Endless objects

Chapter 54 Stormy Python

At this moment, all the crying fire rat beasts in Shen Aotian's golden elixir rushed out and then jumped into the boundless sea of fire. These fire rat beasts were there absorbing the fierce violence of the fire system, leaving behind pure star power for Shen Aotian to practice!

A fiery red ocean has been turned into a country of blue star power by this group of crying fire rats! This area is enough for Shen Aotian to absorb.

At this moment! Variation and protrusion!


An extremely strong flame suddenly rushed out, ready to attack Shen Aotian!

"Haha, human beings are actually hateful human beings. I will turn your soul into my food and let all your pain to destroy my loneliness for hundreds of years!" I saw a blood-red python rushing out of the flame!

As soon as the python saw Shen Aotian's soul, it rushed forward desperately!

Shen Aotian really knew the danger in the celestial storm star at this moment. It turned out that there were many monsters with fire powers in this endless sea of fire!

"It's actually a double violent python!" The Fire Rat King suddenly said that it rushed in front of the python to resist the attack of the violent python.

Facing the Fire Rat King, the python did not retreat at all, but stared at the Fire Rat King in front of him.

"King of the Fire Rat clan, why do you stop me from killing human beings? Aren't they also your enemies? Have the fire rats become human lackeys now? The fiery python suddenly questioned!

"Sky python, stop attacking first. This human is different from other human beings. He is the savior of all the creatures in our sky. He can save you! It can save you from the sea of fire!" The Fire Rat King suddenly said in a loud voice.

"Humph, Crying Fire Rat Beast, what spell have you been cast by this human? Human practitioners have many powerful spells that can make monsters lose their minds. In this case, my wild python beasts are not polite, and I will also destroy you together. Tut, the fire rat beast from the crying stars, I don't know how it tastes!" This violent python became even more violent.

The vast blood-red flame is like a huge storm in the extinct world! Wave after wave of spitting out of his mouth!

The head of the violent python is like a huge blood-red lantern! Its body is like a dragon galloping! Circles of fire emanated from his body, and at this time, the monsters in the stormy stars and flames were indistinguishable!

The violent python born in the fire has mutated! Become like a flame, and your whole body is blood-red! It releases a temperature as hot as magma!


A hot wind spit out from the mouth of the violent python and turned into a flame!

This hot flame wind instantly wrapped up all the crying fire rats!

Rat is the food of pythons, and rats are naturally weaker than pythons. There is no comparison between the crying fire rat beast and the violent python beast at the same level!

What's more, the violent python beast has mutated at this time! The Fire Rat King is a two-level fire rat beast, and the violent python beast is also a two-level fire rat beast! But this is the skystorm star. The violent python can absorb the power of the stars at any time. What's more, it is a python! And the other party is a mouse.

At this time, there is nothing to make up for the gap between the two! Death is gradually approaching the Fire Rat King.

Shen Aotian, who was absorbing the power of the stars at this time, suddenly woke up from his cultivation state and saw all the dangerous crying fire rat beasts. Shen Aotian's heart had a warm feeling. Unexpectedly, the fire rat king and this group of crying fire rat beasts that he had just met could sacrifice their lives for themselves! The preciousness of monsters becomes clearer at this moment!

Shen Aotian concentrated his mind and flashed hundreds of plans to rescue the Fire Rat King!

Suddenly, a feasible plan was skipped from Shen Aotian's mind!

"The first type of beacon fire shines in the sky! The second type of fire!"

At this moment, Shen Aotian's hands were imprinted, and a series of imprints came out of his hands, and the power of the fire formula appeared at this moment!

The secret of all spirits to control fire can control the world's fires. The flames on the skystorm stars are originally caused by practitioners. Shen Aotian uses it at this moment without any mud and water!

At this time, Shen Aotian was able to use the second type of fire and candlestick of all spirits, which can be said to be a speed of progress. There is no one before, and no one after! If Yuan Jiang knew about it, he would definitely be extremely happy and surprised.


In the storm star, all the flames within dozens of meters around Shen Aotian were used by Shen Aotian, and the boundless sea of fire gathered into a fiery red ball!

Shen Aotian threw this flame ball into the mouth of the violent python beast!


The mouth of the violent python beast was actually sprayed with bleeding red**! These ** are not like blood, but like magma!

The violent python seemed to be seriously injured and stared at Shen Aotian fiercely. The fierce snake's pupil revealed a tough and unyielding attitude!

"Master, put it into your golden elixir. You have just absorbed the power of the stars on the sky. The golden elixir has the power of the sky. It is seriously injured now. Presumably the master can completely subdue it! Otherwise, it seems to be summoning its companions now! That will be extremely dangerous." The Fire Rat King said eagerly.

Shen Aotian is not the kind of mother-in-law. He opened his mouth and operated the power of the stars in the golden elixir, and instantly absorbed the python into the position of the celestial star in his golden elixir!

I only saw that the celestial astrological map in Shen Ao Tianjin Dan has successfully lit up three stars, namely Tianqiao Star, Tianqiao Star and Tianqiao Star and Tiantian Storm Star. At this time, this astronomical astrological map also seems to have a trace of vitality, especially in Tianqiao Star, it seems that some green moss are slowly growing.

After the crying fire rat beast saw that the enemy was subdued by its master, they also entered Shen Aotian's golden elixir.

"Damn human beings, hateful crying fire rats, you actually used tricks to trap me here! Humph, Fire Rat, I didn't expect that a race like yours would also be driven by human beings!" The violent python roared in Shen Aotian's golden elixir!

"The tyrant python! Unlike other human beings, the master intends to save the monsters in our galaxies. I just saw that the master heard about the tragic events encountered by the Cry Star and the Storm Star Monster, and also showed sadness. Python, you should also obey the master!" The Fire Rat King persuaded that at this moment, the Fire Rat King really became Shen Aotian's loyal monster!