Endless objects

Chapter 176 Five elements

Shen Aotian, Shen Jingyu and others are on their way back to the Star Empire at this time! After seriously injuring God, Shen Jingyu's strength has been known to everyone!

At this time, when Kou Wei heard that Shen Aotian was a refining master on the way, he wanted to restore his true face with the help of Shen Aotian's strength, and was agreed by Shen Aotian! As for the body of the strong man in the hot sun! The dead disciples of God's Gate are the best materials!

At this time, in the door of God, only God escaped from the divine realm, and the rest of the disciples of God were killed by Shen Aotian and others, leaving the bodies of several disciples of God! Among them, the most intact and powerful one is the body of Kovi in the future! And that red-blooded bone elixir needs Shen Aotian to collect herbs before refining!

After Shen Aotian made up his mind, he returned to the Star Empire with everyone. The first thing Shen Aotian had to do was to refine the red-blooded bone elixir! In this way, on the vast side of China, there will be another strong man at the peak of the hot sun! With the large amount of savings that Kou Wei has been trapped in the divine realm for so long, once he recovers his body, I'm afraid half of his feet will step into the starry sky, right?

But Shen Aotian did not know that at this time, God was absorbing the wishes of all sentient beings in the Western Regions and was ready to improve his strength!

At this moment, the Western Regions have almost become purgatory on earth! If the practitioners obey the will of God, they will not be killed. If they do not obey, they will be killed. Countless blood rivers flow on the land of the Western Regions!

Ji Jie, Shen Aotian, Shen Jingyu! How can you be so hostile to me? Seeing that I have swallowed up their willpower, my strength can increase again! Such a strong strength is enough to increase my cultivation by another level!" God laughed wildly!

Reaching the starry sky, it is completely impossible to measure the progress of the practitioner. To be precise, you can only judge who is strong or weak, and you can't use the ten realms of the practitioner to divide the high and low! Such a precise division can no longer be done for the strong in the starry sky!

The luck is the greatest hope for the victory of the strong in the starry sky. The strong in the starry sky have infinite celestial power and don't care about anything else. If they want to win, only those who have strong luck have a greater chance of winning. After all, if they reach this stage, even if they have growth, the difference is not very big. The people who reach this stage , it is still possible to grow slowly in strength and cultivation, but it is almost impossible to enter the imperial realm!

If the strong man in the starry realm wants to reach the imperial realm, he can only rely on his talent, perception, and the power to absorb infinite celestial bodies! It is not promoted according to each level!

Moreover, the strong man in the starry sky has no skills to practice! At that point, the skills will only hinder the performance of powerful power. The strong people in the starry sky contain infinite power with one punch and one foot!

This terrible power can be penetrated by them!

In the Ziwei Hall in the Purple Star!

"Two strong men in the starry sky appeared in the universe! It seems that my plan has gone one step further! Shen Aotian, as long as you can continue to try to break through the starry sky and enter the imperial realm through them! Then I can escape the shackles of this world!" The Purple Emperor said quietly on the purple star in the middle of the sky.

Shen Jingyu, Shen Aotian, Yang Jian, Meng Qian, Yuan Tianyang, Gu She... and other powerful characters suddenly appeared in the sky of the Star Empire! At this time, Shen Aotian saw that countless low-level practitioners were seriously injured and even died by Shen Jingyu's blow!

At this time, Shen Aotian carried out the art of dead wood and spring in the five elements of heaven! The endless essence of vegetation continued to sprinkle into the injured with the transfer of Shen Aotian! The essence of vegetation and the original power of Shanghai Lancontinent!

Countless seriously injured practitioners have recovered as before, and many lands in the Star Empire have collapsed and been repaired by the power of the earth. Shen Aotian has finished these things! Then he went to the side of Xingchen Ding and called a palace guard. In the storage room in the palace, he found the refining materials of the red-blooded bone elixir!

In less than three hours, Shen Aotian refined the red-blooded bone elixir, and in two hours, Kou Wei had a perfect body! After regaining his normal strength, Kou Wei went to retreat at this time!

At this moment, Shen Aotian also plans to close down. After all, his promotion speed is so high that it is amazing. It is hard to say whether this speed will have any negative impact!

"Well, Aotian Xiaoyou, it's better to ask your three beautiful wives to shut down together. Taoism has clouds and let nature take its course. Now you and your three beautiful wives have practiced the five elements of Taoism. If you practice together, I believe you will get twice the result with half the effort, and maybe you can break through again!"

At this time, Yang Jian said aside.

At this moment, Shen Aotian couldn't help nodding. Yang Jian was right. If Shen Aotian could practice with three women, maybe he could really break through again!

At this time, Shen Aotian went to the secret room of the palace of the Star Empire together with Dong Linger, Shen Lin'er and Wu Xueer. As the empress of the Star Empire, they still have a residence in the palace. However, as practitioners, their secret room is more luxurious than their residence, and countless extraterrestrial iron is made of extraterrestrial iron. The secret room is extremely strong!

At this time, Shen Aotian went in with the three women!

"Wait, the master asked me to come in too!" At this time, in the distance, a graceful figure slowly said that this person was Yaxiang, and the master he said must be Yang Jian, the owner of the Yang family and Yaochi Holy Land.

Shen Aotian looked at Yaxiang and couldn't help but see a strange look on his face. However, since it was Yang Jian's meaning, it naturally made sense. After all, Yang Jian was not very human, and Shen Aotian still knew it.

After several people entered the secret room, they all carried out the five elements of heavenly calligraphy! Shen Aotian has a lot of skills that can run, but in order to cooperate with several people, he has launched the Five-e elements of Tianshu!

The way of the five elements, knowing the thousands of truths of the nature of heaven and earth, Shen Aotian naturally understands it very well!

Several people entered the secret room, and all of them practiced the Five-e elements of Heavenly Book! At this moment, Shen Aotian found that there were five people present, Shen Aotian, Dong Linger, Shen Liner, Wu Xueer and Yaxiang!

Five people practicing this skill seem to form a large array! Five elements!

Gold, wood, water, fire and earth are the five elements. Once these five elements are formed, their power is extraordinary! The Five Ae Tianshu has a total of five types, which are composed of five practitioners, and the power is bound to be greater.

The golden light suddenly appeared! Dead wood meets spring! The water is full of mountains and rivers! A great flame! Earth wall armor! The continuous operation of these five types seems to unite the five people and exchange the power of the five elements separately. The five elements do not distinguish each other, but constantly absorb the aura between heaven and earth at this time!

Countless forces keep pouring into this secret room from the Hailan Continent. In the secret room, there seems to be a black hole, absorbing the power of the five elements in the Hailan Continent!

This is the close relationship between Shen Aotian and Hailan mainland. Even if it absorbs the power of the five elements, it is extremely fast. What's more, it is because practitioners do not need the power of the five elements at all, and only Yaochi Holy Land can practice the five elements of heaven!

The power of the five elements of Hailan Continent is extremely numerous, which has led to such a powerful absorption effect by Shen Aotian and others!

Shen Aotian seems to feel that he is increasing his strength every quarter of an hour. You should know that Shen Aotian is already a strong man in the hot sun. Strong people at this level can feel the growth of strength. How fast the power is growing!

At this time, Shen Aotian unconsciously left the Yuanshen at the door of the secret room to guard him. In case he has others to deal with himself and others, the Yuanshen can still resist for a period of time!

And when Shen Aotian and others practiced, great changes also occurred between heaven and earth. The infinite power of the five elements, like a river, poured into the secret room of the palace of the Star Empire, attracting all practitioners one after another!

The cultivation of the Star Empire is also known. The Shen family now has a strong man in the starry world, who is Shen Jingyu, the ancestor of the Shen family. This news, like a blockbuster, exploded in the whole Star Empire!

The whole Star Empire is spreading this matter one after another. After all, Shen Jingyu is not someone else, but a powerful practicing person recorded in the ancient books of many cultivation families!

At this moment, Shen Aotian is studying the five elements of Tianshu, and he is also studying the swordsmanship practiced by Shen Jingyu. This swordsmanship is the most powerful move in the world today!

In today's Hailan mainland, almost all the skills of the fierce sun have been lost. Only a person like Shen Jingyu thousands of years ago has this skill!

In the process of cultivation, Shen Aotian actually integrated many feelings during the cultivation into the four women in the secret room. The other four women came into contact with this perception, and their cultivation was constantly growing!

Shen Aotian's cultivation is growing, and of course, the cultivation of the four women has also risen. At this time, several people have actually entered the state of divine breasts. This state is incurable. Shen Aotian and several people are immersed in this state and can't extricate themselves!

Shen Aotian and others have been sitting here cross-legged. This is the third month. Several people continue to attract the aura of heaven and earth into the body, almost absorbing 1% of the aura of heaven and earth in Hailan Continent.

Although it is only 1%, this 1% is 1% of the aura of the whole Hailan continent!

What a huge amount of energy this should be! Among the infinite celestial bodies, countless stars, the moon and the sun have different powers and integrate into this secret room.

A layer of halo appeared around Shen Aotian and others, and countless essences of heaven and earth were also sucked into their bodies.

The gate of God in the Western Regions!

"For three months, my strength has been twice as strong as before. The wishes of all the practitioners in the Western Regions have been acquired by me. The universal curse of all sentient beings is to make everyone obey themselves and voluntarily hand over infinite wishes! It seems that I am also going to go to the southern sea. I will also plunder all the wishes of those sea people!" God muttered to himself.

At this time, the seamen in the southern sea and the ice giants of the Arctic ice source stopped moving because of something! Since that incident in the divine realm, the two forces seem to be timid. They know that the vast land of China has a strong starry world, and they dare not mess around!

And the seaman and the ice giant dare not continue to cooperate with the God Gate, afraid of attracting the revenge of the Star Empire. Today's revenge is different from the previous revenge. This kind of revenge can even directly kill the two tribes! The unpredictable power of the strong man in the starry sky can crush the sea area and the Arctic ice source! All practitioners know the ability of the strong in the starry sky!

At this moment, Hailan Continent unconsciously fell into a calm, and all practitioners also knew that this calm must not last long!

The God of the Lord's Gate was seriously injured by Shen Jingyu's sword. Naturally, this kind of thing is rumored as a good story, and because of this, God will definitely come to revenge!

Everything is constantly changing, and another year has passed!

The glory of summer and the success of spring. The sleepy Hailan Continent is constantly recovering from its former sores at this time!

And the retreat of Shen Aotian and others is finally over!

After the retreat, Shen Aotian seems to have the strength to control everything!

This strength makes Shen Aotian extremely satisfied! And the four women around him have also reached the sun!

I don't know why, Shen Aotian seems to feel that they are less and less like practitioners. They don't have to go to the moon or the sun, but they can still increase their strength! Break through the demon moon realm and reach the realm of the sun!

The power of the sun and the essence of moonlight do not seem to be valued by Shen Aotian, because Shen Aotian feels that he has a greater power in his body, the power of celestial bodies!