Endless objects

Chapter 84 Pangu Blood

The strong man with four emperors, the Arctic icefield, is trembling violently, and icebergs are erupting cold from time to time in many places!

At this moment, Shen Aotian issued his own thunderbolt! The power of thunder and lightning in the body and the power of space in the realm of Shengyuan Heaven have condensed into the holy sword in Shen Aotian's hand, and the sword light is thousands of miles long.

is the holy sword in Shen Aotian's hand, just a scratch with his right hand, breaking through the air to form a huge space crack.

At this time, Dong Linger also punched fiercely, and the pillar of light pointed directly to the place where the holy son of Buddhism was. In an instant, Shen Aotian and Dong Linger's attack bombarded a large hole in the ice sheet with a hundred miles in diameter.

The Ice Emperor and the Buddha's son are snorting coldly at this moment. Obviously, they are not afraid of the attack of the two!

The Ice Emperor directly absorbed a peerless icicle full of cracks from the deepest part of the Arctic ice field. This icicle is the essence power of the Arctic ice field, so it flew into the void. On the icicles, countless cracks flashed, which seemed to contain supreme mysteries and contain the laws of ice. Force!

At this time, it was above the icicle that the light condensed into an ice aperture on the periphery.

This icicle collided with the attack of Shen Aotian and Dong Linger!


Then, the earth trembled, and the extremely powerful force in the depths of the earth awakened!

The power of the earth of Hailan Continent!

Shen Aotian suddenly felt that the power of the earth's origin of Hailan Continent was trembling!

However, Shen Aotian knew that he had a very short time here, and he had to destroy the Ice Emperor and the Holy Son of Buddhism within a day, and then enter the Holy Yuantian Realm!

At this moment, the power of a white icicle gushed out and bombarded Shen Aotian again!

"The Holy Son of Buddhism, help me, and we will kill Shen Aotian together!" The Ice Emperor said suddenly!

At this moment, Shen Aotian and Dong Linger actually have a chilling feeling at this time. Shen Aotian are not afraid of the attack of the Ice Emperor and the Buddha's Holy Son! Instead, I feel that Hailan Continent is about to collapse!

Then I heard a silent cry from the depths of the earth.

At this moment, Shen Aotian roared, and in an instant, his whole body suddenly rose, and the power of thunder around him attracted to Shen Aotian!

This turned out to be the five-vein thunder, and it was so moved! At this time, Shen Aotian wanted to attract the power of the five veins of thunder, and then quickly ended the struggle and prevent the Hailan continent from collapsing!

At this moment, Shen Aotian used the five vein thunder in the Holy Yuantian realm and suddenly attacked the Holy Son of Buddhism and the Ice Emperor. At this moment, the Holy Son of Buddhism and the Ice Emperor both felt the terrible thunder power emerging in the five vein thunder!


These five-vein thunderstorms directly bombarded the ice column just gathered by the Ice Emperor! He also completely killed the Buddha's holy son and the Ice Emperor!

At this moment, Shen Aotian suddenly devoured the power of the two people!

After this force poured into the body, Shen Aotian felt that his strength had increased greatly at this time. At this moment, Shen Aotian was ecstatic!

"Linger, let's return to the Star Empire. After all, we need to bring back the relatives of the Shen family and the Dong family, my master, Yuan Tianyang and others, and then return to the Holy Yuantianjing. Time is running out!" Shen Aotian said suddenly, and at this time, Dong Linger also nodded!

Shen Aotian and Dong Linger's speed was so fast that they returned directly to the Star Empire. After returning to the Star Empire, Shen Aotian took Shen Lie's ancestor, Shen Guangrui, Feng Yuqin, Shen Aorei, Yuan Jiang, Gu She, Yuan Tiangang, Dong Mo, the elder Dong Qianxuan and others. When he gathered in the palace of the Star Empire, he suddenly wanted to rush out of the sky and reach the Holy Yuantian Realm!

At this time, just after the shocking war between Shen Aotian, Dong Linger and the holy son of Buddhism, the ice emperor, and the sea lord, made the Hailan mainland, which had already suffered from disasters, even more devastated.

However, Hailan Continent has the power of origin, and I believe that it will recover soon!

At this time, Shen Aotian and Dong Linger took the lead in flying to the sky. Shen Lie's ancestors and others were behind them, and then rushed to the sky. After everyone reached the sky, Shen Aotian and Dong Linger suddenly transported all the holy power at the peak of the imperial realm, and then broke the knot from the cosmic star domain to the holy Yuantian realm. In the world, after the two broke the boundary, they suddenly reached the black shining star!

It was not until this that Shen Aotian's heart finally calmed down. Only after Shen Aotian placed all his relatives and many practitioners of the Star Empire and had his own protection, Shen Aotian would be relieved!

So, Shen Aotian did not have any trouble in dealing with the next disaster. At this time, Shen Aotian suddenly found that because he did not care at all in his heart, his strength and cultivation had increased a little, which made Shen Aotian ecstatic!

On the black shining star, the four holy beasts, Yang Jian, Meng Qian, Ziwei Emperor, Shen Jingyu, are here!

And at this moment, in the void, the order of the Pangu saint was actually summoning Shen Aotian to the virtual world!

At this time, Shen Aotian respectfully made a big salute to the void, and then went to the virtual world to meet the Pangu saint, which was a big deal!

The virtual world is a long-lived place for saints. If Shen Aotian goes to the virtual world, Pangu will definitely give Shen Aotian some life-saving stunts to deal with the upcoming disaster!

The voice of the Pangu saint spread the whole void! And at this moment, Shen Aotian's heart is always excited!

In the virtual world of Pangu saints, it turned out to be a region shrouded in purple and gold!

"Shen Aotian, you are now a person who should be a disaster in the realm of Shengyuan Heaven. Your strength still needs to be improved. Only by improving your strength can you cope with the next disaster. I am sanctified by the body. Among them, the power of my blood is the most essential existence of the whole body. I now want to pass on the purest bloodline to you. The power allows your strength to increase in a short time without future troubles! Only in this way can we resist the next catastrophe!" At this moment, the Pangu saint suddenly said from the virtual world, and the fleeing proud sky nodded respectfully!

The blood power of Pangu saints is extremely strong, but it is recognized in the Holy Yuantian realm! Even among the six saints, Pangu saints are the first in strength! The body is the first, and other saints are not as powerful as Pangu saints!

And at this moment, the Pangu saint actually carried out direct blood inheritance!

"Shen Aotian, inherit the power of my blood, which may be extremely painful. You have to endure!" The ancient saint said loudly! The sudden tingling made Shen Aotian feel dizzy. Shen Aotian forcibly stabilized his will, gritted his teeth, and accepted the arrival of all this blood inheritance.

At the beginning, Shen Aotian only felt that the pulse of his wrist had a tingling feeling of being torn. At this moment, Pangu saint actually cut the skin between himself and Shen Aotian's arm!

I only felt that my arm was cut, and then a violent ** of the Pangu saint began to slowly flow into Shen Aotian's blood from the cut.

At this time, the blood from the body of the Pangu saint met the blood in Shen Ao's celestial body, like a flame, quickly evaporating Shen Aotian's blood, and Shen Aotian felt that all the meridians in his body were also burned by this hot **!

At this time, a kind of pain, as the pure blood of the Pangu saint flowed in, spread in Shen Aotian's body from time to time. At this time, Shen Aotian was also a pun, enduring pain!

Just as Shen Aotian's consciousness was about to become blurred, a shout from the Pangu saint suddenly pulled Shen Aotian out of such a painful state that he was about to faint!

And at this moment, the hot ** in Shen Aotian's body seems to have been seriously provoked. Unexpectedly, within Shen Aotian's meridians, the hot temperature also plummeted again!

" Shen Aotian, it's about to get well. You have to hold on!" The voice of Pangu Saints sounded from the virtual world again, and Shen Aotian's spirit was also shocked!

Shen Aotian's heart roared, using all his strength to suppress the burning pain from his heart. Shen Aotian's own blood suddenly kept flowing to the hot ** of the ancient saint!

Although at the beginning, the blood of Shen Aotian and the Pangu saints were repelling each other, and the blood in Shen Ao's celestial body was evaporated from time to time, Shen Aotian felt that the pain of drilling the heart was actually attracting.

With more and more blood, the violent heat in the ** is also less and less. All the blood in Shen Aotian's body suddenly rushed up and swallowed all the ** of the ancient saint, but then nothing seemed to have happened, and everything was going to calm down.

However, if Shen Aotian observes carefully, he can find the differences in his current blood, because at this time, Shen Aotian's blood is mixed with a little purple and gold.

"Okay, Shen Aotian, your perseverance is good, and the inheritance of blood is over!" The gentle tone of the Pangu saint sounded in Shen Aotian's ear!

And when Shen Aotian opened his eyes, he saw that the ancient saint was looking at Shen Aotian with a satisfied look, and his eyes were full of joy.

"Pangu Saint, is this good?" Shen Aotian whispered.

"That's right! However, you have to change your name to Master!" The ancient saint said loudly!

"Master!" At this moment, Shen Aotian knelt on his knees and made a big salute to the ancient saint!

"Apprentice, you have not let me down today. Since you can absorb and integrate all the blood passed on to you by your own will, you have your blood, and this great disaster will definitely be overcome!" The ancient saint said loudly!

At this time, Shen Aotian nodded heavily!

At this moment, Shen Aotian felt that he had the strength of the peak in the later period of Xuantong, and he was still one step away from reaching the black hole period. This powerful power made Shen Aotian's heart very excited. Shen Aotian knew that he now had enough strength to run rampant in Shengyuan Heaven!

If Pangu's bloodline is stimulated at this moment, then his strength will definitely be higher, and even the strong man in the black hole period is not allowed. Today's Shen Aotian admires the Pangu saint in his heart!

And at this moment, the Pangu saint also suddenly closed his eyes and adjusted!

" apprentice, go back to the black star now and prepare for the next disaster!" The ancient saint said loudly!

"Thank you, Master!" Shen Aotian nodded, then turned into a streamer and rushed to the black star. At this time, Dong Linger and others were waiting for Shen Aotian's return on the black star!

At this time, Shen Aotian suddenly found that there was a figure on the black shining star, which turned out to be the leader of the gods above the black shining star. It seems that the leader of the gods also wanted to see what benefits the Pangu saint gave to Shen Aotian!

"It turned out to be the peak of Xuantong in the later period!" The divine leader was surprised!

At this time, as soon as the words of the leader of the gods fell, all the monks in the black shining star looked at Shen Aotian, and their eyes were full of envy. Shen Aotian, who had just arrived at the virtual world of the ancient saint, actually reached the peak of the later stage of Xuantong at this time, which was really incredible!

"God leader, after that, I will be the apprentice of the Pangu saint. At this moment, I have the blood of the Pangu saint, which is a real body cultivation. I hope you can take care of the disaster in the future!" Shen Aotian said with a smile.

"Why should you be polite? In the future disaster, we will work together to overcome the disaster!" The leader of God also said with a smile!

At this time, the words of Shen Aotian and the leader of Tongshen had just fallen, and the Pangu saint who was far away in the virtual world also smiled with relief!