Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 51 Merge

"My conscience made me make such a difficult decision." Sharos concluded impassionedly: "What makes me glad is that noble justice finally defeated the despicable evil, and the humiliation and the great sacrifices made by me and my brothers have not been in vain."

Hearing Sharos's righteous and awe-inspiring words, Elijah and others' first reaction was to think that there was something wrong with their ears, and the second reaction was that this guy's nerves were seriously insane.

What kind of person is Sharos? Who doesn't know on the Gold Rush? He has all the qualities that an excellent villain should have. As for justice and conscience, everyone can conclude without hesitation that his limited body can never accommodate even a little thing. Besides, can helping Daxilina, Elijah and others be called a manifestation of justice? Even if they themselves, they don't think they are good people.

However, the facts are in front of us. No matter how many questions you have, you have to admit that it is indeed Sharosgan's dangerous counterattack that reversed the war and saved everyone's lives.

Then, Sharos's behavior finally solved everyone's doubts.

"Mr." Sharos walked to Di Changli, saluted very respectfully, and said with a smile, "My name is Sharos. I wonder if you still have any impression of me?"

Di Changli looked at the man in front of him with an extremely flattering smile and unconsciously showed a trace of nervousness and fear. He vaguely felt a little familiar, but he couldn't remember when and where he had seen him for a moment. He frowned and said, "Do you know me?"

"Yes, sir." Sharos saw that Di Changli obviously didn't remember himself and said quickly, "I'm a criminal exiled from the Roman galaxy to the Paradise Star. Two years ago, you arrested me with your own hands."

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but look at each other. In this way, Sharos and Di Changli can be regarded as enemies. The former should hate the latter to the bone. Why did they risk so much to save them? Does Sharos want to get rid of Di Changli's hatred with his own hands? However, looking at his humble behavior in front of Di Changli, there is no intention that is not conducive to the latter in any case, which really makes everyone unable to figure out what is going on. At the same time, he once again guessed the identity of Di Changli.

Di Changli was also quite puzzled and looked at Sharos again. He didn't know how many criminals had been arrested before. Naturally, it was impossible to remember everyone's face. After careful recalling it, he finally had a little impression and raised his eyebrows and said, "Oh, I remember that two years ago, several repeat offenders escaped to the Fifth Prison in Rome and fled to the downtown to hold hostages. It happened to be the area I was responsible for when I was on duty. Domain. Later, all but one person were killed. It seems that you are the luckier guy... Well, your name is Sharos, right? Sharos, since you recognized me but still helped me, do you want to do something for your partner who died in my hands?

"No, absolutely not, sir, listen to me." Sharos's face changed greatly and hurriedly clarified, "Actually, I don't have any friendship with those guys. I just happened to run into them and escaped from prison. I'm grateful that it was too late for your men to spare my life. How could there be any other bad intentions towards you?"

"You don't have to thank me for anything. At that time, you have surrendered. Of course, I don't need to kill you again." Di Changli said lightly, glanced at him again, and said with a faint smile, "Sharos, your behavior today doesn't seem to be very reasonable. You won't be moved by my personality charm, so you will save him bravely?"

Sharos turned his eyes and knew that the reason was so ridiculous that it was difficult to say. He laughed and honestly admitted, "Sir, to tell you the truth, I don't believe that these guys can kill you. Even if they kill all the people at Monet's mine, they can't do anything to you. If you turn back and open up Killing, I don't have the confidence to escape from your pursuit, so I decided to take my brothers to your side, hoping to atone for your forgiveness.

A strange smile appeared on Di Changli's face and said, "You are quite frank and look up to me."

Seeing that he seemed to be in a good mood, Sharos quickly hit the snake and said, "You won't be strange again, and you won't pursue this matter again? I don't know what you want to do with these guys?"

He naturally pointed to the people of the captured mining teams. Di Chang said without saying, "What should I pursue you? If you really want to say it, I have to thank you this time... As for how to deal with these people, I don't want to ask. It's up to you."

As soon as Sharos heard this, he understood that Di Changli would really not do anything to him. At this time, he was really relieved and quickly smiled and answered, and went to discuss with Shaft, Dasarina and others to deal with various matters.

From Sharos, everyone finally learned that Di Changli was actually a law enforcement guard of the Roman Galaxy. They were surprised, but they were not shocked. Instead, they felt a little strange that Sharos was so afraid of Di Changli. They all secretly despised and despised them in their hearts. It was not until later that they found out how far away they were wrong. Spectrum.

Except for Saros, a total of six of the thirteen captains of the mining teams were killed in this armed battle, and the remaining seven were taken together to watch. There was a small dispute about how to deal with the seven captains. Shaft and Elijah, who were angry at the killing of their men, proposed to execute on the spot. Fat Hogg and Sharos felt that they needed to slow down. After all, the armed forces of the mining teams have now gathered in the mine camp. If they kill their leaders, it is likely to provoke them to mutiny. It is better to use these captains to relieve those first. It's not too late to get rid of these guys after arming them.

Everyone had different opinions and had their own opinions. After a while, Da Carina finally made the decision. She analyzed and judged that the mining teams were just temporarily gathered to deal with themselves and others. There have always been many contradictions and conflicts with each other, and it was impossible to abandon the previous suspicions and work together against the enemy. Moreover, the loyalty of exiles on the star of heaven is not high in the first place. Basically, they follow others out of interests. When their leaders die, their subordinates usually collapse into scattered sand, which does not pose much threat to the party at all. It is better to kill people to avoid any accidents.

Everyone agreed with Daxarina's words, so the fate of the remaining seven captains was decided in this way.

This made Di Changli know more about Daxilina's temperament and style. This woman is quite decisive, does things simply and thoroughly, and will never easily give the enemy a chance to turn things around.

Facts also prove Dasarina's judgment. After receiving the notice of the death of their respective leaders for a while, most of the members of the mining teams have made wise choices and are willing to submit. Of course, some of the leaders of the mining teams have tried to make waves, but under the general trend, they were soon reached Serena and the other three mining teams suppressed them mercilessly.

After a night of noise and adding a few grievances on the gold beach, the next morning, the situation was basically controlled and stabilized, and then, of course, divided the territory to fight for interests.

There used to be 17 mining teams that occupied the gold beach gems, but now there are only four left, Dasilina's "Mornings", Fat Hogg's "I love big buttocks", Elia's "The old man wants to make a fortune", and Sharos's "Minut K" mining team, plus Monet's mining site, a total of five forces sat to talk. Judging on the table.

The negotiations did not go well at the beginning, and they rose one after another. Whether it is the mineral veins that can be allocated or the number of people received, it is related to everyone's vital interests, and it is related to the strength and power of their respective forces and the right to speak in the future. So, not to mention others, even Sharos, who is extremely afraid of Di Changli, is unwilling to give in. Compromise, just try to get one more benefit for yourself. After talking all day, everyone did not allow an inch of land to compete. Although he did not slap the table and make a lot of noise, he also struggled to make a dizzy and blushing neck. Later, the smell of gunpowder gradually became stronger. In the end, the fat Hager saw that it was not the way and quickly proposed to adjourn the meeting and let everyone calm down another day and continue the conversation.

I knew that this would happen, so Di Changli, who was too lazy to attend, heard Shaft talk about the negotiation and muttered: "You are not good at these things, and this matter is very important to Monet's mining site, so it's okay to talk about it for the time being. Well, when we talk about it tomorrow, you can simply propose a merger to them, and ask them to go to the Monet mine to discuss how to merge.

"Merger?" Shaft said in surprise, "How could they agree?"

Regardless of the size of the force, each mining team is an independent force. If it is merged, there must be a master and subordinate. Who will be willing to succumb to others? Shaft felt that there was no possibility of implementation at all.

"Why is it impossible?" Di Changli smiled and said, "The merger I'm talking about is not about which side to annex the power of the other side, but just integrating the resources of all parties and establishing a joint-stock company to jointly develop the gemstone mine in the Gold Rush. Everyone can still retain their own armed forces. In this way, all parties can not only avoid repeated waste of resources in mining and operation, greatly reduce costs and consumption, but also have no affiliation. They are just pure partners.

This plan is indeed very feasible. It is beneficial and harmless. It can twist the forces of all parties into a rope, and from then on, it will completely eliminate the future troubles of other foreign forces getting involved in the gold rush. It's just that everyone is too concerned about their own interests in the game, including Shaft, and they can't jump out to think about this aspect for a while. So when Shaft proposed to merge and form a joint-stock company the next day, everyone realized the benefits at the first time and agreed.