Endless objects

Chapter 27 Devouring the Golden Python

Shen Aotian, who had just survived the thunderstorm, obviously has not recovered his own strength. At this moment, he still held the god axe in his hand and walked slowly towards the golden python demon step by step.

The reason why Shen Aotian dared to walk to the golden python demon like this is that Shen Aotian suddenly found that he now has a 1.5 million years of life!

The original consumption of longevity yuan was restored just after Shen Aotian reached the beginning of the disaster, and the longevity yuan increased by 500,000 years!

"Well, well, Commander Maple Leaf, the golden python old demon will be handed over to me. Go and deal with Shiyuan..." Shen Aotian, who was weak, still said firmly.

"Zhen Aotian, is your current state, okay?" Commander Maple Leaf said with an unbearable face. Although all the practitioners of the divine sect at this moment are unable to fight against the golden python demon, Commander Maple Leaf obviously does not want Shen Ao to die!

"I can, cough, you go and deal with Shiyuan..." Shen Aotian, who is extremely weak, doesn't even have the power to speak at this time, but can lift hundreds of thousands of catties of Kais of god axes. This kind of perseverance and magic are incomprehensible to everyone!

Even if the last power is exhausted, Shen Aotian will defeat the golden python demon! Behind Shen Aotian are the lives of Ziwei Emperor, Shen Jingyu and Dong Linger, as well as the lives of hundreds of saints of the Tongshen Sect!

"Dead wood meets spring!"

After Shen Aotian's faint words appeared, he suddenly became a 50,000-year-old longevity and recovered all his strength! At the cost of 50,000 years of longevity, he returned his combat power to the peak state!

"The water is full of mountains and rivers!"

At this time, Shen Aotian suddenly washed all the dirt on his body with water. Shen Aotian, who was extremely white, took out a purple robe from the cave and put it on, and returned to the once-like rich jade!

"Golden Python, if you want to fight, fight with me!" Shen Aotian's awe-inspiring righteousness gathered all over his body and was not afraid of the golden python demon. His face was calm. The strength and spirit he had just recovered shocked Shen Aotian's whole body!

How is it possible? You have just reached the period of disaster, how can you have such a powerful power? At this time, the golden python old demon has infinite changes in his face!

It can't help but think of the three-day thunderstorm that Shen Aotian has just gone through. Even the strong man who can overcome such a thunderstorm must be extraordinary. This kind of character must be a peerless strong man!

Shen Aotian's words made the soul of the golden python tremble!

This arrogant words came from Shen Aotian's mouth. Shen Aotian can say these words, and he must have a certain card!

Especially when the golden python demon remembered the two voices that had just sounded in the void, his face showed extremely frightened.

The voice in the void must be the dialogue between Pangu God and the person who maintains the heavenly order in the upper world of Shengyuan Heaven. It is also vaguely said that the upper world is the divine world!

What kind of existence is the divine world? If I hadn't heard the words in the void just now, I wouldn't have known that the golden python demon knows that the divine world is the upper world of the Holy Yuantian Realm!

But knowing this is meaningless for it, because the golden python demon has never asked for it to enter the divine world, but it understands that Shen Aotian is not an ordinary ascender, and there must be a powerful mysterious force behind him to protect it. Otherwise, why is Pangu saints such a holy Yuantian realm? Will the supreme ruler block half of the power in the last thunderstorm for him?

It seems that the Pangu saint still risked offending the heavenly order of the divine world and blocked half of the power of the last thunderstorm for Shen Aotian!

"Shen Aotian, I actually don't want to fight with your branch of the Divine Sect, so I will go back to the Maple Leaf Forest with my men!" As soon as the golden python's words fell, he heard Shen Aotian's gloomy laughter.

"Isn't it a little late to go back to the Maple Leaf Forest now? Humph, if you don't plunder our ascenders now, you will also plunder us in the future. Even if you don't devour us now, you will definitely threaten the branch of the Tongshen Sect on our Maple Leaf Star in the future! I can't believe you're like this, so you can stay!" Shen Aotian roared! After the violent sound sounded, the celestial art suddenly began, and Kaitian iron was held on his right hand!

The infinite holy power poured into the god axe from Shen Aotian's palm, and this powerful holy spirit directly exuded infinite mysterious energy all over Shen Aotian's body!

"The first type of killing evil against the sky! The second type of thunder! The third type is against the sky!"

At this moment, Shen Aotian integrated all his power into the god axe, and then suddenly carried out the magic! He used his most powerful power and attacked the leader of the golden python!

This kind of power, such power, is almost no different from the holy power in the later period of the disaster!

"Haha, the power of the disaster period turned out to be so powerful! Golden python old demon, Shi Yuan, you are all going to die under my god axe!" Shen Aotian laughed arrogantly!

The golden python old demon used all his holy power to resist Shen Aotian's attack, and even used the jade bracelet given by Shiyuan when preparing to cross the disaster!

And at this moment, the golden python demon knew how powerful Shen Aotian was after the thunderstorm. Even the Buddhist weapon given by Shi Yuan can't stand Shen Aotian's blow! You know, that's what the golden python old demon prepared for the first three thunderstorms of the nine-day thunderstorm!

At this time, Shen Aotian's holy power has reached the level of being equal to the first three thunderstorms of the nine-day thunderstorm! This strong power has scared the golden python to death!


The old golden python demon couldn't help but be frightened and turned around and ran to the maple forest!

"Leave it for me! Sword of Heaven!"

Shen Aotian suddenly operated all the celestial power under his body, condensed a sword of celestial bodies, and then fiercely bombarded the golden python demon!

At this moment, the sword of the celestial body has pierced the seven inches of the body of the golden python!

The old golden python demon turned into its body after death, a golden python. It didn't even use its venom, so it died like this!

"Swallow the Holy Source! Blood and flesh are also devoured! Swallow millions of longevity!"

Shen Aotian roared three times, turned into a white rainbow, and suddenly rushed to the front of the body of the golden python demon. With a big mouth, he swallowed up all the body of the golden python demon! The infinite longevity holy spirit, flesh and blood have all turned into Shen Aotian's own power!

At this moment, Shen Aotian felt that he had a long life of 2.45 million years, and the remaining longevity of the golden python demon was more than one million years! This made Shen Aotian couldn't help but be overjoyed! And Shen Aotian's cultivation has also reached the peak of the early stage of the disaster!

Although it absorbed all the power of the golden python demon, most of the power lurked in the body of the golden python demon, and only a small part of the power was instantly absorbed by Shen Aotian! I believe that most of the power will be slowly digested in Shen Aotian's future practice.