Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 40 National Love Ene

Tracy Law Firm.

Compared with when it first opened a few years ago, Tracy Law Firm has undergone earth-shaking changes. The office has moved into a high-end office building, and there is no longer only Tracy, a bare-rod boss, but more than a dozen medium-sized law firms with senior licensed lawyers as core partners.

I have to say that Tracy's rapid rise is a miracle in the legal profession in Rome, shocking all the insiders who had sentenced her to death in the industry.

Tracy's success is not a fluke. In addition to her extraordinary talent, she has devoted several times more than the sweat and painstaking efforts of others and devoted herself to every business she has done. Every lawsuit conscientiously consults the case file in detail, striving to make no omissions. Coupled with his eloquent eloquence, he repeatedly defeated his opponent in the court. After winning several cases in a row, Tracy's reputation gradually became famous, receiving more commissions, and the target of each business was getting bigger and bigger. Naturally, she was promoted to the list of famous lawyers. Today's reputation is no less than that of any barr in Rome.

Tracy's success was seen by people with intentions and secretly affirmed her ability. At the beginning, all kinds of slanders and rumors about her were gradually broken without attack. Through unremitting persistent efforts, Tracy finally washed away the disgrace that had been slandered in the past.

Tracy is not satisfied. She also has a wish to confront Rabito, the director of Anda Law Firm, who once wanted to put herself in a desperate situation, and defeat this despicable and shameless villain with her strength.

Desp with enviable achievements in her career, Tracy still has unknown regrets. In other words, she has a great deficiency in her emotional life.

As a famous lawyer and beautiful at her young age, it can be said that Tracy is now the best partner that all men in Rome dream of. With her comprehensive conditions, no rich family will feel that she is not worthy of their own family. Therefore, Tracy's admirers are countless like crucian carp crossing the river, and there are many diamond kings who are the best choice in all aspects.

However, Tracy declined all the pursuers on the simple grounds that she also wanted to make greater progress in her career and did not want to distract herself from marriage issues too early. This reason is actually quite far-fetched. Everyone knows that there are many descendants of the great officials among Tracy's courtships, and they are also the best elites. Choosing any one is an excellent opportunity to expand her career. Therefore, Tracy's reason can only be regarded as a less wise excuse. All I can say is that none of the suitors can touch her heart at present.

Therefore, many admirers did not take the initiative to give up, but intensified their offensive. Each of them firmly believes that with their own superior conditions, they only need to persist and one day they can win the beauty back.

Near noon, the reception desk of Tracy's law firm was finally less busy. Lanxi covered her lips and quietly yawned when people were not paying attention. Lanxi is not actually a full-time receptionist. In terms of seniority, she is still a formal lawyer who has been licensed for several months, and she is also Tracy's sister. If she were another law firm, she should have followed a senior lawyer to accumulate experience and be ready to stand alone at any time.

The reason why Lanxi stood at the reception is that Tracy has set a rule that all new lawyers recruited by the firm without more than two years of practical experience must stay at the reception for at least three months to learn to cultivate the ability to treat people and receive things before they can be transferred after passing the examination. My job.

To be honest, this rule is very helpful to young lawyers who are arrogant and have strong professional knowledge but poor business practice. Through the training at the reception, they have greatly improved their level of communication skills with customers and laid a solid foundation for formal business in the future.

As a newcomer, Lanxi certainly has to go through this internship period. During this period, in addition to the things in the reception, her own legal knowledge cannot be pulled down. In addition, she has to redouble her efforts to learn from the predecessors of the office. Therefore, Lanxi has to work late every day. At this time after going to work, she inevitably feels a little tired and looks forward to the short break after lunch.

A tall and upright young man came in from the outside at this time. The clothes were quite ordinary. Compared with Tracy's suitors who often come and went here, it was simply equatable and looked like he absolutely did not belong to any person. However, Lanxi did not neglect. Even if any customer who came to the law firm looked inconspicuous, it might bring unexpected benefits. She greeted her enthusiastically and asked with a smile, "Hello, sir, what do you want to consult, or what can I do for your help?"

Di Changli nodded to her with a smile: "Thank you, I want to see Miss Tracy."

Lanxi never thought that a man's smile would have such a strong impact. Behind her laziness is full of male masculinity, as bright as the sun, and her face suddenly feels a little hot. She settled down and said, "Do you have an appointment?"

Of course, Di Changli has no appointment.

"I'm afraid you can't see Miss Tracy now." Lanxi politely refused, "Miss Tracy is very busy. If you need to find her, please leave your name and contact information here first. I will inform Miss Tracy. If she is willing to meet you at another time, I will inform you."

"Well, that's right, Miss Lanxi." Di Changli found her name on Lanxi's work card and smiled, "Well, that's right. I haven't seen Miss Tracy for a long time. I want to surprise her, so I won't bother Miss Lanxi to inform her first. Can you let me sneak in quietly?"

Hearing what he said, Lanxi immediately became alert. There are countless admirers of Tracy. Basically, everyone who wants to date her alone for the purpose of having a kiss has hit a wall. Naturally, she will not give up when she is rejected. She often hollows out her mind and uses various means to make a roundabout attack. Lanxi has seen many stalking guys, and at this time, she inevitably suspects that Di Changli also belongs to this kind of wild bee and butterfly.

It is extremely impolite to expose it directly, and it may also cause the other party to be angry and cause trouble. Lanxi thought about it and then apologized with great regret: "I'm sorry, although I also want to help you with this favor, but if I let you go to Miss Tracy like this, I will bear a lot of responsibility. The responsibility may even be dismissed.

Her words are very euphemistic and simply blocked Di Changli's next entanglement. Anyway, it is impossible to ask others to take the risk of losing their jobs to help you unconditionally with an unknown person, right?

Of course, Di Changli is not an unreasonable person. He shrugged his shoulders and said, "It seems that I am in trouble. Why don't you, Miss Lanxi, can you let me wait for Miss Tracy here?"

Lanxi thought for a moment and saw that Di Changli's courtesy was not like a dangerous role, and it was quite popular, so she believed that what he said was true, not a boring suitor who happened to be close to Tracy. Relaxed and said a witty saying: "If you insist, of course I can't kick you out, right... But I still have a small request."

"Thank you very much." Di Changli understood what she was worried about and winked at her understandingly, "I will be as quiet as a goat taking a nap, and I promise not to bring you trouble and trouble."

Lanxi blushed again and said, "Thank you for your understanding. Would you like a cup of coffee... Oh, by the way, I don't know your name yet."

It is always easy to communicate between young people of similar ages, especially Di Changli's humorous words, which makes people feel very close. Under his guidance, after a while, the two began to communicate freely like friends for many years.

"How did you meet Miss Tracy?" Lanxi asked a very personal question.

"Ah, this." Di Changli touched his chin. For him, the real answer to this question was a little embarrassing and difficult to say. He only said vaguely, "Well, I remember that Miss Tracy was still working on King Street at that time. After I met her by chance, I had a little idea in my heart, so I brazenly talked to talk to her, and then I gradually became familiar with her. After knowing it, we became friends."

King Street? I know." Lanxi also wanted to explore the details of Di Changli and said sideways, "Miss Tracy has a good friend who happens to live on King Street. Do you know him?"

You mean Raymond? That's an interesting guy." Di Changli looked at the young, beautiful and lovely Lanxi, and suddenly realized something. He laughed and said, "Well, you just said that you haven't been in the office for a long time. How can you know what friends the boss has? Do you know Raymond very well?

Hearing that Di Changli could say Raymond's name, Lanxi had no doubt about him. At the same time, her face turned red and seemed to hum disdainfully, "That shameless guy, I don't know him well." Seeing that Di Chang's intention was still not believed, he stressed, "It's true. I don't have the kind of relationship with him as you think."

Di Changli smiled and said nothing. Regarding the emotional remarks, women have always been sincere. Lanxi's supplement wants to cover it up. It seems that there are some ambiguous relationships between Raymond and her that they don't want to be known to outsiders. At least, their relationship should also be at a very delicate stage.

The two were talking and laughing. Tracy and a young man with strong clothes came out of it. At a glance, Di Changli was immediately stunned and asked in disbelief, "Di, is that you?"

Di Chang left the stall and asked very seriously, "I haven't seen you for a few years. I've been so handsome that you can't even recognize me?"

Tracy cheered and ran up excitedly and shouted excitedly, "You bastard, where have you died these years? Why didn't you leave me a word?" As he shouted, he hugged Di Changli tightly, as if he was afraid that he would suddenly disappear in front of his eyes.

Lanxi was stunned. Tracy usually behaved extremely steadily and dignifiedly and had a ladylike style. She never knew that her boss had such a little girlish side. The young man next to him saw Tracy and Di Changli hugging so intimately, and his originally arrogant face immediately darkened. He looked up and down at Di Changli, with strong jealousy and hatred flashing in his eyes.

Tracy didn't care about other people's reactions, let go of Di Changli, looked at him carefully, then bit her lips and punched him on the chest, and asked impatiently, "Bangled, why don't you tell me where have you been?"

"You are still a violent woman in your bones after all. I thought you might have changed." Di Changli pretended to rub his chest and said solemnly, "In the past few years, um, of course, I went to save the universe to defend human beings and maintain world peace."

"Go to hell." Tracy rolled her eyes and punched him hard, threatening, "If you dare not tell the truth, I will treat you with torture."

"How do you want to treat me?" Di Changli smiled and said, "Looking that you are already developed, you can't give me away with a fast food or a cup of milk tea and two pieces of bread."

Recalling that when the two met at the beginning, it was the most difficult time for him. If it hadn't been for Di Changli's "harassment" for three days and racked his brains to help silently without hurting his self-esteem, Tracy's heart suddenly surged with warmth, and her eyes couldn't help but be slightly warm, covering up staring fiercely: " You want to be beautiful. Let me tell you, you don't want to drink a mouthful of water.

"I heard that you have become a lawyer, so I rushed here to think about both human and rich people." Di Changli seemed to sigh quite depressedly and said, "It seems that my calculation is going to fail. It's really sad."

"How dare you flirt with me? Do you really want to die?" Tracy's pretty face turned imperceptably red, and there was an indescribable strange feeling in her heart. When the two got along with each other, in the eyes of outsiders, it was Di Changli who was chasing after him, but Tracy, as the person concerned, knew that it was not the same thing at all... From the disappearance of Di Changli until now, Tracy has been racking her brains to guess why Di Changli approached her. She never got the answer, but made Di Changli's figure bigger and bigger in her heart, making it difficult to accept others...

Seeing that the topic of conversation between the two became more and more ambiguous, the young man next to him became more and more jealous. Finally, he couldn't help coming forward, coughed, and said to Tracy in a rather close tone, "Tray, why don't you introduce this gentleman to me?"

Tracy glanced at him strangely and immediately understood the guy's intention. She put away the smile on her face and said coldly, "Mr. Joseph, this is my friend. You are my partner customer. I don't think you need to know each other."

I didn't expect Tracy to be so rude. Joseph's face suddenly turned blue and red, and he laughed awkwardly, "I think we are not only partners, but also friends, don't we?"

"This is just your one-sided idea." Tracy said, "Mr. Joseph, I'm going to have dinner with my friends at noon. Please wait until working time to discuss what you just said."

Watching Di Changli and Tracy leave together, Joseph felt unprecedented humiliation, clenched his fist in anger and left angrily.

"That's terrible." Lanxi saw Joseph's emotional changes and muttered worriedly, "I heard that Joseph is a bad guy. Since Raymond and Mr. Di are friends, maybe he should remind Mr. Di to be careful."

Along the way, Tracy held Di Changli's arm tightly and smiled. She noticed the strange color in the eyes of the people passing by. Di Changli couldn't help touching her chin: "Tray, I found that I seem to have become a national rival. Does every man who wants to date you have to be forced to accept countless duels?"

"What about you?" Tracy gave him a charming look. If I give you a chance to date, do you dare to accept the duel?

"You gave me a difficult problem." Di Changli looked at her and smiled and said, "Well, I also found that you are much more feminine than before. If you can give me a sweet kiss, maybe I will immediately have the courage to fight with a group of space monsters with bare hands."

Should I smile or be furious? In the face of Di Changli's ridicule, Tracy is a little uncertain...