Endless objects

Chapter 55 Xuanyin Patriarch

In the Yuxiaomen Council Hall.

"Master, Xuanyin Zongzhu kept staring at us before. After you left, they finally took action against us!" The housekeeper of Yuxiaomen was so leisurely that he no longer bowed his head, but stared at the head of Yuxiaomen and said.

"What, what's the matter with that old guy who dares to take action against us?" The owner of the Yuxiao Gate was shocked and lost his mind.

However, the practitioners below were really surprised and resentful, but they would not fail to notice it. Then, a young man stood up and frowned and said, "Housekeeper, what's your attitude?"

"Haha, what's my attitude? That's my attitude. Xuanyin Sect, come out!" The housekeeper of Yuxiaomen laughed.

Immediately, the footsteps in front of the gate and the council hall sounded, and the figures of the practitioners came out one by one. Among them were ordinary practitioners. At this moment, they were murderous, their eyes were cold and courageously staring at the practitioners in the field, as if they were staring at the trapped beasts in a cage.

The forefather is an old man with gloomy eyes.

He is dressed in black, weak and half-white. At this moment, he is raising his head and coming domineeringly.

"Master Yuxiao, I haven't seen you for a while! The body is still so strong!" The old man glanced at the head of Yuxiaomen and said without gloomy.

"Master Xuanyin, I didn't expect you to treat me like this! I didn't like you in the past!" The head of Yuxiaomen stared at the housekeeper and said in a low voice.

"Master, I can't help it. I am also a god-cultivator, and I also need to practice and pursue eternal life. Now the Xuanyin patriarch promised to give me an elixir to break through the bottleneck and let me enter a stronger realm. How can I refuse? What's more, I'm old."

"Okay, that's good!" The head of Yuxiaomen was furious and gritted his teeth and said.

After that, he turned around and stared at the gloomy Xuanyin suzerain, and his whole body was murderous.

"Hey, it seems that your head is not old yet!" Xuanyin Zongzhu smiled and said that the god practitioners emitted yin qi, making other god practitioners fall into hell.

"Old man, you are not the enemies of our Yuxiaomen. Now you are using conspiracy, but we are not so easy to swallow!" The bearded man who stood up among the gods was furious and was about to take action with a loud shout.

However, the moment he raised his hand, he was suddenly shocked and said in horror, "What have you applied to us? Chaos Yuanli can't be stimulated!"

"Ah, it's you, the housekeeper, you poisoned the tea!" As if thinking of something, the big man pointed to the housekeeper and shouted angrily.

The gods around resisted one by one, but the next moment, their faces were ruddy, their eyes were full of dead gray, and even the head of Yuxiaomen trembled.

Amman, the only stable Shen Aotian heard the words, and his face also changed slightly. He closed the feeling of chaotic power and locked the use of chaotic power by the gods, which is equivalent to breaking the arm of the god practitioner, leaving only his body and no threat.

For the strong among the practitioners, this poison can even lock the energy of the body, making the practitioners numb and weak.

"Master Xuanyin, I didn't expect you to be so vicious that you even used this poison!" At this moment, the head of Yuxiaomen sat down and said with a cold look.

"What is vicious or vicious? The winner is the king. As long as the goal is achieved, any process is the same." Xuanyin Zongzhu smiled and said wildly.

When the head of Yuxiaomen heard the words, his face was as calm as water, and his eyes were calm. At this moment, his mind was very clear, and the situation was gone. He also had enough heart but not enough strength, and he knew the character of Xuanyin Zongzhu. He was vicious. This time, he defeated their Yuxiaomen soldiers without blood, fearing that he would kill them all. No future troubles.

"You must have caused my daughter's poison!" The head of Yuxiaomen sat there comfortably and said lightly.

"That's right, it's fortunate that your Yuxiaomen housekeeper leaked Chu Linger's affairs. Otherwise, we wouldn't have caught her and poisoned her so smoothly. Unfortunately, a top genius will die like this!" Xuanyin Zongzhu looked regretful. The housekeeper of Yuxiaomen stood quietly behind him with no expression on his face.

"Brother Shen, I didn't expect that after you saved my Tianshu, we not only didn't help you, but also pestered you. I'm sorry for you. If there is a next life, we will definitely be a cow and a horse at will be dispatched!" At this moment, the head of Yuxiaomen seemed to be much older, and his face was full of despair. He stared at Shen Aotian with apologies in his eyes. After that, he stood up and bowed to Shen Aotian.

"The head of Yuxiaomen is nervous. It's predestined to meet. What's more, we haven't died yet!" Shen Aotian said in an urgent tone and smiled faintly.

"Leave the head of Yuxiaomen, and kill all the others to avoid future trouble!" Xuanyin Zongzhu was ruthless and righteous, and a blood flash flashed in his eyes and waved his hand.


The practitioners answered and began to walk towards Shen Aotian and others.

At this moment, Chu Tianshu, Dong Linger, Fu Duantian, Elder Li and others were also escorted out and appeared beside Shen Aotian. Shen Aotian looked at the Xuanyin patriarch with an angry face.

However, at this time, Shen Aotian snorted coldly, and at the same time, his hand flashed with a flash of glory. Countless elixirs appeared and flew to Yuxiaomen and other practitioners, "This is the antidote. Let's eat it first!"

Then, Shen Aotian turned into a phantom, shooting away several black-clad practitioners around him and protecting the gods in it.

"How can you be all right!" Xuanyin Zongzhu was shocked, stood up from his chair and lost his voice.

"Haha, thank you, Brother Shen. I didn't expect us to have another chance to turn the table!" The head of Yuxiaomen laughed loudly, came to Shen Aotian's side, and bowed to Shen Aotian again.

Then, he said to Xuanyin Zongzhu, "I didn't expect that the deer would die. You decided too early!"

Xuanyin's face was gloomy and uncertain, and his eyes looked at Shen Aotian, full of resentment and said, "It seems that I despised the god you brought, but do you think it can be turned over? Then you have despised me too much! Humph, transfer all the practitioners here and kill the practitioners of Yuxiaomen that we have just imprisoned!"

Xuanyin Zongzhu said coldly that behind him, a middle-aged practitioner in black moved and walked out.

"No, he wants to kill the god practitioners imprisoned in the house, and he will definitely stop him!" The owner of Yuxiaomen was shocked and was about to chase the practitioner who had just come out.

"Do you think you can stop it? No matter what happens today, I will destroy your Yuxiaomen!" Xuanyin suzerain raised his big hand, waved a black light, covered the head of Yuxiaomen, and said cruelly.

"Master Xuanyin, I didn't expect you to be so vicious that you won't even let go of women and children!" The head of Yuxiaomen stopped in the sky and looked coldly at Xuanyin Zongzhu. He knew that at this moment, he could not stop him at all. For today's plan, the only way is to defeat Xuanyin Zongzhu and then rescue him. As for whether he can save those people, it is up to fate.

"The environment is complex, and it is important to save the gods first!"

Shen Aotian looked at the sword-drawn practitioners, turned into a phantom, and ran outside the house.

"Ky, stay!"

When Xuanyin Zongzhu saw that Shen Aotian wanted to come in, he immediately raised his eyebrows and waved a black light, but he was blocked by the head of Yuxiaomen.

"Master Xuanyin, if you escape today, Yuxiaomen will obey you!" In Shen Aotian's ear, the voice of the head of Yuxiaomen came. He knew that at this moment, the head of Yuxiaomen and the Xuanyin Sect were restrained by each other, and no one could come. His only hope was on Shen Aotian. Therefore, Shen Aotian did not say anything, but killed him, constantly flying the practitioners who blocked the way, and his footsteps kept going out. Look at it!


With the arrival of Shen Aotian, the gods in the room immediately shouted, drew knives and cut horizontally, and the war began!

The sword spirit fluttered in the air. In just a few breaths, the pavilion was demolished, and the practitioners of the gods kept fighting together.

Although there are few leaders of Yuxiaomen, they are all elites and do not die in countless wars. Now they are besieged by god practitioners and united to form formations to resist the siege of the strong.

The head of Yuxiaomen rose to the sky war with Xuanyin suzerain, and the arbitrary force rippled, collapsing countless houses below and splashing dust all over the sky.

Fortunately, this mansion is covered by the array cage, otherwise, the power emitted by such a war is enough to sweep the surrounding miles into Pingchuan!


Shen Aotian flashed by in a courtyard. All the practitioners he saw on the way were slapped to death by him, and he stared at a dark shadow in the distance and did not catch up to kill him.

He needs to find the place of detention at this moment. As long as he finds it, he can save the people in the Yuxiaomen. Otherwise, under the wind and grass, the trapped gods will die faster.

Although the Yuxiaomen mansion is large, it only took a long time. Shen Aotian followed the dark shadow to the backyard of the mansion. In the deepest part of the mansion, there was a three-story pavilion standing. At this moment, the pavilion was full of dark shadows. They did not say a word. Even if there was a war in the distance, they did not move, as if they were waiting for something. .


At this time, a shadow flashed and shot at the pavilion.

"The leader has an order to kill all the prisoners quickly, and then go to the front to support!" This shadow is the strong man just sent by Xuanyin Zongzhu. At this moment, he came here, looked at an iron tower-like man standing behind him and said loudly.

But before he finished speaking, an axe fell into his front of him in silence, making his words stop abruptly, and his face fell forward with timidity.

At this moment, Shen Aotian has reached the early stage of the godshuai, and his god axe has reached the level where he can kill the strong man of the period with one axe.

"Well, how dare you kill the god under my eyes, get out of here!" In front of the pavilion, a man like an iron tower shouted, raised his big hand, and patted Shen Aotian.


Where Shen Aotian stood, a grand palm appeared, with majestic courage, patting the trees together with the walls and printing a grand palm print on the ground.