Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 17 Tie Muller's Upper Position

Although the Monet mine is small, the president of a mutual aid association was maliciously killed, which can be regarded as a rather serious evil *, which attracted strong attention from the military. At dawn the next day, the Paradise Star garrison fleet sent a special task force to investigate the case and seize the murderer.

The contingent was led by a lieutenant colonel named Anuccin. More than 100 fully armed soldiers in light fighter armor first blocked the entire Monet mine, first controlled the three mutual aid workers of the Mutual Aid Association, Krontsov, Qingsha and Dominico, and then issued a broadcast, ordering all prisoners to go to the Grand Square for a limited time. Gather, all violators will be arrested in the name of the murderer, and those who have the intention to resist can be killed on the spot.

Under strong measures, after an hour of chaos, the situation at the Monet mine was firmly monitored by the contingent.

After the interrogation of three mutual aid workers and some related personnel, Lieutenant Colonel Anuchin quickly grasped the general situation at the Monet mine in the near future, and Temule, Gugu Mittor and several new prisoners were immediately arrested.

Desp, Tiemule and others were still violently tortured, forcing them to plead guilty to Tiemule's murder of Jeba. I have to admit that Lieutenant Colonel Anuchin's intuition is very correct and directly points to the truth.

Yes, prisoners also have human rights, but human rights are just a joke on the planet of Paradise, a planet that has been rejected and forgotten by the world. As the management agency of Paradise Star, the military is extremely annoyed by the occurrence of such incidents. What they have to do is to solve the trouble as soon as possible, regardless of methods and means. For them, find out the ambassador of Jeba's murder and execute him in the first time.

Lieutenant Colonel Anuchin waited for more than an hour and failed to get Tiemule's confession. He was a little impatient and was about to order his men to increase interrogation and torture when he suddenly received a message.

After the communication, Lieutenant Colonel Anuchin immediately turned a big turn and quickly ordered the soldiers to arrest Jeba's two confidants, Angus and Sam. He couldn't help but declare that they were the murderers of Jeba and immediately sentenced to death in front of all the prisoners. These two unlucky guys, who were beaten all over their bodies and deeply in a coma, couldn't even say a word of self-defense, so they foolishly stepped directly from the planet to hell.

All the prisoners remained silent about this dramatic scene, and no one raised any doubts. It is a simple fact that Lieutenant Colonel Anuchin's position is completely inclined to Tiemule. As long as anyone dares to object, there is no doubt that he will be labeled as an accomplice and may not be executed immediately, but the tragic end can also be imagined with his toes.

In Paradise Star, the authority of military force is supreme, and there is absolutely no small challenge. Only in this way can the normal management and operation of this evil planet be guaranteed.

After the case was closed, Lieutenant Colonel Anuchin summoned three mutual aid workers including Qingsha, as well as Temule, the representative of the new exiles, to inquire about the candidates for the next mutual aid chief at the Monet mine.

It was very wise that the three veteran mutual aid workers agreed within a minute and elected Tiemule as the successor mutual aid chief.

Lieutenant Colonel Anuchin praised their efficiency and talked with Tiemulle alone. After the latter promised to do his best to ensure the safety and production affairs of the Monet mine, the former also apologized slightly and led the contingent to withdraw from the Monet mine with satisfaction.

Tiemule then held its first meeting after serving as president.

"Guys, I will manage the daily affairs of the Monet mine. Do you have any comments?" Tiemule entered the role quickly and seemed to be decent.

The attitude of Qingsha and Dominico is not cold. Their strength is slightly weak. Even if Jeba dies, they can't compete for the position of president, not to mention that Temule still has the strong support of the military, so even if it contains hostility, it will not be revealed in their hearts.

Krontsov was different. He was always coveting the position of president. This time, the battle between Jeba and Tiemule made him feel that he had waited for a good opportunity. In Krontsov's view, the new Temur is by no means Jebar's opponent. The end of the battle between the two heroes has long been doomed, but even if Jeba wins, he will definitely leave an excuse to suffer a blow. As long as he operates from it, he has hope to disembarra.

However, the sharp turn of the situation has failed all the calculations of Krontov's upper position, and the disappointment in his heart is simply extreme, and there is no need to say more about the deep hatred for Tiemule.

However, no matter how strong Kronzov's hatred is, on the surface, he will not be stupid enough to show it. Decades of exile have taught him that the best way to hunt is to cover up the poisonous teeth and give a fatal blow to the prey at a critical moment. Anyway, Tiemulle's foundation at the Monet mine is still shallow and has few wings. In order to prevent the revenge of Jeba's old men, he will certainly be in a hurry to strengthen his power. Under the eagerness of quick success and quick profit, he will definitely show flaws. He only needs to pay a little patience and will eventually laugh to the end.

"Mr. President." Kronzov spoke first, looked very kindly and said, "Although we don't know much about each other, I believe that with the president's ability, we will be able to manage Monet's mine. If the president has any instructions, we will try our best to assist and cooperate."

Qingsha and Dominico also said a few simple words and expressed their obedience to the management of Tiemule. Although their words are beautiful, God knows what their inner thoughts are.

Tiemuller will not explore their true thoughts now, but also thanked them for their support with a smile, saying, "Although Monet Mine is only a few thousand people and the territory is not big, it is impossible for me to manage it alone, so we still need everyone to work together to divide labor and manage it. . Well, what is everyone's previous scope of responsibility? It's still the same. I won't interfere.

This is expected by Qingsha and others. Although Tiemule sits in the position of president, he has the name, but his strength does not exist. If he wants to take advantage of the situation to seize the management of everything from them, it is impossible to think about it. They don't need to do anything at all. As long as the cultivated cronies are slack off, the daily order of Monet's mine will fall into chaos. Naturally, Tiemuller will only resign from the presidency in dismay. Therefore, Temule's first priority must be to calm them and stabilize the situation before they can talk about building a team to expand their forces.

But then, Tie Muller's words surprised them: "To be honest, I don't have much management experience in this field, and I have always been lazy. Therefore, I decided that all the responsibilities that originally belonged to the jurisdiction of the president, except for the daily training of the peacekeeping team, the materials in charge of the mine and the approval of public funds, the rest of the affairs were entrusted to you to share for me.

Kronzov's eyes narrowed, and Qingsha quickly exchanged a look with Dominico, and he couldn't figure out what Tie Muller's intention was.

Although as long as you have the three items of force, financial and material resources, it is equivalent to holding Monet's mining point in your hands, these three powers cannot be completely controlled by Temule. What's more, Tiemuller has not been able to establish authority among the old prisoners. It is only the dozens of new prisoners who obeyed him. It is still unknown whether they can successfully issue a command at the Monet mine, but he has delegated other powers to the three old helpers such as Qingsha. Aren't you afraid that they will take the opportunity to complete themselves? Bottom overhead?

There may be fools among the prisoners sentenced to exile in Paradise, but it is obvious that Tiemule is by no means one of them, and it is also obvious that he is by no means a kind-hearted person.

Seeing that the three of them showed doubts, Tiemule was secretly proud and waved his hand carelessly, "If you don't have any opinions, then it's settled. The specific allocation will be negotiated and arranged by the three. In short, it will be done in the future. Lao Tie is here to thank the three brothers for their strong support first."

"It's easy to say, no problem." Krontov responded with a smile. Although he was full of doubts and suspected that Tiemule had hidden bad intentions, the other party insisted on stuffing the meat into his mouth, which was reluctant to spit back anyway.

Qisha and Dominico also think so. Naturally, they will not object. They think that even if Tiemule really has bad intentions, they have to look at the situation before making other plans.

Tiemule took over the position of president of Jeba and naturally moved into the latter's house. He called Gugu Mituo and several new prisoners who were more capable and iron-hearted to follow him, and thoroughly searched the whole house. As a result, in addition to a safe and a secret escape channel were found, a A very hidden underground vault.

The door of the underground vault is a mechanical electronic door, and the key cannot be found. It is estimated that except for the dead ghost Jeba, no one knows where to hide. Naturally, there is no password, and it can only be violently cracked. Of course, with Gugu Mituo, a thief master, it is not a problem to enter the vault at all. Even if there is a problem, it is only a matter of time.

The area of this underground vault is not large. It was built in a hurry when the Paradise Star was developed, and later it was accidentally borrowed by Jeba. Tiemule found some rare gems and cash in it. The cash is about four or five million, and the gems can be worth about 30 million. There are several modified thermal guns and electromagnetic guns, as well as a set of release armor and several high-explosive grenades. I don't know how Jeba got these highly controlled prohibited weapons and equipment.

"Grandma." Tie Muller cursed, "No wonder the public warehouse in the mine is as clean as a rat-stricken granary. It turned out that it was secretly hidden here by this bastard."

There is a set of accounts that must be made public in the safe in Jeba's room. In addition to the poor supplies, there are only a million cash left on the book, which can be said to be poor. At that time, Jeba must have lost a lot of thought in order to take the public property in the mine for himself, but now he has all cheaply Timule.