Endless objects

Chapter 21 First Acquisition of Beast Elixirs

Waiting closer, Shen Aotian saw clearly that these were seven wild lions. Shen Aotian looked at the seven crazy lion beasts that were fast and flashed in his eyes.

Recalling the roar of the six-fold middle-level lion beast just now, Shen Aotian fell into a state of meditation.

There are no more enemies in front of Shen Aotian's eyes, only the roar he just heard.

Just when the group of wild lions were about to arrive in front of Shen Aotian, Shen Aotian was still immersed in meditation.


Suddenly, there was a howling from the mouth of the six-fold middle-level wild lion beast, and the seven or eight wild lion beasts were ready to pounce on Shen Aotian.

At this moment, Shen Aotian suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes flashed, and then there was a loud roar in his mouth!

"The king of beasts and lions are angry!"

It's just this shout! The seven mad lion beasts in front of him seemed to have lost their souls and had no attack target. Shen Aotian finally understood the true meaning of the lion's anger when he heard the roar of the six-fold middle-level lion beast!

"Roar!" Shen Aotian roared again, making all the seven lion beasts in front of him attack the six-fold middle-level lion beast.

However, when Shen Aotian made a sound at this time, he seemed to have really turned into a wild lion beast and made a real lion anger.

The seven lion beast stumbled to the six-fold middle-level lion beast, but saw that the lion beast was really angry and shouted. The lion beast restored the seven lion beasts from its confused state.

The six-fold middle-level mad lion beast couldn't resist its anger towards the human in front of him and rushed to Shen Aotian, and it used the stunt of the mad lion beast again.

I saw a huge sphere containing hot and cold spewing out of the mouth of the lion beast.

"Ice and flaming bomb!"

When Shen Aotian saw this sphere, he remembered the second move of the lion's cold flame bomb. At this time, Shen Aotian had completely clearly cultivated the lion's first move to the peak. Now Shen Aotian suddenly saw this sphere, he could not suppress the impulse to learn in his heart.

Although Shen Aotian can't avoid the speed of the lion beast, he can still use the first move of the floating cloud technique to avoid this ice flaming bullet.

Shen Aotian performed the floating cloud technique, and his whole body was wrapped like clouds and fog, and turned into a translucent appearance. Then he began to dodge and observe the mystery contained in this sphere. At this moment, Shen Aotian has unconsciously used the first move of floating cloud magic to the peak, if it is no matter how fast it is. A little bit, you have to break through to the realm of being able to practice the second move, but at this point, Shen Aotian can't speed up any more.

Although the speed of the ice flare is not as fast as that of the wild lion beast, it should not be underestimated. At this time, Shen Aotian has regarded this sphere as an exercise to practice cloud art.

After the light Hong reached the peak, Shen Aotian was able to observe the sphere more clearly. The two different forces contained in the sphere, ice and fire, existed in this huge sphere at the same time. Shen Aotian was surprised by the mystery. Before long, Shen Aotian seemed to understand something.

But at this moment, Shen Aotian suddenly stopped and suddenly grabbed this cold flame bomb! Such a bold act immediately made the mad lion beast angry, which has seriously angered the mad lion beast.

At this time, Shen Aotian endured the huge pain of ice and fire caused by the ice and flame bombs. He suddenly shouted softly and rotated the ball in his hand and kept rotating. Shen Aotian turned and observed it, but saw that the sphere was turning faster and faster, and the pain in Shen Aotian's hand became smaller and smaller.

Sudderfully, Shen Aotian seemed to understand the meaning contained in this sphere, and then melted the ice flame bomb.

Then, Shen Aotian roared and transformed into the virtual shadow of the lion beast above his head.

"Ice and flaming bomb!"

At this moment, Shen Aotian finally practiced the second move of the lion's ice and flame bullet after practicing the lion!

This ice flare rushed straight to the lion beast. When the lion beast saw such a strange scene, its heart became cold. It had never seen that human beings could use their skills to send out their secret skills.

At this moment, there is only one thought in the heart of the lion beast, which is to take its companions to escape from the human in front of them as soon as possible! The human skill in front of him is too strange, and his strength has improved too fast, which scares this wild lion beast.

"Roar!" The lion beast summoned its companions and was ready to escape from such a place! At this time, the ice flare has rushed to the lion beast and hit the body of the lion beast fiercely.

"Howling!" The lion beast roared in pain.

"Well, my goal has been achieved. How can you escape and leave your elixir and bones! Haha!" Shen Aotian was in a good mood at this moment and took out the thorn hook from the wind ring.

With the golden light flowing, Shen Aotian has been lucky to have a martial arts skill "Chanking the Ground" that he has never used since he learned it!

"Sweeping thousands of troops!"

Shen Aotian's second type of split earth chopping swept thousands of troops. The split ground chopping can only exert its power when he uses weapons. Therefore, Shen Aotian has not used it before. Now that he has a piercing hook, Shen Aotian wants to try whether the apprentice-level secret skill he has practiced is good or not.

The first type of giant chopping is only suitable for when there is only one attacker, so Shen Aotian used this to sweep thousands of troops.

The golden light flashed, and a piece of golden light surged from the hook blade at the top of the sky hook. I saw that the sky hook was indeed a sharp blade magic weapon. It instantly reached the position of the wild lion beast and gently stroked the group of wild lion beasts.

Although the thorn hook is mainly based on thorns, for the martial arts-level lion beast, no matter how this magic weapon attacks, it can use internal force to easily break the skin of the lion beast.

Of course, this only depends on the level of cultivation. If the cultivation is too different, Shen Aotian can't kill the other party so easily, and this group of wild lion beasts are only four or five levels of cultivation. Even the six-fold mad lion beast of the martial arts level has been seriously injured.

However, since the golden mang scratched, the seven-headed warrior-level four- and five-fold wild lion beasts were broken by the top hook blade used by Shen Aotian, and they were almost dying.

And the martial arts-level six-fold middle-level wild lion beast still has some combat effectiveness, but Shen Aotian is not that kind of indecisive person.

"Great force!" After beheading, the last powerful lion beast also died under a sharp weapon.

Monsters are really different from human beings. As long as human beings have powerful weapons, human beings have unique advantages when their cultivation is similar.


After killing the last mad lion beast, Shen Aotian couldn't suppress the nausea in his heart and spit it out. This was the first time Shen Aotian fought with the monster, and also saw the scene of the monster being opened and broken. The deep horror and nausea in his heart could not be recovered for a long time. This time, it was different from the last time it was abolished. Shen Aokun was like that. That time, he only saw Shen Aokun spit blood, and he was not as disgusting and bloody as this time.

"Aotian, if you can't adapt to this kind of blood, you can't become a strong man after all, because Hailan mainland is a world of strong flesh and food. Even if it is only in the vast land of China, it is also strong people everywhere. These strong people have experienced countless struggles and killings to survive. Which one is not stained with blood! " Yuan Jiang said firmly.

"Yes, Mr. Yuan, my disciple understands!" Shen Aotian calmed down, then slowly adapted to this scene, and then observed the bodies of these monsters.

"Aotian, take out the elixir of these monsters! The most important of their corpses is the Beast Dan!" Yuan Jiang said lightly.

Shen Aotian finally saw the beast elixir he had heard for a long time. This trip to the forbidden place would have such a great harvest. He thought that only by taking another step of cultivation could he see monsters at the north gate of Qingyuan City, but he didn't expect to get it here.

Shen Aotian picked up the thorn hook and began to dissect the body of the wild lion beast with joy.

In a moment, Shen Aotian was quietly in a daze with a milky light Danwan in his hand. Is this the beast elixir?

"Husect all the animal elixir quickly. After an hour, the aura stored in these animal elixir will gradually disappear. There are dozens of jade bottles containing the beast elixir in the wind ring. Find a jade bottle from it and save these beast elixir in it!" The old man Yuan Jiang said.

When Shen Aotian heard the words, he immediately started to do it again, but after a while, all the beast elixirs of these monsters were taken out by Shen Aotian. There were four martial arts-level four-fold beast elixirs, three martial-level five-fold beast elixirs, and one martial-level six-fold beast elixirs.

These beast elixirs are placed together and can be easily distinguished, because the milky white light emitted by each level of the beast elixir is different. Although the light emitted by the same level is slightly different, it is generally the same, but the light emitted by the beast elixir of different levels is completely different.

Shen Aotian put all the animal elixir into the jade bottle, then stuffed them into an obvious storage place in the wind ring, and began to dissect animal bones and skins. Although animal bones and animal skins cannot refine elixirs, they also have a lot of functions for merchants in Qingyuan City, so Shen Aotian is ready to put these things Entering the gale ring, then waiting to go out, and then selling it at a good price. At this moment, Shen Aotian showed a hairless appearance like an iron rooster, which made Yuan Jiang ashamed.