Endless objects

Chapter 42 Shenyou Tianqiao

Standing in this land of Hailan Continent, the vast universe has countless long years and a long history. I don't know how many ancient powers have been annihilated. In the starry sky of this universe, there are countless mysteries waiting for people to explore!

On the Hailan continent, the ultimate goal of all the strong is to have the ability to travel the universe and pursue immortality! For this reason, many strong people have struggled all their lives!

"Lao Yuan, do you think our souls can enter Tianqiao Star now, so when can our bodies step into this starry sky together?" Shen Aotian asked curiously.

"If you want to travel the universe with your soul and body, you must advance to the Xuanxing Realm. Only by reaching the Xuanxing Realm, there will be a kind of planet in the human body. At that time, you can use the power of your own starry sky to rush into the sky. Only the strong man of the Xuanxing Realm can only be in the universe not far from Hailan Continent. It's just wandering around!" The old man Yuan Jiang said solemnly.

At this time, Shen Aotian was floating out of the Hailan continent with Yuan Jiang and was talking in the air.

"Then how to collect Tianangqi when you arrive at Tianqiao Star?" Shen Aotian smelled the most important purpose of this trip.

"When you reach Tianqiao Star, as long as you continue to absorb enough star essence from this Tianqiao Star to absorb into your soul, then return to your body, and then feel the power of Tianqiao Star. At that time, you will also be able to absorb the qi of Tianqiao Star in Hailan Continent. Tianqiao Star belongs to one of the 36 Tianqiao Star, Tianqiao Star If the power of the stars in it reaches the body of the practitioners, it will be called Tianangqi. Yuan Jiang's old man said.

Shen Aotian nodded solemnly. If it hadn't been for the practitioners' own soul traveling around the Tianqiao Star, it would have been impossible to realize the unique star essence contained in the Tianqiao Star, and this star essence exists in the soul, and then use the body of Hailan Continent to understand and communicate with the Tianqiao Star, you can be on the Hailan mainland. With the help of Tianqiao Star!

According to Yuan Jiang, on the 36-day Gang star, there are its original residents, which are some monsters with unwise wisdom. Perhaps, in some planets, there are also some powerful monsters whose wisdom has gradually opened, but Shen Aotian doesn't know it yet.

And on the 72 evil stars, they have the evil kings who gather the power of the evil, and these evil kings often go to the palaces under the sealand to devour the practitioners. The evil palaces created by ancient powers not only provide convenience for practitioners, but also provide convenience for these evil kings!

The purpose of Yuan Jiang's old man's desire to go to Tianqiao Star this time is not only to help Shen Aotian obtain the power of Tianqiao Star. Yuan Jiang's most important purpose is to obtain a genius treasure in Tianqiao Star, called Yiyuan Heavy Water.

One-yuan heavy water is only available in extraterritorial galaxies. This material is a material that is not available on the Hailan continent. One-yuan heavy water is the essence of water, and in the depths of the planet Tianqiaoxing, it has the essence of this water. According to Yuan Lao, this yuan heavy water can be added to the thorn hook to improve the combat effectiveness of the thorny hook. ! Moreover, you can also have an additional skill. On the Hailan mainland, it is estimated that few practitioners will know that there is a yuan of heavy water in the Tianqiao Star, because this yuan heavy water is actually 30,000 miles under the Tianqiao Star.

If you are an ordinary Tiangang practitioners who have just stepped into the Tianqiao Star, they will naturally not find it boring to find a yuan of heavy water at the bottom of 30,000 miles of the Tianqiao Star, and those profound practitioners will not be so boring to explore the depths of the earth in this kind of star, and Yuan Jiang was also with others at one time. When the practitioners fought, they inadvertently entered a huge crack in a clever star and happened to know the secret.

Shen Aotian can't care so much at this moment. What he thinks about is to absorb the power of the stars of Tianqiaoxing.

The starry sky imagined by ordinary people is just an inanimate star, empty and extremely lonely, while practitioners know that in the real planet, it is simply strange and with thousands of scenery. It not only has monsters, but also has all kinds of natural materials and treasures.

Soon, Shen Aotian and Yuan Jiang's old man arrived at Tianqiao Star. Shen Aotian saw that there were many kinds of strange flowers and grass on this planet, and there were many herbs and some refining materials that could not be found on the Hailan continent. Even the monsters on Tianqiao Star were completely different from Hailan mainland and had many different species in the universe.

Some places in Tianqiao Star are dry and cold all year round, and the air is full of piercing cold air. The environment is very harsh, but at the same time, it also breeds many powerful monsters; some places are like spring and there are many species.

The place where Shen Aotian arrived this time is a dense forest among the Tianqiao stars.

"Aotian, you are really lucky to have arrived in this forest and absorb the essence of the stars here, which must be much faster than other places!" After saying this, Yuan Jiang left alone. Yuan Jiang was ready to look for the cracks he saw that day and find a heavy water. Before Yuan Jiang left, he drew a circle more than ten meters outside Shen Aotian's body!

"Aotian, I'm going to look for a yuan heavy water. You stay here and don't come out of this circle. This is the aperture condensed with my soul, which can prevent the attack of ordinary monsters!" After Yuan Jiang finished speaking, he left Shen Aotian alone to absorb the essence of the stars here.

After Shen Aotian used the soul to condense the method to calm his mind, he suddenly opened his mouth to absorb the power of the stars. A thumb-thin star essence emitted a blue light from the surface of Tianqiao Star and drilled into his body along his mouth.

As soon as the essence of the stars penetrates into the body, it flies towards the position of the golden elixir where the soul is located. Although this is not the golden elixir of the body, it can still store the essence of the stars. As soon as Shen Aotian used the soul condensation method, the essence of the stars quickly integrated into his soul body from the golden elixir. After these star essences were integrated into his body, Shen Aotian felt that a powerful star power in his soul began to boil. Feeling the increase of the power of the stars, Shen Aotian was very happy.

After this was swallowed into Shen Aotian's abdomen, Shen Aotian felt that the power of this star was equivalent to the amount of internal force he gained by swallowing the aura of heaven and earth for a day.

At first, only the thick star essence of the thumb emitted a blue light from the surface of the Tianqiao star and penetrated into his abdomen. Later, a blue star essence with a thick arm fell directly on the top of Shen Aotian's head and began to constantly inject into his soul, and Shen Aotian's soul began to evolve.

Day by day, and five days passed in the blink of an eye. During these five days, Shen Aotian has been sitting cross-legged to absorb the essence of the stars and has never left for half a step. And these five days of hard work have once again increased the strength of his soul a lot. According to his speculation, if he returns to his body this time and communicates with the power of Tianqiaoxing, his power will more than triple.

Shen Aotian could compete with Shen Aofeng when he was in the eightfold of Tianangjing, and now if Shen Aotian really reached the hegem of Tianangjing, wouldn't he be able to compete with the three or four practitioners of Tianangjing?

At this time, the barrel-like thick star essence kept drilling into Shen Aotian's body from the top of his head, and another small part of it was stored in the golden elixir of the soul, and most of it was absorbed cleanly by the body of the soul, and after absorption, Shen Aotian's soul became stronger.

The task of reaching Tianqiao Star was finally completed, but at this time, the old man Yuan Jiang had not returned yet. Shen Aotian stood up and stepped out of the aperture left by the old man Yuan Jiang. At this time, Shen Aotian seemed to have forgotten the old man Yuan Jiang's answer and could not step out of this aperture.

At the moment when Shen Aotian just stepped out of this aperture, two green eyes flashed from the depths of the forest, but Shen Aotian did not find it at this time.


At this moment, a gorgeous tiger suddenly appeared in the dark forest. The tiger stared at Shen Aotian! At this time, Shen Aotian turned around and looked at the tiger.

The body of this adult tiger is about two meters long. On the Hailan continent, it is at most a three-level monster that is not popular. It seems to have paid attention to Shen Aotian for a long time, but when it saw the aperture, it did not dare to come over. It was not until Shen Aotian left the aperture that it came here step by step.

Shen Aotian stared at the tiger slowly approaching. At the beginning, he didn't care. His eyes narrowed slightly. Just two meters away from Shen Aotian, Shen Aotian suddenly woke up. At this time, he was in a state of soul. I don't know if he could fight with this tiger at this time.

Just as Shen Aotian was thinking, the tiger was getting closer and closer. Shen Aotian remembered that Yuan Jiang's old man had used his soul body to control the fire secret. Presumably this skill must also be applicable to Shen Aotian's state at this time.

"The secret of all spirits!"

Shen Aotian meditated on his skills, and at the same time made extremely complex fingerprints with his hands, and then emitted a hot flame. As soon as the hot flame flashed out, it burned some small trees in the forest, and the tiger did not dare to approach.

However, as soon as this flame appeared, Shen Aotian found that the forest was strange. Dozens of green eyes appeared in the dark forest at the same time. At this time, Shen Aotian finally knew the danger of the forest. It turned out that it was not as simple as he wanted to step on Tianqiaoxing to absorb the power of the stars.