Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 46 Temporary Escape

But that's the truth.

When everyone looked from the safe place, they clearly saw the sniper, and they stood on the top of a towering wind fossil pillar, without hiding their traces.

Even if they are very far apart, they can only roughly see the outline of the sniper's figure, but everyone can feel that the other party exudes a strong cold breath everywhere, and his eyes seem to have a frightening supernatural power, cutting through the barrier of space, and ruthlessly overlooking everyone as the master of the battlefield. For a moment, the stone pillar disappeared.

Looking at the straight figure from afar, the black-faced man Sharos's face suddenly changed, and his body couldn't help shaking slightly, and there was deep fear in his eyes.

"Damn it, this * guy is so arrogant that I want to beat him into a pile of meat dregs." A captain surged a strong sense of despised shame, punched the ground fiercely, and roared angrily.

Everyone empathizes, and their chests are burning with anger. Immediately, several captains were ready to order their men to divide their troops to kill the sniper.

"Guys down." Clinto of the "Golden Scissors" mining team quickly stopped and said, "Although I don't know where this guy came from, since he suddenly appeared here to attack us at this time, it must be related to Dasarina and Elijah. If we divide too many people to deal with him, it will be more difficult to take Daxilina and Elijah. "

Although this is quite reasonable, it can't quench everyone's anger. A captain shouted angrily, "Are we going to do nothing and let that guy use our heads as a target in the shooting range?"

"Of course not." Klinto said, "That guy provoked us like this in order to attract us to deal with him and reduce our attack on Dacilina and Elijah. We can't let him succeed. We just need to send a few people to contain him. When Dasarina and Elijah are solved, we can calmly deal with him.

"You're absolutely right." The captain who punched the ground said, "But who should let him contain that guy?"

It was quiet, and more than a dozen captains closed their mouths tightly.

This sniper is indeed very arrogant, but it is indeed quite terrible. Everyone knows that it may not be too difficult to send a large number of people to kill him, but it is completely two different concepts to use only a few people to deal with him. The latter so-called containment method is actually similar to using human life to block the enemy's muzzle. There are ten executioners, and no one will be stupid enough to take the lives of their elite to take such a big risk.

In silence, someone suddenly said, "Satan's fist..."

Everyone turned around and saw that it was the black-faced man Sharos. His eyes were still on the stone pillar, with incredible panic and fear in his eyes, and muttered again: "Satan's fist."

Everyone felt puzzled. Canlamon, the captain of the "blood robe gentleman" mining team, frowned and asked, "What are you talking about?"

Sharos looked at the stone pillar as if he hadn't heard of it, and his expression became very surprised and distressed. How is that possible? How could he be on the planet Earth? I must have read it wrong, it must be."

Hearing his dreamy and strange words to himself, everyone was even more confused. Kanlamon shouted, "Sharos, what are you talking about? What Satan's fist?"

Sharos was shocked, came to his senses, and said with a strange expression, "That sniper makes me feel like a person, but that person can't appear on the star of heaven. It should be that my feeling is wrong."

"Who is the person you mentioned?" Kanlamon narrowed his dark brown eyes and asked gloomily, "Why can't he appear on the planet heaven?"

A trace of fear flashed in Sharos's eyes and shook his head hesitantly and said, "I don't want to mention that person again."

Canlamon stared at him coldly and insisted, "Who is this person? You have to tell us."

"I don't want to say it, but I don't want to say it." Sharos suddenly became anxious and shouted angrily, "Why the fuck are you asking these questions? This is my business, and it has nothing to do with you.

"You're wrong, Sharos. It has something to do with each of us." Canlamon said gloomyly, "Now that guy is hiding in the dark and ready to beat our heads. Whether he is the person you think he is or not, you must tell everyone what you know."

"Okay, I'll tell you." Looking at the look of the crowd, Sharos compromised wisely and said reluctantly, "I just feel that this sniper is very similar to a law enforcement guard who arrested me. The law enforcement guard is very horrible and vicious. I don't know how many people died under him, known as Satan's fist."

Everyone was relieved. It turned out that they had touched the scars of the past. No wonder Sharos was unwilling to mention it, and as a special privileged class of the Federation, even if they committed a felony, the Federation would keep it secret. There was never been a precedent for exiled to heaven to serve his sentence, so Sharos thought it was impossible.

"It doesn't matter who that guy is." Clinto reminded everyone, "Now the important thing is how to deal with that guy's harassment against us."

Mr. Captains immediately closed their mouths again.

Kanlamon's eyes fixed on the headless corpse on the ground and proposed, "Tannis of the 'Trannosaurus' mining team is dead. His men must be very sad and angry, so let them go to revenge on that guy."

This is really a good idea, and the captains said with approval, "Yes, they have a duty to revenge."

"Obligations are not enough." Klinto turned his eyes and said, "We have to give them enough motivation to tell them that if anyone can kill the sniper, we will support him to become the new captain of the Tyrannosaurus Rex mining team."

This idea is even better, and everyone agrees.

The ten elites brought by Tannis have lost two people. After dispatching the remaining eight people away, everyone put all their hands to attack Dacilina and Elijah and others. Tannis' tragic death made everyone worry that there would be another unknown change in the situation, and even the guy who coveted Daslina no longer insisted on capturing it alive.

More than 100 thugs shouted and rushed on crazily. The initial effect was quite obvious. After a round of stormy fire, the other party was almost unable to raise his head and soon pushed the front.

"Elia, we won't last long. If we go on like this, we will definitely die." Antonio shouted, breathing a little short. In order to maintain the defensive field of the armor, he had to raise the speed of the force in his body to the extreme. It was a little unsufficable for a long time, but if not, he would have had several more bullet eyes on his body.

"What's wrong if you can't stand it? Do you still want to surrender? Old boy, if you dare to surrender, the old man will shoot you first. Elijah's eyes were red and she roared viciously. By this time, only one of his men had died, and he was in an extremely bad mood.

"Damn, am I a coward who is afraid of death in your eyes?" Antonio cursed angrily, quickly leaned over and shot a shuttle of bullets, shrank back and shouted, "I beg you something... Anyway, it's a death to stay here. There may be a glimmer of hope of escape. Please protect Miss Dasina with us and rush out with us, as long as Miss Dasarina can live today, in the future. She can kill those bastards to avenge us.

"Okay, no problem." Elijah agreed almost without consideration and shouted, "As long as Miss Dasilina promises to take care of my other brothers in the future so that they can stay safe in the gold rush, I can be the first to rush out to help you stop the bullets."

Naturally, there is no reason for Dasarina not to agree to this request. Everyone simply set a plan to break out. They were about to meet and break out from one direction. Suddenly, they heard a big uproar from the enemy's position, and the density of the roaring rain suddenly decreased, and it became sparse in a moment. Everyone couldn't help but be surprised and overjoyed. They seized this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to rush out of the stone tower, and miraculously no one was injured.

After running out of nearly 200 meters in a hurry, the enemy's firepower slowly became dense again. Everyone quickly found obstacles to hide, fighting back and retreating alternately.

"What's going on?" Everyone was temporarily free from the clutches of death. In addition to surprise, this question came to their minds. Looking at today's posture, the enemy was obviously determined to kill them. How could there be such a low-level omission during the attack, giving them a chance to escape from death?

The answer is actually very simple. Just as the people of the mining teams attacked with all their strength, someone sniped at them on the side. After several people were killed one after another, the rest of them were in a ghost. For a moment, they were in chaos and panicked to find a place to cover up. How could they still have enough to attack? It happened that Daxilina and others chose to break out at this time. The mining teams that were originally rabble were similar to fighting separately. The captains could not command their men to form an effective attack at all, which made them unharmed and lucky to escape from the stone tower.

"A bunch of fucking rubbish, catch up and kill them all." Seeing the cooked duck fly away from their mouths like this, the captains were so angry that they almost vomited blood on the spot and roared angrily.

To be honest, no matter how powerful the sniper is, it takes a lot of time for the mining teams to shoot, even if they stand still and let them shoot, but now they are scared by a few shots. It's really a shame to say it.

After the reorganization, the mining teams were divided into two groups. The captains personally led the team to kill the sniper, making him no longer able to take advantage of it, and the other group chased Dasarina and Elijah crazily.

Dacarina and others were forced to slow down the pace of escape and fight back. In the fierce shooting, the distance between the two sides gradually narrowed, and many enemies began to roundabout from both sides, and the situation became very critical again.