Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 43 The Kid who opens the back door

The selection of law enforcement guards of the Roman Colonial Star Federal Office of Social Order has begun. In fact, it is to hire trainee law enforcement guards.

In the past years, the Social Order Bureau had not even had the opportunity to participate in the election. However, this year's situation is so special that he was lucky to get this opportunity.

As the highest-ranking armed force in the Galactic Federation, the law enforcement guards of the Federal Bureau of Social Order of the Roman Colonial Star have a very strict quota, with a total of 1,500 people and no more than 50 floating up and down. Due to casualties, mobilization and other reasons, there will be about 100 vacancies for law enforcement guards every year. Because the vacancy must be filled in time, there must be such a reserve force. After future training and elimination, the staff of trainee law enforcement guards is about 7,000 or 8,000.

Every year, the number of trainee law enforcement guards recruited by the Roman Colonial Star Social Order Bureau is 500, and the number of applicants is usually not less than 50,000. It is hard to imagine the fierce competition. As a result, the number of deaths in the annual selection process is as high as 100, which is extremely cruel. However, those who are powerful by their own power are not afraid of death, because once they are shortlisted, they step into the privileged class of the Galactic Federation.

In fact, in the galactic federal government system that claims freedom, democracy and justice, the existence of the Social Order Bureau is a freak. It is neither a regular military system nor a local political and legal system. It has a wide range of authority. It can arrest thieves and robbers, spy agents, and even commercial crimes. It is really broad-manage, but no department has the power to restrict it except for the federal judge under its direct jurisdiction. The federal people are dissatisfied with this, and there have been calls to ban its institutions. The federal government also intends to take this issue to the Supreme Council for a vote, but based on various factors, the issue has not been officially established.

This year, Judge Andre, one of the five judges of the Roman Colonial Star and in charge of the Bureau of Social Order, suddenly proposed that due to the increasingly rampant space pirates in the area near the Roman Galaxy, the government's current weak force is difficult to clean up, and the number of selected law enforcement guards should be increased to 1,000. Immediately after this request came out, it caused an uproar at the top of the Roman colonial star federal government.

The Roman colonial star has nearly 100 million people and added hundreds of trainee law enforcement guards, which seems to be a trivial matter, but the significance contained in it is not small. You know, in a way, as a direct superior to the Roman Colonial Satellite Social Order Bureau, the law enforcement guard is equivalent to his private armed force. Of course, in fact, these 1,500 law enforcement guards and 7,000 or 8,000 trainee law enforcement guards are usually controlled by multiple forces and cannot be firmly in the hands of Judge Andrey alone.

And Judge Andre's request to double the number of trainee law enforcement guards this time, so correspondingly, the overall number of trainee law enforcement guards will double in the future, which is equivalent to expansion. Needless to say, the 6,000 or 7,000 trainee law enforcement guards will undoubtedly be selected by Judge Andre himself, and the growth of power is amazing.

No matter what form of strength, the rise will disappear. Of course, it is impossible for Judge Andre to expand so much. What's more, the resources needed by such a force are by no means small, and this cost has to be spread to various departments. Isn't it for others to spend money to cultivate power for their opponents? Naturally, they all jumped out and expressed strong protest and opposition.

In fact, in terms of dealing with people, Judge Andre has always kept a low profile. He is not only clean, but also does not easily make enemies with others, and has a friendly relationship with all aspects. Moreover, Judge Andre hated space pirates and attacked him with an iron fist. Some time ago, his niece was almost intercepted and captured by the remnants of the righteous iron fist pirate group. The hatred between the two sides rose to a new level, so generally no one would pull their faces down and embarrass him, but this matter involved If the interests are too big, everyone can't care about their usual feelings.

Judge Andre also estimated that his request would not be easily passed, so he took the initiative to propose that the recommended places for the recruitment of trainee law enforcement guards were given to all parties, and the Social Order Bureau was only responsible for the assessment. The premise is that after the selection, he will select an elite team to organize a task force to destroy the space pirates around the Roman galaxy. At the same time, Judge Andre also promised that after the stated purpose was achieved, the contingent would be disbanded and incorporated into the normal establishment.

In this way, the opposition immediately weakened a lot. Even if there were still people who disagreed, they could not resist Grand Judge Andrei's determination to implement the resolution.

It is precisely because the number of trainee law enforcement guards recruited by the Roman Colonial Federal Bureau of Social Order today, and Judge Andre took the initiative to give up his recommended quota, so the particularly tight targets in previous years have been much looser, allowing the 52nd Police Bureau to get three indicators. With Neve's efforts and many factors, Di Changli unexpectedly got this great opportunity.

On the first day of registration, Director Matt drove in person and sent the three people recommended by the 52nd Police Bureau to the check-in point. Except for Di Changli, the other two are special police officers belonging to the 52nd branch, and they are also newcomers who entered the branch office after Di Changli left. One of them is Findley. He is strong and muscular, with a prominent forehead, fierce eyes, and quite ugly. His thick body hair makes him look like he has just evolved from a giant ape to a human.

Another person is called Gambino, who is not tall and slightly thin, but the ten fingers in his hand are like steel bars. He didn't say much, and his expression was too dull. He didn't seem to pay much attention to the people and affairs around him. His gray eyes turned and inadvertently flashed a cold light.

After observation, Di Changli judged that the Force cultivation of these two people should be in the middle of energy control, and the comprehensive strength seems to be slightly higher than Gambino. But if he wants Di Changli to pick one of them as his opponent, he will choose the former without hesitation.

With Di Changli's combat intuition, it can be seen at a glance that although Findley seems to be relatively plagiarized, the more aggressive his opponent is, he only needs to avoid its edge, and he will soon be exhausted and discouraged, and can calmly find his weaknesses to defeat him. Gambino, on the other hand, behaves clumsily, easily won't let the opponent find weakness, and is patient and has a very strong resilience. Once he is met, he will haunt his opponent like a poisonous snake.

At the same time, Di Changli was also a little surprised. According to the level of the refiner, the medium-term level of energy control, strictly speaking, it is definitely not a master, but two can be found casually in places like the 52nd branch, which also surprised him.

When Di Changli was observing these two companions, they were also looking at him, and the two looked at each other differently. Gampino looked calm and not cold. Findley's face was obviously dissatisfied, and he looked at Di Changli with bright eyes, and his attitude was quite unfriendly.

According to the rules of selecting trainee law enforcement guards by the Social Order Bureau, the three of them came from the 52nd branch and would never become competitors in the previous stage. How could this Findley be hostile to himself? Di Changli asked himself that he had never seen this guy before, and there could be no personal resentment. At first, he was quite surprised and frowned slightly, but when he thought about it, he smiled as if he had realized something.

Sure enough, Findley said, " Director, is he the Di Changli you strongly recommended? It doesn't seem like a big deal. How can you be sure that he is more sure to pass the assessment than Gris? At the very least, you should also ask him to participate in the internal selection in our bureau, right?

Findley looked at Di Changli for a period of time and estimated that he was at most in the middle of energy control, and the momentum was not surprising, and his dissatisfaction was even stronger. If this boy hadn't occupied a place, how could his good friend Gris have lost the opportunity to participate in this election? Moreover, there is also a mixed elimination process when selecting and hiring. If you team up with Gris, your colleagues for many years, the chance of winning must be much higher, but it is hard to say if you are this ignorant boy. Thinking of this, Findley was more resentful and resented with Director Matt's act of power for personal gain, and his tone inevitably rushed a little.

Director Matt has always been concerned about whether his subordinates have a good attitude towards him, but at this time he did not blame Findley for his lack of respect. On the one hand, he did have a bit of a loss in this matter. He used his authority to forcibly suppress the resistance of the bureau and gave a valuable indicator to an outsider without even leaving the scene. You should know that Findley and Gambino are police officers in their own bureau, and with their real strength, they fought several hard battles with their colleagues to get the recommended quota. Compared with the pains of others, it is also fair to have grievances. At this time, Director Matt could not blame Findley for public and private.

On the other hand, Director Matt is now unwilling to argue with Findley about this little thing. You should know that once Findley passes the assessment and becomes a trainee law enforcement guard, his status will immediately change qualitatively. Although on the surface, the level cannot be compared with a police director, in fact, the two have the qualification to sit on an equal footing. Therefore, Director Matt is not very worried about Findley's rude questioning.

"Ah, this." Director Matt explained to Findley and Gambino, "I still know more about Di Changli's strength. When he was in the mobile special police unit of the 9th District Police Station, he was an elite who won a special award."

"Oh, isn't it?" Gambino and Findley's eyes lit up. In fact, they have also heard that Di Changli was also a detective in the 52nd Branch, and he was very popular. If it hadn't been for this difficult emotional factor, it would have been impossible for Director Matt to ask several deputes to give up a place. However, they were not very clear about Di Changli's previous deeds. They just thought he was a long-sleeved dancer. At this time, they heard Director Matt's words, put away some resentment and re-examined the boy who opened the back door. For them, it doesn't matter whether Di Changli can pass the assessment or not. Most importantly, just don't pull your back at the critical moment.

Facing the eyes of the two, Di Changli knew that they actually despised himself and didn't pay attention to it. He just smiled faintly: "The past is not worth mentioning. I was also a member of the 52nd inning, and I hope this selection will not be too embarrassing.