Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 23 Catch up with a good time

No matter what the purpose of Di Changli's release of power was, at least, he did show enough sincerity, which is undoubtedly felt by everyone, so everyone rewarded accordingly.

This reward is certainly not material, but some useful information. When Di Changli first arrived, none of them was a fool, and naturally he understood what he needed. In fact, these intelligence information about the Delman Empire are not important secrets. As long as Di Changli is interested, he can finally find out, so everyone will not hide and be a villain.

The situation of the Delman Empire is not very complicated. Externally, the northern border is bordered by the Monli Empire, the Sardinian Empire is in the west, and the Kale Empire is in the south. As for the east, it is the endless Baiqin Sea.

In terms of diplomacy, the Delman Empire and the Kale Empire are allies. They communicate very closely with each other. They are sworn in the Monli Empire for generations. Long before the super * group of the Federation intervened in the control of the Onola mainland, the two countries did not know how many years they had fought, and each other's citizens were killed or injured. There is a great tendency to be unconjud.

However, if we talk about the biggest threat facing the Delman Empire now, it is still the Sardinian Empire. After all, the comprehensive national strength of the sworn enemy Monli Empire is there, which is slightly worse than the Delman Empire. No matter how the two countries fight, the Delman Empire cannot be destroyed. But the Sardinia Empire is different.

Originally, the comprehensive national strength of the Sardinian Empire was about to be stronger than the end of the Delman Empire. More than 20 years ago, the Sardinian Empire annexed another neighboring country. After rest and strong rectification, the current national strength has risen to an unprecedented level, with only 17 countries remaining in the whole Onora continent. Among the families, the ranking is definitely one of the top three and one of the hegemons.

Onola mainland has been fighting for many years, and it has long been common for this rise and death. Regardless of the size of the country, whether the national strength is strong or not, those who survive are by no means easy people to get together. No country does not have the intention of eliminating all other countries to unify the continent of Onora. Nowadays, the Sardinian Empire has stronger strength, and its ambition is naturally growing more vigorously. As the Delman Empire, which has the widest border area, has naturally become its primary goal to conquer. In the past two years, the regular battle with the Delman Empire has become larger and larger. Obviously, the ultimate battle between the two countries is about to break out in the near future.

Speaking of the domestic situation, the current ruler of the Delman Empire is Neo III. Neo III is not very old, but his physical condition has not been ideal because he was too romantic when he was young. Recently, there was news circulating in the imperial capital that Neo III fell down while riding in the royal cemetery two months ago and had a helmet of blood on the spot. After being rescued by the high priest of the temple in time, he saved his life. After that, he lingered in bed. It is estimated that it won't be long before Death will enthusiastically invite him to go. As a guest.

Although this is only whispered gossip, there must be a reason for the empty wind. It can be seen from the mansion newspaper that Neo III has rarely appeared in public in the past two months. He has only attended the National Assembly once, and the rest of the time is all in his bedroom. According to the analysis of various aspects, I'm afraid that the time for this Neo III is really out of time.

The change of ownership of a country is a major event. Therefore, the current situation of the Delman Empire is quite chaotic. The root cause of this chaos boils down to the ownership of the throne.

Neo III has three sons and one daughter. According to the Code of the Delman Empire, his four sons and daughters are naturally the top-ranked heirs. According to the top to the bottom, they are Prince Flamenikes, Prince Matthews, Princess Suanna and Prince Joon Keys.

Generally speaking, Prince Flaminis, who is the heir of the first line, is undoubtedly the greatest hope of taking the throne, but according to the code, if the successor wants to wear that crown, it must be recognized by more than half of the members of the Delman Empire. If the number of votes is less than half, Then I'm sorry, you have to let the next successor.

Prince Flaminis is very unfortunate. He has a congenital disability and is a cripple who comes out of his mother's belly. For this reason, he has been very grumpy since he was a child. As he grows older, his personality becomes more and more violent and strange. He often tortures the close servants and slaves around him for no reason to vent their fun and his means are disabled. Forbearance is chilling, causing supporters to gradually move away from the decline, and the prospect is not optimistic.

As the second son of Neo III, Prince Matthew Keith's performance is much better than his brother's. He can be said to be a standard aristocratic example and has been deeply praised by the nobles. Moreover, Prince Matthew Case's appearance is extremely beautiful. His temperament, demeanor, knowledge and cultivation are all topics that famous ladies in the imperial capital like to talk about. Every time there is a dance he attends, there is usually a fierce war that can't be seen. And the fruit picked by the winner of this war is naturally the dance partner of Prince Matthew Case.

However, the highest call for succession is not Prince Matthew Keith, who is very famous among the famous ladies of the imperial capital, but Princess Suana, the only daughter of Neo III.

Because, in addition to the princess's honorable status, Princess Suanna is also an extremely chaste and noble saint and a saint in the imperial temple. In other words, when competing for the throne, she will be supported by the temple and even the divine power. Of course, there is no doubt about the appearance and character of Princess Suanna, who can serve as the saint of the temple and the image of the goddess of nature in the human world. Although she has not shown her true face after becoming a saint as an adult, she can definitely be said to be the most frequent object in all male dreams in the Delman Empire.

Although Princess Suana's succession is the highest, the youngest son of Neo III, Prince João Keys, must also be mentioned. Because this Prince Joãoces is by no means an idle person, he is born with divine power and has been extremely brave since he was a child. Although he is only 17 years old, he has already won the title of Paladin and was promoted to a captain of the Guardian Knights of the goddess of the Imperial Temple six months ago, which can be called a rare genius in a hundred years. In a nutshell, Prince João Keys can get help from the temple and the Protoss.

In a word, due to the extremely bad health of His Majesty Neo III, I don't know when he will close his eyes and kick his legs. Therefore, the Delman Empire is now chaotic and bad. All the noble adults who think they have the opportunity to take advantage of and profit have fought hard. Jump out, wave the flag and shout for your favorite prince or princess. The imperial capital is very lively and happy.

"So." After listening to the general explanation of Robacha and others, Di Changli touched his chin and said with a wry smile, "I came here, but I caught up with a good time."

After stopping, Di Changli said again, "Since the Delman Empire is in such a situation at present, what is the specific situation of Lum City and Norra Province in Northern Europe? It must not be very peaceful? I don't know which prince and princess supporter will be present just now?

Several refiners also smiled bitterly, and then you talked about the general situation.

Speaking of which, Marshal Fernando, the general of the Imperial Temple, had long been in the intention to control the power of the Delman Empire and secretly infiltrated and develop his own power to the three sides of the military, politics and religion. The Marquis Pompey, the commander of the Eighth Legion of the Empire in Nora Province, Northern Europe, and the Duke of Holton, the owner of Lum City, were Fernando instructed Gustavo to successfully la The object that has been passed.

The difference is that the Marquis of Pompey was originally a dilapidated nobleman. With the support of the Marshal of Heaven, he could sit on this tiger leather chair, the head of an army, and his family was also revitalized and radiant, belonging to a hardcore figure who completely fell to Fernando. The Duke of Holton only took over his father's title and city lord last year. Because of his lack of ability, many people were coveted by this position as the landlord of Lum City, so Holton had no choice but to get closer to Fernando, which resolved the crisis of losing power.

Neo III's poor health does not mean that his brain is not working well. He sensed Fernando's plots and was afraid that the Nordic province of Nora would take the opportunity to be held by the Marshal, so he quickly sent his nephew Duke Lucrekes to take charge of the military and political power of Norra Province in Northern Europe and tried to appease Horton. The Duke finally gave the city lord a little comfort in a frightened and injured heart, so that he would not completely throw himself into the arms of the marshal. This is also the reason why after Di Changli killed Gustavo, Pompey was not going to let go, but Holton's attitude was quite ambiguous.

Generally speaking, among the three giants of the military, political and religious giants of Norra Province, the support tendency of the Governor-General of Lucrekes and Pimenta, the commander of the Third Army of the Empire, is not too obvious, but according to observation and analysis, their loyalty should not be one of Prince Flaminies or Prince Matthew Keyes.

Diane, the high priest of the Temple of Lum, and Saint Lev, are undoubtedly the absolute supporters of Princess Suana. Cardinal Merlin is an old man who is about to become refined, and no one can see through his true thoughts. However, after all, he is a member of the Temple of the Goddess of Nature. He is both glorious and damaged with the church forces, and the goal of his support should be Princess Suanna.

Because, among Princess Suanna and Prince Joonkais, the attitude of Marshal Fernando is more inclined to Prince Joonkais.

I have to say a few more words here. Although the "divine envoys" who came to heaven and the priests of the church are under the same roof of the temple, the relationship between them is by no means a blend of water and milk. The root cause is still the contradiction caused by the interference of the Protoss in the secular forces. As the priests of the indigenous people of Phoenix Star, their ideological consciousness may not be completely willing to cut off the roots of vulgarity and dedicate all their bodies and minds to the noble and selfless spirits. The secular power has always been very attractive to them, so they inevitably have a strong resistance to the behavior of the Protos. Contradictions and differences arise naturally.

Power resources are finally limited, but people's hearts are endless. It is inevitable that there will be some bumps between the two sides, and the resentment will inevitably accumulate deeper and deeper. Although both sides took care of their faces and did not publicize the contradictions, each of them was full of energy. Whatever you support is what I oppose, and whatever you oppose is what I support. Therefore, if Fernando chooses to support Prince João Keys to succeed to the throne, the church forces will naturally choose to support Princess Juana.

After talking about the chaos of the Delman Empire, Di Changli asked, "Didn't you participate in it?"