Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 65 Return

Winter is approaching, and the star-sea storm that swept the entire Roman galaxy is coming again. The climate of the Roman colonial star began to get worse day by day.

Over Rome, the sky was as dark as ink, and the heavy rain spatted no effort to sweep in the roaring wind. Occasionally, a few thunder and lightning suddenly exploded, as if a grumpy god was beating the world with an electric whip.

The bright lights in the city are bleak under the strong power of nature. The streets and alleys are as gloomy and quiet as the ruins of the end of the world, and no trace can be seen.

Near midnight, the fierce wind and rain finally gradually stopped. They stabbed the sky one by one, like the majestic skyscrapers like ancient giant beasts and endless storms. They retreated and squatted weakly under the dark night sky, * with scarred body volume * strength to wait for the next time. The fight.

Mickey showed half of his head behind the foot of a wall and looked around carefully. His whole body was dirty, looking nervous and panicked, like a mouse that had just escaped from the sewer.

After watching for a long time, there was only a drizzle on the dim street, and there was a cold wind blowing, and there was no half a figure. Mickey relaxed a little, quickly withdrew his head, and helped out a strong young man with a pale face stained with blood from behind, and hid along the street with obstacles such as billboard posts.

I didn't go far, and the strong young man's legs suddenly softened. If it hadn't been for Mickey's fast hands and feet, he almost fell to the ground. Mickey, who was already breathing, bit his teeth and put the strong young man's arm on his shoulder to carry him on his back.

The strong young man pulled back his hand and gasped in a low voice, "I can't stand it anymore. You go alone. If the law enforcement guard you mentioned will really come to help you, you can ask him to save me. If he doesn't show up, you will run as far away. In the future, don't think about looking for Kerry's bastard to avenge me, as long as you remember to pour a glass for me when drinking.

"Black squid, don't fucking bullshit." Mickey's face was wet, and he couldn't tell whether it was sweat or rain, or something else. He shouted viciously, "Since I was a child, I owe you. This time I even owe my life. I owe enough. I don't want to owe it anymore. Today, we can either live together or die together. Don't chatter any more. A female fly is chirping in Laozi's ear.

"Do you think I want to die? Even if you die, I still want to live for a hundred years, but do you have a choice now? The black squid was angry. Because of excitement, his pale face showed a trace of sick blood. He rudely pushed Mickey and shouted, "Get the fuck off me."

He was shot in the lower abdomen, and his injury was quite serious. When he escaped, his strength had been consumed. At this time, he tried his best to push Mickey. Not only failed to push him, but he fell down, lay on the ground breathlessly, and scolded angrily: "Get out, get out of here. I've been dragging you down all my life. I don't want to die. Get dragged down by you unlucky man, get out of here.

"Shut up." Mickey was also angry. He suddenly took out a gun, put it against his thigh, and shouted, "You don't want me to carry it on your back, do you? Well, at worst, I will give myself a shot and walk together.

"You son of a bitch, how did a good clever ghost become a stupid donkey... Didn't you make an appointment with the law enforcement guard? If he didn't arrive in time, he might leave, and we would still be dead." The black squid was discouraged, tried to support his body, stretched out his hand and scolded, "I'm doomed to hell with you, an unlucky ghost."

"Shut your mouth tightly. If you don't talk, I won't treat you as mute." Mickey scolded angrily and said angrily, "Do you think I really want to bury you? Bah, you are less affectionate. In fact, I don't know if that guy will really come to help me. At that time, he only gave me a message contact address, saying that he could find him if he was in trouble. If he was lying to me, even if I escaped for two or three more days, it would be a dead word. It's better to bet on this one with you.

"Let's go, how can there be so much nonsense?" Why doesn't Black Squid understand that he said these words to reassure himself? His eyes couldn't help but get slightly wet and urged in a muffled voice.

He picked up the black squid, which was much stronger than himself. In less than half a street, Mickey gasped like a cow. The blue veins on his neck rose high, and he refused to rest a little. He just clenched his teeth and moved forward desperately.

Suddenly, there were faint and messy footsteps and scolding. Mickey screamed badly and quickly looked around, but there was no place to hide. He couldn't help shouting bitterly, using all his strength to snatch his back to hide behind a street sculpture of a couple hugging and kissing in front of him.

Sixty-seven people chased, all with guns in their hands. When they were nearly 200 meters away, a short fat man in the front slowed down, glanced at the surroundings and shouted rudely, "I clearly saw the two * bastards just now. Why did they disappear in a blink of an eye? The black squid was injured. There should be no reason to slip so quickly.

One behind him said, "Micy's bastard is a famous smart ghost. He must have hidden somewhere on this street. Let's not rush to chase him and search around."

The short fat man waved his gun and said viciously, "Yes, let's look for it first. When the two bastards are caught, I will make them regret why they got out of their mother's stomach."

In the wind and rain, although the street lights are very dim, there are not many things to cover on the street. These five or six people scattered around and searched. Mickey and the black squid hid behind the sculpture and peeked. One of them cautiously searched closer and closer, and it won't take long to come over, unless the blind man can't find it. They. The two knew that there was no way to escape. Their mouths were bitter and they exchanged a look helplessly. Mickey held her breath and picked up the gun to aim at the man. When he came closer, he pulled the trigger hard.

With a "bang", the man was shot and fell back to the sky. Fearing that his head was not accurate enough, Mickey shot at the man's chest and abdomen. There was a blood hole in front of the man's chest. Although the injury was serious, he could not die for a while. He just lay on the ground and covered his chest and hissed intermittently.

When the rest of the people heard gunfire and screams, they immediately scolded loudly and quickly surrounded this side. The two sides immediately handed over the fire, and the bullets roared and flew everywhere.

This sculpture is not small in size and hollow in the middle. It is a ready-made simple bunker, easy to defend and difficult to attack. Therefore, although the other party has a lot of powerful firepower, it is difficult for Mickey and Black Scution to shoot fiercely for a while, and the two sides were deadlocked for a while.

It took a while. One of those people ventured forward a few steps. A string of bullets hit the ground and sparks splashed everywhere. The guy was scared out in a cold sweat. He quickly flashed behind a billboard pillar and shot a few shots with his backhand and dared not appear easily.

Seeing that the firepower could not suppress the other party from the front, the short fat man shouted angrily: "Damn it, are you all stupid to eat shit? Pig brain, divide a few people out and go around behind them to fight.

These people woke up, and immediately two people ran to the opposite street, ready to make a roundabout back and back.

"It seems that we are really going to be finished this time." Mickey grinned with a smile that was worse than crying. Man, I'm sorry."

The black squid was injured and resisted for a while. His face was so pale that he couldn't see the blood color, but his spirit seemed to cheer up and laughed, "I'm sorry. If I had known it was going to be over today, I would have fucked Careyrian's wife two days ago. That ** face and * are really beautiful. It's been a pity to attract me for a long time.

He poked his head and shouted, "Kerion, I have something to say to you."

The short fat man waved his hand and made everyone stop the attack. He laughed ferociously and said, "Black squid, do you still want to ask me for mercy? I'm a little curious, but I'd like to hear your reason.

"Kerion, your wife told me that the thing in your crotch won't work for a long time. She asked me to find a skilled doctor to help you make another strong guy. I've found it. Come here and I'll give you the doctor's business card." The black squid shouted a few words, and was already out of breath. He coughed and laughed strangely. Mickey blew a sharp whistle.

Carien's fat face was purple and black, and he shouted wildly: "Beat, beat, beat me into these two bastards into meat."

The two had copied the bread from the back and gradually approached the sculpture. Mickey handed over the person in front of him to deal with the black squid, and he turned back to fight back. The two were very old and did not rush to attack, but slowly staggered. Mickey took care of one thing and lost the other and there was nothing he could do.

At a critical moment, a cold voice suddenly sounded in the air: "Everyone immediately put down their weapons and lie on the ground. Let's kill the violator."

Everyone looked up, but they saw a motorcycle hovering silently in mid-air. The rider was wrapped in shiny armor and could not see his face. The red sword shield logo on his chest was particularly eye-catching in the night, and they couldn't help exclaiming: "Law enforcement guards?"

"He didn't lie to me." Mickey was overjoyed and jumped up and waved his hand and shouted, "Boss, I'm here, here."

It turned out that the law enforcement guards supported the two bastards behind. Kerien's face suddenly changed and he was panicked. When he was thinking about whether to escape or surrender, one of his men quietly retreated into the dark place and then ran wildly.

"Sw." A blazing light shot from one side of the motorcycle, which instantly bombarded the man, flying flesh and blood, and a big hole in the ground.

"Oh, my God, why didn't I know this guy was so fierce before? Fortunately, I didn't provoke him anywhere..." Mickey opened his mouth dullly and secretly congratulated himself.

"Give you another five seconds to consider. Five, four..." The rider on the motorcycle also spoke indifferently.

The domineering and domineering of the law enforcement guards are known to everyone, but it is rare that they are so fierce. The people who have been f afraid of their souls rushed to the rain-filled ground at the same time, and even dare not raise their buttocks slightly.

More than ten minutes later, a team of federal special police arrived, and Di Changli instructed them to escort Kerien and several people before descending to the ground.

"Boss." Mickey greeted him and expressed it gratefully, but he didn't have to repay his life-saving kindness. He really didn't expect that a law enforcement guard would really take himself as a nobody in mind and come to rescue him in time.

Di Changli put away his armor, checked the black squid's injury, took down the first aid kit from the motorcycle, and dealt with it slightly. He said, "I didn't hurt the point, but I just lost too much blood. I don't need to go to the hospital to avoid trouble. It's okay after a good rest for a few days... Well, Mickey, your informant identity has been exposed, so Kerien works for space pirates. Those pirate colleagues behind him will definitely not let you go in the future. What do you plan?

"Not yet." Mickey scratched his head and said, "Anyway, this urban area can't stay. We want to hide in the North City. If we really can't, we can go to any satellite city. However, there is still a difficulty.

He looked at Di Changli and smiled with a smile: "Boss, we don't have much money. If you are good at it, just support it. Don't be too much. Thirty or 500,000 is enough."

"You asked me for money, and you still opened your mouth for 350,000 yuan?" Di Changli looked at him with great interest.

"Uh." Mickey said pitifully with a bitter face, "Boss, it will cost a lot of money to find a place to settle down. In this case, 200,000 yuan will be fine. We can't live without it." I feel worried. You should know that after I am no longer responsible for Di Changli, in fact, it has nothing to do with the other party. It is strange to be able to save yourself, and there is really no reason to help yourself.

"I wanted to give you a million, but since it's your own request, of course I want to satisfy you." Di Changli smiled strangely and said, "Well, 200,000 yuan is still a little less. Well, I'll give you half a million."

"Ah?" Mickey puffed up in disbelief, and a pair of eyes turned green with regret.

For good, Di Changli's words cheered him up again. There is one million in this cash card. If you can help me with one thing, the other half million will be regarded as a reward for you. Moreover, I will prepare a witness protection regulations for you later, which can arrange for you to settle in the Caribbean galaxy.

"Can we settle in the Caribbean galaxy?" Mickey felt that he was really happy to fall from the sky. He couldn't wait to take the cash card and promised, "No problem, absolutely no problem. We will definitely make the boss's things complete."

"Wait, let's talk about something first." At this time, the black squid opened his mouth with vigilance and suspicion in his eyes. Immigrating from the Roman galaxy to the Caribbean galaxy is not something that can be done with a little money. For no reason, Di Changli helped them for no reason. He couldn't help him. Don't kill him for an empty check. At that time, I'm afraid he won't even spend this million lives.

Mitch also reacted and said with a dry smile, "Yes, boss, we don't have much ability to talk about it in advance. If it's too difficult, I'm afraid there's nothing we can do."

"I don't worry about leaving the difficult things to you." Di Changli naturally understood their thoughts and said lightly, "Well, you go to find a call girl named Kathline first..."

After listening to this, Mickey's heart immediately fell into his stomach and patted his chest and said, "Boss, please let go of your heart. This job is too easy. If you can't even do this well, you can ask me any guilt at that time."

"That's good." Di Changli didn't care and said, "I have something to do these days. You may not be able to contact me. Be careful. I'll come to you when I'm done."

Just as he was about to leave, the black squid suddenly asked, "Well, this, boss, I want to ask why did you take care of us so much?" His appearance is not as fine as Mickey's, but in fact, his mind is more meticulous than that of the latter. It is always difficult to feel at ease if he doesn't understand the reason.

"Why did I take care of you so much?" Di Changli smiled and said, "Well, this question is easy to answer. Because many years ago, we met and you took good care of me, so let's take it as a reward for you.

After Di Chang left for a long time, Mickey and the black squid were still staring and trying to break their heads, but they had never guessed that the law enforcement guard was the weak teenager he met in the juvenile court many years ago.