Endless objects

Chapter 27 Efficacy of Elixirs

"You have a strange fragrance. What does it smell like?" Just as Shen Aotian arrived at Mr. Yuan's location, Mr. Yuan asked.

"Qixiang?" Shen Aotian had an idea and handed the palm of his hand to Mr. Yuan. He just took the drop of jade liquid with this palm.

"The smell of dragon's saliva!" Mr. Yuan smelled the smell on Shen Aotian's palm and said in sterster.

When Shen Aotian just wanted to say something, Yuan Lao immediately motioned Shen Aotian not to say more.

"Aotian, don't mention this matter any more. You should take good care of this dragon saliva, and it will be of great use in the future. Do you understand? Don't let anyone know about the dragon's saliva, this is related to the refining of a spiritual elixir in the future!" Mr. Yuan said solemnly.

At this time, Shen Aotian is no longer Wu Xia Amun, and the truth that money cannot be revealed. Shen Aotian still understands it. Naturally, Shen Aotian nodded solemnly.

In the next few days, Shen Aotian no longer walked around, but focused on practicing alchemy and the secret of all spirits. At night, Shen Aotian reused the strong aura in this forbidden place and absorbed the aura of heaven and earth.

Unconsciously, three days later, Shen Aotian's alchemy has also reached the primary peak of martial arts level. At this time, Shen Aotian has been able to refine a normal tonic elixir. Although it is not as good as Yuan Lao, it is also unexpected by Yuan Lao. If Shen Aotian's father Shen Guangrui used the pharmacist, Shen Aotian may also I can do you a favor.

At this moment, Mr. Yuan asked Shen Aotian to put down his practice of medicine and concentrate on improving his strength. The way to improve his strength is actually to swallow the elixir.

"Old Yuan, will it cause instability if I swallow the elixirs to improve my strength? Previously, when I was promoted from five-fold to six-fold, you also said that if you swallow elixir at that time and were promoted, it would be extremely unfavorable to future martial arts cultivation. Shen Ao Tiandao.

"Aotian, if you use the benefit of elixir to break through this level when you are promoted to the five-fold of martial arts, it may cause foundation instability, because the five-fold to six-tiered martial arts are the most important part of practitioners in the early stage, not only a matter of improving strength, but also an important link in the consolidation of meridians. Now, you are finished You can safely take the elixir. You only need to take some time to consolidate the negative impact caused by swallowing the elixir. In this way, it will not cause problems for future practice. Mr. Yuan said.

Until this moment, Shen Aotian understood the role of elixirs. Indeed, as Yuan Lao said, martial arts practice cannot be completely dependent on elixirs, but they also need to take elixirs in time, so that they can improve their strength very quickly.

"Old Yuan, I understand. Now I absorb the aura of heaven and earth 50 times, which is much faster than ordinary people. Isn't it a little eager to take elixir?" Shen Ao Tiandao.

"Are you eager for success? Aotian, you practice martial arts several years later than others. If you don't take advantage of more favorable conditions than ordinary practitioners and make more efforts, how can you surpass them? Moreover, in some large practitioners' families, I have seen practitioners who absorb dozens or even hundreds of times the aura of heaven and earth! "

"You absorb 50 times the aura of heaven and earth, that is, the day you practice can match the 50 days of others, and this situation can only be encountered in the forbidden land. If you go out of the forbidden land, the a day of heaven and earth aura you absorb can be worth ten days at most. This situation is extremely normal, and there is no need to worry too much about it. Mr. Yuan paused and continued.

In fact, Yuan Jiang has not seen a person who can absorb 50 times more, but Yuan Jiang does not want Shen Aotian to lose confidence. Yuan Jiang knows through observation that Shen Aotian's current physique should be able to withstand 50 times the aura of heaven and earth plus elixirs into the body.

"In this case, you can make up for it in a short time by practicing martial arts a few years later than others. As for taking elixir, in some large cultivation families, even a collateral child can fully enjoy this treatment. You don't have to worry. Moreover, you have been trapped as a martial artist for several years, and your foundation is extremely stable, which can give you a smooth path to your future practice!" Mr. Yuan opened the way.

At this time, Shen Aotian finally opened his heart knot, then listened to Yuan Lao's explanation, began to take the tonic elixir, and then entered the state of cultivation.

Shen Aotian obeyed the instructions of the old man Yuan Jiang and swallowed three tonic elixirs in one breath. With the support of the power of tonic elixir, the speed of flow in Shen Aotian's body became more crazy, and the white halo emitted from the meridians was also becoming more and more dazzling, and the ripples and fluctuations began to intensify.

With more and more inhalation of tonics, many changes have also taken place in Shen Aotian's body at this time. The Dantian in Shen Ao's celestial body is a little different from before, because the Dantian in Shen Ao's celestial body has become more profound with his cultivation of martial arts, and has become golden and bright and dazzling. At this moment, Shen Ao Tian was afraid. He was afraid of what would happen in Dantian. After all, there was still a small and exquisite record of celestial bodies in Dantian.

However, in the end, it turned out that Shen Aotian's worry was completely superfluous, because in Shen Aotian's subsequent practice, not only Dantian did not change, but his martial arts cultivation was greatly improved.

And at this moment, Shen Aotian suddenly found that this promotion is not only about cultivation, but also the understanding of those bitter and difficult skills moves at ordinary times, which are gradually deepening. That is to say, whenever the cultivation is promoted, it is actually Shen Aotian's understanding of skills and promotion at the same time!

Don't underestimate this synchronous promotion, which is equivalent to the improvement of Shen Aotian's cultivation level. In fact, it is equivalent to the improvement of a person practicing skills at the same time. On the one hand, cultivation can drive the martial arts, and on the other hand, while driving the martial arts cultivation, it can also drive the understanding of martial arts. It has achieved twice the result with half the effort.

As long as any of them is promoted, the other will be greatly improved! In this state of cultivation alone, Shen Aotian spent a day and a night, and Shen Aotian was still immersed in this endless cultivation.

At this time, a touch of light green is quietly appearing in the dazzling Dantian. This light green seems to be a small vine, but this can only see the illusion. Shen Aotian himself can't see what this is. He can only keep it to study slowly in the future. Now Shen Aotian has to hurry up. Absorb and refine the medicinal power of these tonic elixir.

"Shen Aotian's elixir field actually has a breath of life. There are some herbal ingredients in the tonic elixir, and the vegetation represents the endless power. It's amazing that Aotian can actually feel this realm in it." Although the old man Yuan Jiang was in the outside world to protect Shen Aotian, he felt the strange changes in Shen Aotian's Dantian by relying on his profound martial arts cultivation and years of alchemy experience.

The power of the three tonic elixir was soon only half left, that is, one and a half of the tonic elixir was absorbed by Shen Aotian, and the speed of Shen Aotian's absorption was also getting faster and faster. At the beginning, he still passively used the power to absorb the tonic elixir. Later, it turned out to be opened It began to absorb actively and wildly.

"What a fast speed! That's crazy!"

The speed of Shen Aotian's absorption is that even Yuan Lao, a strong man in the demon moonland, is looking sideways, and then he is worried about whether Shen Aotian can absorb so many tonic elixir power, but don't be unable to control these medicinal powers at that time, but will be eaten back by the power of this tonic elixir.

Soon, the last tonic elixir was absorbed by Shen Aotian, but Yuan Lao had been prepared for a long time, and three tonic elixirs were directly sent to Shen Aotian's mouth to provide Shen Aotian with enough tonic elixir power.

These tonics were extremely difficult to control, but Shen Aotian received Yuan Lao's refining skills and had a lot of Yuan Lao's experience in it, so Shen Aotian was able to control these tonics so quickly.

What he lacks now is the power of tonic elixirs and give him enough elixirs. Shen Aotian will soon be able to make a breakthrough, and once he breaks through, it is not only the benefits of improving his cultivation, but also to be able to understand more skills and moves.

A circle of milky halo is swinging out one by one. In the forbidden land originally brought darkness by the night, it has become like the day because of Shen Aotian's practice. At this time, Shen Aotian has an incomparable feeling of mystery, like an unattainable god.

The reason why Shen Aotian has these results is mostly due to the celestial treasure record, which has a trace of celestial power, but Shen Aotian's cultivation has been reduced. I don't know.