Wu Jun

Chapter 45 The Fifth List

Out of the practice room, Liu Xiao swept towards the back mountain, and the speed increased a lot again.

When he came to the back mountain, Liu Xiao took out the fiery halberd and began to practice. In the last 20 days, Liu Xiao had to grasp every minute and second.


Time is like sand. In a blink of an eye, half a month has passed. In this half a month, Liu Xiao's halberd method has been practiced well, and his cultivation has also stopped in the middle of the seventh martial arts.

When night fell, Liu Xiao sat by the window and looked at the outside world. There was a trace of perseverance on her face and whispered, "At the end of this battle list competition, it's time to go out for a walk."

After saying that, a shadow walked into the room and said to Liu Xiao, "Brother Liu Xiao, are you leaving?" There is reluctance in his words.

Liu Xiao stroked the girl's green silk, smiled and said, "Ruoxi, I will come back in three years. At that time, I won't let you leave me again."

Ruoxi's cheeks appeared with a touch of happiness. She lay on Liu Xiao's chest obediently and said with a smile, "Ruoxi, I will definitely wait for you."

, in the next ten days, Liu Xiao often took Ruoxi to play in the back mountain. Both of them felt very happy, but in their hearts, there was a strong reluctance.

Ten days, slow down.

Tomorrow will be the much-anticipated list competition.

At night, the moonlight shrouded the earth, shining a little silver.

Liu Xiao looked at the college with a trace of reluctance.

Behind Liu Xiao, there is a beautiful shadow standing. Looking carefully, the beautiful shadow is Ruoxi.

At this time, her eyes were red, and a few crystal tears fell, which looked very distressing.

Liu Xiao turned around and hugged Ruoxi, but she did not resist, but cleverly leaned her head against Liu Xiao's chest. In this way, the two silently hugged each other until dawn.

The next morning, the inner gate square was already surrounded by water. Liu Xiao and several others came to the square. After a long time, a dark shadow appeared on the high platform. Looking from afar, the dark shadow was the Qingfeng elder.

"Cough." Elder Qingfeng stood on the stage and coughed twice, and then said, "Students, the battle list began to compete for horse racing, and the first 100 people on the list stood on the stage."

After saying that, a hundred figures quickly ran to the high platform. From left to right, the first person on the left is the first place in the battle list, and Liu Xiao stands in the eighth position on the left.

"The rules of the battle list competition are very simple. If you think you have the strength, you can challenge anyone. The top five of this competition can get the same advanced spiritual weapon. I declare that it starts now." The Qingfeng elder said loudly.

As soon as the words fell, all the figures moved. Liu Xiao went directly to the top five of the battle list. Yinyin saw Liu Xiao coming and smiled at her and said, "Liu Xiao, who are you going to choose as your opponent?"

"Hmm... Let's be the fifth on the list. Liu Xiao said.

After that, a man next to Yinyin came over and said to Liu Xiao, "Are you going to challenge me?"

"If you are the fifth on the list, I will challenge you." Liu Xiao nodded and said.

"Haha, interesting, my name is Zhang Ya." The man said with a smile.

"Liu Xiao." Liu Xiao replied.

The two walked to a relatively few people in the square. Zhang Ya said to Liu Xiao, "Do you want to start now?"

Liu Xiao nodded with a smile.

"Haha, then don't blame me for being rude."

After saying that, Zhang Ya took out a long sword and quickly stabbed Liu Xiao.

Liu Xiao smiled and flashed the other party's attack in an instant.

"How can this guy be so fast?" One blow was fruitless, Zhang Ya couldn't help but wonder.

In a blink of an eye, Zhang Ya's sword stabbed at Liu Xiao again.


Liu Xiao easily dodged the next few swords. Zhang Ya said angrily, "Will you just hide?"

"hehe." Liu Xiao smiled softly, took out the fire halberd and said, "Now... I won't hide."

"God of War, the first heaven."

Liu Xiao's momentum rose until the ninth section of Wuling did he stop.

Seeing this, a trace of fierceness flashed in Zhang Ya's eyes and came to Liu Xiao.

"The sword is cracked."

Zhang Ya rushed into the air, holding the sword in both hands, and splitting at Liu Xiao.

"Tianhu halberd."

The fiery halberd in Liu Xiao's hand suddenly flashed red, and the red tiger suddenly appeared and swept towards Zhang Ya.


Zhang Ya violently split on the tiger, the fierce tiger suddenly dissipated, and Zhang Ya also fell to the ground.

"I don't want to talk too often. Let's make a quick decision." Zhang Ya stared at Liu Xiao and said.

"It's exactly what I want." Liu Xiao smiled at him and said.

Zhang Ya held the sword with both hands. Suddenly, a storm of weather burst out, and his hands left, and the sword was still floating in the air.

"Sword God Decision." Zhang Ya shouted.

A sword suddenly turned into ten, a hundred, a thousand...

Zhang Ya put his hands together, pointed to Liu Xiao, and shouted, "Go."


Countless swords stabbed at Liu Xiao. The silver light flashed in Liu Xiao's eyes and hurriedly waved the fiery halberd, and the halberd glowed dazzling red.

"Youlong halberd, Tianhu halberd, python halberd, fire halberd."

Four red shadows appeared, and Liu Xiao shouted: "Four halberd in one, broken!"

Four red shadows suddenly swept out, and when they were about to approach the flying sword, they suddenly rushed away.


made several loud noises, the four red shadows suddenly dissipated, and countless flying swords also disappeared out of thin air.

"Ha ha, it's the limit." Liu Xiao gasped and looked at Zhang Ya, who was also not in good condition.

"Yes, otherwise, let's fight closely."

After saying that, Zhang Ya held a long sword in his hand and entangled with Liu Xiao.

"Ding Ding."

There is a sound of weapon collision in the field. Liu Xiao took the fiery halberd, kicked the ground with his feet violently, soared into the air, and cut down at Zhang Ya below.

Seeing this, Zhang Ya hurriedly resisted with a sword.


made a noise, and Zhang Ya tried his best to resist Liu Xiao's attack.


Suddenly, Zhang Ya knelt on the ground, Liu Xiao also stopped attacking, and a smile appeared on the corners of his mouth.

"You're awesome. I lost." Zhang Ya knelt on the ground and said with a wry smile.

"You too." Liu Xiao said with a smile and stretched out her hand.

When Zhang Ya saw Liu Xiao's movements, he hesitated for a moment, put his hand on Liu Xiao's hand and stood up.

An hour later, the competition for the strong list ended.

Elder Qingfeng walked into the field and said to everyone, "This time, the top five have been sorted out. In order, they are Lin Jue, Lan Feng, Yinyin, Wang Qiang and Liu Xiao who was born."

When the words fell, many people's comments sounded.

"Liu Xiao, it seems that Liu Xiao defeated Zhang Yu a few days ago, but he didn't expect that he also got the top five."

"Yes, this guy hasn't come to the inner door for a long time and has achieved such good results. It's really a blow."

Outside the court, a beautiful shadow stood and looked carefully. This beautiful shadow was Ruoxi. She stared at Liu Xiao and smiled. Her smile was more reluctant.