Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 50 Assassin

Entering the virtual system, his eyes suddenly lit up, and Di Changli found himself in an endless desolation. Looking around, there are rugged and low mountains, blade-like ridges and ravines, strange-shaped gravel towers, and there is no trace of green vegetation on the ground.

In a word, the vastness and silence seem to be words created for this region. However, this desolate atmosphere in the wilderness is indeed very suitable as a bloody place to fight, and it is easy to arouse the desire to kill lurking in the hearts of human beings.

The air next to

seemed to be slightly twisted and fluctuated, and the two candidates appeared one after another. Di Changli recognized that these were the two teammates selected by the computer. Before entering the system, everyone had seen each other's facial features and names from the screen.

"I'm Hassan." After looking at each other slightly, one of the candidates was relatively short, but his thin face was very tough. According to the assessment rules, candidates can only use one cold weapon. Hassan holds a two-meter long gun in his hand, which must be used to make up for the inferiority of the enemy's height.

Another candidate held a double-edged axe, his neck was unusually strong, and his muscles showed explosive strength, and then said blankly, "I'm Michaels."

Gently weighed the weight of the long knife in his hand, and Di Changli said calmly, "I'm Di Changli."

The three people looked very cold, without saying that there was obvious hostility in their eyes, but strong vigilance and vigilance were inevitable in any case. This situation is very normal and can only be attributed to the abnormal assessment method.

"I believe that everyone doesn't have time to understand communication and enhance the sense of trust, so I have something to say."

The Hassan opened his mouth first and said coldly, "According to the rules, the number of opponents eliminated by each team must reach 18 to pass. I have a proposal that if we eliminate 15 people, we will dissolve this team in advance. Do you have any comments?"

This guy is full of confidence in himself, but this proposal is also very wise. Di Changli secretly thinks and spread out indifferently.

Michaels also has no objection. In fact, there is no way to stop his peers from taking the initiative to leave the team. He only added, "In this case, we don't need to discuss any detailed combat plan. Let's take type one or two, take turns to attack, and I'll go first."

Type 1 and 2 is one of the standard tactics of the three-person combination event in the martial arts life. One person is the main attacker and the other two are responsible for assisting.

Hassan immediately said, "Okay, I'm the second."

The actual combat experience of these two teammates seems to be very rich, and their style is quite straightforward. It's luck. Di Changli also agreed: "I have no problem."

How the team fights and cooperates in this way. As for what will happen in the process, only God knows. Because, in addition to the known risks, there is also a fatal drawback behind this seemingly fair battle plan. That is, before the team destroys 15 enemies, it is impossible for the three people to be lucky enough to be unharmed. If one of them is seriously injured, will the other two still let him drag him down and not take corresponding actions to solve the burden?

Idiots won't.

Di Changli didn't believe that Hassan and Michaels couldn't think of this, but if they didn't mention it, he pretended to be confused. Everyone tacitly looked at each other and only saw how the situation developed. Trust? Honest? Go see Satan. If you talk about secretly, with Di Changli's super insight, as long as he is vigilant, he will never be confident that he will suffer.

The three people kept a certain distance and walked forward. In less than two minutes, next to a deep ditch, they bumped head-on with another team of candidates. In free hunting, candidates never have the opportunity to hide and delay until the end of the assessment. You must take the initiative to find the enemy eagerly. If you haven't fought for more than ten minutes, the first time, the system can only give you one warning. The second time, um, no second time, you are directly kicked out.

Obviously, the trust of the three members of the enemy team encountered was much worse than that of Di Changli's team. When Michaels waved a cold double-edged axe and pounced on one opponent viciously first, the other two opponents hesitated for a moment before raising their weapons to support.

Although the other party may hesitate for less than a second, the consequences are enough to make them regret.

As soon as Michaels's double-edged axe opened the weapon in the enemy's hand, Hassan's long gun came ferociously like a poisonous python out of the hole. The highly realistic virtual system truly reflected the panic and horror on the candidate's face. He twisted his body desperately to dodge, but his arm was still scratched by the tip of the gun, bringing a red blood flower.

A fierce knife light suddenly flashed silently, but its momentum was fierce, like a silent Thunderbolt, which exploded violently in an extremely narrow space, and even the air could not help trembling rapidly.

When a head flew high from the owner's neck, the sound of a sharp knife like metal came to everyone's ears. This shows how fast and incoherent the speed of this knife is.

The most appropriate and effective way to save your life is to abandon all tricks and wave your weapons to attack your opponent in the most direct and concise way.

"What a fast and fierce knife." The faces of Hassan and Michaels changed slightly at the same time, and a thought subconsciously appeared in their hearts. If the target of this knife is himself, can you block or avoid it in time?

The answer is no, at least, there is no guarantee that it will be safe and sound.

Di Changli's purpose of showing his real strength is to deter. Whether these two teammates have ghosts or not, they will inevitably have more fears after seeing their strength. Then before making any action, you will definitely be more careful and strive to be foolproof, and you will have time to start first.

In the face-to-face work, the number of people on both sides has become three to two, and the advantages and disadvantages are clear at a glance. Without hesitation, Hassan grabbed a step, shook up the long gun, and attacked the second opponent.

The momentum of this round of attack is not as fierce as the last round, because now the power of the party has occupied the absolute upper hand, and it is too stupid to fight against the other party. In case of accidental injury, it is really not worth the loss.

After seven or eight minutes of struggle, the two candidates of the other party were already bloody, each with different wounds of different weights, and became more and more impetuous. After a few more rounds, Hassan saw the opportunity and quickly attacked from the side of Di Changli, and the long gun came in fiercely under the threat of a team member of the other party.

Hearing the screams of his teammates, the other opponent knew that he was more or less auspicious. After passing the assessment, he was completely hopeless, and his hands were even more chaotic. He was immediately cut off by Michaels's's arm with an axe. In the cry of pain, Di Changli swept up like a ghost, and the cold light flashed and lightly cut his throat.

The system issued a prompt: "This team has obtained three points and 15 points to pass the test."

Di Changli's last blow made Hassan and Michaels evaluate his strength a little higher. Needless to say, the toughness of the attack, and in the fierce battle, he can calmly observe the overall battle situation and seize the best opportunity to kill the enemy in time. Such a person is really horrible.

Fortunately, he is not his own enemy, but can he guarantee it later? Hassan suddenly felt a little annoyed that he should not have made that proposal before. If they could really cooperate, they would definitely pass this level smoothly. You know, at the end of the first battle, the three people in this team were not even slightly injured. In the dangerous and fierce free hunting assessment, this situation is rare, among which Di Changli played the most prominent role.

"You are very strong." Michaels shook off the blood from the double-edged axe and said to Di Changli, but his attitude was quite plain, and it was difficult to hear that this was a compliment.

"Thank you, you are also very strong." Di Changli smiled and said, "Let's continue, well, can we go this way?"

Wherever you go, you will meet the enemy, and Michaels and Hassan said it didn't matter.

Di Changli's direction is naturally the general direction of the appointment with Findley. Although the opportunity for the two to meet is quite small, since they have made a promise, they should try their best to fulfill it.

Not long after moving forward, I bumped into another team. The condition of this team was much more embarrassing than that of Di Chang. Everyone was stained with blood, and one of the team members was still limping when walking, and the injury was quite minor. You don't have to think about it, you can know that they must have gone through an extremely cruel battle just now to win.

In free hunting, the less the price paid in the front, the greater the hope of winning later. The later, the clearer the advantages and disadvantages will be. Seeing the miserable scene of the team's candidates, Di Changli smiled on his lips. His team was really lucky. This kind of opponent, who was almost defeated by the enemy, was simply equivalent to sending points for the party.

After a skillful fight, the system issued another prompt: "This team has obtained six points, and we still need to get nine points to pass the level."

When they encountered the candidates of the third team, Di Changli's good luck seemed to have been consumed in the first two battles. The strength of the three players of the other team was unexpectedly strong and had a strong spirit of teamwork and mutual assistance.

This bloody fight can only be described as tragic. In the end, Di Changli won, but they also paid the corresponding price.

Of the three people, Max was the most seriously injured. A large piece of flesh and blood was cut off his back. The bones could be seen, and the blood could not stop flowing down. Di Changli was also seriously injured. He had a sword on his left shoulder. The wound was not big, but it was relatively deep and difficult to exert strength, which had a great impact on the battle.

Hassan's waist was cut out. Although the skin is relatively scary, in fact, his injury is the lightest, and it is not a big deal after dressing.

Just after simply dealing with the wound, the fourth team of candidates came to them. Seeing one of the members of the other party, Di Changli's eyes shrank slightly.

The member of the enemy team was Fendeley. Unexpectedly, the two really had a chance to meet.

Findey also saw Di Changli, and his eyes suddenly showed joy, and secretly gestured to ask. Di Chang nodded imperceptably, indicating that his promise was still valid.

Findley was even more delighted. The two made eye contact and silently counted one, two and three. At the same time, they applied to the system to terminate their cooperation with their original teammates. After the termination of the partnership, there is a delay of one second, which makes it impossible for applicants to attack their original teammates immediately, which is also an opportunity for candidates by the rules of free hunting. Otherwise, you will be plotted by your partners anytime and anywhere without warning, and the rules of free hunting will be too unreasonable and lose the original significance of assessment.

When the two teams were about to get along, they suddenly received an alarm from the system. The team members on both sides couldn't help but change their faces. Regardless of their enemies or friends, they tried their best to dodge crazily to avoid no one, just to escape the deadly attack in time.