Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 19 Akuda's Past

After two days in a coma, Akuda finally woke up and found himself lying in a strange room. After the initial panic, he remembered what had happened before fainting and immediately became extremely surprised. He tried to stand up and shouted hoarsely, "Mr. Detective."

A powerful big hand gently pressed his body down, and a knife-like contoured face appeared above. His eyes were as cold as ice, but contained a calm and inexplicable power.

"You have broken two ribs. If you don't want to lie in ** for a few more days, don't move."

"Yes, Mr. Inspector."

Although Di Changli's voice was very cold and plain, Akuda's eyes began to blur in an instant, and his heart was full of warmth and emotion. He didn't know how long he had heard such caring words.

"How can you be exiled to Paradise?" Di Changli asked. In his impression, Akuda is a relatively cowardly and timid teenager who is kind-hearted and is unlikely to commit any felony of murder and arson.

Akuda suddenly remembered something and asked, "Mr. Detective, where is Captain Parker?" Where is Captain Parker?

"Captain Parker?" Di Changli looked slightly gloomy and said calmly, "On that expedition to the roaring sea of the abyss, the space shuttle suddenly broke down on the way. He sacrificed himself to save me. I later found his body and buried it on an unknown planet.

"I knew, I knew that Captain Parker must have suffered something wrong and was poisoned to death by the dog beast." Akuda's mood suddenly became excited and hissed, "Mr. Inspector, the space shuttle you were on did not suddenly break down, but by Bumble. I saw with my own eyes that it was the last space shuttle that Bumble left before you left, and several other mechanics who deliberately inspected them. At that time, I didn't doubt that he would have any intention, but later I began to suspect... It was him, definitely him who killed Captain Parker.

"Why do you think so?" Di Changli's eyes condensed. Bumble is Captain Parker's nephew. How could he murder Captain Parker?

"Mr. Inspector, don't you know?" Acuda was surprised: "Before you left, Captain Parker made a will to leave three-quarters of his property to you, but as long as you and Captain Parker die together, he can get this inheritance. This is his motivation to murder you. I didn't know about the will, but later you and Captain Parker couldn't go back. Director Martin and Captain Helen felt that something was wrong. Maybe the news of Captain Parker's change of the will was leaked to Bumble, so I told Sykes, who told me later.

"It's no wonder..." Di Changli was moved. He remembered that the danger was caused by the discovery of toxic gases in the space shuttle and the loss of oxygen that led to a desperate situation with Captain Parker. At that time, Captain Parker's behavior was strange and angry and sad. It turned out that Captain Parker understood everything at that time.

Bumble, the damn beast, was conscienceless and poisoned his own uncle who raised him for money. Di Changli's eyes flashed with cold and fright.

After cleaning up his mood, Di Changli asked, "What happened to the hunting team after we disappeared?"

Acuda said: "We waited a few days after the pre-decided rendezvous period on the thirteenth planet of the Roman galaxy. We were worried that you had an accident, so we reported it to the local garrison. When the garrison heard that you had gone to the roaring sea of the abyss, they were unwilling to send a search and rescue team. We had no choice but to wait for a while. I haven't seen you return, and finally I can't wait, so I have to leave the Roman Galaxy. After we returned to Solomon's galaxy, because Captain Parker disappeared, the hunting team had to sell its prey and temporarily disband. I took a sum of money home. The people of the hunting team didn't contact me, and what happened after that was not clear.

He recalled and continued: "Until the next year, Sykes came to my house to visit my father and said that Captain Parker had no news. The official concluded that he and you must have been killed in the roaring sea of the abyss, and Bumble inherited most of Captain Parker's estate. After Bumble became a millionaire, he didn't want to go out for adventure hunting, so he sold the shares of the two spacecraft to Captain Goniv. Sykes did not want to continue with Captain Goniv and chose to leave. He stayed at my house for half a month, told me these things, left me some money, and said he wanted to travel around. Later, I haven't heard from him.

"That guy Sykes may be a natural wanderer with risky blood..." Di Changli sighed when he remembered that he was the most suitable partner with the hunting team and had a clear personality and helped him a lot.

"After Sykes left, I didn't go to Captain Gniff to join the hunting team, and I became a repair mechanic in my hometown." Akuda continued: "Originally, I did a good job and my income was barely able to maintain my family, but my father's old injury relapsed, and the medical expenses were too expensive. I really couldn't afford it, so I had to take gangsters everywhere to change weapons and firearms. As a result, I don't know how he was found out by Bumble. He always held a grudge against me, so he reported me to the Arms Management Department, found a relationship, and found my crime very seriously. The judge finally sentenced me to 60 years in exile to Paradise Star.

Speaking of this, Akuda's eyes turned red and seemed to be invisible anger. He gasped and choked, "It doesn't matter if I was exiled to the Paradise Star to suffer, but how can my disabled father and mother survive? They don't know what kind of suffering they are suffering now... Bumble, that despicable bastard, if one day I can go back to the Solomon galaxy, I must kill this beast myself.

"You will go back." Di Changli sighed silently and could only comfort him in such an empty way.

"Well, I can definitely go back, Mr. Inspector, I know that you will help me, right?" Akuda choked. Suddenly, he seemed to realize something and said in great shock, "This is a paradise star, Mr. Inspector. Why are you here? Is it possible that you are also..."

"Yes, I'm also a prisoner now." Di Changli nodded and said blankly, "I committed a felony. I was originally sentenced to death, but later I was pardoned and sentenced to 100 years of exile to Paradise."

"Mr. Inspector." Akuda looked up at him and said with confidence, "No matter how serious the crime you have committed, I believe that you have your own legitimate reasons. You are definitely not a bad person."

Isn't you a bad person? Di Changli smiled. Can't he be regarded as a good person? He shook his head, stretched out his hand to pat Akuda's arm and said, "You are injured. If you have anything to say later, take your time. Rest well now and don't worry about anything else."

Akuda just woke up, and his mood went through a fierce ups and downs. He also felt a little tired. He responded respectfully and closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Di Changli got up and walked to the window and looked at the sky, with thousands of thoughts in his heart. After returning to Rome from the roaring sea of the abyss, he has been plagued with all kinds of things and has not been able to find an opportunity to go to Solomon's galaxy to inform his family and partners of Captain Parker's death. Unexpectedly, there were so many changes there, and Captain Parker's misfortune is even more because of his nephew class who is worse than beasts. It can be said that it is difficult to close his eyes because of Boole's plot to seize property.

If Bumble is in front of him at this moment, Di Changli can be sure that he will kill him without hesitation to avenge Captain Parker, but now that he has fallen into the star of heaven, he doesn't know when he will be able to get out of his life and have no time to talk about anything else?

Di Changli did not regret that Modi and his accomplice who brutally killed Robert and Sheila's mother and daughter, resulting in almost paying the price of his life. Even if he did it again, he would definitely do it. Robert and Sheila have cultivated kindness to him. Although the motivation is not simple, this kindness cannot be erased. In any case, revenge for them is Di Changli's obligation and responsibility.

Although Modi was killed, the behind-the-scenes gangster is still hiding in layers of fog and escaping. From all aspects of the situation, the power of the behind-the-scenes gangster is so huge that it can be imagined how difficult and dangerous this road of revenge will be. Di Changli may be crushed to pieces anytime and anywhere. .

Di Changli knows this better than anyone else, so after coming to Paradise Star, he practiced harder than ever and tried to make his strength stronger as soon as possible. He knows that only when his personal force is extremely strong can he seize the extremely slim hope of revenge.

Di Changli can conclude that the behind-the-scenes black hand's attack on Robert and Sheila is by no means an aimless attempt at himself, but for himself. Robert and Sheila are just innocent victims. Whenever he thinks of this, his guilt, self-blame and angry revenge in his heart become stronger. .

From birth, people close to him have unfortunately left him one by one, as did his biological parents, adoptive parents, Neve, Robert, Sheila, and Captain Parker. Has your fate really been cursed by Satan?

Di Changli thought bitterly, and his mood was painful and confused. His chest was like a huge stone, which was so heavy that it was difficult to breathe.

Out of the window, the sky gradually darkened, and a purple moon rose to the eastern sky, shining with beautiful and evil light, like the cold and evil Satan's eyes, looking up high and coldly at Di Changli.

"Are you laughing at me?" Di Changli looked up at the purple moon. In his chest, his blood suddenly boiled fiercely. He raised his knife-like resolute chin and sneered lowly: "Goddess of fate, do you know that in my eyes, you are a * bitch!"


Akuda's injury gradually improved. After only a few days, he could go to the ground for activities. Di Changli asked him to move next door to his residence and asked Tiemule to arrange an easy job for him to settle down for the time being.

Tiemulle moved into the best president's residence at the Monet mine. Gugu Mituo and Romeo followed. He also wanted to invite Di Changli to live in, but Di Changli refused and asked him to find a very remote and deserted place within a few hundred meters. Except for Acuda, there were no other residents.

They didn't get along with each other for a long time, but Tie Mule also knew the character of Di Changli. After several times of persuasion, he was no longer reluctant. He did it as required. He also picked out a few relatively reliable people among his new prisoners and asked them to live around Di Changli and told them to prevent others from harass him. Di Changli's quietness. As for safety, Tiemule has not considered for Di Changli. If even Di Changli can't guarantee his own safety, he should worry about his life.

During this period, Temule treated the peacekeeping team led by Sharpe coldly. He did not withdraw them or ask them to do anything to do, only let them perform the duties of the peacekeeping team as usual. After all, Temule became the president and was not familiar with the members of the peacekeeping team at all, let alone whether there were people loyal to Jeba. Originally, he wanted to choose people from the new prisoners to replace them, but in this way, it was bound to touch the vested interests of many people and cause fierce conflicts between new and old prisoners. Duan, maybe his newly released president will be driven off the horse. Therefore, in order to maintain the order and safety of the mining site, Tiemule can only temporarily settle in this way. After he stands firm and is strong, he will begin to prepare to let go of his hands and feet.