Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 10 Tiemule's Ambition

The bald man slowly rolled up his sleeves and provoked the yellow-faced prisoner: "Look at your face. I guess you are malnourished. Well, needless to say, you are not doing well here. Hey, I'm good-hearted. I'll let you have one hand when you fight later, so that I won't be told that my old iron bullies the little role. ...Hey, I said, are you ready to linger?"

The status of the yellow-faced prisoner is indeed not high in this residence. Usually, he is just a role called around. Today, he originally wanted to bully the new prisoner to improve his status a little, but he didn't expect to hit a hard nail. At this time, he was secretly regretting and was exposed again. He couldn't help spitting blood. He shouted with a hard neck and said, "If you want to beat, beat, talk nonsense? I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Before the words fell, the bald man stepped up with an arrow and waved his big fist, which hit his nose with a heavy punch.

The unexpected yellow-faced prisoner's face suddenly bloomed, and his head was buzzing. Before he could react, he was hit hard on the chin by a hook by a bald man. He suddenly fell down and thought in a daze before falling into a coma: "Damn, this bastard is too insidious and despicable. I've been fooled." Although I thought so, I was subconsciously relieved. It's okay to be knocked unconscious like this, and finally I didn't have to suffer too much.

This bald man is naturally the newcomer's Tiemule. He knocked down the yellow-faced prisoner by means of almost sneak attack, without any embarrassment. Instead, he let out a proud smile: "Oh, this kind of vulnerable soft egg also dares to shout at me. It's really unpowerful. If you are not convinced, just come up and take it all."

A group of old prisoners looked at each other in consterance. No one of them had a particularly high force value, and in accordance with the principle of wise protection, although they were not angry with Tie Mule's arrogance, no one dared to come forward to fight.

After a while, when he saw that no one answered, Tie Muller was even more proud. He looked at these scattered prisoners with his chin high and laughed, "It seems that you are all little shrimps who can't get on the table. Well, let alone bully me, that's fine... You, you, you, you three together together. Go, I'll take it alone."

With the guidance of his fingers, the prisoners subconsciously avoided and highlighted the three prisoners who were pointed.

"I..." The waste cat looked left and right at a loss, but saw that the other two were as thin as themselves, and even their thighs were not as thick as each other's arms. They couldn't help shrinking their necks and stammered, "I, I didn't say that I was unconvinced, I, I don't fight..."

The other two prisoners didn't say anything, but just hooked their heads and looked at their looks. Obviously, they were also in the same way as the waste cat. Are you kidding? Judging from the physical comparison of the two sides, I'm afraid that the weight of the three people can't catch up with each other. I may be easily poked by the other party with my fingers, and I'm definitely looking for a dead end to fight. The prisoners shouted in unison that Tiemule was extremely shameless, but no one dared to raise an objection and volunteered.

"Do not fight?" Tie Mule stared at the cow and shouted, "There is no egg ghost. If you don't fight, leave all the water for me and get out of here as soon as possible."

The waste cat was so scared that he quickly hugged his kettle and said in a panic, "I only have this little water. I can't give it to you, or I will die of thirst."

"I don't care how you die." Tie Mule said arrogantly, "You three waste materials, I will give you a chance to either take the initiative to send them, or I will bring them here by myself. You can think about it yourself."

The waste cat clenched its teeth and didn't say anything, just holding the kettle tightly. For the villains who are much stronger than him, he dares not speak out and can only resist silently.

The other two prisoners looked at each other. After all, they were more brave than the waste cat. They resisted humiliation and anger and said, "If you want to torture people, just torture them. This water is our share. If you dare to grab it, we will go to the mutual aid club to complain."

The mutual aid association usually does not intervene in disputes between prisoners, but if it is excessive, such as robbing other people's basic necessities quotas, making it impossible for other prisoners to survive, the mutual aid society will come forward. After all, every prisoner is a labor force. Those strong people can live a better life in Paradise Star by exploiting the fruits of the labor of vulnerable groups. Naturally, this situation is generally not allowed to happen. Otherwise, not only will the establishment of mutual aid associations lose its significance, but also the Paradise Star will be out of control. Everyone has been to primitive people. Forget about life.

Tiemule also knows the joints. He seems to be rude, but in fact he is quite cunning. He doesn't really want to grab the water of these three people. Otherwise, he will be repaired by the Mutual Aid Association. His eyes turned around and said with a vicious smile, "Well, since you are willing to suffer from the flesh, you have a little courage, and I will complete you."

"New friends, you are too arrogant."

Suddenly, a voice sounded gloomy outside the crowd. Everyone turned their heads to look, but saw an extremely tall and thin man. The man's hands and legs are as slender as bamboo stems, which seems to be ridiculously thin, but his skin is dark and hard, like a section of heavy iron, and the narrow eyes are shining with sharp light. When looking at people, they are like needles, which makes people feel cold.

"Paradise Star is not a place where self-righteous guys can be wild at will." The man slowly came up, and the prisoners looked frightened and hurriedly scattered a road. Obviously, he is very afraid of this man.

The guard exchanged eyes with the issuer and whispered, "Why did this guy come suddenly?"

The tall and thin man walked into the circle, a few meters away, stared at Tie Muller and said blankly, "New friend, I'll give you a piece of advice. No matter who you used to be, how powerful and capable you are, when you get to the star of heaven, you are equivalent to another world. You must take everything in the past. Erase it all and start fighting again. Otherwise, sooner or later, you will be crushed to pieces.

"This advice is very useful. Thank you very much." Tiemule suddenly changed his look, and his fierce look was swept away, as if he had seen a friend he hadn't seen for many years. He had an enthusiastic smile on his face and said with a bright smile, "What's your friend called? I'm a thunder hammer from Solomon's galaxy. I used to make a living without money. I'm a newcomer to Paradise. I'm not familiar with the place. I don't know what rules are here. In the future, I have to ask good friends who come first to give me more advice.

This bullying guy's face became faster than the chameleon. He was so fucking shameless that the prisoners all cursed in their hearts.

"I dare not say anything." The tall and thin man was not moved by the enthusiastic Tie Mule at all, but said coldly, "Here, others call me Qingsha, and you can also call me that."

"Qingsha, right?" Tie Mule's pupils shrank slightly, and he immediately became alert. The enthusiasm on his face did not diminish, and he smiled: "This name is a little familiar. I seem to have heard it somewhere? By the way, aren't you the mutual aid worker here?"

"Not bad." The tall and thin man nodded slightly.

"hehe." Tiemulle laughed and said, "It's really lucky that you can meet one of the bigwigs in Monet's mine. For your advice and face, I will treat today as if it hasn't happened... You three wastes, get out of here as soon as possible."

When the three waste cats were granted an amnesty, they immediately turned around and got into the crowd.

Qingsha didn't say anything. After the three disappeared, he only snorted coldly: "Don't give me any face. As a mutual aid worker elected by everyone, when I see that the basic interests of the vulnerable have been violated, of course I must mediate. In fact, if you don't listen, I won't do anything to you. Naturally, someone will come to you to solve the problem.

"Oh, do you mean that the mutual aid chief will ask someone to come to trouble me?" Tie Mule asked with a smile.

Qingsha did not answer, but only glanced at Tiemulle and said, "Although Monet Mine is small, there are also rules and orders that must be observed. It is not arbitrary. I hope you will not have similar behavior in the future." After saying that, I will leave.

Although this green brake seems cold and hard, it doesn't seem to be malicious to itself, but it seems to have some good intentions. Tiemule thought for a moment and shouted, "Thank you for your reminder. In order to express my gratitude, how about inviting you to have a glass of wine and introduce some friends to know each other?"

There was a trace of surprise in Qingsha's eyes. Wine is absolutely a luxury consumer product in Paradise, scarce and expensive. Even members of the Mutual Aid Association are generally difficult to afford it. As a new exile, they usually have no capital to drink. This group of newcomers have wine, which can only explain one problem, that is, they have a lot of cash, and in principle, exiles are not allowed to carry a lot of cash to the star of heaven. On the other hand, this shows that they have a very close relationship with the third joint fleet of the Paradise Federation, the highest management of Paradise Star, otherwise, the latter will never break the rules and open the door for convenience.

With the strong backing of the military, these new guys are really not simple. It seems that Monet's mine is likely to have a surge in the future, and Qingsha secretly thought to himself.

What Qingsha didn't expect was that the cash of these newcomers was actually paid by the military, but with the previous understanding, it has prompted him to change his attitude towards Temule. After thinking about it, Qingsha shook his head and said, "Thank you for your invitation, but now I still have something to do, so let me disturb you later."

"Yes." Although Qingsha refused Tiemulle, before leaving, he reminded him profoundly: "No matter who came to heaven for the first time from outside, it is always a little unstable in the early stage. It will take some time to adapt to the new environment. I hope you and your friends can successfully get through this adaptation period and live a happy life in Monet Mine."

Looking at his back far away, Tie Mule touched his bare forehead and grin thoughtfully: "Do you want to attract me with just a few words? Hey hey, I'm not so worthless. However, what kind of role is this Qingsha here? But you have to find someone to get to the bottom.

Before his arrest, Tiemule was definitely one of the first important figures in the pirate gang. He was caught only because of a moment of carelessness, and then he also survived the torture and did not confess his identity as the leader of the thief, otherwise the lightest punishment would be at least lifelong exile.

When he came to the largest prison since the beginning of mankind, he has never escaped from the precedent of heaven star serving his sentence, and Tie Mule has not been discouraged and desperate. Anyway, the heaven star is so big that he has not completely lost all his freedom. As long as he is willing to fight, the life here may not be boring. On the contrary, from another perspective, because the exile career in Paradise Star speaks based on strength, most of the time it is more arbitrary than the law-torn normal human society. This special environment is in line with the wishes of those who despise the laws of normal society and are lawless.

Tiemule is also a member of the deep rebellion in his inner world. Before he set foot on the land of Paradise, he made up his mind that he must rely on various means to live well on this planet full of violence and crises and be a strong man among thugs.

Originally, Tiemule didn't have much idea. He just wanted to be strong from slavery, but the rescue by Shangri-La on the way made him see the opportunity and began to be active, not only satisfied with safety and self- Protection.

Tie Muller roughly calculated that among the newly serving prisoners, the advantage of his member of the rescue team is very obvious. Apart from the good relationship established with the military, he and others have been paid one million yuan. Although this money is not a huge amount of money, even for exiles who have come to Paradise for many years, few people can save such a fortune. On this alone, it is much better than others. In addition, Temule asked himself that he had a good relationship with Di Changli, Gugu Mitta and Romeo, and his power was more than two points stronger than other prisoners like scattered sand. What's more, Di Changli has superhuman power. Tiemule has a hundred times more confidence in him and is convinced that his team will definitely break out of a new world in heaven.

"Why don't you go to the water quickly?" When he arrived at the unfamiliar Paradise Star, he wanted to break out and inevitably pull people's hands. Tie Mule said proudly to the prisoners who came together, "Everyone is in trouble here, and it is also a friendship of trouble. After going back, everyone will come to me for a drink together."

I have seen the prestige of Tie Mule just now. When I first arrived, I dared to bully those old prisoners. Not only was he safe, but even Qingsha, a well-known mutual aid worker of the local mutual aid association, gave him considerable face, and the new prisoners also admired his courage. Originally, they were worried that they would be bullied alone. At this time, when they saw Tie Mule taking the initiative to show his goodwill, they couldn't help but respond one after another. Someone immediately took the opportunity to get closer to the pole and confessed, "The iron boss is powerful and so bold and generous. He is really a rare hero. We followed Tie Boss and fooled with you. After that, please take good care of me."

Tie Mule grinned and laughed: "Well, everyone is a difficult brother in a boat. Since he is willing to follow me, as long as I have it, I will never treat everyone badly in the future. From now on, everyone will work together to share the difficulties and share the blessings.

Such an impassioned statement immediately made a sound of flattery among the prisoners. Although it was only an unproclaimed temporary intention to form an alliance, everyone had a little sense of comfort and support in their hearts, and their depressed mood rose a lot, sweeping away the panic at the beginning.

The guards and distributionrs who watched coldly on the side had seen many scenes of newcomers gangs in the past. They didn't care and sneered disdainfully: "A group of ignorant and arrogant donkeys, do you really think they have come to heaven? Wait. In a few days, you will be completely awake.