Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 28 must first settle inside

Di Changli looked at Lucrekes, who supported him in a clear and high profile. The two naturally exchanged tacit eyes. Di Changli smiled and said, "Very good, Governor Lucrekes' respect for the Protoss is enough to prove the piety of faith, which makes me very gratified. The goddess of nature will bless you."

"Thank you, Commander." Lucrekes gracefully got up to thank him and said humbly, "I haven't done enough. I have to ask the leader for more supervision and guidance in the future."

Bullshit, bullshit, big bullshit, when did you so respect the Protoss so much? A few days ago, he quarreled with Lord Gustavo about a piece of land outside the city and almost slapped the table. Did you fucking forget it? The goddess of nature, who knows everything, opened a door here and sent the bastard full of lies to hell. Pompey, who did not realize that he was seriously qualified as an accuser, cursed angrily in his stomach.

"My opinion is." Di Changli paused and said loudly and powerfully, "The hunting goddess believed in by the Monli Empire is an evil god, and her followers are all blinded heresies... At any time, the holy dignity of the goddess of nature is not allowed to be blasphemed at all. We must not allow the land illuminated by the holy light of the goddess of nature. Occupied by heretics, you must show all the strength and courage to fight against the enemy, and defend the pure and flawless glory of the goddess of nature with your own blood and life. Even if you fight to the last person, you will never hesitate.

"I see." Lucrekes was stunned, and immediately stood up excitedly. He said passionately, "I'm ashamed that my belief in the goddess of nature is not religious enough. At such a moment, I still hesitated to draw up a defensive plan. Great goddess of nature, please forgive the cowardice and selfishness of your humble believers. I will do my duty and sacrifice everything to fight to the end with the evil heresy of the enemy country.

I'm afraid it's not to defend the dignity and glory of the goddess of nature, but to protect your own interests. Seeing the two singing together, everyone thought disapprovingly, but this kind of words can't be appealed to. Otherwise, you will be labeled as not pious enough to the goddess of nature, and you can't help eating it. As he walked, he vaguely praised the impassioned Duke Lucrekes.

Fernando, the heavenly general of the Delman Empire, deliberately operated secular power, and his influence and power were increasingly consolidated and expanded. The royal family was deeply disturbed by this. Because of his detached status, he could not find an effective way to restrict it. Lucrekes was sent to Norra Province two years ago in order to restrain his confine his confidant Gustavo, but there has been no progress. The royal family is greatly dissatisfied with it. If it hadn't been for the instability caused by Neo III's illness, I'm afraid that Lucrekes would have been replaced.

And Di Changli forcibly replaced Gustavo, which undermined Fernando's attempt to penetrate and control the Norra province of Northern Europe. The contradiction between the two is difficult to reconcile. Sooner or later, they will have to meet each other. In order to cope with the strong blow from Fernando, Di Changli must quickly and timely strengthen his power and prestige and consolidate his position.

In this way, the situation of Di Changli and Lucrekes seems to be in a different situation. There is an urgent need for the victory of the war to reverse the unfavorable situation at present in order to get more chips to play games with his opponents.

Lucrekes had not been able to realize this clearly before. After being awakened by Di Changli, he was secretly ashamed and then said, "I'm going to issue an order to inform the whole army and call on all the soldiers to unite as one and vow to turn the enemy out of the country. At the same time, please prepare a report document for asking for assistance, and ask the commander and everyone to sign together, submit it to the military department, and allocate troops from other military regions to reinforce.

Popei finally couldn't help jumping out and objected with a gloomy face, "I don't think it's right. Now that 300,000 troops of the Sardinian Empire have invaded, the western front is tight, and our country's military strength is limited. When the first priority is to support the western line, from the overall point of view, it is not appropriate for us to fight a hard battle with the Monli Empire, or to shrink the front. The victory or defeat of the two battles is irrelevant. All you have to do is to keep the northern Xinjiang. That is a great achievement.

"Oh." Di Changli glanced at him and said faintly, "General Pompey must have absolute confidence and confidence to ensure that the territory is not lost, and the personal safety and property of the border people will not be lost?"

Pompey was stunned and immediately argued angrily, "I'm just talking about the matter. It's not a guarantee. As a legion commander, I don't even have the right to express my opinion?"

"Of course you can express your opinion. This is a right granted to you by the goddess of nature, and no one can deprive it." Di Changli smiled and said calmly but firmly, "However, you don't need to express any opinions now. Governor Lucrekes has drawn up a military action plan, and I also agree with this plan. What you have to do is to implement it unconditionally and resolutely. General Pompey, do you understand?

Do you want to force me to comply? Pompey was furious, his head was straight, his face was red and his neck was rough, "I firmly disagree with asking for help, and I won't sign the report."

"You mean." Di Changli's face turned cold and said seriously, "Are you against this resolution?"

"Not bad." Pompey answered confidently, secretly sneered, and objected, so what? The Eighth Army is my direct line. Do you dare to take away my military power at the critical moment when the Monli Empire's army invaded the territory?

The facts gave the confident General Pompey a loud slap in the face. As soon as he finished speaking, Di Changli said coldly, "Since General Pompey opposes everyone's common resolution, it is not appropriate to participate in this battle. Come on."

With Di Changli's cold shouts, several senior guard knights quickly entered the temple.

Di Changli ordered: "Take General Pompey to a safe place and be protected by a team of divine guard knights day and night. If General Pompey takes a step out of the temple before the end of the war with the Monli Empire, or any accident occurs, the team responsible for guarding will erase the honor of the divine knights. And demoted from the temple.

For the divine knights with an extreme sense of honor, such a severe punishment is better to kill them. They are awe-inspiring and answer loudly, "Yes."

Pompey was stunned and didn't understand what had happened for a moment. It was not until two Guardian knights came over and picked him up from their seats that he woke up like a dream. He shook off the Guardian knights extremely angrily and roared sharply: "I am a marquis, a legion commander. You have no right to deprive me of my command, let alone power. Deprive me of my freedom."

Di Changli smiled again and said indifferently, "General Pompey, well, it's better to call you a marquis now. Governor Lurekkes and I are not depriving you of your military power and freedom, but just think that your timid behavior may affect the morale of the military generals. It is not suitable to be one of the top commanders of this battle, so appropriate measures are taken to temporarily supervise you. Of course, if you feel that you have been treated unfairly, you can complain to the Temple of the Imperial City, or to the military and His Majesty Nero III of Governor Lucrekes.

"Yes, that's right." Pompey shouted angrily, "There is no doubt that I will strongly complain."

"Please, Marquis Pompey." Di Changli waved his hand casually like driving away flies and ordered, "Take him down... Well, Marquis Pompey, I don't think you will let me do it yourself, will you? So, please stabilize your mood and cooperate with these knights.

After assessing the situation, the furious Pompey wisely gave up his attempt to resist, swallowed his anger, and was escorted away by several divine guard knights.

Di Changli took Pompey with a vigorous wrist. From beginning to end, Robacha and several other refiners, as well as Cardinal Merlin, the High Priest Diane, Saint Leif, the Lord of Holton City and the consul Minnina, were watching in silence with different looks. Until Pompey was taken away, Diane smiled, broke the dull atmosphere and said, "Your Excellency, since the military action plan has been decided, if you have no other instructions, we should do our respective duties."

Every time a war breaks out, in addition to the heavenly general and the divine guard knights to go to the battlefield, the role of the rest of the clergy is also very important. Sending military priests to comfort the army, treating the wounded, praying for sacrifices, burying the dead, etc. All affairs are also quite busy and must be ready first. Of course, Diane is so eager to leave, and it is not ruled out that the situation is more complicated due to the forced imprisonment of Pompey by Di Changli. In the future, the development of the situation is more variable, which is likely to spawn a huge storm sweeping the whole Norra province of Northern Europe at any time, so she wants to stay away from the dispute to avoid being involved.

Robacha, Merlin and others were also general ideas and immediately echoed Diane on the pretext of arranging many matters to leave.

"Let's all break up." Di Changli nodded and said, "Governor Luke Case, please stay for a moment."

When everyone got up and left one after another, the owner of Holton hesitated for a moment, approached Di Changli, and bowed slightly and said, "Your Excellency, the little girl's condition has improved, but it is still not good. Therefore, I was asked to thank you specially to the commander. After recover in the future, I will come to thank you in person."

Holton thanked Di Changli in front of everyone, which is naturally not as simple as it seems. It can be said that he is implicitly expressing his position. Di Changli smiled and said it's okay. He stood up and took a few steps.

Although it was only a few steps, it was the treatment that others could not get, which made everyone's look slightly change and feel different. After walking out of the temple, they still had some thoughts, speculating that Di Changli and Lucrekes would secretly discuss what would be and what kind of agreement the two would reach.