Endless objects

Chapter 2 Natural Waste

Shen Aotian stood decadently in front of the Shen family's cultivation square to test the stone tablet and looked at the stone with a little sadness. At the beginning of every year, Shen Aotian would come to this monument to test whether he could be promoted to internal cultivation, and every time, he was disappointed and helpless.

"Now that the New Year has just finished, I am 15 years old this year. In half a month, winter and spring will be a great time to practice martial arts. This year, I will practice harder. I will become an adult next year. If I can't reach the sixth martial arts before the age of 16, I will have nothing to do with martial arts for life and will stagnate forever!"

"Only when you are promoted to the sixfold martial arts before becoming an adult can you continue to practice martial arts, because after becoming an adult, the meridians in the human body are fixed. If you want to relax the meridians again, you can only reach the sixfold martial arts." Shen Aotian looked at his father Shen Guangrui guiltily. If Shen Guangrui hadn't insisted on keeping Shen Aotian in the Shen family, he would have been expelled from the Shen family long ago.

"Aotian, you will not be an adult next year, and many people in the family can break through the bottleneck of cultivation until a few months before becoming adults. Even if you can't practice, don't feel inferior. This is destiny. Aotian, don't be so sad. There are only a few people who can really step into the ranks of practitioners in the vast land of China."

"Only warriors who enter the realm of heaven can be regarded as real palaces of cultivation. If they want to become real practitioners, all young disciples have to go a long way. In front of powerful practitioners, martial artists are not martial artists at all. Therefore, all the warriors are the same, just a drop of water in the river.

"Father... don't comfort me. I'm afraid I can't practice martial arts anymore in my life... Tianangjing, the real practitioners, that kind of realm is beyond my reach."

After listening to Shen Aotian's words, Shen Guangrui silently looked at a certain place in the square and said to Shen Aotian with some guilt, "Aotian, don't worry, even if you can't practice your internal strength, I still want you to stay at Shen's house. You are still my son of Shen Guangrui."

The practitioner family symbolizes a family with a change of fate in the vast land of Shenzhou. All the practitioner family can basically practice the skills and embark on the road of becoming a strong step by step.

And the Shen family belongs to a small family in the practitioner family. Even if they have some skills, they are all martial arts and Tianang-level skills in the practitioner family.

After listening to this sentence, Shen Aotian's stubborn eyes revealed his desire for cultivation.

"Aotian, don't think so much, don't worry about these things anymore!" Shen Guangrui said helplessly and walked away alone, leaving Shen Aotian alone in this square.

At night, when Shen Aotian was in pain, he opened the window and looked out of the window and saw a bright moon hanging in the sky. Above the moonlight, it emitted a strange blood red color. Behind the strange moon is an endless starry sky. The starry sky is vast and mysterious. Seeing such a beautiful scene, Shen Aotian is annoyed because of his mood. And it was tasteless, so I went back to bed.

At this time, two dark shadows suddenly appeared in the starry night sky. The two dark shadows were intertwined, and the powerful power continued to exert powerful power. In an instant, they could not make dozens of moves, causing aura around the world to be disordered. If Shen Aotian stayed a little longer, he might be able to see it. To this magical scene.

Both of these two shadows have a rare peerless power in the world. It seems that the stars under their feet can't resist their full blow. An old man, who seems to have been seriously injured in the fight between the two, can't stand it first, escaped from the star domain and went to the emit The blood-red moon and another dark shadow, looking like a middle-aged man, followed closely and chased the old man at a faster speed.

"Qin Chuxing, you are so cruel that you sneaked on me when I was unprepared. The old man stood on the moon, stood still, and shouted angrily on the planet with moonlight in the starry sky, pointing to another dark shadow.

"Old Yuan, hand over the Celestial Treasure Record quickly, and I can still keep your yuan god reincarnated. Otherwise, I will beat you until you have no soul and fall into hell forever. Haha, I didn't expect that in my eyes in the past, there was a demon moon realm as powerful as a god, and it would be destroyed by my hands today." This dark shadow sacrificed a sharp sword from nothingness and used another unique skill.

"Nine days of blazing flame, turned into streamer! Brilliant Tianwei, led by the stars!"

In an in an assult, the starlight of the sky flowed with this sword move, drew dozens of hot flames, and rushed to the demon moon master.

"Xuanxing's sword secret? Qin Chuxing, you are so cruel. You have lost my Yuan Jiang's prestige in Shenzhou. Today, it actually fell into the hands of your juniors. Xuanxingjing, an ant-like character, can quietly sneak into my place of practice and ambush me when I absorb the essence of the moonlight. I still believe in you too much... Everything is regretted. It's too late. Fortunately, I have this strong wind ring to keep my soul from surviving. The dark ancient ring between the old man's fingers suddenly emitted a dazzling light. A wisp of soul flashed above the old man's head and instantly entered the dark ancient ring, and the ancient ring fell to the ground like a meteor.

And the strong body of the old man standing on the moonlight planet was submerged under the bombardment of countless star forces and turned into ashes.

"Huh? That ancient ring? It seems that this old man got a strange treasure from that place. This ancient ring can actually absorb a wisp of soul split. Humph, but a wisp of soul has escaped. Even if this wisp of soul is cultivated for hundreds of years, it will not reach the mysterious star realm. It will not be a problem in the future, but it is a pity that the "Treasure Record" that is said to be able to infinitely improve the realm. I was taken away by the old man. If I have that celestial treasure record, I can upgrade the realm according to the celestial map inside, and I can cultivate it to the demon moon realm... Fortunately, all the items in the cave where he is located belong to me! This is a lucky thing, haha! Haha!" In the infinite starry sky, there was a burst of rampant laughter. Qin Chuxing stepped into the air and left, leaving only the infinite flow of star air to blow away the traces of fighting.

"Jiang Ming, the place where the wind ring fell seems to be Shuling. Go and get that wind ring back!" Qin Chuxing gave an order to the darkness in the distance.

"Yes, master!" In the dark, a four-fold strong man went to Shuling at a rapid speed to find the gale ring.

The wind ring crossed the sky like a meteor, with a wisp of soul of Yuan Jiang, a strong man in the demon moon, rushed into a small country called Shuling in the northeast of the vast land of Shenzhou.