Endless objects

Chapter 16 Fierce Battle

"Brother, if you want to be this patriarch, I'll just give it to you. Why do you have to do this?" Shen Guangrui's eyes flashed a desire for family affection, but he didn't expect that the family affection was so worthless in front of interests.

"Wait, Guangrui, I have been the elder for decades. When I elected you as the patriarch on that day, it was also a decision made by me and Lie Lao at the same time. Now Lie Lao has not left home and can't see this brotherly struggle, but I have something to say. I don't know if you two brothers will listen to me?" Shen Yan looked solemnly at Shen Guangrui and Shen Guangcheng, and he did not expect that the monthly routine meeting would become the replacement of patriarchs.

"Big Elder, please speak." Shen Guangcheng and Shen Guangrui said at the same time.

"Since the cause is the interests of the city, who can make the city flourish again than the Wu family and the Yan family make more profits, so who can be the patriarch? Do you think it's okay?" Shen Yan said loudly.

Hearing this, Shen Guangcheng's face looked much worse. He was full of thinking that after privately discussing with his next generation of brothers and Shen Aofeng to divide the city equally with the next group, he was stable in the position of patriarch, but he did not expect that it attracted Shen Yan to make such a proposal. Shen Guangcheng knew that he had some ability than management. Far less than his brother Shen Guangrui.

"Since the elder said so, Guangrui should abide by it." Shen Guangrui did not hesitate and readily agreed.

And Shen Guangcheng was also helpless and nodded.

"The two of you have agreed to this proposal. I think there may be many people in the clan who have many questions about how to judge the level of this interest. I have been thinking about it for a long time and think it is better to make it clear. The benefits in the clan are less than that the elixirs are not as good as the other two families. Who can be in a month? I found a pharmacist and refined the martial arts elixir on the spot. Whoever refines the martial arts-level elixir with higher quality is the winner. How about this to show fairness? Shen Yan made such a decision neatly, and the sophisticated methods convinced many practitioners present.

In this case, Shen Guangrui and Shen Guangcheng just nodded heavily to agree, and the meeting was over.

In the morning, the young man stretched out and waved his arms flexibly. Feeling the full energy in his body now, Shen Aotian smiled comfortably.

"Early this morning, I felt that I seemed to have broken through. Now I have reached the fivefold martial arts. Er, what's the matter recently? It's always breaking through. The celestial treasure record in Dantian keeps running, and it seems that it will never stop absorbing the aura of heaven and earth. Even the skill "Lion Power" given to me by Elder Su Yan has a little success. When I have time, I will go to the monster forest outside Qingyuan City to find some wild lion beasts to play. The young man was puzzled by the mystery of the celestial treasure record. Thinking of this, Shen Aotian shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

After breaking through the fivefold of the martial arts, he was able to start practicing the second layer of floating cloud art. Shen Aotian looked at the gorgeous red light of the sun that had just risen from the east in the morning, and couldn't help saying slowly, "I have to work hard again today!"

After saying this, Shen Aotian walked to the practice square of the Shen family. He wanted to practice cloud art and martial arts there, not just build a car behind closed doors. Sometimes he will have a different experience when he sees other children of the Shen family practicing martial arts in the Shen family's practice square.

"Look! That's Shen Aotian. Why is his breath so strong? I can't even see it clearly." Shen Aoyun, the son of Shen Aoli, who was friends with Shen Aoli, exclaimed.

"Brother Aotian has made rapid progress. Although he was able to defeat me a few days ago, his realm is the same as mine. Now, he has left me far behind." Shen Aoli looked at Shen Aotian with admiration. In just a month, he was able to advance so fast that it was unique in the whole Qingyuan City.

In the middle of the Shen family's cultivation square, Shen Liner, the daughter of the moon-like sky, looked at Shen Aotian in surprise.

"Lin'er, what's wrong? What are you doing looking at that waste?" Around Shen Liner, five or six third-generation children of the Shen family all talked to Shen Liner. Among them, Shen Aokun, who had been defeated by Shen Aotian, was still called Shen Aotian one by one.

"Brother Ao Kun, how can you call Brother Aotian that? He is also a brother of our family!" Shen Liner immediately responded when she heard Shen Aokun's words.

As soon as these words fell, Shen Lin'er's cheeks turned crimson, huh? What's wrong with you today? How can you justify him? Haven't you always looked down on him?

Shen Aokun is even more angry. Since Shen Aokun was defeated by Shen Aotian, he found that his prestige among the three generations of disciples in the clan is gradually declining. Now, even Shen Liner, who he has liked since childhood, is facing that waste. Shen Aokun suddenly feels that he should do something at this time.

"Zhen Aotian, stop! What are you doing here? Last time you used the demon method to defeat me, this time I'm going to beat you up. Let's see which of us is better! Shall we fight again if we have the ability?"

His voice was furious and thunderous. Shen Aotian looked at the irritable Shen Aokun, glanced at him disdainfully, and then walked to his ear like a meteor and said softly.

"You don't deserve it!"

This sentence was spit out from Shen Aotian's mouth like nothing, and then the sound was properly transmitted, followed by the sound to all the third-generation disciples of the Shen family present. All the disciples were two people who looked at the anger like watching a good play, especially the third-generation disciples of the Shen family. , whistling gloatingly.

In the corner of Shenjia Practice Square, a young woman with a fairy-like face watched the fight in the field.

"Brother Aotian is really much more confident now, hehe!" The silver bell-like sounded softly, and Dong Linger looked at the handsome teenager Shen Aotian in the field with relief.

Following Shen Aotian's words, the furious Shen Aokun's action was a cruel move.

"Cut the ground!"

Shen Aokun found a bronze knife from the weapon shelf next to the cultivation square. The seven-fold internal force of the martial arts level. As the handle poured into the blade, the bronze knife became more and more sharp! However, Shen Aokun's face became a little pale, as if this move had consumed most of his internal strength.

Shen Aotian looked at the bronze knife pouring into the internal force, frowned and actually used weapons? Shen Aokun, this is what you forced me. I think you have the same root as me, and I won't kill you. I will abolish your internal strength today, so that you can't practice martial arts for the rest of your life! Humph!

In the Shen family, your father Shen Guangcheng wanted to be the head of the family and forced my father. I have heard that you have humiliated me many times before. How can I give up? After thinking about it, Shen Aotian also made a move.