Wu Jun

Chapter 17 Martial Arts College

"Liu Xiao, congratulations. You have changed from a waste to a genius now. You are so lucky." Liu Lei and others ran over and said to Liu Xiao.

Liu Xiao also heard the irony in the words and replied disdainfully, "Good luck, it's ridiculous."

After saying that, Liu Xiao went straight to the room. He was not interested in the ceremony behind it, mainly to make people who laughed at him before regret it. Obviously, he had done it.

"Liu Xiao, just go crazy. One day, I will deal with you well." Liu Lei cursed sinisterly at Liu Xiao's back.

Liu Xiao returned to his room and remembered that he would go to the Imperial College tomorrow. He could see his beloved Ruoxi and couldn't help laughing: "Ruoxi, wait for me. I'll see you in a few days."

With the passage of time, this grand coming-of-age ceremony has also ended successfully. The next morning.

Liu Xiao opened her eyes, slowly got up, opened the door, took a breath of fresh air, and suddenly felt extremely comfortable. As if remembering something important, Liu Xiao hurried to the hall.

Running into the hall in a hurry, Liu Ao saw Liu Xiao come in, laughed, approached Liu Xiao, and said to him, "Xiaoer, you performed really well yesterday. Not only did you impress the people in the family, but also the people of other families admire you."

"Ha ha, father, I said that I won't lose face to you. When will I go to Imperial College?" Liu Xiao scratched his head and asked.

"Xiaoer, your sister Liu Dan is also practicing at the Imperial College. After you go, you have to take care of each other with your second sister, you know?" Liu Ao said.

"Oh, I see, father." Liu Xiao nodded and replied. Liu Xiao is Liu Ao's second son. Above him, there is an older sister named Liu Dan, who went to the Imperial College to practice two years ago.

"Well, the carriage has been arranged. You can go to the imperial capital later. This is a rebirth elixir, which is also a healing medicine with good effect. If you are alone, you should also be careful." With that, Liu Ao took out ten elixir and put them in Liu Xiao's hand.

Liu Xiao took the elixir and couldn't help but wet her eyes. This elixir can be regarded as a better elixir. My father must have spent a lot of money. Liu Xiao said firmly to Liu Ao, "Father, don't worry, I will definitely let the Liu family carry forward."

"Good son, go pack your things and go to the imperial capital later." Liu Ao said with a smile.

Liu Xiao nodded and ran back to the room to pack up some things needed to go out. Then, I went out.

Get into the carriage and rush to the imperial capital. Suddenly, Liu Xiao was so happy that she could finally leave the family and set out for the outside world.

It will take about ten days from Lingyue City to the imperial capital. These days, Liu Xiao has to practice to pass the time. Liu Xiao closed her eyes and began to practice.

After five days of travel, Liu Xiao finally arrived in a small town called Pyongyang Town. Because it is not very far from the imperial capital, this town is also relatively lively.

After these days of running around day and night, Liu Xiao was also quite tired and found an inn. Liu Xiao is going to rest for one night and then go tomorrow morning.

As soon as Liu Xiao entered the inn, she heard a fight. Looking back, two big men pointed to a man about the same age as him and said, "Boy, hand over all the valuable things on your body, or don't blame the uncles for being rude."

The man couldn't listen to what the big man said at all, but shouted, "Dream."

After hearing this, the two big men hit the man fiercely. Liu Xiao looked aside and asked the people next to him, "Those two big men are robbing people in broad daylight. Is there no one to take care of them?"

When the people next to him heard Liu Xiao's question, a trace of doubt appeared on their faces and replied, "You just came here. No wonder you asked so. Those two big men are the overlords of this town. Who dares to provoke them?"

After saying that, the man turned his eyes to the fight of several people.

Hearing what others said, Liu Xiao couldn't help sneering and whispered, "Two five-stage martial artists are actually the overlords of this town. It seems that there are few strong people in this town."

Liu Xiao turned her eyes to the man again and whispered, "This man is probably a six-stage martial artist, but it seems that it is also a little difficult to deal with these two big men. In this case, just help him."

After saying that, Liu Xiao jumped out and punched one of the two big men. I saw two big men directly knocked to the ground by Liu Xiao.

When the man saw Liu Xiao coming out, he hurried over and said to Liu Xiao, "Thank you for saving me."

"It's okay." Liu Xiao replied softly.

"Bad boy, do you know who we are? How dare you care about our business? You want to die." A big man got up and shouted at Liu Xiao.

"Of course I know, isn't it just two mice?" Liu Xiao replied with a sneer.

"How dare you scold us. You are looking for death." After saying that, the two big men beat Liu Xiao hard.

Everyone beside him is worried about this teenager. It's really unlucky to provoke these two people. But the result was unexpected.

Liu Xiao saw that two big men wanted to call by themselves. At a glance, she found more than a dozen flaws, but two fists stretched out, "Bum, bang."

Two big men fell to the ground once, and this time they fell, and their nosebleeds were beaten out.

The people beside them were amazed. They didn't expect that the two local kings in the town were so easily beaten down by a teenager.

"What two mice." Liu Xiao hummed softly.

"stinky... Son of a bitch, wait for us." A big man touched his nose and said trembling.

"Brother, run." The big man hurriedly said to another man, and then the two ran out in a hurry.

"Brother, you are so awesome." The man who fought with two big men came over and said to Liu Xiao.

"It's not a big deal." Liu Xiao answered, and then turned around and walked to the inn.

"Brother, my name is Li Yunhao. What's your name?" The man waved to Liu Xiao again and asked loudly.

Liu Xiao scolded in her heart, "This man is really talkous."

"Liu Xiao."

After saying that, Liu Xiao walked to the inn and had a good sleep in the room. Early the next morning, he continued to rush to the imperial capital.

In these days, Liu Xiao did not rest at all. After five days of rushing, Liu Xiao finally arrived at the imperial capital she yearned for.

After strolling in the imperial capital for a while, he walked straight to the college. At the gate of the college, Liu Xiao took a look at the four big words "Wuji College" in front of the college.

Liu Xiao felt that she knew too little. She thought it was called Imperial College, but she didn't expect it to have another magnificent name: Wuji College.