close to the space shuttle and was covered by the attack orbit of artillery fire. I'm afraid it will never survive.

At the critical moment, the expedition ship suddenly changed its angle strangely and blocked the front of the space shuttle before the artillery bombardment.

In an instant, several artillery fires hit the expedition ship at the same time, and the dazzling energy light burst out. An Beier, who was nervously paying attention to the expedition ship, exclaimed and couldn't help closing her eyes and couldn't bear to witness the tragic scene of the death of innocent people.

After the violent splash of energy light dissipated, the hull of the expedition ship did not have an unexpected violent explosion, and it was still safe. Lieutenant Colonel Albert, who also stared at the helpless expedition ship, was shocked and couldn't believe his eyes. You know, in addition to the indestructible space fortress, even a space carrier with super defense can't be undamaged. The strength of the protective shield of this expedition ship is too strange.

On the two pirate ships, all the pirates opened their mouths unbelievably. For a moment, a pirate swallowed a mouthful of water and stammered, "How is this possible? Did we meet the ghost ship?

Another pirate said in horror, "Leader, what should we do?" For the illusory ghosts and gods, pirates who kill people and regard human lives as grass mustard naturally sneer. What makes them panic is that the two pirate ships have completely lost their defense and attack capabilities and can only be slaughtered by others.

Stephen was also a little regretful and panicked. He ordered a reckless blow because of his anger. He just wanted to destroy the other party to vent his anger. He never thought that an inconspicuous expedition ship could withstand this thunderous blow. After all, he has been the leader of pirates for a period of time. Compared with other pirates, he can more or less calm down and comfort himself: "Don't panic, it's just an expedition ship. Even if it is equipped with long-range weapons, its attack power is not much stronger. Send all the fighter armor to block the expedition ship first. We will retreat first, and then ask Kohler to bring some people to support. With so many people, bites can bite this dung beetles from nowhere.

The righteous iron fist pirate group is one of the largest pirate groups in the Roman galaxy. Although it suffered a serious blow some time ago and even stole the capital and died, there are still many fish that escaped. In addition to the more than 20 fighter armor led by Kohler, there are more than a dozen armors among the two pirate ships. After the initial panic, the fierce pirates stabilized their spirits a little. At present, like a bumblebee burned by the nest, a swarm of bees rushed out of the ship aggressively and rushed to the expedition ship.

Di Changli's mood is quite depressed and annoyed.

For four years, except for communicating with artificial intelligence Gassimodo, Di Changli didn't even have a person to talk to. Today, when he just came out of the roaring sea of the abyss, he rarely met the same kind. He was quite happy, but he didn't expect to meet this. If the spacecraft he piloted was an experimental ship stolen from the Federal Research Institute, the whole ship seemed ordinary, but in fact it was the highest technological crystallization of the Federation. Its defense ability was super strong, and he was afraid that it had been smashed to pieces by this round of artillery fire.

Di Changli did not have the noble style of helping others, let alone came forward bravely to rescue because he saw the federal army logo of the space shuttle, but because of Aun Beier's alarm.

Being chased by pirates can only escape from time to time, but I don't forget to remind others to escape. This kindness is rare and valuable. What's more, the voice is so crisp and beautiful. It can be imagined that the owner of the voice must be a very gentle, kind, beautiful and lovely girl. For these two points, of course, Di Changli can't be saved and let her die under the fire of pirates.

Looking at the pirate fighter armor swarming in front of him, Di Changli shook his head and sighed helplessly: "Is it my bad luck or your bad luck?"

Two cold lights shot out of the expedition ship and cut through the starry sky, like a viper that suddenly bounced up, accurately and sharply devoured the prey. The first pirate armor was too late to react. Almost in the blink of an eye, it exploded silently in the vast universe one by one, and the defense cover of the fuselage could not survive for even two seconds. The second cold light came one after another and destroyed another pirate armor.

"How is this possible?" Lieutenant Colonel Albert, who has always been old, opened his mouth and almost dislocated his chin: "What the hell is this weapon? The power is too strong. I'm afraid even the battleship can be destroyed after a few more strokes."

Di Changli's pilot is not actually an expedition ship, but a failed aircraft experiment. It has an extremely fierce name, called the fang. When the elites of the Federal Research Institute worked hard to develop it, they claimed to create the strongest killer in federal history. Di Changli's parents, Di Qing and Su Chang, escaped from the trap relying on the fang.

The original intention of the federal development of fangs is to create a new type of super fighter that can jump in space and carry out lightning raids in the outer galaxy. However, due to the problem of the inability to coordinate and compress the power and weapons and defense energy supply modules, the body has to expand again and again, and the volume has reached the category that is difficult to be called a fighter, which is almost equivalent to a small spacecraft, making the final prototype look different, losing the original significance of development. The law was mass-produced and put into use, so it was abandoned and thrown into the corner of the waste warehouse of the Federal Research Institute.

Although it is an abandoned experiment, whether it is raw materials or theoretical technology, the fangs have condensed the most advanced technology of the Galactic Federation at that time. From another perspective, it can definitely be called an extremely powerful combat aircraft. After Di Qing and Su Shang decided to leave the Federal Research Institute, they came up with the idea of fangs, secretly transformed it, installed the artificial intelligence Gacymodo on it, and finally escaped with the help of fangs and successfully flew away under the containment and interception of the national machine. The powerful performance of the fangs can be seen from this. Although the federal technology has been developed for more than 20 years, it is still effortless to deal with pirate armor that is not high-level, and it is no wonder Lieutenant Colonel Abe will be stunned.

The light with a strong breath of death shot away, seemingly plain, but the cold power of destruction was shocking and intertwined into an extremely horrible net of death. Although the pirate armor dodged desperately, it was still inevitably kissed by Death and exploded into debris one by one. Although some of them could barely resist the next attack and counterattack with shields, the sporadic attacks of the armor could not cause trouble to the fangs at all. In less than a moment, the overall number of pirate armor disappeared. Nearly half.

This ghost spacecraft is simply an invincible death car. The pirates cursed desperately, and their spiritual will began to collapse in fear. When one of them took the lead in escaping from the war circle, the rest of the pirates lost their courage and fled one after another. Stephen roared and threatened in the communication circuit, and no one turned back to resist the fangs. For these pirates, sacrificing their lives to save others is really a ridiculous joke.

Seeing that the general trend had no power to recover, Stephen finally died and ordered to evacuate at full speed.

Since the killing has been opened and the target is the notorious space pirate, Di Changli did not have the idea of storing his hands. He drove his fangs to another pirate ship that fled in panic, and then wiped out a dizzy and fled to the pirate armor on the route of the fangs.

Because of the previous full blow, the pirate ship's energy recovery was insufficient, so that the speed could not be increased in time. In a short time, it would be chased to the range by the fangs. The pirates who saw the extremely horrible attack power of the fangs were only so anxious that everyone died.

I have to say that these pirates are still a little lucky. Ang'er timely asked Di Changli for help and earnestly asked, "Unknown respected warriors, my companions are in a very dangerous situation now. Could you please rescue them first?"

"I would like to serve a woman with kindness." Di Changli readily agreed to An Beier's plea, turned around and rushed all the way to another battlefield.

The two pirate ships, like mice for the rest of their lives under the cat's claws, sneaked into the depths of space in panic and eagerly despite the hysterical calls for help of their companions driving armor in the communication circuit.

At this time, the federal army's armor after being cut off with a dying heart has almost been killed. Only Lieutenant Colonel Yaxiu and Susan are still trying their best to deal with the pirates, and their armors have been traumatized to varying degrees. The situation is in danger, and their lives are on the front line.

The fangs joined the regiment at the most critical moment, just when Susan received another particle gun. A pirate armor quickly approached and intended to completely destroy her armor with a pulsed giant sword. The fangs shot an energy arrow, which resulted in the pirate first.

Then, another pirate armor exploded into a fire regiment. The pirates felt that something was wrong and called for support one after another. Unexpectedly, there was not even a response, let alone reinforcements. Only then did the pirates realize that they had been abandoned and couldn't help but be frightened. Kohler, who had been loyal and working for Stephen, didn't expect that the former was so ruthless. He didn't even say hello to himself when he ran away. He was extremely resentful and scolded angrily: "Stephen, fuck your mother... Brothers, withdraw separately."

Seeing that the panicked pirates fled away, Di Changli was too lazy to pursue them. He only flew close to Lieutenant Colonel Ashu and Susan and smiled, "You two look a little bad. Do you want to get on the boat to rest?" Although the invitation was issued, the hatch of the fangs did not open. Obviously, it was only polite, and the tone was more than a joke than a greeting.

Of course, Lieutenant Colonel Asius, who escaped from death, will not care about Di Changli's attitude and sincerely said, "Thank you for your help. Our spaceship is not far from there. We can just go there by ourselves."

"It turns out that you two are federal soldiers, but they are disrespectful." Di Changli scanned the ragged Nighthawk and found that it was a well-equipped active frigate of the federal army, and his tone became less polite: "Well, but it is rare for fully armed federal officers and soldiers to be chased by pirates."

Susan, who heard Di Changli's repeated sarcastic remarks and ridicule, finally couldn't help saying angrily, "What do you mean by this? Do you think you can look down on people if you save us? I can thank you for your rescue, but if you say something hurtful like this, don't blame me for being rude to you.

"Oh, it turns out that there is a heroic female warrior here." Di Changli expressed surprise, smiled without saying anything and said, "Anyway, I'm your lifesaver. How do you want to thank me and how rude are you to me? Do you want to give me a sum of money first and then give me a shot?

"You..." Susan was so angry that she wanted to give him a shot.

Seeing Di Changli's attitude, Lieutenant Colonel Yaxiu was first a little strange. After thinking about it, he realized that although Di Changli took the rescue, he was not very keen to have a deeper relationship with his people. He quickly prevented Susan from saying anything inappropriate and said to Di Changli, "Your Excellency, I am the general of the Roman Galaxy Federal Army. A Xiu, the lieutenant colonel of the three departments, thank you very much. If there is anything you need for me in the future, please feel free to come to me.

"The staff of the Lieutenant Colonel of the General Staff of the Third Department, ah ha, the position is not low. It seems that I really saved the right person this time." Di Changli laughed and said, "Okay, if I encounter any trouble in the future, I will definitely come to you for help. At that time, you can't shirk it."

"Of course." Lieutenant Colonel Yashu said solemnly, "You can rest assured that I am not a trustworthy person, not to mention your great kindness. As long as your request does not violate federal law and justice, I will definitely repay you."

"Okay, that's settled." Di Changli threw down a sentence indifferently and was about to leave. Lieutenant Colonel Albert came over in a space shuttle. Seeing that his fangs were accelerating, An Beier hurriedly said to stay: "Mr. Warrior, please stay."

"Is there anything else?" Di Changli asked.

"My name is Abeer. Thank you very much for your heroic feat, otherwise the result today is unimaginable." Amber said sincerely, "Can you tell me your name and address so that I can come to thank you in the future?"

The beautiful woman's request is more or less to give some face. Di Changli muttered, "You don't need to thank me at home. As for my name, well, please call me a hero... Hahaha, everyone, see you when you have a chance."

With his loud laughter, the fangs flew to the distance. Everyone looked different. Susan was itching with hatred: "The bullshit hero... What a narcissistic bastard."